MTL - Alien Snack Bar-Chapter 19 ups and downs

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This night, the North Gate Road was tossed until very late.

Qin Fei and Chu Youyu gradually went to sleep, but the black cat opened his eyes when he was still quiet.

Her eyes were green and oily, like two night pearls. The black cat smashed her hands and easily came to Qin Fei's pillow, and Qin Fei was completely unaware.

The black cat raised the cat's claws, and stretched out the sharp claws, and stroked around Qin Fei's neck.

The black cat suddenly remembered the taste of roasted sweet potatoes, and he did not hold back the saliva.

Eventually the black cat retracted his paws and turned away. Hey, killing you if you don't eat enough, it's too cheap for you.


Time flies to the second day, because yesterday was closed, a lot of ingredients were backlogged, and the crayfish died without treating it.

Qin Fei began to clean the ingredients in the morning with Chu and his decision to open the business to noon.

The black cat was on one side and his brow was close.

Can these things be eaten? Don't waste your time, hurry to bake sweet potatoes!

However, Qin Fei couldn't understand the meaning of the black cat howling. Instead, he and Chu Youxi joked: "I guess she is saying that Xiaoxiao's sister is so hardworking and lovely."

Chu’s face was ashamed: “Where is it, it’s clear that Qin’s big brother is so handsome and handsome.”

The black cat turned around and vomited, and I really couldn’t understand the way the two people were blowing each other.

At noon, this is also the period of high traffic flow in Beimen.

The diners flocked and found that the snack street was ruined, and most of the shops were closed and not open.

I can’t help but feel that if I can’t be beautiful at noon, there’s no enthusiasm for today’s work.

The diners were prepared to return, but they saw seven or eight tables in front of the outside snack bar.

"Qin boss, is it open at noon today?" asked a customer surprise.

"Yes, it is open from noon today."

I got a positive reply from Qin Fei. The diners were very excited. I didn’t eat the fried snails yesterday. I felt itchy for one night. I didn’t expect to eat at noon today. I quickly called my friends and quickly put the snack bar in front of me. Several tables are fully occupied.

"Qin boss, come to two pounds of fried snails, twenty beer crayfish, four bowls of white rice!"

"Four four more beers."

The diners rushed to order the order, and Chu Yu took a small notebook and mastered the needs of the customers, and immediately reported it to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei quickly delivered food according to demand.

The two men cooperated with the clouds and water, and there was no time to take care of the black cats screaming.

The black cat was too angry, but he took a sweet potato to the side of Qin Fei and scratched his leg: "Hey!"

"Do you want to eat roasted sweet potatoes?" Qin Fei finally understood what she meant.

The black cat nodded.

The fire of cooking is too fierce, the sweet potato will be burnt, and Qin Fei will say: "You will do it later, you should eat something else."

Qin Fei took a small bowl and put a few spicy crayfish on the ground.

The black cat snorted and expressed dissatisfaction. Does this tooth dance claw have a sweet potato?

But it hurts in the body, and it is urgent to replenish the physical strength, so I have to bite it up.

Suddenly, the black cat eyes are like copper bells. Why are crawfish so delicious?

Let’s lick it. After a few mouthfuls, I took the crayfish clean and then licked my claws.

Wait, I am a human being, why is it more and more like a cat?

The black cat immediately gave up the act of licking his paws and re-emerged as a cold arrogant: "Hey!"

Qin Fei probably understands that the black cat is not full. He smiled bitterly: "You little cat, I am now cooking the snail, can you eat the snail?"

Ha, there is nothing that Ben can't eat, bring it!

The black cat took the rice bowl to the feet of Qin Fei, indicating how much it was.

Qin Fei was speechless and gave it a few.

The snail's scent is more than the spicy crayfish, and the black cat rushes.

The snail shell is hard and hard, and the black cat gets up and down its hands, how can it not move.

Some diners saw this scene, laughing and laughing, picking up a piece of snail meat with a bamboo stick: "Kit, come to me to feed you?"

The black cat dismissed the white diners and glanced at the paws. They even smashed the snail meat.

Then put it in your mouth, oh oh yeah, enjoy your face.

"Hey, the boss of Qin Boss has become a finer, and he will open the snail!" The diners felt very incredible, and they were amazed.

"What's the matter? I learned a new trick. I don't need a bamboo stick to use my claws. I can eat the snail meat into my mouth." There was a diners who were not convinced and compared with a cat.

This caught the attention of everyone and said that they did not believe it.

But seeing the diners picking up a snail and putting it on his lips, squatting, sucking, licking, and snails ran out.

The diners applauded and felt very good. They also had the same kind of learning. They wanted to **** out the snail meat, but this is really a unique skill, not everyone can master it.

"Young man, talent, are you interested in working in my store? I will give you three or two silver for a month!" A middle-aged man dressed in wealth, suddenly put his hand on the shoulder of a young man who can **** the snail.

The guy looked at the people, some were flattered: "Yao boss?"

This Yao boss is the master of the Qinglou industry in Yunjiang County.

"But what can I do?" There are some little fairies in the brothel. They are a man. It is not appropriate. The young man said that he was puzzled.

Yao boss said a whisper in the boy's ear, the young man looked happy: "There is such a good errand? I am going to me!"

The rest of the diners were confused and asked: "Yao boss, what job is there, there is still a shortage of people, can you see me?"

Yao boss found a chair to sit down and shake a folding fan: "It is very lacking, but I have a request, as long as you can be like this young man, you can directly use the mouth to **** out the snail meat, you can go directly to work!"

Although I don't know what the job is, I can find a good job every month, and the diners are looking for Qin Fei to add a single: "Boss, come to the snail!"

Even if you can't **** it out now, you can definitely **** it out.

Qin Fei found that the consumption of the snail was somewhat faster, but the crayfish was left out, and he asked the sentence.

Chu Yuxi said things, Qin Fei was stunned.

Chu You岚 also asked: "Dr. Qin, what do you mean by the end, why do you have to **** out the snail meat with your mouth?"

Qin Fei's face flushed: "Don't ask me, I am such a pure person, how could I know that there is such a job!"

? ? ?

Chu Xiaoyu is more and more puzzled.

When the peak of the meal passed, Qin flew to the charcoal fire and only baked the sweet potato. The black cat suddenly looked at the fire, and stayed by the charcoal fire. Who would dare to move her sweet potato with the desperate posture.

Chu Cub was teased and laughed, and squatted in front of the black cat to talk to it.

After a while, the last group of diners had enough to eat and leave, and Qin Fei began to cook for himself.

But before this, Qin Fei smashed the baked sweet potato, and it was already cooked, and it was put into two bowls in the cat bowl.

The black cat is like a starving ghost, and he is not afraid of hot, and he squats.

After a few mouthfuls, I saw Qin Fei and Chu Youzhen looking at her. The black cat was a little embarrassed: "Hey?"

It seems that I am asking you to eat or not?

Qin Fei shook his head: "Nothing, you eat."

The black cat's heart is a little moved, and I will repay you if I have a good injury.

The black cat licks a whole roast sweet potato, the belly is rounded, and the wall must be supported.

Qin Fei cares and asks: "Is it full? Eat some more?"

The black cat shook his head and climbed to Qin Fei's lounge chair and squatted.

Qin Fei nodded and said to Chu Yuxi: "Great, let's eat hot and sour powder at noon."

There aren't many sweet potato fans. Now the black cat is so vomiting that it will not ask for a share.

Chu Youzhen, I look forward to it.

After a short time, Qin Fei had two bowls of hot and sour powder, and it was sizzling and screaming.

The smell of hot and sour fragrance floated over, the black cat sniffed, and the saliva wowed out.

It also wants to taste a taste, but the belly can not really move, and had to sigh with sorrow, the man really deceived paper!


In the afternoon, Qin Fei was in the store, and the street was crowded.

Chu Youxi said: "Qin Da Ge, I heard that the county lord has committed something and must be exiled to the frontier."

Qin Fei was immediately awake. He had contact with the county magistrate. He was a good official. In the years of Yunjiang County, the people lived very well.

"Is there anything that is said to have been committed?" Qin Fei asked.

"I will go and ask for inquiries." Chu Youxiao ran out, didn't go through a while, and ran back, and he was out of breath.

“I heard that the county’s esteemed people played a role in the court’s restaurant.”

Qin Fei sat up and the food policy was proposed by himself. However, it was impossible to get rid of the relationship. Where is the problem of edible food policy?

Qin Fei couldn't figure out, and quickly went to the street. The county's esteemed man was locked in a prisoner's car. Several officials were responsible for escorting The people crowded the prison cars and expressed disappointment.

Qin Fei came to the front: "The county magnate, I heard that the restaurant has a problem?"

County Supreme saw Qin Fei, shaking his head and sighing, not wanting to say more.

There is a scholar who is on Qin Feidao: "I just came back from the state government. I heard that insider information, the food policy is no problem, but this matter involves the party dispute, so there is a problem..."

The readings of the people have not finished, and there is a difference on the road: "What is the nonsense?!"

The scholar also had a bit of temperament and was not afraid. Instead, he said: "What did I say wrong? Is there any problem with the food policy? Is it unclear? The county lord is innocent!"

This sentence also attracted other people to join, and the excitement of the moment, surrounded the prisoner team.

Several officials were nervous and scolded: "Would you like to rebel?"

The county esteemed people quickly said: "Everyone is going back, don't make trouble, I am willing."

Under the persuasion of the county magnate, the people were quiet.

Qin Fei probably knew the cause and effect, but when he was angry, he was powerless.

After a moment of indulgence, Qin Fei quickly ran back to the store and made a bowl of hot and sour powder: "The county is a great man, eat it and go on the road."

A few official officials are about to stop, but when they look at the crowd, they are afraid of things, and they close their eyes.

The county esteemed people took the hot and sour powder and ate a bite, and the sadness of the heart suddenly dissipated.

Why don’t you take it out so early, can you not eat it anymore?

"Adults, sweet and sour, all taste." Qin Fei hugged his fist, "waiting for you to come back."

The county's esteemed people suddenly burst into tears and always drank the soup base cleanly: "Thank you."