MTL - Am I God-Chapter 51 Finish

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Killer cat, it's really about to be killed.

Although he has the ability to deform his body, his body is not without limits. Every change requires a lot of energy, twisting muscles, bones, etc. Although it can stop the injury, it cannot be like super fast regeneration. Recover from injury with little burden.

If there is super fast regeneration, the killing cat that can deform and recover without any burden is obviously ten times more difficult to deal with than it is now.

But there is no if in reality, no matter what, it is an irrefutable reality that the murder cat in front of him is about to be beaten to death by the masked man in front of him.

Looking at the murderous cat standing there with his hands covering his head, standing there in a daze to endure the attack, staggering, almost unconscious, but standing there with one breath to bear the attack, Lin Chen shouted at Zhao Yao, "Enough is enough. If you fight again, he will be killed!"

Zhao Yao turned his head and said coldly, "Don't he deserve to die for killing so many people?"

People's courage, most of the time, is indeed matched with people's strength, status, and experience.

If it was a few months ago, Zhao Yao would still have all kinds of considerations when facing a policeman or facing a murderous creature.

But since mastering the ability to pause time, in the past few months, he can feel that he has become less and less easily bound by the rules of this society.

The rules of society are based on common sense constraints on people.

The apostles who have mastered the ability have surpassed common sense and are difficult to be bound by rules based on common sense.

Just as the rules of gambling have no effect on time and stop, the common sense of face recognition has no effect on killing cats.

Just like Zhao Yao in front of him, with the abilities of Matcha and Elizabeth, he no longer needs to consider most of the rules in this society, and what restrains him is just the principles in his heart.

Faced with Zhao Yao's questioning, Lin Chen shouted, "Sentence is up to the judge. If you kill him today, you are also a murderer! What's the difference between you and him?!"

Zhao Yao glanced at him coldly and said, "Shabi."

While speaking, time paused again, and Zhao Yao took out the folding knife from his trousers pocket.

Today, he was going to go out on patrol, and he might have to catch the super cat. Naturally, he also brought a knife. At this moment, to end the opponent's life, he took out his weapon.

So Lin Chen saw that Zhao Yao's hand was slightly swayed, and the murder cat seemed to have been pierced by countless invisible sharp blades.

"It's over." Zhao Yao looked at the dead cat on the ground lightly.

The next moment, I saw the other party's body turned into countless stars and began to drift into the air.

"This is..." Zhao Yao's eyes narrowed, a look of alertness flashed on his face, and he thought it was the other party's ability to activate.

But as the corpse of the other party continued to dissipate, the coat of flesh and blood was completely gone, and the body of a kitten slowly emerged from the chest of the murder cat.

It was a kitten curled up hard, but unlike other cats, his body was full of shocking scars.

There is a broken tail, a deformed back, a chin and front legs that look like burn marks, and two eyes that are dark, no light can be seen, and black hole-like eyes.

This is obviously the trace of being tortured by people before he awakened his super powers.

This is the true body of the killing cat. All other appearances, whether it is a human or a half-orc, are just a coat created by his abilities.

And his real body, because of excessive disability rather than injury, even super fast regeneration has no way.

Seemingly aware of the current situation, the corners of the killer cat's mouth opened slightly, and a crisp voice that was completely opposite to his image rang out in Zhao Yao's mind.

"Humans, between you and us...there can never be true peace, my death is only the beginning..."


"You die and I live, you don't die..."

boom! In the middle of the conversation, with a sound of explosion, the murder cat had turned into a starlight and disappeared completely into the air, and until this time, Zhao Yao still didn't know his name.

Looking down at the starlight slowly dissipating in the air, Zhao Yao frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Elizabeth on the side looked at the murderous cat slowly dissipating in sadness and confusion, and said to Zhao Yao, "Thank you. Grandma's revenge is avenged, but why am I not happy at all?"

"Yeah." Zhao Yao responded lightly, as if he was still chewing the last words of Killer Cat.

Elizabeth's ears trembled, she looked towards the northern sky, and immediately stepped forward to rub Zhao Yao with her fluffy head, and said, "Zhao Yao, we should go."

There was the sound of the propeller turning in the distance. If you look at the night sky in the north at this time, you can see the silhouettes of helicopters flying towards here—the army's support has arrived.

So in Lin Chen's astonished eyes, Zhao Yao stopped when he started again, and the whole person disappeared in a flash, leaving a mess all over the ground, Lin Chen who was seriously injured, and...

"Huh?" Xiao Shiyu sat up in a daze. She didn't know when she started, but her injuries had already healed.

"what happened?"

In the next ten days, the entire community began to be repaired by government personnel. As for why there was such a mess, and the various bang bang bang sounds that night, the official explanation was that the gas pipeline exploded.

There are various kinds of gossip in the dark. There are rumors that you saw monsters fighting, and there are rumors that terrorists attacked. There are all kinds of rumors.

But most people obviously didn't notice that in this community, a girl who used to feed stray cats at night disappeared.

In the past ten days, Zhao Yao has also spent a lot of time here to find the kitten with regeneration ability, but it has never been successful. The other party seems to have disappeared, and no trace has been revealed.

More than ten days later, at twelve o'clock in the evening, Zhao Yao was sitting in the single room of the toilet in the shopping mall, holding a mobile phone in his hand and swiping the circle of friends and WeChat.

After flipping through it, I saw that Matcha shared a set of Sun Wukong's skin in the glory of the king, and left a sentence: "Come and like".

You can see that there are several messages below.

Yiyi (Elizabeth): "It feels so cheap skin."

The little fat man who killed Luban: "Spicy chicken skin, do you have a kind of one-on-one fight?"

There is also the big chicken chop (round circle) with a weeping expression on the bottom.

Apparently, due to the activity in the WeChat group during this period, several IDs who do not know whether it is a super cat or an apostle have added their friends.

Zhao Yao raised his eyebrows and left a message at the bottom: "Aren't you patrolling the wind? How did you fight the King of Glory?" Then he added an angry expression.