MTL - Am I God-Chapter 49 encounter

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In the shadows, the killer cat looked at Xiao Shiyu and Zhao Yao who were separated, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"Alright, anyway, it doesn't matter if this man is killed or not, even if he is lucky."

Thinking of this, the killing cat slowly followed behind Xiao Shiyu, and the incarnated old woman walked up step by step.

When he approached Xiao Shiyu a few meters away, Xiao Shiyu seemed to sense something and looked back at him.

The corner of the killer cat's mouth cracked open, and when it was about to start, it exploded next to his feet with a bang. A bullet shot directly from his side into the concrete floor beside him.

He turned his head sharply, and saw Lin Chen was aiming his gun at him, and said coldly, "Don't move."

Xiao Shiyu, who was on the side, heard the gunshots, but also showed panic, and quickly retreated.

Killing Cat looked at Lin Chen in front of him, but showed a cruel smile: "Police? How did you recognize it?"

However, Lin Chen didn't speak, his whole body was already highly concentrated, and his entire body was on extreme alert.

In fact, he was just taking a gamble.

Originally, it was not normal for an old woman to walk in the community at such a late night, and although the other party changed clothes, the sneakers looked worn and worn at the moment, and they felt like they were about to shatter at any time. The key is that the soles are still slightly Stained with some blood.

All of this overlapped with the explosion of power under Killer Cat's feet for a long time, as well as the previous killing.

This is the basis for Lin Chen to judge that the other party is a murder cat.

And then a tentative shot also deceived the other party.

But after seeing the other party's performance in the building just now, Lin Chen had no confidence in defeating the other party at all.

He deeply understands how terrifying the combat power of dozens of armed policemen, who are fully armed, train hard every day, and have snipers under the cover.

It can be said that such a group of people fights in the city, even if the number of gangsters on the opposite side is several times, they can calmly defeat the other side.

But such a group of well-trained elite soldiers were killed by the monster in front of them.

12.7mm armor-piercing bullets can't kill the opponent, and small-caliber pistols are probably not even the slightest threat.

In the face of such a terrifying monster, Lin Chen's heart at this moment has no bottom at all.

The only thing that prompted him to stand up was the sense of justice that still remained in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Chen is indeed no threat to the murder cat. He almost just glanced at the other party, then twisted his waist, turned around, and there was a crackling sound under his feet. The retreating Xiao Shiyu rushed over.

Lin Chen pulled the trigger almost as soon as the opponent rushed out, but when the bullet of the police pistol hit the opponent, only a few blood flowers popped out on his back, and he was struck by marble before he could penetrate much. muscles are clamped.

This time, although it failed to cause any real damage to the opponent, it also interfered with the killing cat's shot, causing the opponent's palm to deviate. The opponent flew out.

Xiao Shiyu's waist was swept by the sturdy claws of the killing cat, and the entire waist was already a **** mess, and the whole person was thrown away by the giant force, and when he fell to the ground, he couldn't help screaming out.

The internal organs were almost devastated, and blood continued to flow out, and soon the ground was dyed blood red.

The Killer Cat took a step forward, and when he was about to shoot, Lin Chen threw away his pistol and chased after him with a series of afterimages.

After the ability was activated, his speed seemed to be a bit faster than the Killing Cat. The tactical dagger in his hand directly stabbed the Killing Cat's vest, forcing the Killing Cat to sideways slightly, and also lost the ability to continue killing Xiao Shiyu. Chance.

"Apostle!" Seeing the extraordinary power displayed by the other party, a cold light flickered in Killer Cat's eyes: "And which traitor has lent your power to you?"

"Then I'll kill you first, and then kill her."

For killing cats, all humans can be enemies, and lending their abilities to humans to deal with cats of the same kind is naturally a traitor among cats.

Such cats and their apostles made him especially disgusted.

There was a bang, and the blood, muscles and bones all over the body vibrated rapidly, and the muscles swelled out like bombs. The joints of the five fingers became thicker and longer, and the hooks grew out. The feet and legs directly pushed the pants. And the shoes were all broken, and the long fangs skyrocketed from the mouth.

The killing cat instantly transformed from the appearance of an old lady into a half-orc over two meters tall.

"He didn't even use his full strength before?!" Lin Chen's heart suddenly burst when he saw this scene, and the next moment a stench hit his face, his thick claws smashed towards his head as if the sky had collapsed. come over.


Without any idea of ​​confrontation at all, Lin Chen's only choice was to retreat.

So one side sprinted and the other side retreated. Even if he had the ability to accelerate, Lin Chen was still unable to get rid of the killing cat who was sprinting with all his strength because of the fact that he was in the process of retreating.

After all, the speed of a person's retreat is obviously far less than the speed of a forward sprint.

Blade-like claws constantly slashed in front of him, and the torn air scraped on his face like a knife.

Lin Chen felt like he was dancing back and forth on the edge of the blade. During the process of dodging while retreating, the whole person was surrounded by danger.

Seeing how cracks appeared on the concrete floor as he stepped on the soles of his feet again and again, Lin Chen understood that as long as he was hit by the opponent, he would be seriously injured and on the verge of death.

At this moment, the killing cat suddenly squatted down, and its sturdy lower limbs swept towards Lin Chen like a steel pillar.

Just when Lin Chen was about to retreat and dodge, the muscles in the opponent's thighs trembled. They stretched and lengthened like plasticine, and the entire leg turned into a steel whip with a length of seven or eight meters, which was whipped towards Lin Chen. past.

This time, the speed of the killer cat's thighs remained the same, but because the legs were extended like a steel whip, the linear speed at the end was seven or eight times faster all at once, so that Lin Chen, who kept retreating, couldn't dodge in time.

Before the body collided, a feeling of suffocation had already fallen on him, and with the banging sound, the surrounding air seemed to be blown up by this blow.

Lin Chen, who had no time to retreat, could only block his hands in front of him. In the next instant, he felt as if his entire body had been hit hard by a truck. With the sound of bones shattering in his hands, his whole body had already slammed into the air. go out.

One blow seriously injured Lin Chen, the murder cat did not immediately pursue, but the thick muscles of both legs contracted and stretched, and the whole person had landed next to Xiao Shiyu like a teleportation, and a hammer-like sole moved towards Xiao Shiyu He stepped on Xiao Shiyu's neck fiercely, and under Lin Chen's angry gaze, he directly stepped on Xiao Shiyu's neck.

Her internal organs had been smashed to pieces before, and now she was trampled on and her neck was broken, Xiao Shiyu lost her breath almost instantly.

However, what no one noticed was that in Xiao Shiyu's body, a little bit of granulation was slowly interweaving and growing.

Looking at the woman whose eyes were out of focus, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of the killer cat's mouth. He turned his head to look at Lin Chen who wanted to stand up, but could only half kneel on the ground, and said slightly sarcastically: " Police, do you want to save her? Unfortunately, she is dead now, and in a few seconds, you will die too, and you can't save anyone."

He slowly walked towards Lin with a cruel arc in the corner of his mouth, looked at the other party's resentful and angry eyes and said, "You know what? What I like the most is that you hate me. It's like I'm going to die, but there's nothing I can do about it."

Lin Chen roared and wanted to stand up, but was kicked out by the killing cat more than ten meters away. His whole body was sore and weak, as if he was hit by a big iron ball, and he couldn't stand up.

"Hahahaha." Killer Cat laughed: "You can still struggle and try, I really like seeing you reptiles struggling."

Lin Chen glared at the killer cat, but there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

At this moment, a voice slowly entered the killing cat and his ears.

"Hey, are you the cat that killed the serial killer in Jianghai recently?"

The killing cat turned his head and saw in the shadows in the distance, a figure standing under the tree, with a special big cat standing on his shoulders, the eyes of both were as cold as a thousand years of mysterious ice.

Lin Chen, who was on the side, saw the figure in front of him, and immediately shouted, "Run away!"

Killer Cat: "I planned to let you go, why did you come back?"

Zhao Yao: "You really **** me off."

In the sound of the wind, the voices of the two were mixed and entangled, making it indistinguishable.

The moment Zhao Yao finished speaking, the murder cat shot out like a black lightning bolt, one paw opened, exuding a terrifying cold light, and scratched towards the opponent's head.


Lin Chen closed his eyes in despair. Although he couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly, he also knew that ordinary human beings could never be the opponents of the killing cat in front of him.

The only thing he could do was open his mouth and let out an angry roar.