MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 339 old friend

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  The elemental fusion reactor has finally been officially developed. Luke believes that with Amelia's talent and the correct path he pointed out for him, this cross-age invention can appear a few years earlier.

   Then it's application, popularization and miniaturization.

  In addition, those inventions that need to rely on element fusion reactors to appear can also be approved in advance, and personnel can be arranged to accumulate pre-technology.

   and other element fusion reactors are built, and advanced magic alchemy techniques can be exploded at the fastest speed.

  As for Oulu College, Qingkong will arrange it.

   City Alchemist, supervised by Luke himself. Batch after batch of magic alchemists have been excavated from all over the world.

   One study after another, a research team was established under Luke's arrangement.

  Small floating device

  Point-to-point teleportation corridor

   Alchemy Life

   Unmanned Enchanting Machine


  A large number of magical alchemy researches that are all delusional in the eyes of Mrs. Mihir were forced to be approved by Luke. If some key figures are not invited by the government affairs hall, Luke will no longer be polite, and directly arrange for Viscount Iskran to send someone to find a way to "invite" them.

  Rage City is like a machine, operating under Luke's control, accumulating strength to meet various challenges in the future.

   While Luke was busy with city government affairs, the war in the northern border of the empire broke out as everyone expected.

  When the first snow fell in the northern border, the Yate County United assembled 800,000 troops, with 15 armored assault divisions as the main force, and launched a full-scale attack on the northern border defense line of the Golden Shield Empire from three directions.

  Although the ground has not completely frozen, which has affected the movement speed of the war fortress, the Yate County United is still in full swing, pushing the first line of defense of the Imperial Northern Army.

The Imperial Northern Legion knew that it could not stop the offensive of the Yate County Alliance on the border, so they withdrew all their main forces into the permanent fortress built on the second and third lines, trying to rely on a solid defense system to withstand the attack of the Yate County Alliance .

  The battle reports from the northern border passed through St. Lun City, and then were sent to Luke in Rage City.

  As soon as there is a new battle report, Luke will find Shelley, who is familiar with the northern border, and let her analyze the battle situation for him.

  The two surrounded the map on the table, and the staff officer placed models representing the military units of both sides according to the battle report.

  Looking at Shelley's expression, one can tell that the situation in the northern border is not optimistic.

"Yesterday, the 65th and 34th battle groups of the Art Corps captured Fort 987, Fort 874, and Fort 842 in the North; they severely damaged the Royal 7th Armored Assault Division; the 546th Infantry Regiment and the 478th Infantry Regiment in the North were almost completely destroyed. Annihilating.

   Both sides of Snow City are exposed in front of Art County United. The south side of Snow City is the Hainkui River, because the soft land along the river is not conducive to the movement of the war fortress, so it is still under the control of the Northern Army.

   Now Snow City is the only remaining city in the second-line defense system in the northern border. If this protrusion is held, the Art County United will not dare to invest too much troops in other places. But as long as another month passes, the land will be completely frozen, and the Yate County United can invest in the war fortress to attack Snow City.

  I think the Empire will definitely not give up Snow City easily. A month later, a large-scale battle will definitely break out here!

  Att County United should attack in the direction of…”

  Luke looked at the map and listened to Shelley's explanation.

   Both sides of Snow City have been completely occupied by Art County United, and the Northern Army of the Empire only maintains a triangular protrusion here. There are 100,000 imperial troops stationed in Snow City, including an armored assault division. At the same time, the Northern Legion also used the bridges on the part of the Hainkui River under control to continuously transport supplies to Snow City, just to prepare to defend Snow City to the death, stuck in the most uncomfortable place in the Yate County United.

  Luke waited for Shelley to finish his explanation, and said: "I just received the latest news from the Imperial Secret Service. The queen has entered Snow City with the vehicle delivering supplies."

  Shelley was very surprised when he heard that the Queen had entered Snow City.

"How could Her Royal Highness go to such a dangerous place! Although I estimate that the Yate County Union will launch a general attack on Snow City in a month, if the other party knows that the Queen of the Empire is in Snow City, it is very likely to launch an attack on the Hainkui River." Attack, cut off Snow City's connection with the rear.

  At that time, the queen was trapped in the isolated city..."

Luke said: "The Northern Legion has retreated to the third line, and behind it is an open plain. If Snow City falls, the Art County United can attack the last line of defense of the Northern Legion without any scruples. It may not be able to hold on.

   Therefore, Snow City must be defended, even if it is surrounded by enemy troops, it must be defended with all its strength. Although Her Royal Highness is taking risks, it is the best strategy. She is a great encouragement to the defenders of Snow City. "

  Shelley looked at the areas controlled by both sides on the map, and asked, "May Your Royal Highness be safe! My lord, when will we join the war?"

   "Wait for this winter to pass first. As long as the northern border can survive this winter, the situation will be much better. Our task now is to make money, turn the money we earn into combat power, and then participate in the war at the right time."

   Shelley asked worriedly: "Can the northern border survive this winter?"

   "I don't know..." Luke replied very easily: "It's not bad, and the city of St. Lun is in front. As long as we win the recent naval battle, we will have a very large strategic room for maneuver.

  Time is on our side. "

  Luke's strategy is beyond Shelley's understanding. She said: "Although I don't understand the strategy of adults, I believe in the wisdom of adults."

  At this time, Kailinna knocked on the door and walked in: "Master Governor, Director Pan and Director Yin are here, do you see them this time?"

  Since Luke returned to Rage City, Pan has visited the government affairs hall many times, but Luke always refuses to meet because he is busy with his affairs. Even though Yin came alone, Luke did not meet her.

   This time Luke thought about it and felt that there were some things to talk about, so he asked Kailinna to take Pan Heyin to the reception room.

   "Tell the two directors that I will go to see them after I discuss the situation in the northern border with my officers."

   "Yes, Governor!"

  Pan Heyin was brought to the reception room.

  Kelina poured tea for the two, and then told them: The governor will come in a while.

  Pan ignored Kailinna with a cold face, and Yin said apologetically: "Miss Kailina, you don't have to stay with us here. We are old friends with Governor Meteor, and you can go to your work."

   "Thank you for your understanding. There is really too much work during this time. Please wait here for a while..." Kailinna smiled and left.

  After the door was closed, Yin sat down on the sofa next to the coffee table, scooped out a lump of sugar from the sugar box with a small spoon, put it into the teacup, and stirred it slowly.

  The quiet appearance is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

"Pan, why are you so angry? Is it because of Meteor's neglect of you? You should know that the Golden Shield Empire is being invaded by the Art County League. Meteor is the governor of Raging Waves City and the cabinet minister of the Golden Shield Empire. Work.

  The House of Elders just asked us to ask Governor Meteor for information about the recovery of the World Tree. This matter does not seem to be in a hurry.

  You always remind me that as a Shuojin person, you must control your emotions. This time it is your heart that is upset! "

  Yin brought the tea mixed with sugar to Pan, and at the same time reminded his brother that restless emotions should not use Shuojinren's practice.

  Pan realized that his mood swings were indeed too big, and Yin had already noticed. He took a sip of the tea and put the cup on the table.

   " don't know those old guys in the elders' house, they actually attach great importance to the recovery of the world tree.

   Didn't you notice?

  Among the messages sent by the elders’ house in the past, there must have been one of them urging us to find that thing, and the words became more and more harsh, but this time...they didn’t mention that thing at all. "

  Yin noticed that the recent order sent by the Elder's House did not mention the lost dragon soul.

   "Could it be that the World Tree is more important to the House of Elders than the Dragon Soul?"

  Pan said thoughtfully: "There is too little information, I can't make a judgment. It is our fault that we can't find the Dragon Soul. The World Tree can't go wrong anymore, otherwise we can't explain to the elders' house.

   This is the reason for my confusion. "

  yin mixed his own tea, and said: "The Elder's House only said that the Dragon Soul is in Raging Waves City, but Raging Waves City is so big, how could it be so easy to find. Maybe the person who stole the Dragon Soul has already left here with the Dragon Soul.

  As for the world tree...

  Miss Qingkong is the queen of the Moonlight Royal Court, and Meteor is the chief assistant of the Moonlight Royal Court. According to our relationship with them, this task is much easier than finding the Dragon Soul. "

   "Is it easy?" Pan thought that he was facing a meteor, and felt that things would definitely not be simple. And what upset him wasn't World Tree at all.

  At this time, the door was pushed open, and Pan immediately felt the ripples in Yin's heart, which was still as still as water just now.

  yin stood up and saluted: "Your Excellency!"

  Pan also stood up when he saw the people coming in: "Your Excellency!"

  Luke chuckled: "Sit, sit, sit... We are old friends, so don't be so polite."

  Pan said stingingly in his words: "It's so difficult for an old friend to see you. If it were an ordinary friend, we might not even be able to enter the door of the government affairs hall."

   "Pan..." the voice reminded his brother in a low voice.

  Luke sat down, still with a smile on his face: "It is because you are old friends and can understand my difficulties that I made you wait a few days longer.

  I am now the Minister of the Imperial Cabinet, the Director of the Sixth Division of the Imperial Secret Service, and the Governor of Raging Waves City. Things in the three directions are all stuffed to me, I am so busy that even sleeping is a luxury of leisure.

   Sorry for neglecting an old friend! sorry! "

  Yin also persuaded: "Yes, Pan! Governor Meteor has several important responsibilities, and the Golden Shield Empire is in an extraordinary period. He must be busy and ignore us.

  We will take the task assigned by the Elders’ House and explain to Governor Meteor as soon as possible, so as not to delay the work of the Governor. "

  Pan also wanted to put on a high profile and pinch Meteor, but he didn't expect his sister to turn her elbow outward.

His momentum was completely vented, so he had no choice but to say calmly: "We have received orders from the Shuojin Presbyterian Church, hoping to learn as much as possible about the recovery of the World Tree in the Ancestor Grassland. The World Bank of St. Her Majesty the Queen said that she has entrusted you with the diplomatic authority of the Moonlight Court, so we are here."

Yin added: "The World Tree is an extraordinary creature that existed in ancient times and has witnessed the rise and fall of the entire ancient civilization. The Presbyterian Court believes that the World Tree is the same era partner of the Shuojin people, and hopes to establish a friendly relationship with the Moonlight Royal Court. "

  After listening to Pan Heyin's words, Luke's complexion changed and he said: "When it comes to the World Tree, I have to talk to you Shuojin people about ancient wars as the chief assistant of the Queen of the Moonlight Court.

  According to the information we know and all the historical records we can find, World Tree maintained absolute neutrality in ancient wars. It did not attack either side, nor would it attack, but it was destroyed by you.

   You attacked an extraordinary creature that existed since ancient times for no reason, and even let the fire burn on it for at least five years. What kind of pain is this? And... How many dependents of the World Tree were directly killed in that war, and how many dependents died because the World Tree was destroyed?

  Now you all want to establish a friendly relationship with the Moonlight Royal Court without any indication, this is simply an insult to the World Tree! "

  Pan looked at the meteorite who was filled with righteous indignation in astonishment, his face was covered with saliva that suddenly sprayed over him, and it took him a while to realize what the meteorite was talking about?

  Pan took the handkerchief from Yin and wiped his face, and retorted: "This happened thousands of years ago, what does it have to do with the current Shuojin people?"

Luke sprayed again: "Although the branches of the world tree were destroyed thousands of years ago, its root system is still there, and it still protects the grasslands of the ancestors and the western border. For thousands of years, it has suffered every day. Pain, part of this pain is the responsibility of you Shijin people.

  As long as you still admit that you are Shuojin people, you must bear the crimes committed by your ancestors! "

"Please pay attention to your demeanor!" Pan, who was sprayed with saliva again, couldn't help shouting: "For thousands of years, the Shuojin people have been examining the mistakes they made in ancient wars, and trying their best to make up for them. The wounds left by the world. The prosperity of the world today is inseparable from the contribution of Shuojin people.

  Establishing friendly relations with the Glittering people will have many benefits for the Moonlight Royal Court, but don't try to convict the Glittering people. "

  Pan showed the momentum of a high civilization.

  Although the Shining Gold civilization has declined now, it is compared with the prosperous period. In this era, the Shuojin civilization is still an extremely powerful existence.

  The strong admitting their faults is showing mercy to the weak. It is the moving and sublimation of self-morality. But the weak are not qualified to judge the right and wrong of the strong, let alone say that the strong have committed a crime!

But whoever wanted to sound said: "Pan... I think the Shuojin people have indeed committed crimes against the World Tree. People of any age know that the World Tree is harmless, and its passing is an indelible regret to the entire world and pain.

   Now that the World Tree is recovering, the Moonlight Royal Court requires the Shining Gold people to take responsibility, which I think is reasonable. If we can really help the revived World Tree, we can also make up for the mistakes made by our ancestors within our ability. "

   Pan glared at Yin angrily!

   Feeling Pan's angry voice, he immediately shut up, but couldn't help but said: "We can report the request of the Moonlight Royal Court to the elders' house, and the elders will make the decision."