MTL - Am I God-v2 Chapter 1047 3 Views

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After the death devoured Yuanyuan and Mango, they moved at high speed and soon came to the suburb of Jianghai.

And in his now bulging belly, Yuanyuan Henhen was soaked in stomach acid with a sneer.

"Even I dare to eat Yuanyuan, this cat really kicked the iron plate down, X! Fuck him!"

Saying that, he put the cat's paw on the other's stomach wall, ready to absorb the other's super power factor.

After a while, X shook his head and said, "It's a super cat with consciousness. I can feel that his super power factor is actively absorbing the power of other dimensions."

"Ah!" Yuanyuan panicked: "Could it be Zhao Yao's new cat? Is Zhao Yao finally going to attack me? No..." After saying that, Yuanyuan shook her head again: "Zhao Yao wants to attack, but he won't. It's such a hassle..."

X said: "Don't think so much, cooperate with me to capture his super power factor. Get this guy first."

Suddenly, with a bang, the mango's head on the side slammed into the round belly.

"Why is Mango here?!" Yuanyuan was startled, seeing Mango's stupid frown, she immediately reassured her with a heart tone: "Don't be angry, Mango, just wait a while, I'll take you out right away."

On the other side, Death, who was running continuously, suddenly stopped when it ran to a corner.

He licked his stomach, and hesitantly said, "How do you feel... Your stomach is a little uncomfortable? Is it psychological?"


Hearing the figure of the stomach constantly wriggling in his stomach, Die closed his hand with chrysanthemum: 'Is it really uncomfortable? Is it because of breakfast? I just feel that the quality of cat food fed to stray cats is too poor…’

Turning his head and looking at the surrounding environment, Destiny walked along the alley while thinking: 'Anyway, let's find a place to solve it casually. ’

Death found a corner position, pouted his butt, and when he was about to be convenient, a meow scared him back again.

He turned his head sharply, and saw a beautiful short standing on the wall, looking at him with an unhappy expression.

Yu Wan looked at the death and shouted, "Hey, big man, do you want to defecate anywhere?"

Death was stunned. If it was a human, he might have killed him easily, but the person who came was a cute super cat, so he didn't do it first.

It's just that a very normal thing was described by the other party as "urinating and urinating anywhere", so how could it make him feel very wrong.

Destiny thought for a while or nodded and said, "Are you okay?"

"Urinate and urinate anywhere, have you brought paper? Do you know where you lost your shit?" Yu Wan looked at the other party with a blank look, and said angrily, "I knew you didn't have these preparations! You Do you know that Jiang Hai does not allow super cats to defecate anywhere!"

Perish: "Huh?!"

Yu Wan said angrily: "It's you black cats who defecate everywhere. I am always being scolded by people. Recently, there have been many cases of feces in the community. Did you do it?"

Death is speechless: "How could I do such a boring thing, and..."

Perish thought for a while, and planned to correct the cat's concept, not to let him be bound by human thoughts, so he said: "Anywhere... defecation anywhere is our nature, it is the right given to cats by God, why do you want to defecate anywhere? Follow the rules of mankind?"

A charming voice resounded in Yu Wan's mind, this was the death that activated his superpower.

He wants to wash the three views of the kitten in front of him, and let him understand that it is the natural right of the cat family to defecate anywhere.

Yu Wan instantly felt his head dizzy, and suddenly thought: "It doesn't seem like it's okay to **** anywhere... Why don't we let us **** anywhere?"

At this moment, the mobile phone in the backpack rang, and Yu Wan woke up in an instant. He quickly took out the mobile phone, and saw that someone had sent it > someone you can't control: "Okay? Why did you go out for so long? Did you **** outside?"

'The One You Can't Control' is Xiaoyu's new screen name. Seeing Xiaoyu's message, Yuwan quickly replied, "No! I saw a cat urinating everywhere, and I was persuading him!"

With that said, he raised his head, stared at the death and said, "Hey! Go to the toilet without anything, or I will report you."

Death was stunned for a moment, then activated his ability again and said, "Why go to the toilet? Stop being bound by humans, release your nature, and embrace true freedom..."

Yu Wan said, "Why are you talking so much? Are you going? I'll call the police if you don't go, do you know that I'm covering this place?"

Die looked at Yu Wan in amazement, his ability was like breaking a spoon with force, and the moment he broke it was when the opponent's three views were modified by him.

But at this moment, he felt like he was breaking the steel bars of a high-rise building.

"This guy's willpower is very strong, and he has a great obsession with this matter." Destruction secretly said: "Or did he lose something important because of urinating everywhere? So he refused to let it go?"

Die is still using his abilities to change Yu Wan's three views, but in Yu Wan's mind, the figure of Xiao Yu keeps Looking at the big cat who is still motionless in front of him, Yu Wan said angrily: "You go. Don't go to the public toilet? Don't go to my cat!"

Destiny didn't believe that his ability would be unsuccessful. He stared at Yu Wan and continued to activate his ability. While activating it, he said, "Think about your nature, feel your heart, and think about what you really want..."

Yu Wan was angry, the cat was not only disobedient, but also stared at himself.

"I just want you to obediently go to the public toilet. Is it so difficult? Why is your cat so incompetent!"

"How is that possible?" Death was shocked: 'Why hasn't his three views been changed? ’

I don't know the demise at this moment. He accepted the inheritance of the Hairless Sect, the mind and body are unified, and he has consciousness and a strong body, but his ability has not been enhanced.

On the contrary, Yu Wan had a powerful consciousness bonus at this moment, which made him withstand the modification of the Three Views of Destruction.

"I'm really angry!" Yu Wan got angry, so he howled up to the sky, and with a shrill cat meowing, the surrounding walls, grass, balcony, roof, under the car... a pair of lights were on. Bright eyes were attracted to look over.

Death's brows wrinkled, and just as he was about to leave, he twitched suddenly and his legs softened.

Looking around at the cat's eyes looking at himself, the face of death darkened: "No way..."

On the other side, Thick Noodles ran over and shouted after seeing the fish balls, "Yu balls, what are you screaming about? Xiaoyu asked me to call you back. You haven't finished your homework today."

But in the next moment, Thick Mian suddenly widened his eyes, and saw that in the midst of a crackling sound, the fish **** flew out abruptly, and then after a burst of curry spray, even Yuanyuan and Mango were destroyed directly. pulled out.

Thank you for the reward of 'But the weather is cool and it's a good autumn', and thanks to the big guy.