MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 100 The upstart CEO and the down-and-out daughter (6)

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Just tilting her head slightly, the girl beside her has closed her eyes, breathing long and well-proportioned.

Since Gu's family went bankrupt, Gu Zhong couldn't sleep peacefully every night, he had been struggling for a long time, until today he suddenly relaxed, and after a few sips, he fell asleep soundly during the conversation.

Ling Yan couldn't help laughing dumbly, slowed down the car a little, and drove more smoothly, for fear of waking this sleeping beauty.

The high-end apartment in the city center is the last place where Gu Zhong can stay.

Because this house is directly under the name of Gu Zhong, it was saved from being auctioned by the court.

Even if you are down and out, you must have a safe enough place to live, so Gu Zhong never sold it.


Opening his sleepy eyes, Gu Zhong looked at Ling Yan dazedly.


Ling Yan turned off the car and parked in front of the revolving door of the building. A security guard on night duty approached.

"Thank you Miss Ling for sending me off."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, reluctantly to drive away the remaining drowsiness, Gu Zhong opened the car door, ready to say goodbye.

"Miss Gu?"

The security guard who knew the residents of the building very well saw Gu Zhong and let out a surprised call with a burst of joy.

The tone of the familiar security guard was very strange, and an ominous premonition rose again in Gu Zhong's heart.

"Uncle Long, what's wrong?"

"Miss Gu, fortunately you are not here today. There are many troublemakers during the day, all clamoring to collect debts from you."

Uncle Long looked like he was frightened a lot.

After thinking about it, Gu Zhong understood what was going on.

Even though all the assets of the Gu family are auctioned by the court, they are still insolvent.

Presumably gathered here today are wage-seekers who lost their jobs due to the collapse of Gu's company, and some small creditors who are worried that they will not be able to get their arrears back.

I don't know who connected them and came here to make trouble together.

Even if this building in the heart of the city has excellent security, it cannot withstand so many people.

"Many brothers were injured, and the police came from behind, and they stopped. But they didn't go, they just sat across the road holding a sign, and they didn't wait until you swore to stop. "

Uncle Long shook his head as he spoke, and pointed to the sidewalk opposite the dimly lit street lamp.

Ling Yan came over when Uncle Long just started talking, she followed the line of sight of the old security guard, and there was no one there now.

After all, it is late at night, and the troublemakers must feel that they can’t take care of themselves today, so they leave for the time being.

"Miss Gu, your place of residence doesn't look very safe."

Thinking for a moment, Ling Yan frowned and stated a fact.

Heavy sigh, for the last safe place to be leaked, Gu Zhong is puzzled.

She has made calculations, anticipated all possible situations, and traveled with extreme caution.

How her life will be turned upside down in the future, Gu Zhong can already imagine.

"Miss Gu, why don't you live in another place?"

I am really worried about the future situation, Ling Yan suggested.


Gu Zhong looked at her suspiciously, and now he has no other place to live.

"I live in Linjiang Bay now. If you don't mind, you can live there with me."

Seeing Ling Yan's righteous proposal, Gu Zhong's brain was short-circuited for a moment, and suddenly he burst out laughing.

"Miss Ling, are you inviting me to live together?"

Uncle Long glanced at Gu Zhong from the left and Ling Yan from the right, only to feel that the atmosphere between these two close friends of the same **** was a little strange.

"I didn't mean-"

Ling Yan hurriedly wanted to explain, but was blocked by Gu Zhong's casual consent.

"Yes. Anyway, we are now in a lover relationship, don't you think? Miss Ling?"

The last sentence, Gu Zhong suddenly pulled into the distance between the two, and whispered softly against Ling Yan's ear, with a smile that could not be concealed.

Her actions and words made Ling Yan freeze in place as if she had been cast on a freezing spell, unable to move even a single minute.

Her soul seemed to float out of her body, looking at herself as stiff as a puppet.

Even if Gu Zhong greeted him and went up to pack up and salute, Ling Yan only replied blankly.

"The two ladies seem to be on good terms."

Uncle Long sighed on the side, making Ling Yan's already tangled state of mind even more tangled.

"Miss Gu is also a poor person—"

The old security guard walked back to his work station with a sigh, sat at the table and flipped through a brand new newspaper that still smelled of ink, leaving Ling Yan alone.

The wind blowing in the summer night not only failed to relieve the heat in her heart, but made her even more annoyed.

Sit back in the car, leaning on the soft seat back, Ling Yan tapped the steering wheel with her fingertips, closed her eyes and began to distance herself from the messy thoughts in her mind.

She didn't know why the situation turned out to be like this, she just wanted to use the name of affection to make Gu Zhong accept her kindness justifiably.

As a suitor, one’s status as a suitor is ultimately lower than the first class, and it is very easy to end up in a situation where personal wealth is empty.

Gu Zhong put forward an agreement to contract a lover, and said in a grandiose manner that he also wanted to further use Ling Yan's power.

In the end, she made Ling Yan feel dizzy. She only thought that what she said had a point of 120,000 points, so she signed the agreement.

With such a financial relationship, she was forced to stay by her side, and those who didn’t know thought she was a bully who robbed the girl, who knew that the girl who was robbed sent her to the door and fascinated her Dizzy.

In the end, Gu Zhong just didn't want to feel too guilty, but he felt that he had nothing to give, and she only wanted to be alone, and she was not so disgusted, so she simply offered it up.

I just didn't expect that she would enjoy this kind of relationship even more, but Ling Yan was at a loss because this was not her original wish.

As Gu Zhong said, no matter how you think about it, Ling Yan still suffers a little more—not only money, but also people.

It is clear that he is the creditor, but he seems to be a debtor and can't get any initiative.

Slapped her face, Lingyan pushed the messy thoughts out of her mind and returned to her original intention.

In this life, everything she did was just to protect her safety, and she couldn't let Xuanhu, who has not been traced so far, set up a plan.

"Miss Ling looks a little distressed?"

Gu Zhong's voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

Ling Yan turned her head and saw the person who was leaning on the window and looking at her with a smile.

"Ms. Gu's movements are very fast."

Unable to answer Gu Zhong's question, Ling Yan changed the subject.

"Nothing to bring, just some clothes."

Gu Zhong shrugged and replied.


Ling Yan retracted her hand like an electric shock.

"Miss Ling, are you shy?"

Seems to have found something interesting, Gu Zhong raised his eyebrows, threw the box into the trunk, and circled the woman in front of him with his hands.

Being oppressed, she could only cling to the rear of the car, Ling Yan's heart lake surged again.

She quickly reached out and pushed Gu Zhong away, hurriedly closed the trunk, and hurriedly walked towards the driver's seat, talking as she walked.

"It's getting late, we should hurry back—"

Seeing her escaping appearance, Gu Zhong chuckled happily, walking towards the co-pilot very briskly.

Linjiang Bay is the most luxurious villa area on Hong Kong Island.

On Hong Kong Island, where every square foot of land is so expensive, those who can afford villas can be called wealthy.

Not to mention Linjiang Bay is adjacent to the Xiangjiang River, in a lush mountain forest and trees.

There are not many villas for sale in this area, and it is very difficult to obtain one. Only the real dignitaries can stay.

It's just that the villa, which grew up with Gu Zhong since childhood, has become an asset for repaying debts. It is sealed and handed over to the court for auction, waiting for the new owner to arrive.

Looking at the familiar street scene along the way, Gu Zhong couldn't help but give birth to a kind of sorrow.

From a host who could go home at any time to a guest who can only stay temporarily, no one can know the mood in it.

As the white car approached, the security guard who had already known the arrival of the owner through monitoring pressed the electric button, and the solid iron door in front slowly opened.

Another advantage of Linjiang Bay is absolute safety.

No one will make trouble here, after all, most of the people who live here are people they can't afford to offend.

Parking the car and walking to the door, Ling Yan saw Gu Zhong's eyes scatter, looking at a dark building not far away.

"One day, you can buy it back."

Reacting that it was the Gu family villa that was mortgaged, Ling Yan comforted her softly, her words were full of convincing magic.

"Miss Ling, I'm thinking about something else."

Gu Zhong turned his gaze to her, and said leisurely.


Ling Yan replied in doubt.

"Do we need to share a bed tonight?"


The author has something to say:

Cough, it was originally a domineering president to force love, but... Ah Yan is really good...