MTL - All The Male Leads Have Blackened-Chapter 66 After ex-boyfriend X female figure (five)

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There has been a power outage for the past two days.

Recently, the night has been getting longer, and before it's time to have dinner, the sky goes dark, making people upset. Wang Tianxi was alone at home, turned on the flashlight, and added a bright light.

Feel the phone, walk to the balcony, and close the curtains. While calling Qin Zhongmo.

After a few beeps, they were connected over there.

She first said, "Are you going back to dinner tonight?"

Hearing the sound of flipping things over there, as well as colleagues talking, should still be in the company: "I won't go back."

Wang Tianxi didn't ask any more, um said, "Then I put the food in the refrigerator, if you come back hungry, I will reheat it."

Since the blackout, Qin Zhongmo seems to have taken the company as his head, and can't come back if he can't. Wang Tianxi doesn't care about this either, he still makes a phone call every day.

Gradually I can feel the impatience of Qin Zhongmo.

He paused and said, "I have a colleague who rented a house next to me and was close to the company and wanted me to share it in the past."

Wang Tianxi frowned, and was so happy that she finally could not meet Cen Simiao. At first she wanted to find a reason to move out, but she also knew that the house was not easy to rent now, and she had to consider the price.

Afraid to say it, but will be bored by Qin Zhongmo.

Bending his eyes, he asked, "Really? Where, how long do you plan to move over? Do you want me to pack your clothes with me first?"

Qin Zhongmo frowned: "My clothes have always been packed by myself, and I don't need you."

Wang Tianxi was not responded by such a sentence, unconsciously "ah", and then said, "What do I need to do?"

"There's a room over there. I'll move there myself. You're still in the same place."

She froze, especially suspicious of her ears.

Cen Simiao hasn't even been home recently, and has been shaking around in several crews. I tried a few characters under the banner of President Liu, and it felt good, but the director said it almost felt.

She frowned.

Make an expression in the mirror and play it many times. The system watched the seeds while watching the opera, and nodded from time to time, saying that it was good.

But the director just couldn't get over it.

Cen Simiao looked at the burger and turned the script. Dialing the phone, the voice was angry: "What's the matter, I've worked so hard, they don't give you face at all, and the role is given to others."

She was angry and hot, but wanted to conquer more.

Mr. Liu held up his glasses and laughed and coaxed her: "It's all old stubborn. No one will listen to me when he gets up, but the quality of the play is guaranteed."

Cen Simiao frowned: "What then?"

As soon as Mr. Liu's eyes darkened, he greeted the director long ago. In the front, Cen Simiao was smooth and smooth. Until the finalization of the role, she was discarded.

Signing the document with a pen, the tone was weird: "Simple, I'll find it myself, they will always listen."

Cen Simiao narrowed his eyes, shook his head secretly, and followed his words: "Is that trouble?"

"Yes, you have to thank me."

She hesitated.

After the call was hung up, Cen Simiao rubbed her neck, which was too boring. Suddenly the phone rang again, Feng Orange slightly. Needless to say, I definitely wanted to persuade her.

I did not answer.

The phone keeps ringing and frowning is particularly annoying.

Cen Simiao went to mute, as if thinking of something, her eyelashes fluttered, staring at Feng Orange's name, her tongue against her upper teeth: "System, help me find out what role she is currently fighting for."

Costume Idol.

Special fire.

The zero at the end of the paycheck is unclear. Cen Simiao looked for a moment, her eyes became excited. Hold her lips and call Feng Orange slightly.

Before waiting to speak over there, she said, "Big beauty, come out and eat."

Then Cen Simiao went to Shaxian snacks to pack a few dishes, and limped to find Qin Zhongmo.

Ask Feng Orange to go to dinner and spend so much money. Is her brain sick?

He is busy in the office. Recently, the company has a lot of business and has to keep up with technology. The colleague next to me was bitter, and the screen was a little disgusting.

Put your head on the table: "If one day I die young, this desk is probably the place where my soul rests."

Qin Zhongmo frowned and stopped. Staring suspiciously at the computer screen, pursing his lips tightly.

The colleague noticed, looked over, and was suddenly shocked: "Who is full of this special, it's our company. It's getting stuff in this computer and being ..."

After finishing talking, quickly control your computer.

Qin Zhongmo stared at it for a long time before he started typing on the keyboard.

After a while, the office was wailing: "Day, fuck, my computer is hacked, I can't move it."

Black screen next to each other.

The power can't be turned off. The other party's purpose is to let the hard work of these days be in vain. When the power is turned off, it is directly destroyed without the other party's effort.

Can only bite his teeth.

Computers were killed one after another.

Qin Zhongmo still didn't stop, staring at the screen, there were only three computers left in the office, and colleagues around him were particularly nervous.

He keeps swearing.

He paused suddenly, and the sound of the keyboard stopped suddenly. He tried to stop the opponent just now, and changed several methods in succession. The last one took effect, making it slow down there.

He said, "Fuck, you **** hurry up, use this trick quickly."

The other two computers used this method, which couldn't resist the other side, and became slower and slower. Qin Zhongmo here, the opposite is more and more overbearing, seeing this computer also has a black screen.

Suddenly there was a cheer: "Fuck, I finally succeeded, let you know ..."

The screen went dark for a moment.

Then scolding again and again.

Qin Zhongmo lowered his eyelashes, leaned his back against a chair, pulled up his shirt cuffs, and the other person on the screen was still operating, squinting his eyes: "I used this thing to play on my head."

He knocked a few times, very rhythmic, and the frustration of overtime just now, judged as two. At this moment there was a frown between his eyebrows, his eyes became warlike, and the whole man was showing an excitement to win.

The operation seems to be in cooperation with the other party to destroy their computer.

Colleagues thought he was mad, and that was a fearful heart, and was about to speak, but saw the situation began to improve, and the momentum on the other side weakened.

Qin Zhongmo stroked a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes.

The opposite was struggling, as if trapped in a quagmire, and the more they struggled, the sooner they died. The colleague was beside him, holding his breath, his nervous heartbeat was particularly fast.

Qin Zhongmo stopped typing on the keyboard, and the other side seemed to feel hope, and quickly attacked, and he raised his eyebrows.

Tap gently.

I was trapped directly in the computer over there, and I couldn't get out, and I couldn't do any damage.

Qin Zhongmo bent his lips.

There was a big gasp beside him: "Oh my god, it scared me."

After a long time, the closed door was suddenly pushed open, the cold wind from outside poured in, and the neck of the person who was blowing was cold. A group of big masters suddenly whispered: "Fuck, whoever opened the door, quickly close it."

No one would look up.

High heels rang, and the sound was particularly crisp. They suddenly looked up. Cen Simiao was wearing a trench coat and a scarf to cover her neck. She lowered her head slightly and hid a small chin in the fabric.

She frowned.

Qin Zhongmo looked excited just now, and when she saw Cen Simiao, her face turned black instantly. She didn't particularly see each other, divided the points among her colleagues, and sat with Qin Zhongmo next to her.

"You taste it, I remember you used to love it."

Qin Zhongmo glanced at her.

When did they eat together?

Cen Simiao wrinkled her nose. "Isn't I poor, anyway, it's my mind, but it's delicious."

Qin Zhongmo ignored her.

The colleagues around me saw that it was very rare, and it was not good to be snoring. I glanced secretly. Isn't this a star? It has something to do with Qin Zhongmo.

Qin Zhongmo felt a little uncomfortable when he noticed the gaze he had cast in.

Cen Simiao put the food in front of him: "You taste it."

He frowned even more.

Cen Simiao sighed, took the lunch box in her hand, opened it gently, and immediately scented. Holding the chopsticks together, Qin Zhongmo immediately stubbed his neck and looked directly at the computer screen.

Cen Simiao opened her mouth and ate.

It was so sweet, she was still hungry.

Qin Zhongmo's eyes became subtle, and she turned her head to glance at it. Cen Simiao was eating the fragrant incense. She pinched it together and put it on his lips, just like coaxing a child: "I feed you."

Qin Zhongmo didn't open his mouth.

She sent it to her mouth again.

When it was time to go to grab it again, Qin Zhongmo grabbed the lunch box, took the chopsticks she had used, and there was a lipstick mark on it.

Cen Simiao smiled, her elbows were on the table, and her chin was supported.

Eyes don't blink.

Without looking up, he looked at the lunch box. Cen Simao tilted her head, suddenly touched his left hand, and placed it naturally on her stomach: "It's empty here, I'm so hungry."

Qin Zhong paused.

The colleague next to me is particularly enthusiastic: "Come here, girl. I still have one dish here, so hurry up and eat."

Cen Simiao bowed her eyes and thanked her, but turned her head again. Qin Zhongmo was staring at her, and the two eyes hit her. She smiled so sweetly, leaned over and opened her mouth: "Ah."

Finally Cen Simiao was fed half-full.

She got up to pack the lunch box, and then went downstairs to throw garbage. Colleagues coaxed: "It's dark outside, you can rest assured that she will go out by herself?"

Qin Zhongmo let him go.

Before long, he got up to pick up the water, then opened the door and went out. When I went down the stairs, the cold wind hit my face, and it was very cold.

Smell again.

The lights were dim, and Qin Zhongmo walked towards it, seeing Cen Simiao leaning against the wall, smoking with his head down, and squinting softly in his mouth.

As soon as he stood there, Cen Simiao threw the cigarette out of his pocket and caught it with his hands.

Qin Zhongmo was wearing a thin shirt. Just a shirt, cold wind penetrated into the collar, Cen Simiao's voice was low, with temptation: "Don't bear it."

He took out the cigarette in Cen Simiao's mouth directly.


She frowned and heard: "It's not good for your body, don't **** it later."

Qin Zhongmo's expression was still cool and thin, his eyebrows were serious, extremely short-lived, and he became alienated again. Cen Simiao thought she was dazzled.

Cen Simiao approached, raised his head, and struggled to wrap Qin Zhongmo's neck with his arms.

He still stiffened his neck.

Cen Simiao frowned, and kissed him gently, the smell of smoke in her mouth had not yet dispersed. He stunned him for a long time, and the addiction in his heart was hooked.

The two went upstairs, one after the other.

The skin on Qin Zhongmo's mouth was broken. He lowered his head and worked in front of the computer. Cen Simiao sat next to him and looked at him from time to time with a charming smile.

He glanced occasionally, bumping into it, and looking down at the computer again.

The look was a bit unnatural.

When Cen Simiao looked at him with affection, she touched her cell phone, and Feng Chengwei missed several. He asked her to release pigeons on WeChat. Cen Simiao raised her eyebrows and returned to her.

Feng Orange did not move for a long time.

She looked up and smiled at Qin Zhongmo with tenderness. Open the message box of President Liu and send it over.