MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 160 God and God of War (20)

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"It's not about the importance!"

An idea suddenly popped out of her mind. Following this instruction, Ling Yan shouted loudly.

As the voice fell, everything around was covered with dense fine lines in an instant, including Gu Zhong, like broken glass, the next second scattered into sand.

The illusion faded away, and the misty world that felt misty became clear.


Gu Zhong rushed to Ling Yan's side with a quick stride, his face full of anxiety and concern, no longer the indifference and evil she had just seen.

"I'm sorry... Gu Zhong, I'm sorry..."

I don't know when the tears soaked her cheeks, Ling Yan's face was full of fear, she didn't know why she kept apologizing.

"Ayan, it's not your fault, the devilish energy penetrates into the body, making people lose sight of all reality, this is not your intention."

Gu Zhong shook his head, his face full of helplessness, he really didn't know how to pull the little **** out of the horns.

"It's really affectionate..."

Clear applause came from the side, and then the two looked away from each other and looked at the spoiler who made a noise at the wrong time.

The charming and gorgeous woman looked at this good show, but her face was full of irony.


Gu Zhong took a step forward, clenched the cloud of smoke, and was ready.

"Unfortunately, it was almost..."

The expression on Xuanhu's face turned to regret and regret.

Ling Yan and Gu Zhong both knew what she was talking about, and almost, Gu Zhong, the executioner who slaughtered her entire clan, would die at the hands of his beloved lover.

"Everything today is your plan?"

Gu Zhong asked in a deep voice.

"It's just the way of the other man."


Ling Yan stepped forward and stood in line with Gu Zhong, staring at his former best friend with tangled eyes, filled with pain and questioning.

"...small smoke."

Xuanhu looked at the few gods in the **** realm who were willing to give her warmth, his originally resolute eyes flashed a trace of shake and guilt.

"If someone designs to slaughter your entire clan for this selfish desire, would you hate it?"

She asked, as if seeking some kind of approval.

"... hate."

Ling Yan can't say she doesn't hate, because now she is in such a situation.

Two close relatives died in the hands of a friend who she regarded as another eldest sister, she was forced to raise a butcher knife to her delusional compatriot, all of which she suffered was so painful, Desperate.

This is an irreconcilable hatred.

However, what did Xuanhu do wrong back then? To face such a tragic situation, the whole clan died, was trapped in a corner by the enemy, and lost his freedom for tens of thousands of years.

What did Gu Zhong do wrong again? She bears the evil name of the gods, and the truth is deliberately concealed, just to grind her into a slaughtering knife that wields other races and make even bigger mistakes.

In the end, all the worlds will be intertwined with hatred and controlled by anyone.

"I know you hate Father-"

But at least before the realm of the gods was in danger, he never forced her to do anything.

"I know you hate to care-"

Although the care at that time was just a sharp sword wielded by others, but the crime of killing was committed by her own hands, and it was difficult to turn around.

But this is her lover, the Asura family who can empathize with Xuanhu. Gu Zhong might also want to raise the butcher's knife against the Protoss, but he chose to escape and give up because of the belief he had sincerely adhered to and his concern for Ling Yan.

"But Sister Shaojun, what did she do wrong?"

However, Shaojun is such a graceful and elegant person.

She always coaxes Ling Yan to practice with soft words, searches for treasures from all walks of life for the birthdays of relatives and friends, and stays in the Chaos Hall day and night, afraid that Xuanhu will be bored. Why should he die at the hands of his best friend?

"What's wrong with those immortals in the God Realm?"

They are completely ignorant of Bo Yun's treacherous conspiracy and tricks, but they fulfill their obligations and duties to guard the realm of the gods, but most of them end up in the end.

Therefore, Ling Yan has no choice but to complain. She can understand Xuanhu's inner pain and anger, but she can't forgive her tyranny and ruthlessness.

Hearing Ling Yan's questioning, Xuanhu's expression cracked for a moment, and his face gradually sank.

"The entire God Realm is wrong."

She said these words in a hoarse voice, with a disgust that could no longer be concealed.

"The living beings in all worlds have their own fixed numbers. The three worlds are above all living beings, gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and enjoy the worship of all things. However, cause and effect are inherited, and they should always be returned.

God is pure and good, devil is evil and evil. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, the realm of the gods should have sacrificed the realm to die together with the realm of the devil.

However, there are people who are selfish, reluctant to give up this supreme authority, and greedy for this extremely boring God Realm.

In these tens of thousands of years, the position of God Emperor has never been changed. Have you ever questioned it?

That's all - how could he let you know that in the throne of the emperor, the ten thousand year cycle will inevitably decline.

That's it-"

—There is no trace of lies in this long narrative.

Ling Yan and Gu Zhong looked at each other and both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

The truth that they never knew was suddenly unfolded before their eyes, disturbing their minds.

Which is right and which is wrong? Should the sword be raised or lowered?

Ling Yan's unsteady heart began to shake, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

For the world of gods, for relatives and friends, for the purgatory in front of you, you should fight to the death with anger.

"Xiaoyan, I hate Gu Zhong, you should hate me, that's all."

Seems to see her confusion and struggle, Xuanhu made a choice for her. The golden thread in his hand was lifted slowly, turned into a thin sword, and made an invitation to fight.

"Xuanhu, you know, you can't beat me."

Gu Zhong felt guilt in his heart, and his tone softened involuntarily, trying to persuade Xuanhu not to engage in unnecessary fights.

She did not despise Xuanhu, but the Shura clan was naturally warlike.

"How do you know if you don't try—"

Xuanhu chuckled lightly, and the rapier stabbed towards Gu Zhong quickly.

Gu Zhong slashed his sword across his chest and tried to block.

"What? Is the God of War looking down on me?"

Uncomfortable trembling - she really wanted to kill Gu Zhong.

Ling Yan's wrist moved, Bai Lian shrank in an instant, the golden light and shadow reunited, and he found an opportunity to escape back to Xuanhu.

The offensive was blocked, Xuanhu was not discouraged, and waved his sword again.

This battle is endless, and no one can escape.

Ling Yan broke the magic barrier she set up, and if she failed to kill Gu Zhong by mistake, she had already lost her chances of winning, not to mention one against two, and always left Ling Yan hand.

After a few back and forth, Xuanhu was already stunned from left to right, Ling Yan's training belt knocked the golden sword in her hand, and slashed it sharply and quickly towards her heart.

Xuanhu watched helplessly as the training belt was getting closer, but she didn't have time to dodge.

Just when Bai Lian was able to stick to Xuanhu's clothes, a gorgeous light curtain suddenly bloomed, preventing this fatal blow.

The boundless fog and the starry sky are brought together. They stand on the long river of time, and the lost memories and fragments flicker in front of their eyes, and they can see the whole life in a flash.

, and ultimately returns to nothingness.

"This is...Xumi's fantasy?"

Ling Yan was the first to come back to her senses, and looked around at the Jiuxiao Temple, which was engraved in her deepest memory, even the texture of the bricks was exactly the same.

Xumi's fantasy, which can reproduce all the memories in the depths of people's minds, and build a virtual fantasy, which is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

And what they have experienced over the past 10,000 years is actually just a big dream, just a repeat of the Ragnarok.

Maybe there's a little bit of discrepancy-

"This ending is not what I expected. What a pity..."

"You almost made it."

Gu Zhong looked at Xuanhu with complicated eyes, the death in the illusion is also the real death, just one step away, she will really be able to get revenge, let Ling Yan work hard for 10,000 years Wasted.

"Xuanhu, the God Realm has been destroyed for ten thousand years! Life after life, after chasing and killing Gu Zhong for so long, isn't it enough?!"

Ling Yan recalled the scene just now, quite annoyed and frightened. Ten thousand years ago, she accidentally killed her because of the magic barrier of Xuanhu, and now she almost repeats the same mistake.

"One life, how can two clear? Of course, it takes thousands..."

"Then your life is not enough to pay me!"

Ling Yan's heart aroused, she knew that the Protoss owed Xuanhu, Gu Zhong owed Xuanhu, but Xuanhu also owed her, but she remembered that it was not a fake friendship.

She thought that everything would come to an end with the fall of the God Realm ten thousand years ago.

"You can pick it up again."

Xuanhu frowned, his eyes turned to Ling Yan, full of indifference.


Choked by her indifferent attitude, Ling Yan was very annoyed.

Ten thousand years ago, after Gu Zhong died, she personally took the life of the culprit in front of her.

However, after the hatred and anger in my heart are vented, there is only endless emptiness and confusion.

If it weren't for chance, she found a way to revive her lover, and had the belief of reshaping Gu Zhong to support her, I'm afraid she would have been wiped out.

At that moment, she let go of all the hatred in her heart, and only single-mindedly searched for Gu Zhong's soul.

In the past, right and wrong are indistinguishable, and each has its own position.

The so-called hate is nothing but the belief of those who have no love.

With love, hate is useless.


Gu Zhong raised the sword, she knew that it was useless to talk too much, and Xuanhu, who had nothing left, was completely unable to persuade.

If you want to fight, fight.

This game is about to end.


The thing called the system only gave a sharp whistle, and completely lost its life.

Gu Chong drew his sword and pulled Xuanhu back to her body.

The moment her soul returned to her body, a large amount of blood began to spew out of her mouth, and the whole person visibly declined.


Ling Yan took two steps forward, as if she wanted to rush in front of her to investigate the injury, just like when she met in the past, then she remembered something and stopped her steps abruptly.

"At least now you are free."

Gu Zhong lowered his eyes, hiding the sympathy in his eyes.

Xuanhu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed up to the sky. Gu Zhong actually remembered her casual remarks in a certain life, killing the system, but also killing her.

Yes, who can really endure someone thinking about their own life every day?

"True and false."

She snorted coldly, not appreciative.

Freedom, what an ironic word, it is what she has been looking for all her life, but it is only when she is about to die that she really gets it.

For hatred, she calculated too much and failed too much in her life, but she never retreated, she could only move forward.

If it were all over again—

—I would still choose.

The vitality is losing, the soul of Xuanhu gradually dissipates, and the consciousness is already blurred.

Vaguely, there seemed to be someone standing in front, who seemed to have waited for her for a long time, saw her coming, smiled and held her hand gently.

—The only thing I regret in my you...

As Xuanhu completely lost its vitality, the sturdy hall began to crack and became crumbling, like a precursor to the collapse of the illusion.

Gu Zhong took Ling Yan's hand, ready to take her out of such a dangerous situation.

However, Ling Yan held her back and shook her head slightly.


Gu Zhong asked in confusion.

"This is the scene of the fall of the gods that day."

Ling Yan said softly, with a sad tone.

"The realm of the gods was broken after Xuanhu died?"

Gu Zhong suddenly reacted, there seems to be a problem with the order.

"The Great Execution of the Gods, the eternity of annihilation. This is a deliberate formation, and Xuanhu himself is the eye of the formation? She is crazy!?"

"Take the soul as a sacrifice to subvert the realm of the gods, which is what she will do. Maybe my father has done too much evil and is too unreasonable, maybe I am not good at learning, and I am too cowardly. She doesn't have the courage to take revenge at all costs."

At this time, Ling Yan was a little ashamed, she was really not a loyal and filial person.

"Sometimes, being too obsessed with one thing is just bothering me."

Gu Zhong gently rubbed her head, his words full of emotion.

They stood silently on the spot, watching the glorious **** shatter and fall into the abyss.

Aura transforms into meteors, scattered into the world, showing a thriving scene everywhere.

Ling Yan took Gu Zhong's hand, intertwined her fingers and clenched tightly.

"Ayan, I'm here."

The man turned his head and smiled sweetly.


The author has something to say:

Done! Sprinkle flowers! My first truly finished novel, applaud myself! The entanglement between the four people is very complicated. I want to write in depth, but I don’t know how to express it best (the reason for the dystocia in the past two days)


Leave the crematorium to Xuanhu! If you are interested in the story of Xuanhu and Shaojun, you can click into the column and pay attention to the new article, "After the villain kills the protagonist", (by the way, help me draw a date for the opening of the article), thank you all! (Slide kneeling for collection)

ps: There may be some extras this week~