MTL - Am I God-Chapter 37 Circle of friends

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With Yuanyuan's remarks, Zhao Yao and others figured out what the so-called borrowing of superpowers was.

To put it simply, the super power of the super cat can be lent to other humans in addition to its own use.

At present, according to the information Yuanyuan knows, it seems that the borrowed objects can only be humans. After borrowing, the super cat can still use super power.

But on the human side, not everyone can borrow superpowers.

The first is that only a small percentage of human beings can successfully borrow superpowers. Basically, the stronger and healthier the body, the stronger the mental state, the higher the success rate of borrowing superpowers.

The borrowed super powers are often weaker than the super cat's own abilities.

In the end, if you want to borrow superpowers, you must unreservedly believe in the super cat during the borrowing process, and do not have the slightest resistance, and then contact the two parties, and the super cat will borrow the power into the human body. gain ability.

Yuanyuan said: "At present, it seems that the longest can be borrowed for a day. After the borrowing time is up, the superpowers of humans disappear, and the superpowers of super cats can be strengthened a little bit. During the whole process, Ability can also be withdrawn at any time.”

"Oh?" Zhao Yao was surprised: "After the superpowers borrowed are taken back, the superpowers will be enhanced? If you lend them to many people..."

"Impossible." Yuanyuan said: "I have contacted thousands of people in the Brothers' House so far, that is, the master, Baiquan, and another person who can receive my superpowers, and can borrow superpowers from human beings. There are too few people, and the enhancements are minimal each time.”

"Is that so? How many abilities can that person borrow?"

"Is this just one kind? Among the people I know, at most, they can only bear one kind of ability. If there is more, it seems that the body can't bear it anymore."

Zhao Yao touched his chin, and compared secretly in his heart, it seems that his BOOK ability is obviously much superior to the so-called super cat borrowing ability.

Compared with ordinary people borrowing abilities, his BOOK is like a pokeball, capturing super cats and their abilities, and secondly, he can switch back and forth between multiple abilities, unlike them who can only borrow one ability.

However, he was also curious about whether Matcha and their abilities could be borrowed. In fact, in the next few months, Zhao Yao also took the opportunity to experiment. The result was that the cat registered on the book, once the loyalty reaches 100, the ability cannot be borrowed. Out.

"By the way, how do you know so much?" Zhao Yao asked Yuanyuan in front of him.

"I...I also heard what others said." Yuanyuan opened her eyes wide and said innocently: "There are many super cats in my circle of friends."

With that, he took out a cell phone from under his butt.

"Look, this is our super cat group..."

As soon as Zhao Yao took out his mobile phone, he saw the rows of names in the WeChat group, and a message happened to be sent at this time.

Leopard head: "Does anyone know how to make money with teleportation? Except for express delivery and takeaway."

"Little Leopard wants to make money." An ID called "Favorite Dried Fish" said: "What is the future of food delivery and express delivery? You can smuggle it if you can teleport. Yunnan, Golden Triangle, and Colombia all know each other, right?"

Leopard Head said, "Fuck you want me to be beaten to death and become a dragon and a tiger."

"Smuggling, what smuggling." Another ID called 'The Fatty Who Killed Luban' said: "Go directly to the vault, get as much as you want, I went to the vault and grabbed tens of millions, but I can't spend it now. Finish."

Leopard head: "Did you **** borrow money from the group yesterday to buy freeze-dried meat? You have a fart of tens of millions."

The little fat man who killed Luban: "Shabi, I don't have an ID card, and I can't open online banking. How can I shop online? I can only ask you to borrow money."

Leopard Head said, "What about the **** shoveler? Wouldn't you use his secretly?"

"No, since he bought catnip with his account last time, he seems to have suspected me, and recently installed a camera near the cat litter." The fat man who killed Luban said: "I now use the neighbor's children's. Internet access to the computer.”

Seeing the content of the chat in this group, and looking at the IDs of the more than 20 members, Zhao Yao twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "There are all super cats in here? Do you communicate via WeChat?" Zhao Yao still I really didn't expect these super cats to keep pace with the times.

"Not all." Yuanyuan blinked and said, "There are also some super cat owners inside.

But I don't know which is a human and which is a cat, and some may even be ordinary people. After all, they are just a group, very loose, and everyone is reluctant to reveal their identities. But the group owner is indeed a super cat that I have encountered occasionally, and many super cats are added by him. "

Zhao Yao said: "How much do you know about the current situation of super cats in Jianghai City? Does everyone know each other?"

"Only God knows that." Yuanyuan said: "stray cats, domestic cats, all kinds of awakened super cats, some have communicated with people, and some have gone on their own. Some like human life and try to integrate into it, some People hide behind the scenes, just thinking about eating and drinking.

Who knows what each of these cats will do.

Everyone has just awakened their abilities a few months ago, and everything is still being explored. "

Shaking his head, Zhao Yao didn't expect to learn so much information after capturing the super cat behind the brothers' house this time.

Throwing the phone to Yuanyuan, Zhao Yao said, "By the way, you can add my WeChat and pull me into this group too."

"Okay, okay." Yuanyuan said obediently.

Matcha on the side also said: "Add my WeChat too."

Elizabeth said to Zhao Yao in her heart, "Zhao Yao, I want a mobile phone, and I also want to surf the Internet like matcha, and this WeChat."

Yuanyuan said, "What's your name, I'll add you."

Matcha proudly reported the nickname: "The strongest Luban in the national costume."

Zhao Yao nodded, looked at the matcha and Yuanyuan who were skillfully adding to each other, and secretly said in his heart, "I only hope that Elizabeth will not become an Internet addiction cat after she has a mobile phone."

Holding Yuanyuan and walking out, he found Bai Quan still standing at the entrance of the hall, Zhao Yao said strangely, "You haven't left yet?"

Bai Quan was a little timid, a little scared, and a little excited, looked at Zhao Yao, and said, "Evil... Mr. Devil, can you allow me to follow you?"

"Ah? Follow me?" Zhao Yao looked at Bai Quan speechlessly and said, "What do you want to do?"

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in, isn't it a matter of course to follow the strong?" Bai Quan looked at Zhao Yao in front of him, and his mind was still flashing with the opponent's various teleportation, psychic blows, puppet manipulation of the human body, and flames Wings, flaming skulls and funny, oh no, all kinds of powerful abilities that are not funny.

"I want to follow you, I am willing to join the side of hell..."

Bai Quan thought very clearly that with his talent and background, even if he worked hard all his life, he would not be able to get enough food and clothing. Having tried his days with superpowers during this time, he clearly understands what that means.

And Zhao Yao's ability is beyond his imagination in the past.

He thought about it many times, he wanted to understand Zhao Yao in front of him, whether he was a human or a demon, it might be the biggest opportunity in his life.

But before Bai Quan finished speaking, Zhao Yao on the side had already walked out: "I'm not interested, I said that you are so old, can you do something serious, don't think about something all day, as for me, only It’s just a little bit of money to have a car and a house…”

"But why..." Bai Quan couldn't help but stand in front of Zhao Yao and said, "With your strength, isn't it easy to make achievements in this world? Teleportation, telekinesis, puppet art, any of these abilities. , is enough to set off a storm in this world.

With these abilities gathered, it is not impossible for you to rule the world in the end. "

Seeing Bai Quan's frantic look, Zhao Yao was helpless: "How old are you?"

"Me?" Bai Quan was stunned and said, "I'm eighteen years old this year."

"Ah?!" Zhao Yao looked at Bai Quan in disbelief and said, "Eighteen? I believe you even say thirty!"

Bai Quan took out his ID card a little embarrassedly: "I'm just a little mature, I've just grown up this year."

Looking at the other party's documents, Zhao Yao found that Bai Quan was really only eighteen years old, and said speechlessly: "You came out to work at the age of 18? Go back and study hard."