MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 88 arrest plan

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Lu Jing drove away, Jiang Jinyi stood alone for a long time, wiped the tears from her eyes, and stared blankly at the villa in front of her.

Empty and lonely.

It was completely different from the first time I saw it.

Really, I can't breathe.

Is Jiang Youwan going to move out?

If it wasn't for Jiang Youwan to move out, how could Lu Jing take out his luggage from his own home?

This door has a password and fingerprints, how could Lujing know.

Jiang Youwan told her, or Jiang Youwan helped her open the lock.

Jiang Jinyi remembered that when she and Jiang Youwan tortured each other some time ago, she repeatedly told her to get out.

I called many times, said a lot of harsh words, and a lot of ugly words.

Every time she didn't leave, this time, she moved.

Jiang Jinyi felt cold on the soles of her feet, cold all over her limbs, frozen into her bone marrow, and her body trembled.

The glands were gouged out, and the person was left unattended for two months, leaving her to go through the most difficult and vulnerable period by herself.

Now that she is leaving, I want to find her.

I want to find her to make things clear, I want to find her, and tell her that her mother is not dead.

I want to tell her that I don't have to hate her anymore, they can find a way together, I want to tell her that they still have the possibility to be together.

But do these thoughts really make sense now?

Jiang Jinyi became suspicious.

Abandoned for two months, waited for two months, disappointed for two months, is Jiang Youwan's heart dead?

Anyone will give up.

No one is waiting for you all the time.

Jiang Jinyi was very sad, very sad, she stood there and did not move, the driver of Fu family worried that she would catch a cold, and persuaded her to go back to the car several times, but she did not move, took out He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Jiang Youwan, and entered the string of numbers he had memorized.

But pressing the dial button really takes courage.

Her courage has been damaged by most of Lujing here, and she is crumbling.

She was really afraid, and Jiang Youwan said the same thing as Lu Jing again.

I closed my eyes and pressed it.

The bell rang about three times, and there was a mechanical sound colder than the cold wind from the phone: "Hello, the user you dialed has been turned off..."

Time froze for a while, Jiang Jinyi raised her hand and wiped away the tears with the back of her hand.

The driver of the Fu family was in a wrong state. She got out of the car and half persuaded and half pulled the person back into the car.

Jiang Jinyi did not struggle, leaned on the seat, raised her head in pain, and closed her eyes.

The driver turned up the heating in the car and asked nervously, "Miss, are you alright?"

Jiang Jinyi felt a little uncomfortable.

But she doesn't want to say a word now.

The driver took the person back to Fu's house.

Back to Fu's house, her condition is already very bad, and she can't stand.


Drinking a bowl of **** soup, her mind was still confused, but as soon as she lay down on the bed, she fell into a deep sleep after a while.

In the evening, when Fu Mingyue came back, she heard from the servant that Miss Jiang did not seem to be in good condition today, she immediately went upstairs to check, and saw Jiang Jinyi was sleeping under the quilt, her expression on her face. The flushing, Fu Mingyue measured it with her hand, only to find that she had a fever.

Fu Mingyue was very worried about her, patted her cheek to wake her up, Jiang Jinyi half-opened her eyes, confused, had a headache, and was extremely uncomfortable.

I only opened my eyes for a second or two, reluctantly answered a question from Fu Mingyue, then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

After the doctor came, she took her temperature. It was more than 37 degrees, which was not considered a high fever, so she took antipyretics and observed it first.

Fu Mingyue did not sleep in the second half of the night. She took her body temperature every hour and found that her body temperature was repeated repeatedly. When it was close to dawn, it had reached a high temperature of nearly forty degrees.

Fu Mingyue sent the person directly to the hospital. It was a viral cold and received an drip.

Because of the damaged glands, Jiang Jinyi's resistance is really bad.

As I am now, I have a cold and a fever.

Then the body temperature is repeated, it has been unstable, and it is difficult to recover.

Jiang Jinyi was very uncomfortable, dizzy, had no appetite, no strength, and couldn't even look at the phone.

Fu Mingyue will accompany her, Grandma Fu will accompany her, Xu An and Ji Xiaoqin will also come to see her, but when she is awake, she still spends most of her time staring at the ceiling or the window in a daze.

It's very uncomfortable and she doesn't want to wake up, but she has been sleeping for a long time, and she has to wake up if she doesn't want to.

People always become very vulnerable when they are sick, and they especially miss the person in their hearts.

But she can't see it.

Jiang Youwan won't come to see her, just like she didn't see Jiang Youwan for more than a month before.

Her unanswered call has never been returned.

But she did not reject this feeling, but felt it, because she knew that this feeling was less than one ten thousandth of what Jiang Youwan had experienced before.

This cold, she was sick for about a week before she got better, Fu Mingyue was already afraid of her, she was not allowed to go out in the short term, and she was not allowed to be stimulated, she must take care of her body first .

Jiang Jinyi knew that Fu Mingyue was worried about her and didn't want Fu Mingyue to worry, so she stayed at home to recuperate.

Secretary Song is asked every day about the progress of her mother's whereabouts.

About half a month later, on the eve of the Spring Festival, Jiang Jinyi's body is better than before, and she will not feel uncomfortable when she wears more clothes and goes out for a longer time.

But compared to the average person, it still looks vulnerable.

Jiang Jinyi thought, Jiang Youwan should have already moved out.

Where does she live now? do not know. But she must still be working at Jiang's. Even if you don't know where she lives, if you go to Jiang's, you can still meet her.

Jiang Jinyi can accept the final result.

Jiang Jinyi wore a thick lamb wool coat, scarf and mask, got out of the car and walked a short distance on the road, the top of her head was covered with snowflakes and her eyelashes Like a layer of rock candy, a pair of peach blossom eyes are even more affectionate and sweet.

Today is Monday, and it is work time. Jiang Youwan is the busiest on Monday, and there is a high chance that he will be in the company.

Even if she wasn't... Jiang Jinyi thought, she would have the cheek to ask people for her address. In short, she wanted to meet Jiang Youwan.

She made up her mind.

Entering the company, as Jiang Jinyi expected, everyone began to talk about it, she was not angry, just asked the front desk: " my sister here?"

The front desk quickly regained her amazement and said politely, "You mean Mr. Jiang, right? Mr. Jiang is here, he should be in the office, should I contact her now?"

Jiang Jinyi nodded: "Yes."

The front desk dialed Jiang Youwan's phone, Jiang Jinyi could vaguely hear Jiang Youwan's familiar voice over the phone, her heartbeat was getting faster and she was very nervous, she curled up in the sleeve of her coat to face Hands clenched fists.

"Director Jiang, the second miss has come to the company, she wants to go up to see you now, do you think it is convenient?"

After the front desk asked this question, Jiang Youwan on the other side of the phone was silent.

After a few seconds of silence, Jiang Jinyi really wanted to know what Jiang Youwan was thinking and how she was feeling.

It was quiet for a few seconds, so quiet that she felt her heartbeat jump out of her chest. Suddenly, Jiang Jinyi's cell phone rang. She wanted to hang up subconsciously, but when she looked down, she found that the caller was Secretary Song. The nerves of the whole body suddenly became more tense, and the answer button was pressed.

Secretary Song's voice and Jiang Youwan's response on the phone at the front desk rang at the same time, but Jiang Jinyi only heard what Secretary Song said.

She said: "Little Jin, I know where your mother is hidden, come back quickly, we will start now, we can't delay for a moment!"

Do you know where my mother is?

Jiang Jinyi was stunned for half a second, then quickly put away the phone, stepped forward to grab the front desk's hand, and said to her urgently and seriously: "Tell her, I have It's urgent, I have to go first, and when I come back, I will come back to find her!"

"I'll make it all clear then!"

Seeing the front desk stunned, Jiang Jinyi shook her shoulders and said loudly, "Did you hear that?"

The front desk nodded, "Mmmm!"

"Thank you!" Leaving this sentence, Jiang Jinyi almost ran out of the gate of Jiang's family, got into the car, and instructed the driver to find Secretary Song.

The front desk watched Jiang Jinyi leave, a little inexplicable, she was stunned for a while, the colleagues next door came up, and she was led to gossip for a while, before she remembered to take Jiang Jinyi He repeated the message to Jiang Youwan and put the phone to his ear again, only to find that he never hung up.

Before the front desk finished speaking, Jiang Youwan interrupted her: "I have heard."

"Oh, well..."

Jiang Youwan said nothing and hung up the phone.

"You know what? Mr. Jiang's tone was really cold just now. It was so cold that I felt cold for the second lady..."

"Of course it's cold. You said that the second lady has done so much, what should President Jiang do to her?"

"I don't know what she wants to do when she comes back to Mr. Jiang now. Looking at it, does she have something to say? Want to get back together?"

"If you want to get back together, don't show any sincerity. Look at this, you leave President Jiang and run away."

The two were gossiping, and one of them suddenly noticed something and patted the other, "Hey, shh!"

Jiang Youwan did not know when he had come down from the top floor. The speed was so fast, it should be the moment he hung up the phone.

Jiang Youwan's fox eyes were half-squinted, he strode past the frightened front desk, walked out the door, stood at the door, and looked at the direction Jiang Jinyi was leaving.

It's like remembering the smell of the prey and planning the capture plan in his mind.

The author has something to say:

This arrest plan is not an ordinary method.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 fallen leaves crossing the edge of the bridge;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Chuan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5907790892 bottles; H.66 bottles; Benzene 53 bottles; Simple-Life 30 bottles; liaooo, Xiaozhi, 47331662, Gfhchj, Jingxiu, Hao 10 bottles; Mirai 9 bottles; Si 7 bottles; Fu Sinian, Nailin, take me away, the most familiar strangers 5 bottles; Yu Li 4 bottles; ks, Bandong 3 bottles; 48569637, Sanling, 34955369, ZY, Cixiu, Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, 507983792 bottles; not bald, have you updated twice today, I know, zzz11122, Sentinel, Si Mao, Shen Xiaoguai, dare to abandon the pit and beat you Oh! , a certain Lacleus, Pheasant, LLI1204, Yichuannei, Yuan Xiaoguai, Snow in Reykjavik, I miss HX1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!