MTL - Am I God-Chapter 34 Brother's House

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But no matter what, 200 experience points is something Zhao Yao is unwilling to give up at will, not to mention the ability to stop time and time of matcha, Elizabeth's hallucinations and control ability, Zhao Yao has the confidence to protect himself.

He looked at Bai Quan in front of him and asked, "Do you know where this brother's house is?"

Bai Quan looked at Zhao Yao strangely and said, "What do you want to do?"

"I'm very interested in this brother's house." Zhao Yao said, "Can I join?"

Bai Quan's eyes narrowed slightly: "You want to join?"

Zhao Yao said as a matter of course: "Yes, if you can give me super powers, what's wrong with joining."

Bai Quan couldn't guess the true thoughts of the man in front of him, but the opponent's ability far surpassed his own, far from being able to defeat him. Now that he wants to follow him to his brother's house, it seems to be a good thing for him.

If the opponent wants to fight, there will naturally be an envoy to fight with him. If the opponent really wants to join in, he can also benefit from introducing himself.

Thinking of this, Bai Quan nodded in agreement.

"If you are really willing to join our brothers' family, it would be better." Bai Quan looked at Zhao Yao and said, "A powerful person like you is destined to not be ordinary. If you join us, you will get better results. development of.

This world is destined to be trampled by superpowers like us. "

Seeing Bai Quan's appearance, Zhao Yao smiled and did not speak.

Then he first found a stab-proof suit and put it on, then took two folding knives and a bundle of rope.

"By the way, I have to find a mask or something to prepare, so I don't get slapped in the face like last time."

Zhao Yao found a mask and put it in his pocket, looked at Matcha and Elizabeth, but thought about bringing the two cats with him.

"After all, that brother's house doesn't know what kind of super cat it has, and it can even give super powers to ordinary people, so let's bring both of them."

Thinking of this, Zhao Yao found a cat bag that he had not used for a long time.

This is a yellow hard-shell cat bag. The whole cat bag is similar to a school bag and can be easily carried on the body. There is also a plastic transparent cover on the bag, which is like a space capsule. When the cat stays inside You can still see outside.

"Elizabeth, come out with me."

Seeing Elizabeth being taken out, Matcha laughed and said, "Then go out, I still have qualifying matches to play..."

Before Matcha finished speaking, Zhao Yao grabbed it and forcibly stuffed it into the cat bag.

The two cats together weighed more than ten kilograms, and Zhao Yao felt his body sink when he carried it on his back. He couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, "These two guys are too heavy, it seems that they have eaten too much recently. There are too many, and they will have to reduce their food intake from tomorrow, otherwise they will be too tired to carry them out every time."

In front of a husband's house on the outskirts of Jianghai City, Bai Quan pointed to it and said, "This is where the brothers' house is, and we rented several floors here.

About forty or fifty people live here, and they pray together every day. "

As he said that, he looked at Zhao Yao who was carrying a cat bag beside him, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I said why did you bring the cat here."

After chatting all the way, Zhao Yao found that Bai Quan did not know anything about super cats. He always thought that super powers came from humans themselves, and Zhao Yao naturally did not explain to him.

It's just that he looked at the dilapidated building in front of him, and said to himself: "In such a remote place, I live in this kind of husband's house. It seems that this brother's house is really not very good, and its ability is not very strong. Bar."

When Zhao Yao followed Bai Quan all the way to the hall of a room, he saw forty or fifty men and women all kneeling on the ground, praying towards a middle-aged man in the middle of them.

It was a pale, thin, middle-aged man who looked very decadent.

At this moment, he was closing his eyes, looking up at the sky, and he was muttering words, as if he was receiving some information from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Bai Quan's eyes narrowed and he said, "It's the divine envoy who has started to pray! Hurry up and kneel down together to receive the gift of God!"

Said that he was already half-kneeling on the ground, and wanted to pull Zhao Yao, who was on the side, to kneel and pray, but Zhao Yao just sat on the ground and looked at the scene in front of him with some doubts.

"Do you feel it?" Zhao Yao said: "It doesn't seem to have the smell of a cat."

In the cat bag, Matcha and Elizabeth stuck their heads out together, looked around and said, "There are too many people, I can't smell it."

At this moment, the **** in the center shook his body and shouted, "God, thank you and praise you!"

The next moment, everyone saw a string of beads suddenly appear above the head of the god.

This string of beads suddenly appeared, as if it was really bestowed by God, and fell directly into the palm of the god's envoy. He lifted it up and shouted, "Look, this is a gift from God, leading us to break through the fog and walk towards Heaven's beacon."

The people around were all frenzied, and their eyes were staring at the bracelet in the hands of the divine envoy, with excitement in their eyes.

Zhao Yao's eyes narrowed slightly. With the blessing of the power of a cat, the dynamic vision of his eyes was also strengthened a lot. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com can clearly see the moment when the bracelet appears, there is a rising process.

"If it was really bestowed by God, how could it be possible to fly upwards in the first place, it should have fallen vertically." Zhao Yao secretly said in his heart: "It was nothing more than thrown up by this god. But in the process of throwing...increased invisibility. ability?

It seems that this ability can not only bless yourself, but also continue to bless specific objects.

Compared with Bai Quan's stealth ability, it is even more powerful, and it seems that there is no side effect of having to hold his breath. "

As far as Zhao Yao knew, Bai Quan couldn't do this.

"Could it be that it is really this person's ability?" Zhao Yao's head turned around, looking for the trace of the super cat.

At this moment, the envoy turned his head, but looked directly at Zhao Yao's position: "In addition to the gift of God, we also welcomed a new brother today? Are you our brother?"

Seeing the envoy looking at him, and all the people around him turned their attention, Zhao Yao was stunned for a moment, and secretly said in his heart: "So that's the case, have you noticed me just now?" With a raw face, and carrying such a big and yellow cat bag, it is impossible not to get an idea.

The divine envoy walked to Zhao Yao's location step by step, and the surrounding crowds separated like a tide.

Zhao Yao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he could see that the other party seemed to have pulled out something from his waist and held it in his hand, and then he could see a series of scratches appearing along the trace of the angel.

Combining the guesses just now and the god's current actions, Zhao Yao reacted immediately: "Knife? Or a sword? Is it in your hand after being invisible?"

The surrounding believers all exclaimed: "Stigma! It's a stigma!"