MTL - Am I God-v2 Chapter 1046 Kick

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? 'Not moving! ’

'This guy really didn't respond! ’

The old man's eyes showed incomparable excitement, and at this moment, he felt very clearly: 'I can kill Zhao Yao! ’

The next moment, the nanowires were already tightly wrapped around Zhao Yao's neck.

The light in the old man's eyes skyrocketed, and his hands were pulled fiercely.


The silk thread was instantly stretched straight, wrapped around Zhao Yao's neck, and even emitted a metal friction sound.

The muscles of the old man's hands protruded, and white gas spewed from his mouth. At this moment, he burst out with all his strength, but the nanowires in his hands cut off Zhao Yao's neck, not even a trace of blood.

And it seems that he was strangled to the neck, Zhao Yao slowly turned his head, looked at the old man and said, "Hey, Zhao Xue, I want to leave him to you, but what should he do if he always wants to do something to me?"

Zhao Xue squatted on the ground, hugged her stomach and shouted angrily, "Just don't kill me!"

The corners of Zhao Yao's mouth twitched slightly.

At the next moment, the old man felt that there seemed to be a breeze passing by in front of him, and then there was a sharp pain in his chest, and he flew out violently.

With the loud rumbling sound, the old man smashed three big trees in a row, and finally fell to the ground and kept rolling, breaking a large piece of rock, and finally stopped.

As soon as he raised his head, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

'Three broken ribs...' He reluctantly raised his head and looked at Zhao Yao who was still cradling his chest with his arms and slowly floating over: 'Did he just kick it out with his legs? right leg? Or the left leg? ’

Zhao Yao said, "You'd better stand still and wait for Zhao Xue to kill you..."

Whoosh... The old man's body squatted halfway, like a spring accumulating force, instantly smashing the ground under his feet, and then with a bang, he was already in front of Zhao Yao, with a flash of light in his hand, from the space bag The two alloy army thorns taken out have been stabbed towards Zhao Yao's chest.


A dark shadow like a dream flashed by, and the old man's brain had no time to react. The steel thorn in his hand had been deformed and cracked by Zhao Yao's step. At the same time, his stomach hurt, and Zhao Yao had kicked him in the stomach again. It flew out with a bang, hit the ground directly, and then rolled all the way, dragging a trajectory more than ten meters long.

Wow! The old man spit out a mouthful of blood: 'Stomach... large intestine is broken...'

'The gap...too big...'

Zhao Yao slowly floated over, folded his arms around his chest, and said helplessly, "If you don't move, you won't be kicked, why don't you understand?"

The figure of the old man flashed, but this time he wanted to escape.

But Zhao Yao seemed to follow him like a shadow, and instantly appeared behind him with another kick.


The bones of the old man's right hand were broken in an instant, and it collapsed softly.

what! After a loud shout, he suddenly took out a flash bomb from the space bag, and in the infinite light, he retreated in the direction of the sea.


Zhao Yao still kept up with his foot, the light of the flash bomb seemed to be completely ineffective against him, and the old man's calf twisted like a twist as his right leg hit the old man's calf like a whip.

But the old man still did not give up at this moment, because he knew that it was the last moment of life and death.

Then I saw his grim face, his eyes bursting, fear, fear, regret, nervousness, excitement, rage... all kinds of emotions mixed together, making his adrenaline secrete rapidly.

"If you can't escape, you will die... You must escape... The gap is too big..."

"But why... why am I scared?!"

Then I saw the old man with one hand and one foot abolished suddenly lying on the ground, and the other hand and foot moved at high speed, like a hyena running in a panic, rushing towards the sea in the distance.

boom! boom! boom!

But it was like kicking a ball in mid-air, no matter how the old man tossed, escaped, or counterattacked, Zhao Yao in front of him just kicked it.

"Hey, don't run, I'll kick you to death."

Once again kicked back to the original position, the old man looked at Zhao Yao frantically: 'This guy! ’

'He didn't take me seriously at all. ’

An unprecedented sense of humiliation and fear flooded the old man's heart. He looked at Zhao Yao with a flushed face, and with a flash of his hands, he took out a tactical nuclear bomb directly from the space bag.

"Zhao Yao, don't move!"

Zhao Yao's expression changed slightly, and the next moment the old man realized that his hand was light, and the nuclear bomb was already in Zhao Yao's hand.

The old man laughed wildly, looking at Zhao Yao fiercely, his eyes were bloodshot: "It's useless, I have already started the countdown to the nuclear bomb before the action, just to prevent the mission from failing.

The power of this tactical nuclear bomb is enough to cover the entire island. I know you may not die, but your relatives and your cat must die! Let me go now and I can tell you..."

Zhao Yao frowned, his hands flashed, then looked at the old man and said, "Have you had enough?"

Then I saw that the nuclear bomb just now had turned into a piece of debris and fell to the ground.

The old man was motionless, looking at Zhao Yao and the debris on the ground absently: 'How is that possible? Even the strongest bomb disposal expert in the world can't dismantle it like this in an instant. I'm afraid it will explode halfway through. Why...'

On the other side, the repaired Zhao Xue ran over, looked at Oliver and said, "Come, come, hit me, I will hammer you this time."

Oliver's eyes narrowed, and out of the corner of his eye he glanced at Zhao Yao, who was already walking to the side, and started to take out his phone and start calling.

Oliver's gutter tightened: 'Ignore me completely...then let me kill your sister...'

boom! The fist and the fist collided, Oliver's fist with the steel thorn was directly twisted into a mess, and Zhao Xue on the other side regenerated his fist, and excitedly slammed down again with his blood-covered fist.

"Hit a woman?! Ah?!"

"Fight again!"


Looking at Oliver who was madly beaten by Zhao Xue, Zhao Yao, who was floating in the air, asked on the phone, "Baby, how are the others?"

It was the mechanical bugs with dolls all over the island who noticed the abnormality on the Cat Island villa, and Zhao Yao rushed to the Cat Island to help Zhao Xue defeat the opponent.

Asking the doll again at this moment is to care about the situation in other locations.

Doll: "Baiquan is in trouble, do you want to send someone over there?"

"Let Anthony (the teleportation cat from Star Cat) send the Pharaoh over." Zhao Yao looked at the old man who had been beaten to the side. The body of LV25's enhanced consciousness was stronger than that of Zhao Xue who relied on the Pharaoh's ability to exercise. Physical strength is also limited.

"Okay, I sent them a message." The doll paused and said, "There are two suspicious targets in Mao Lecheng, and the one that swallowed Yuanyuan and Mango... eh? What are you doing? "