MTL - All The Male Leads Have Blackened-Chapter 65 After ex-boyfriend X female figure (4)

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After a few days, Cen Simiao's mobile phone was always there, a message for three minutes, and a call for half an hour. She was particularly annoyed. She picked up her phone and put it in her ear, her brow still wrinkled, and her lips were already laughing.

The voice was particularly charming, and walked towards the balcony while talking.

The glass door was pushed open, and the balcony was a bit cold. Fortunately, there was plenty of light and it was more comfortable to shine on the body.

Cen Simiao opened the window, took out the cigarette from her pocket, and snorted in her mouth, and lit the lighter. Back to wall, smoking with head down.

The glass door was closed again, and the outside was isolated, as if it were two worlds with the living room.

Only when Cen Simiao speaks loudly, he hears a vague sentence or two. Wang Tianxi sat on the sofa, found a variety show, and laughed back and forth.

Suddenly, he glanced at the balcony with a hint of taunt in his eyes.

Things were still vivid that night, and as soon as she closed her eyes, she thought of the words Cen Simiao said. It's shameless.

Wang Tianxi stood up, and there was only one slipper beside him, and the other one didn't know where to go. He barefooted. Pick up the washed fruit on the table and take a bite.

She dialed the phone and turned into a handsfree.

Cen Simiao smoked the cigarette and came out of the balcony. She was busy holding the cigarette in her pocket, and when she heard someone talking, she looked up subconsciously.

Wang Tianxi looked at her, and what she said was obviously not to her.

There was Qin Zhongmo's voice, showing a trace of exhaustion: "If you are sick, take a good rest. There are anti-inflammatory drugs in the drawer. You take them first. I'll go back at night."

She hummed, and it was a bit weak and windy: "I didn't expect it to happen. Maybe she went to the balcony to smoke and opened the window. I just wore a thin, cold flu."

Cen Simao heard that she understood here, and her lipstick-wrapped lips were bent. She ignored her, found a coat, put on her bag and went out.

Mr. Liu called just now and urged her to pass, as if he was afraid that Cen Simiao would run away. In vain of the money on her account.

Cen Simiao was wondering. After he passed, he couldn't take any advantage, so why was he so anxious?

Wang Tianxi watched the door close, raised her brows, and whispered to Qin Zhongmo.

Qin Zhongmo was silent for most of the day.

He spends most of his time in the company these days, meeting Wang Tianxi less often, and she felt vaguely that Qin Zhongmo was keeping a distance with her.

But don't know why.

Every time this feeling becomes stronger, Wang Tianxi is particularly difficult. She took the initiative to go up, but Qin Zhongmo was more indifferent.

The only thing that can be a little comforting is that Cen Simiao and him haven't said a word recently, they both ignored each other when they saw each other.

Wang Tianxi wondered whether Qin Zhongmo was too busy, so she ignored her. Wang Tianxi's health is not good. Every time he gets sick, Qin Zhongmo is particularly worried.

She coughed a few times.

Sure enough, "You, you just ..."

Wang Tianxi suppressed her voice and still coughed: "It's nothing, don't worry, just take some medicine."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

Wang Tianxi heard him hum, and bent his eyes, preparing to be coquettish.

"You said she smoked?"

The smile on her lips froze.

It was so cold outside. When Cen Simiao got out of the car, the cold wind rushed towards her, and she narrowed her neck and entered a restaurant. Go up to the third floor and find the private room booked by General Manager Liu.

There was a light in the corridor, and there were flowers next to my hands, which really had some atmosphere.

As soon as the door was opened, Mr. Liu sat in the middle, surrounded by several little girls, each with exquisite looks and special coquettishness. Cen Simiao sat down with her bag in her eyes, her eyes changed, her charms were hidden, and she could not reach Mr. Liu at all.

This is to give her power.

The little girl next to her will come to her. The wine glass will be placed on the lips of President Liu, softly speaking, coaxing him to drink.

Cen Simiao rubbed her forehead: "Why didn't you say there were so many people here, and I didn't dress well? Isn't this a loss of President Liu's face?"

President Liu sat there, smirking, and touching the little girl's hand, his face was already drunk: "Less those who are vain, they all come to ask me to join the crew, to grab the rice bowl with you."

Cen Simiao glanced at him.

I heard: "I really like you, either I drank the wine or stay with me today."

The little girl next to her also followed the advice, and praised Liu Zong's presence in the sky. Mr. Liu was particularly happy, and the corner of his mouth was about to grin.

He rushed to Cen Simiao: "Think about it, hurry up."

She picked up her bag and turned away.

Mr. Liu was a little hesitant. He called Cen Simiao, but he saw the door closed, remembered to chase him, but was surrounded by the little girl. He couldn't get up, and was anxious.

Pick up the phone and call Feng Orange slightly.

Coming out of the hotel, Cen Simiao gathered her hair, wrapped her windbreaker tight, and drove in a car. Before I said where I was going, the note rang.

Feng Orange's phone.

She glanced and shut down.

Looking sideways to the window, he yawned, was telling the driver to go to the mall, and suddenly saw Qin Zhongmo's figure, just came out of the drug store.

Cen Simiao muttered at the driver.

The driver stepped on the brakes: "What is it?"

Cen Simao pondered for a while, and let go of the hand on the door: "It's okay, let's go."

Qin Zhongmo took a break at noon and went to the pharmacy to buy some cold medicines. Wang Tianxi would take a long time for each cold, as well as inflammation, which must be taken with anti-inflammatory medicines.

He carried the plastic bag back to the company.

Colleagues are pulling the boxed lunch, seeing Qin Zhongmo coming back, swallowing the meal: "Let ’s have lunch at noon, you can go and buy medicine to eat."

Qin Zhongmo glanced at them, and sat down on the chair with a particularly lazy posture: "You eat well, I can't afford my poor meals, and I'm still talking cold words, is it enough buddies?"

A colleague next to him said, "Fuck it up, you have the highest bonus this month. Where did you spend it?"

Qin Zhongmo bent his corner of the mouth, took the drinking glass on the table and took a sip: "Where can I spend it? Didn't I lend you all the kidney medicine?"

The colleague fell into a slump immediately, and took the lunch box down: "You despise me, I'm as strong as a cow. It's you who goes to buy medicine. I'll see what you buy."

Go through the plastic bag.

It's all cold medicine. There are several boxes.

Colleagues shook their heads: "Although the weather is unstable and there are many people with colds, it is safe to buy some, but you have bought too much."

Qin Zhongmo lowered his eyelids and did not make any noise.

I overheard: "Sure, you still buy smoking cessation candy, aren't you a non-smoker?"

He paused, and saw his colleague's quitting cigarette in his hand, pursing his lips: "Who the **** knows."

The ghosts are terrible.

Qin Zhongmo was originally a smoker, and he was particularly fierce. When the original owner was beside him, try to avoid her. Every time he saw him smoking, the original owner couldn't help thinking about it.

Qin Zhongmo had no choice but to quit.

Later, the original owner took the company's money away. Qin Zhongmo was extremely poor during that time, and after he became addicted to cigarettes, he was reluctant to buy cigarettes.

After that, I started the company again, and the smoking was particularly powerful.

The company completely collapsed and Qin Zhongmo never smoked again. Fortunately, my body is much better than before.

When it was getting dark, Cen Simiao was back home, the living room lights were dark, and no one was there. As soon as she was a little surprised, she saw that Wang Tianxi's room was shining.

Turn around and turn on the light.

Put on slippers and look down, Qin Zhongmo's shoes are also there.

Raised her eyebrows, it's really early to come back today. She listened intently to the voice of Wang Tianxi's room, which was not very clear and vague.

"If you're sick, drink plenty of water, this ... metabolism ... gets better."

"I, I'm scared, can ... stay with me ... don't go."

Cen Smiao pursed her lips, turned on the TV in the living room, turned up the volume, and the voice in the room stopped suddenly. As soon as she sat on the sofa, she started yawning.

Wang Tianxi's door opened, and she turned to look over.

Qin Zhongmo stood at the door with a water cup, and the door was not closed yet, revealing Wang Tianxi lying on the bed, his face unhappy. He looked up and bumped into Cen Simiao's gaze.

She turned her gaze on the TV.

Qin Zhongmo lowered his head and put the cup away. He took out the fruit from the refrigerator and washed it in the kitchen. Then support the chopping board on the stove and cut into small pieces with a knife.

It takes a long time.

Cen Simiao opened the phone, and suddenly dozens of text messages. Most of them are call reminders, and others are persuaded by Feng Orange.

A few more, she didn't open them, all deleted together. Then he returned a message to Feng Orange.

Cen Simiao didn't believe that Liu always gave her the money.

Come back almost instantly.

Cen Simiao put the phone aside and didn't bother.

Suddenly I heard the kitchen door ringing and turned to look at it. Qin Zhongmo actually came out of it. She frowned without asking much.

Without the sound of moving footsteps, Qin Zhongmo stood in front of the dining table as if looking for something.

Cen Simiao said, "May I help you?"

Qin Zhongmo's back was straight for a moment, with a calm voice: "No need."

She touched her nose, asked herself boring, and focused on watching TV. After a while, the phone rang, took a look, Feng Orange slightly relaxed, and said that it was General Liu agreed.

Cen Simiao closed the page, but her fingertips slipped, and the top message came out.

The account has an extra amount of money.

Mr. Liu.

She laughed, feeling interesting, the footsteps suddenly approached, Cen Simiao looked up.

Qin Zhongmo was standing beside him, with his eyes open, his eyes were so cold, as he was looking at strangers. Cen Simiao said, "Is there something wrong?"

He stood there for a while, took out the smoking cessation candy from his pocket, and put it on the coffee table: "Recently, there are patients at home. Smoking will affect it. If you can't help it, you will have two pieces of it."

Cen Simiao's cigarette case was just on the coffee table.

She leaned forward, took it in her hand, took one out of it, and chuckled. Red lips froze, looked up at Qin Zhongmo.

He has turned his head.

Suddenly the room was dark and the lights went out, it should be a power outage.

Coincidentally, Cen Simiao lit the cigarette, and suddenly her face was reflected.

In the room, Wang Tianxi shouted, "Zhong Mo, the power is off! I'm afraid, come on."

She drew her eyelids and ran her feet up Qin Zhongmo's trousers, looking very slowly at him. The smoke slowly drifted from the tip of her nose, exactly in the direction where Qin Zhongmo was standing.

The familiar and unfamiliar smell of smoke fills the nasal cavity.

She gripped the cigarette with her fingers: "Do you want?"