MTL - Alien Snack Bar-Chapter 156 Good brother for 1 lifetime

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Are you selling here? After the auction, Zhao Ru came to Qin Fei’s shop alone and curiously looked around.

"Yeah, I have learned a few new things, can you taste it?" Although the snack bar is not open today, it does not prevent Qin Fei from cooking.

When I was full of local food, it was all that Zhao Ru had never tasted before. She had no image, like a child.

She drank some wine, her face was red, and after she had finished eating, she put her head on the table and looked at Qin Fei opposite.

Qin Fei was stared a little embarrassed: "I still want to eat something, I will do it for you."

Zhao Ru sweet smiled: "You."

Qin Fei smashed and glared at Zhao Ru on the second floor.

" didn't promise me?" The floor was uploaded to Zhao Ru's exclamation.

"I will be jealous."

Well, I’ve got WiFi next door.


The next day, Zhao Ru went to the carriage in the morning because of his work.

Everyone has their own ideals, Qin Fei will not force her to stay, this is also the charm of everyone.

Today, Qin Fei opened its doors and opened it. After the auction of Feixian liquid formula, this matter will come to an end, but some people still want to get the production process with heavy money.

This is a very bad mood for Qin Fei to do business. In a short while, he can't stand the door. Tianlong City can't wait.

But Qin Fei hasn't thought about where to go next place.

From south to north, although he did not travel all over the Tianlong country, he felt that it was almost the same. Now there are two choices, either ending the trip back to Yunjiang or choosing to go abroad.

After thinking about it, Qin Fei decided to go abroad to see and see different customs and food culture.


"The young master, has already confirmed, Feixian liquid is indeed brewed by Qin Fei, the owner of this snack bar." Chen's business team reported to Master Chen Da.

Master Chen Da looked at the closed snack bar: "What about people?"

"No, it should be inside." The man replied.

Master Chen Da smiled very embarrassedly: "Go and invite some of the family's offerings, and wait untilnight to go straight in."

Although Master Chen Da did not know where Zhao Ru came from, he even paid 120,000 yuan of gold, but he also gave birth to a plan. He thought that as long as he found the source, he could not get the formula without a prescription. .

Master Chen Da is proud of his wit.

Soon, night falls, there are fewer pedestrians on the street, and there are lights on the second floor of the snack bar.

Several masters in the family worshipped the shoulders of Master Chen Da and wore them directly from the second floor window.

Unexpectedly, there was no one on the second floor. There was only a dim yellow oil lamp. Looking at the lightness of the lamp, it should have been burning for a long time.

An old worship immediately turned over to the first floor to inquire about it, and did not find Qin Fei's figure.

But this is not the point. The point is that there is a letter on the table that says the formula of Feixian Liquid.

Master Chen Da reached out and wanted to get it. An old man offering under his hand said: "Beware of fraud!"

The old worship used the sabre to provoke the envelope. There was no hidden organ or something, and it was carefully examined whether it was highly toxic.

In the end, the old offering ruled out all the dangers before handing the envelope to the hands of Master Chen Da. The young Master Chen Da was satisfied with the nod, what is professional, this is professional!

But he was trying to open the envelope. Suddenly a few Jianguang opened the roof, and several black people killed from all sides: "Put the formula down."

It turned out that more than Chen was eyeing this Feixian liquid.

Several of Chen’s offerings immediately fought against the sword, but they were outnumbered. Some people fell down. In the end, an old devotion brought up the young master Chen Da, and they rushed to the city and escaped to the city’s main street.

Master Chen Da has a lingering fear, but fortunately, the formula has gotten his hand, even if there is sacrifice, it is worth it.

Master Chen Da returned to the family residence before he opened the envelope and directly fainted.

Three masters died, and they almost fell in, and the result was a blank sheet of paper.


In fact, Qin Fei left Tianlong City in the morning.

The reason why he was so quick was that he found that the price of Feixian liquid at the auction was too high, and some inexplicable masters in the vicinity of the snack bar were crouching.

Therefore, Qin Fei closed its doors and left the snack bar quietly with Dapeng’s body.

Now, Qin Fei is sitting on a carriage to the west. In addition to him, there are four young scholars.

A few scholars have a good relationship, and they haven’t finished talking all the time. When they ate, they gave Qin Fei a scone.

This scone should be freshly baked soon, very crisp. After Qin Fei had eaten, some of the roast duck meat was separated from the gift, and several young people were eaten and it was screaming again and again: "Big brother, what kind of meat is this? Why is it so delicious?"

Qin Fei replied: "Roast duck."

"I don't believe it, it must be roasted cranes, otherwise it can't be so delicious." Young people can talk very much, and Qin Fei laughs happily.

"Right, look at your eyebrows are similar, is it a four brother?" Qin Fei asked.

A few scholars look happy and put their heads together: "Is it really like four brothers?"

Then he said: "In fact, we have no blood relationship, just the classmates in the county, but there are always people who say that we are four brothers haha."

Qin Fei nodded: "Look at your feelings so good, not brothers, but also like brothers."

One of the scholars took it over: "Of course, the luckiest thing in my life is to know these brothers."

Anyway, the journey is boring, this scholar tells about their understanding process, and Qin Fei is also a boring solution.

"In fact, when we were studying in the county, the feelings were not good. Even for a girl to fight, there was no intersection in the back."

"Later, the county pushed us four people to study at the Academy in Tianlong City. On the first day of the first arrival, I accidentally lost the money bag."

"At the time, I was so anxious I was unfamiliar with life. I didn’t know what to do. They knew this situation. I took turns to take a month’s meal until I returned the money at my house. ""

As he said, the scholar’s ​​eyes were red, and the others snorted and said that there was nothing at all.

Looking at this scene, Qin Fei has mixed feelings. He also had such an experience when he was young.

When I lived in the school that year, the conditions were not good. I had to bring rice to eat rice. I didn’t know which one was a thousand knives. I stole Qin Fei’s lunch box.

Qin Fei was quite simple at that time. He didn’t dare to steal other people’s lunch boxes. He could only hungry.

Later, the boys in the dormitory knew about this matter. In fact, the relationship was not bad on weekdays, but everyone you scooped up, I took a spoonful, and it was hard to spell out a rice.

Some people are born, some are cooked, some are rough, some are rice bran.

It is the best rice rice in Qin Fei’s memory.

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