MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 117 The Swordsman and the Exorcist (3)

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"Miss Ling!"

Seeing that she was about to be in danger, Chu Cheng waved his sleeves and shot down the incoming branches, and his toes were about to run towards Ling Yan.

"Mr. Chu! Save me!"

There is also a trend of continued expansion.

The young man's face that was full of vigor and vitality turned pale in an instant.

If you don't save him again, I'm afraid he will become a human in a while.

the direction of the smoke.

The moment she was pulled down by Ling Ying's whereabouts, Ling Yan had already reacted.

Although she is only in her twenties, she has undergone a lot of rigorous training since she was a child.

Half Lingying.

"Hey! Even if you really saved me this time, don't think I'll be grateful to you!"

Under such a dangerous situation, Ling Ying is still a stinky mouth, so Ling Yan can't wait to bury him again on the spot.

"Thank you."

Although Ling Yan believes that she can escape the danger without Chucheng, but she is kind enough to save her, and she is not a arrogant eldest lady who doesn't know the world. Her face softened, and she should be thankful. .

"Mr. Chu, what should I do now?"

Even though these young people have undergone a lot of training, their talents and physiques are different from ordinary people, but people are still human beings. They have been attacked and entangled by these endless vines and branches, and their energy will always be exhausted. Really became the fish on the cutting board.

"We can't escape, we must kill the mountain demon completely."

This is Chu Cheng's answer.

Because they are too deep, almost in the middle of the mountain, it is almost impossible to overcome so many obstacles and run such a long distance.

It seems that there is no other way out than to meet the devil.

"Chu City, are you sure?"

Frowning, Ling Yan asked a crucial question.

"...not very sure, at most 50%. You have to give it a try, otherwise what's the difference between dying sooner and later?"

Smile, Chu Cheng is also helpless.

"Enough. Ling Ying, attract the devil!"

Ling Yan made a decisive decision and ordered Ling Ying resolutely.

The burning incense swirled in the air for a few times, and the thick aroma spread quickly, like a quiet cedar mixed with spicy pepper.

Ben was also chasing the demonized trees of the crowd, and they shifted their targets one after another, looking for the fragrance everywhere.

The tremors of the mountains, forests and the earth suddenly stopped, and after three breaths, a more violent shock erupted nearby.

The jungle was also quiet.

The colossus stretched out its arm made of rocks and knots, pinched it towards the incense candle in the air, and the fragile fine sign instantly turned into powder.

It let out a louder growl, full of deceived rage.

The Mountain Demon slowly twisted its small head, which was extremely incongruous with its huge body - it was said to be a head, but it was actually a rock close to an oval, like a statue that had been misplaced.

There are two holes in the head of the stone statue, and red flames are emerging, and it is beating and beating as it breathes and breathes.

The mountain demon who was caught off guard let out a painful growl, and the still forest moved again, turning into the eyes of the mountain demon, chasing and capturing the attacker.

Fire yourself.

If it weren't for the fire, the rest of the fire would be completely irrelevant to them.

The silver-white attack continued to fall on the mountain demon, Ling Yan continued to walk in the forest, diverting the attention of the mountain demon.

Mountain Demon's bulky body was a drag, but the rustling quicksand on the ground made it swim as smoothly as a fish in water.

It stared at Ling Yan's position, and from time to time, it summoned a cluster of spikes on the ground that Ling Yan had just stepped away from, or threw a boulder.

The rest of the people, just dodging the attack makes them exhausted, let alone helping.

"Mr. Chu, are you all right?"

"Coming soon!"

After placing the last magic weapon, Chu Cheng's right hand moved forward and shot a golden seal towards the mountain demon.


The golden light radiated from the ground in the form of five corners, and the loose quicksand became extremely solid, and the mountain demon was directly imprisoned inside, unable to move at all.


The colossus raised its arms to hold the golden seal, and the roar from the mountain demon's throat again seemed to be a little more painful.

The demonized jungle became weak, and some vines crawled towards the golden seal extremely slowly and firmly, twisting around as if to pull it apart.

When everyone saw this, they stopped hiding, rushed out of the jungle, and threw all their nirvana at the suppressed mountain demon mercilessly.

The Mountain Demon understands the same reason as them, so it ignores the pain caused by the rest of the attack, and uses all its strength to resist the golden seal.

The golden seal pressed down by one point, the mountain demon lifted it up by another point, the vines were pulled aside by one point, and Chu Cheng controlled the golden seal to break it back by one point, and so on and so forth.

Chu Cheng's right hand that held out the golden seal began to tremble, his face became like gold foil, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Mr. Chu!"

The golden seal was completely lifted, and before it was about to shatter, it returned to Chu City in its original small and exquisite appearance.

The Mountain Demon screamed in the sky, full of joy.

From its feet, the solidified earth began to crack, and it seemed that it was about to break free and kill.

"Ling Ying, take them away first."

Knowing that there is no hope of being an enemy again, Ling Yan ordered her clan brother with the determination to die.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have to leave first. If the honor of the family dies here, I will die at home when I go back!"

Although she has never dealt with it, Ling Ying still can't spit out ivory, but like Ling Yan, she is determined to advance and retreat together.

I will never give up my comrades even if I know that it is a mayfly shaking the tree.

"To die here today is not a failure of the duty of this magician."

Muttering in a low voice, Ling Ying took the lead in rushing towards the mountain demon without fear of death.

"Ling Ying, are you stupid? Come back!"

For Ling Ying, who is clearly a mage, but wants to learn the way of a warrior, Ling Yan can't wait to catch him and shake his head to see if it is filled with water.

The impassioned and heroic sacrifice has always only happened in words and imagination.

In fact, Ling Ying couldn't even get within half a zhang of the mountain demon, and was kicked out by a punch.

He spat out a mouthful of blood in the air, and then fell unconscious to the ground.

The Mountain Demon completely struggled from the solid ground, and the two flames on its small head burned even more violently.

It turned to look at the crowd in front of it, hatred firmly locked on Ling Yan and Chu Cheng.

The ground trembled again, and the forest that had been silent for a while came to life again, and a more violent attack than before was coming.

Especially Ling Yan and Chu Cheng received a lot of care.

Everyone has exhausted almost all their strength and suffered serious injuries. How can they deal with the increasingly violent mountain demon?

It seems that this group of geniuses will sleep in this deep mountain tonight, or be buried in the belly of a demon.

Ling Yan's footsteps are not as good as before, the speed of stepping on the branches of the trees is getting slower and slower, and she has been drawn many times by the branches.

The rest of the vines also crowded towards her as if they had received orders, as if to wrap her up completely and enjoy them as a delicacy.

"Miss Ling—"

Not far away, Chu Cheng let out a hoarse cry, but could no longer help.

Just as Ling Yan was about to close her eyes in resignation, a silver light flashed by her side, and the tree net around her instantly turned into powder.

A strange figure appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

It was a woman who looked extremely sassy, ​​wearing a black sleeved military uniform.

Different from the grace and splendor brought by the black brocade clothes of the National Teacher's House, what she reveals is the power that completely suppresses everything.

She stood there, like a mountain higher than a mountain, an ocean deeper than a rainstorm, and a land stronger than rocks.

The silver light returned to her hand, it was a sword, a fine sword.

The sharp blade shone coldly in the moonlight, with a chilling omen.

As if feeling some extreme danger, the mountain demon immediately sank to the ground, intending to escape.

The woman in black only gently handed her right hand forward, and the black bracer with black spar on her wrist shone like her sword.

The sword light was like electricity, straight through the body made of mountain magic rock.

All the movements of the Mountain Demon stopped, and the mountain stopped too.

The red flame seemed to be blown by the wind, flickering and returning to eternal silence.

The mountain-like body collapsed and shattered into powder.

Under her sword, rocks and trees are as fragile.

Killing a powerful mountain demon is as simple as stepping on an ant.

She put away her sword and looked at Ling Yan.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-03-2723:19:22~2022-03-2923:24:11~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: no name 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!