MTL - Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters-v7 Chapter 24 price of curiosity

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He blinked, turned to the west stiffly, and said with He Shiqi's stupid expression: "I...I'll go there." After speaking, he also left quickly, disappearing among the neat trees.

Lian Youyou sighed and strode forward.

The whole palace was trapped for a certain period of time as she judged, and this time was in spring. The surroundings are full of flowers, peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the humid and warm air is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

As she walked forward, she admired the frozen time. In fact, God can also freeze for a certain period of time, so that some beautiful things can be imprisoned in this period of time forever, so that He will not change with time.

It's just that now, Lian Youyou is still not sure how long this period of freezing will be. And where is the energy source that freezes this period of time?

We must find this energy source in order to break this situation, open the closed time loop, and take everyone out. However, once the outside time merges with the inside time, these people inside will still disappear in this time, because they will be swallowed by time.

Except for those who came in not long ago, such as Duanmu Qingchen.

Therefore, the longer you stay in this closed time loop, the more unfavorable it will be for Lian Youyou and the people who come in.

The whole palace is very quiet, occasionally maids and eunuchs pass by, but not many, it can be seen that it is a deep palace. Fortunately, this is a deep palace. If a city is trapped, the time impact brought about by breaking the game will hurt more people.

Avoiding the eunuchs and maids, Lian Youyou's posture is more like visiting the whole palace. Then, she saw a group of eunuchs walking towards a palace with white silk in their hands. That should be the **** who gave the concubine his death in the legend. Since everything started because of that concubine's death, then Lian Youyou has to go and see that concubine.

"It's not good-it's not good-" Suddenly, two old ladies ran out of the palace, "Run, run away-" The old lady ran to the team of eunuchs, "Concubine Jing and the luthier ran away! "

"What?!" the **** shouted at the top of his voice, "What happened today? I just caught a trespasser and sent him to the respect room, causing us to arrive a little late. Why did Concubine Jing run away with the luthier? Still not going to catch it?! Not going to catch it!" The **** screamed at the eunuchs behind him.

The eunuchs ran away in a hurry, and the old mothers started looking around in a panic.

Lian Youyou was taken aback, just caught one and sent it to the respect room? ! Doesn't this idiot know how to hide when he enters other people's palaces? I usually see him climbing the wall quite neatly.

Lian raised her forehead leisurely, but that kid Duanmu Qingchen even dared to touch her secret realm, so what else would he not dare to enter? Curiosity killed the chicken this time!

Lian Youyou sighed, jumped off the wall, and went to rescue Duanmu Qingchen first, otherwise there would be no future. Here this couple has also run away, let them get together for a while, don't be in a hurry.

"Beer!" Suddenly, a strange voice came from behind Lian Youyou, Lian Youyou turned around, and saw a little **** waving to her.

Lian Youyou squinted at the little **** in front of her, with red lips and white teeth, but with a demonic aura. She raised her lips and smiled, shouldn't this be...

The little **** waved to her, then turned and left.

Lian Youyou smiled and followed behind him. Soon, the little **** led her into a remote courtyard, and looked around furtively.

Lian Youyou looked at him amusedly: "No one follows."

The little **** was slightly surprised, and quickly turned around and shouted: "My lord! My lord! Another one has come in!" The little **** shouted while running inside.

With this shout, three people came out of the originally quiet courtyard. A man, a woman and an old man. They are all dressed up as eunuchs and court ladies.

After seeing it, Lian Youyou already understood that this group of people should be the people who were trapped here back then.

The little **** looked back at Lian Youyou and waved: "Come in, don't be afraid, we are protecting you. Otherwise, you will be dragged to the respect room just like the previous one."

Lian Youyou came back to her senses, and immediately went into the yard to ask: "What about now? How about that man?"

The little **** shook his head: "I've become an eunuch, I sent it to the back room to stop the bleeding."

"Slap!" Lian Youyou slapped her face with a slap, this idiot prince is really worrying, only that idiot will encounter this trivial matter. This time, Duanmu Qingchen became the first **** and prince in the ages. It's hard to imagine how he's feeling at the moment.

A man and a woman in the courtyard supported the old man in the middle, and the old man looked at Lian Youyou's appearance, and asked with concern: "Miss, you are not with that young man just now, are you?"

Lian Youyou sighed with one hand on her hip, and nodded to the old man: "Yes, I took him out."

Several people were taken aback for a while, but then showed a powerless expression.

"Girl, it's not that the old man wants to scare you, but if you come in really can't get out." The old man shook his head repeatedly, his face tired and apologetic, "I'm sorry, I couldn't save him..."

A man and a woman beside him also sighed, as if frustrated by fate, they had given up hope.

The youngest **** had a sad face, and couldn't help crying: "I, we have been here for more than a hundred years... I can't get out... I can't get out..." The little **** cried very sadly , sobbing again and again.

Lian Youyou looked at the four people who were moaning and sighing in the yard, and smiled: "I'm here, you can go out."

The four of them couldn't help being stunned together, looking at Lian Youyou, how could she have any confidence.

Lian Youyou continued to smile: "You should be the former Nine Gates."

At this time, the four became surprised.

Lian Youyou put her hands behind her back and started to circle them: "Two demons, an old mage, and a cultivator, um... yes, no wonder you can still retain your memories, unlike other people who will restart during this period of time." lost memory..."

The astonishment of the four people became even greater, it was simply jaw-dropping! How did this woman know the secret of this palace? And, she's clearly aware of what wonders will happen to the palace, because she says time to reboot.

Indeed, the palace will be restarted in time!

Every afternoon and evening, the palace will restart the time with a sound of piano, and then it will return to the morning of this day, so it goes round and round, day after day. For those inside, one day outside, they have actually spent two days inside. And all the people inside, when time restarts, will also lose their memory at the same time, only the people of their nine doors.

However, it is a kind of torment for them to keep every minute and every moment of memory. It's not as good as those who lost their memory, who didn't know that they were trapped in this half-day, and could continue to live their lives as usual.

I have been to every day repeatedly, and I am trapped in this palace again. Maybe one day or two days, I will still feel novelty. But one year, two years, it starts to feel boring, and ten years, one hundred years later? It was like a prison.