MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 465 scare him

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  Chapter 465 Scared him

  The maid, Lan Xi, brought in two cups of coffee. Luke drank the coffee and told Agatha what he had just done.

   Agatha did not expect that there would be such a special space in the Triumph Fortress. Although there are not many rock giants inside, these extraordinary creatures are extremely powerful, and they have extremely strong regeneration capabilities in areas full of rocks. If these rock giants rushed out when the barbarian army counterattacked the Triumph Fortress, it would definitely cause heavy damage to the northern army.

   "Fortunately, you know that there are rock giants hidden in the Triumph Fortress." Agatha said happily: "Now these rock giants are trapped in the Land of Dreams, what should they do next?"

  Luke replied: "Show your strength! Then just wait patiently and see who finally can't resist offering to meet."

  Agatha asked suspiciously: "We only have more than 200 guards, how can we show our strength to the Northern Army?"

  Luke smiled mysteriously: "You will find out tomorrow."

   Speaking of Luke, he opened the curtains a gap, and the sergeants of the Northern Territory Legion outside were still searching around. At the station, the Raging Waves City medical team had set up more than a dozen medical tents, and they were carrying and installing equipment overnight.

  Tomorrow, the medical tent can accept patients.

  Agatha leaned forward and saw the medical tent through the gap. Luke insisted on bringing this medical team.

  He said he wanted to show his strength to the Northern Army. Could it be this medical team?


   Agatha's head touches Luke's.

   Eyes facing each other...

  On the terrace on the mountain wall of the fortress, Emperor Sun Sinclair looked at the trains in the station, frowning tightly. He knew that Meteor would definitely cause something to happen, but he didn't expect him to do things so fast, and he suddenly disappeared inside the fortress.

   This means that Meteor knows Triumph Fortress better than the Northern Legion.

  His act was definitely provocative, in retaliation for the humiliation he received during the day's greeting. Now the Northern Legion has used almost all available means to search for the meteor, but has not found his whereabouts.

  Is the capability of the Imperial Secret Service so strong?

  If the Northern Legion is determined to fight against the Queen, Triumph Fortress is definitely not a safe base camp.

  At this time, General Joshuaer hurried over.

  Sinclair asked: "Have you found the meteor?"

   "No!" General Joshua's complexion was very bad, he hesitated before saying to Sinclair: "I just found out... Quinton, the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic, is also missing."

   "What!" Sinclair, who was looking at the train, immediately turned his head to look at Joshuar: "Isn't there a heavy guard guarding the place where Quinton lives? Why is he missing!"

Joshua said with some concern: "First, the meteorite disappeared in the fortress, and then the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic. There are definitely secret passages in the Triumph Fortress that we have not discovered. If these secret passages are used by the enemy, your highness will be safe." Can not guarantee.

  I will immediately send someone to **** you out of the fortress. "

   "No!" Sinclair refused: "In this case, I absolutely cannot go by myself. Don't worry, I am not so easy to be assassinated.

  I'm just worried that the disappearance of the Celtic Duke's envoy is related to the meteorite. "

  Joscher did not continue to persuade Sinclair to leave. A commander must not leave his army easily.

   "I am also worried that the disappearance of the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic is related to the meteor. If Quinton is captured by the meteor, we will be very passive."

   "It's useless to say anything now. Take all of Quinton's entourage under control, and send more people to protect the cabinet special envoy. He can't have any more accidents."

   "I've done everything."

  Sinclair nodded: "Let the soldiers rest."

   "Aren't you looking for meteorites?"

  Sinclair looked at the train below. The curtains of Princess Agatha's bedroom were drawn, and the light cast two shadows next to each other.

   "Don't look for it anymore, Meteor should go back!"

  The next morning.

  Although they were tossed around most of the night, the soldiers of the Northern Frontier Legion still went out on time. No matter in terms of discipline or quality, they were worthy of being one of the most elite legions in the empire.

  The morning practice was steaming. After breakfast, some soldiers who were not on duty gathered outside the medical tent at the station.

  Looking at these soldiers, their bodies are more or less disabled.

  It is inevitable to be injured in war, and it is enough to take a light rest for a while, and some serious injuries require amputation. Fortunately, with the development of mechanical technology, mechanical bodies can be used to replace amputated limbs.

  The Northern Legion is a first-class legion of the empire, and the cost of amputation and replacement of limbs is borne by the empire. However, because it is borne by the state, most of the mechanical limbs of soldiers are the cheapest, which are very different from real limbs.

  Mechanical limb failure and infection are the most troublesome things for every soldier who receives mechanical transformation of the body.

  So when they heard that the Raging City medical team had mechanical reformers who would replace the mechanical limbs for free, these soldiers came to watch very curiously.

  It's just... how come there is a little girl among these mechanical reformers, who looks like the leader, and is directing other mechanical reformers to do this and that around the equipment.

   Looks very unreliable.

  In the medical tent, sandpaper led the mechanical reformers to adjust the equipment. Ten operating tables were arranged side by side, and medical equipment and welding equipment were installed in their respective positions.

  After debugging all the equipment, Sandpaper saw that there were so many soldiers surrounded outside, and they all had mechanical bodies on them. A smile of finding something interesting was immediately on his face.

   "Those who need to replace the mechanical body come to my assistant to get a number plate. Come one by one, obey the order, and don't be crowded!"

  The characteristic sound of the sandpaper made the soldiers even more unbelievable about the little girl. But the soldiers did not leave, they all wanted to see if anyone stepped forward to wade for everyone.

  No one came forward to collect the number plate, and the atmosphere inside and outside the medical tent was extremely awkward.

  Sandpaper stared blankly at the soldiers outside. She had never encountered such a situation. As the most famous mechanical reformer on Diagonal Street, she had to make an appointment several days in advance if she wanted to have mechanical transformation surgery.

Seeing that these people don't know how to praise, the sandpaper pointed to a soldier standing in front and said: "The third-stage air pressure pipeline in the longitudinal road of your mechanical left leg is clogged, and the alchemy neurons have a seven percent failure rate. The main support metal skeleton Severe wear and tear on the joints of the soles of the feet.

  The insufficient output power of the built-in steam engine belongs to a small horse-drawn cart, and it is estimated that it will be scrapped after three years of repairs. "

  The soldier was taken aback. She was wearing a military uniform, and her left mechanical leg was completely covered by the trouser leg. This little girl was able to see the failure of her mechanical leg at a glance.

   "I, I..." The soldier didn't want to be the first to go to the operating table, so he stammered, "I'm going to go to the rear army hospital for repairs while I'm resting."

"It's repair or replacement, we don't force it, it's just a pity that we brought the latest mechanical prosthesis." Sandpaper snapped their fingers, and the two assistants lifted out a long box, opened it, took out a mechanical leg from inside, and installed it. On the debugger next to the operating table.

  Different from simple mechanical limbs where some pipelines will be exposed, this mechanical leg has a simulated shape, and the joints are made of soft metal.

  After the mechanical leg is installed on the test instrument, with the operation and adjustment of the assistant, the mechanical leg continues to make various movements, as smooth as a real leg, and even the toes can move. The assistant also controls the mechanical legs to make explosive movements, such as running, kicking, kicking... all are perfectly completed without exception.

Sandpaper introduced: "This is a mechanical prosthesis newly developed by Raging Waves City. It is driven by magic and steam. The skeleton uses honeycomb structure steel, which has the same weight density as human bone. The closed self-circulating steam rod used for power transmission, once It can be used normally for half a year after adding water. The auxiliary power is twelve groups of alchemy muscle fibers. They can not only provide instant explosive power, but also allow you to still have low-intensity mobility when the steam power system fails.

  Alchemy neurons use a non-piercing structure. It does not need to be directly connected to the physical nerves. The magic components inside can perfectly transmit all the instructions from the brain to the mechanical prosthesis. Therefore, there is no need to suffer pain when replacing and repairing, and there is no risk of infection.

  Soldier, I really don't know what you are hesitating about? Lie down on the operating table quickly, and I will perform this operation for you myself. "

  The soldier was very moved when he saw such a beautiful and flexible mechanical leg, especially the mechanical leg hooked his toes to himself.

  But when the girl said that she wanted to complete the operation for herself, the soldier immediately changed his expression: "I, I want to wait a little longer..."

   "Catch him up and put him on the operating table, the anesthetist is ready to administer anesthesia." Sandpaper ordered loudly.

   Before the soldier could finish speaking, two mechanic assistants rushed over and dragged him out of the crowd, and carried him to the operating table involuntarily.

  The anesthetist immediately stuck a needle in his neck, and the soldier completely lost consciousness after one tube of anesthetic was administered.

   "Miss Sandpaper, the anesthesia is over!"

   "Good! The operation begins!" Sandpaper snapped his fingers again, and the mechanical legs waiting for the installation gave a thumbs up.

  Then is the moment to witness the miracle.

  Sandpaper holds a chainsaw, cuts off the soldier's mechanical legs in a burst of sparks, and then removes the mechanical components connected to the body. The medical practitioner next to him quickly used magic to stop the bleeding from the wound, and then applied the potion. During this period, the sandpaper is used to polish the exposed leg bone with a grinding wheel, drill holes to install the magic induction element, and then install the protective layer and connecting rod.

  The assistant on the other side completes the debugging of the mechanical legs according to the soldier's body and height.

  Finally, the sandpaper holds the mechanical leg and puts it on the connecting rod. With a "click", the mechanical leg is connected and nested with the soldier's broken leg.

   This process took less than twenty minutes.

  The soldiers watching outside were stunned. You must know that when they installed the mechanical limbs, they often lay on the operating table for several hours. Moreover, in most cases, the installation cannot be completed at one time. Repeatedly cutting off the broken leg for adjustment and adaptation makes people feel extremely painful psychologically while suffering physical pain.

   Now I changed a leg in less than twenty minutes.

Does it work?

  The soldier on the operating table woke up after lifting the anesthesia. The bad memory before coma made him jump up from the operating table, jumped to the ground and fled.

  But he just took two steps before he realized something was wrong.

  When did my left leg grow out!

  He looked down, the trouser leg of his left leg was cut off, and the whole leg was the mechanical leg he saw just now, and his original mechanical leg was thrown on the ground like garbage.


  There was no sound inside or outside the medical tent.

  Everyone stared blankly at the soldier's new mechanical leg.


  Sandpaper snapped his fingers continuously: "Hey, hey, hey... The number of mechanical prosthetics we brought this time is limited, first-come-first-served, if you are late, you will have to wait for the new ones from Rough City.

   It may take more than ten days to wait! "

  The crowd suddenly surged and rushed towards the assistant in charge of issuing number plates.

  The benefits of Raging City's new mechanical prosthetics quickly spread in the Triumph Fortress. Soon the soldiers discovered that most of the mechanical reformers from Raging Wave City were mechanical clans. When they wore the overalls of mechanics, they couldn't tell that most of their bodies were mechanical.

  Raging Waves City's mechanical transformation technology is so strong?

Agatha, who followed Luke to visit the medical tent, was also shocked by the current mechanical transformation in Raging City. Looking at the mechanical prosthetic limbs that are almost the same as real limbs except for their appearance, Agatha felt that she was looking at the popular mechanical fantasy novel.

Luke greeted the mechanics and soldiers he knew or didn't know, and said to Agatha: "Do you still remember the Titan prototype I brought from Winterdu? The development of the Teachers Association has completed the development of a new generation of mechanical prosthetics.

  Her Royal Highness should be able to see the significance of the new generation of mechanical prosthetics. "

Agatha said: "If you can make mechanical prosthetics, you can make a highly simulated alchemy puppet. It can be more flexible than humans. It can do things that humans can do, and it can do things that humans cannot. In addition, people control The new generation of war machines has also entered the next generation, and most of the mechanical conduction structures of the war machines have been changed to magic conduction structures. The new generation of war machines completely suppresses the old models of war machines.

   Not to mention the steam-type Titan currently being developed in Raging Waves City, it is said that the development is almost completed. "

  Luke opened a box, which contained a mechanical arm, he picked it up and handed it to Agatha and said: "The technological explosion brought about by steam technology is still going on, and Rage City has opened up a new track of magic technology.

  With Sinclair's ability, he must also be able to see the technical content in this small robotic arm. The Northern Legion has already experienced the change of steam technology in warfare from the Barbarian Legion. He must know what kind of enemy the Northern Legion will face when his opponent has magic technology.

  Even if the Duke of Celtic lifts the factory restrictions, so what if the Tedgar Hills can support two armies at the level of the steam industry. Even if the Barbarian Legion and the Northern Legion form an alliance, they are not an opponent armed with magical technology. "

   Agatha took over the mechanical arm, which was much lighter than she expected, but very strong. Unlike old-fashioned mechanical prosthetics, it is necessary to subtract as much structure and function as possible for counterweight.

   "This arm should be very expensive."

   "Of course it's very expensive!" When it came to the price, Luke couldn't help showing a wry smile: "In order to scare Sinclair, Raging Waves City is bleeding a lot this time. What compensation does His Royal Highness Princess want to give Raging Waves City?"

   Agatha just smiled.

  (end of this chapter)