MTL - Alien Snack Bar-Chapter 164 West Exit Longguan

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Because the people did not commit the military camp, they did not cause patrol alert, and all the way to the cliff behind the big camp.

There are two soldiers on the cliff, but they swear by the sentence: "The restricted area here, not close."

The Wen female figure is as fast as a ghost. The two soldiers failed to react. They didn’t scream and they were knocked to the ground.

"Hurry up." Wen woman jumped three times. Every time she was about to fall, she stabbed the sword into the cliff and borrowed strength to climb up again. After a few times, she had already reached the top.

In fact, in the body of Wen woman, perhaps with the individual can go up, it may be inconvenient for men and women to give away.

Qin Fei first carried Li Daren behind him and used the Dapeng to fly upwards.

With the sword hole left by Wen Xia, Qin Fei rose more easily, took Li Daren to the cliff, and fell down and took Yunjiang County to the top.

Subsequently, the group went to the joint location overnight and the rescue operation was a complete success.

Li Daren’s prestige is very high, and there are many rivers and lakes waiting for the joints. People are cheering and cheering.

Wen female man originally wanted to invite Jianghu heroes to celebrate Qin Fei, but Qin Fei refused. He didn't want to be famous for this thing, and then he was chased by the Regent.

Qin Fei gave the credit to Zhu Xiaotian, perhaps this is what the people of Jianghu hoped, and they were all happy.

Qin Fei was roasting a bonfire in the corner to drive out the chill. Yunjiang County woke up and looked around, crying and crying: "Boss Bo, why are you bringing me out?"

"Do your best, you are welcome." Qin Fei thought that the other party was moved to cry, but also made a few words of comfort.

Yunjiang County made a long sigh, considering that the other party was also kind, did not tell the truth, after a while, asked: "What is Yunjiang County now?"

Qin Fei said that the main book took over from Yunjiang County. Yunjiang County ordered a sigh of relief: "If he is there, I will be relieved."

"What are the plans for the adults?" Qin Fei asked.

The Yunjiang County Order is also very awkward. He does not have the same contacts and influence as Li Xiaoguang, but he has also been chased by the court, and the days behind him can be difficult.

"Return to Yunjiang, I heard that Yunjiang Wang is recruiting and recruiting horses. With the talents of adults, there must be a place for you." Qin Fei gave the proposal if he saw no intention of the other party.

As for Yunjiang Wang’s recruitment and recruitment, he spent some time in Tianlong City. The gossip has heard a lot, so I know.

Yunjiang County has shaken his head and smiled. It is a good choice to rely on the young emperor. However, there are many people in the family who are not necessarily able to see themselves.

Moreover, the self-supplied food policy led to the young Emperor and the Queen Mother being rebellious by the Regent, and they had to retreat to Yunjiang. They would not be guilty of their own sins. How can they have a place?

"Just borrowed from the boss of Qin." Yunjiang County ordered to think about it, and there was no other place to go, temporarily accepting Qin Fei's suggestion.

"If an adult wants to go back to Yunjiang, can you help me to send a letter to a few friends?" Qin Fei came out for several months, and missed the friends of Yunjiang. Greetings, let them take care of the former county. make.

They all said that it is easy to add icing on the cake, and it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow. Understand the mind of Qin Fei, Yunjiang County has moved to tears: "Thank you Qin Boss."

Resting for a moment at the meeting place, the heroes of the rivers and lakes are ready to **** Li Xiaoguang to the south, and it seems that they are also going to rely on the young emperor. Qin Fei will come forward and ask to bring the Yunjiang County Order together.

This is not a difficult thing, Wen woman arranged for the Yunjiang County Order to get on the carriage.

Qin Fei returned to Wanglongguan on the morning of the second day because he had his own itinerary.

The city has been martial law, and the defenders searched for fugitives everywhere.

Because Qin Fei did not reveal his face in the whole process, even if he went to the military camp, he simply modified his appearance, so even if he swaggered the city, no one would catch him.

I found a caravan and gave the pen to the road. Qin Fei successfully cleared the customs.

After walking far away, he suddenly looked back. I wonder if Tianlongguo would look like when he came back.


Qin Fei’s caravan was really clever, and it turned out to be Zhao’s business.

Because he is preconceived, he still likes this team very much, and he has a kind of intimacy.

But the two guys of the caravan arguing all the way, the arguments were big, and all their feelings were destroyed.

In fact, there is nothing big, that is, every time the guy on the left says something, the guy on the right likes to lift a bar.

For example, the young man on the left said that Tianlongguo tea is delicious. It is the favorite top grade in other countries. The young man on the right side has a good tea and can't eat.

The young man on the left whispered for a moment, and changed the topic, saying that the caravan of Tianlongguo would often be targeted by people from other countries.

The young man on the right smiled: "Flies don't care about the seamless eggs. Why don't they target others and target us? Isn't there a point in the heart?"

Although some caravans have shoddy, they have tarnished the reputation of the Tianlong Guoshang team, but they are not related to Zhao’s business.

The young man on the left didn't want to talk to him. He said to another person: "The dry food of our caravan is really unpalatable. I heard that other caravans have mare sugar, which is delicious."

The guy on the right is still open: "Oh, how are you so expensive? Do you know how many children in the mountains can't eat?"

The young man on the left pretended not to hear, and continued to chat with others: "My second grandfather adopted a stray dog, especially obedient."

Bar Jing said: "You are so enthusiastic about your second grandfather, why not help the elderly?"

The guy on the left can't bear it: "I want to say what you want, right?"

"I am telling the truth, not the bar. Is it only me who thinks so?"

The young man on the left shouted: "I love the Dragon Kingdom!"

Bar Jing: "What makes you love the Tianlong Kingdom? Isn't it that others don't love it? Is it interesting to smash others?"

The young man is so angry that he wants to vomit and quarrels with the bar.

But the young man can noisy over the bar, there is no way, please sit in the truck on the Qin Fei evaluation.

Qin Fei thought for a moment and said: "I will tell you a story. I know two people, one is Xiao Zhang and the other is Xiao Li."

"One day Xiao Zhang said that one plus one is equal to two. Xiao Li said that one plus one is equal to three. Then the two people quarreled for this and finally got to the county magistrate."

"The county magistrate knew this situation, and did not fight in one place, ordered Xiao Zhang to hit the 20th board."

The story is very simple. After a few words, the young man on the left wonders: "Why do you want to play a small Zhang in the county? One plus one is equal to two."

Qin Fei replied: "Because Xiao Zhang is full of support."

The young man on the left snorted and laughed, and he was not angry, and concentrated on the carriage.

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