MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 348 Ares Terrace

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Falling in love with you reading network, after the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be nine thousand years old

Zuo Daoqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then suddenly punched out. The combination of the physical body at the top of the tower, mana, and Guang Mofeng produced an unparalleled powerful force.

But this is the imperial palace after all, Zuo Dodge didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and compressed his power within a controllable range to avoid causing too much damage to the surroundings.

"Then do you know who I am?"

The big man's face was unruly, his fists turned into sharp claws, the tiger's stripes seemed real, and there was a faint roar of tigers as he moved.

Thousands of fish suddenly jumped out of the nearby lake, as if infected by its aura.

"I don't care who you are!"

When the fists and claws were about to collide in the air, the two changed their attack directions in a tacit understanding. Left Dodge attacked the bottom, and the big man attacked his face.

The wind is on the line of life and death, and the roar of the tiger frightens the four fields.

The figures of the two retreated at the same time, and their faces gradually became dignified.

"The opponent is very strong."

This is the common thought of the two at the moment.

At the right time, several eunuchs came over from behind and hurriedly stopped the two who were about to fight.

"You two, move slowly, move slowly."

A young **** looked at Zuo Dodge, first saluted Ji Lingshu respectfully, and then hurriedly said, "Your Highness, forgive me, this person is the special envoy of the Tiger Clan of the Demon Kingdom, and I don't know the rules of the Jin Dynasty."

"Special envoy, this is my Highness Princess Xiyuan of Jin Dynasty, I dare not do anything again."

Zuo Daoqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt disgusted with the young eunuchs in front of him. He originally thought that the Jin army was strong and had not suffered defeat for a long time outside, but he did not expect that there were still people in the palace who flattered the Yao Kingdom.

"Who are you?"

"Younian, the junior servant of the Sanshengyuan of the small clan's mansion."

But the big man from the demon country suddenly roared, "It turns out that she is a princess, no wonder she is so charming, I can't help myself, you little boy, why don't you quickly get out of the way!"

Zuo Dodge stared.

But before he could react, there seemed to be faint cries of ghosts and gods, and the sky and earth suddenly went dark.

Immediately, a sword cut through the heavens and the earth, appearing from nothingness.

Life and death are swords.

Zuo Dodge was amazed by the extremely bright sword.


A wound about tens of centimeters long appeared on the arm of the tiger clan man, and he looked at Ji Lingshu in awe.

It has to be said that Ji Lingshu's sword not only amazed the tiger man, but also Zuo Daoqi.

"Speak nonsense and you will die."

When the cold and extremely indifferent voice came out, Zuo Daoqi felt a strange sense of security in his heart.

He couldn't help but look at the girl who was protecting herself behind her with a sword. he so strong?

Although it was due to the carelessness of the big man of the tiger clan, the more important thing was the strangeness and unsearchability of Ji Lingshu's sword.

The tiger tribe man covered his wound and glared at Ji Lingshu, but remembered his identity, so he raised his scarlet eyes and looked at Zuo Daoqi behind Ji Lingshu.

"Do you just dare to hide behind women?"

Zuo Dodge chuckled, put his hand on Ji Lingshu's shoulder, and said softly, "I can do it myself."

Ji Lingshu looked at him, then smiled slightly, and walked back.

But at the moment when he and Zuo Daoqi were in the same body, Zuo Daoqi's complexion suddenly changed.

He suddenly pulled up the hem of his robe, "What's your name?"

"Tiger Leap!"

"Okay... I'll make a note of it."

At the critical moment, Zuo Dodge suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

It was only because there were several figures coming slowly from afar.

There were many people, but there were only two people at the head, and they were also the two most powerful people in the world today, the Zhengming Emperor Ji Lingjun and the Great Jin Chief Assistant Zhang Weizheng.

Ji Lingjun seemed to be unable to see the swords and arrows in the arena, and chatted with Zhang Weizheng and said with a smile, "Zhang Xiang, my Eighth Prince Uncle lived here in the past? It's a place with clear lakes and beautiful waters."

The paler Zhang Wei has countless wrinkles on his front, and his gray hair is several times more than before, but his temperament has become more erratic, making it impossible to look directly at his awn.

Whether it was Zuo Daoqi or the Tiger Clan Huyue, at this moment, they all looked at Zhang Weizheng with respect.

Huyue saw Zhang Wei on the battlefield with his own eyes, how he used his soldiers like a god, and how he planned his strategies!

The monster clan worships the strong, even Zhang Weizheng who almost broke the backbone of the mountain and sea monster kingdom.

"I have seen His Majesty and the Chief Assistant."

Zuo Dodge and the others kowtowed down and spoke almost at the same time.

The emperor seemed to have just seen the crowd, and showed a smile, "So it's Zuo Qing and Hu Yue, what, why are you here?"

Ji Lingshu opened her mouth to explain for Zuo Dodge, her face was pale, and she suppressed a kind of inconspicuous blush, "It was the emperor who remembered what happened in the cold palace before, and wanted to eat the fish in this lake, so she sighed." Left Dodge to help me grill some fish."

Hu Yue grinned, revealing a stern look, "His Majesty Da Jin is kind enough to allow me to walk in Xiyuan, and when I was bored, I came across a gate and came in to have a look."

Ji Lingjun nodded slightly, "Oh? I see. Since we met, let's go for a walk together."

Zuo Daoqi and the others naturally couldn't refuse, but Ji Lingshu said softly, "The emperor's brother wants to discuss important national affairs, so the emperor's sister won't join in, so I will send Zuo Daoqi out of the palace."

Ji Lingjun looked at Ji Lingshu, with a slight smile on his face, "Well, let's go."

Just about to leave, Ji Lingshu suddenly felt something was wrong, turned her head to look, and saw that Zuo Daoqi's body hadn't moved at all, the whole person stood in place, slowly raised his head, and said every word.

"Dare to ask His Majesty, dare to ask Zhang Xiang, can this beast be killed?"

Ji Lingjun's complexion changed drastically.

Such words are undoubtedly a kind of coercion. In front of Zhang Weizheng, the chief assistant who has killed too many monster clans, it is obvious that he wants to kill a monster clan envoy, and let the emperor make a choice?

In an instant, Ji Lingjun's face turned cold.

"What's wrong with the tiger leaping? Zuo Qing was so angry, why not say..."

Enraged by Zuo Dodge's provocation, Huyue immediately ignored the Dajin chassis, and half of the monster features instantly appeared on his hands, "You want to kill me? I want to kill you too! Go to the God of War platform!"

The God of War Terrace is the custom of the demon clan to determine the throne. After all, the blood of the demon clan has a long history and there are many demon kings, but the demon king must be the strongest demon king.

The most important thing is that when you go to the God of War platform, you are not afraid of death!

At this time, Zhang Weizheng's old voice came out, "Young people are always full of blood. Didn't your majesty plan to give the three-coin sword a few days ago? I think Zuo Daoqi and Huyue are intending to have a showdown. Why don't you use it?" Three money swords, warm up the Tianyuan Conference."

This remark gave Ji Lingjun some face, and if it was spread, it could be regarded as a disguised improvement of the royal power.

In order to compete for what the emperor rewarded, Zuo Daoqi had a fight to the death with a monk from the Yao clan royal family.

Very gimmicky news.

Ji Lingjun obviously thought of this too, so the coldness on his face eased a lot. He looked at Zuo Dodge, and asked in a flat voice, "What do you think Zuo Qing thinks?"

Zuo Daoqi said at the right time, "Hearing the reputation of the Three Qian Sword, I will definitely live up to the sword!"

Huyue has already turned into a bloodthirsty tiger king.

Zhang Weizheng opened his mouth calmly, "Tiger Leaps, this place is the Jin Palace!"


Hu Yue's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and his aura instantly became a little sluggish, but he was not injured, it was just a lesson from Zhang Weizheng.

Zuo Dodge stood aside, watching the scene coldly, without saying a word, looking at Hu Yue, as if looking at a dead person.

Half an hour later, in the Young Phoenix Palace.

Ji Lingshu frowned, and said softly, "Why did uncle go to trouble that Huyue before he left?"

Zuo Daoqi didn't answer, but said, "Until you find your way, don't make any more moves, or I'll look for the old monster with long eyebrows."

The long-browed monster cared far more about Ji Lingshu than Zuo Daoqi imagined.

After learning about the changes in Ji Lingshu, Zuo Daoqi could also think of the reason for his concern.

Ji Lingshu suddenly laughed, "Uncle is angry because of my injury?"

Zuo Daoqi didn't say anything, but his murderous intent towards Hu Yue was that from the moment he passed by Ji Lingshu, he noticed that Ji Lingshu's aura was quite sluggish, and the qi and blood in his body fluctuated extremely. Unsteady, so he suspected that Ji Lingshu was traumatized.

"Yes, and no, Huyue is too arrogant. He is in Dajin, and he doesn't know who I am. If I don't beat him, who will I beat?"

Zuo Dodge lied unnaturally. After knowing the heavy burden on the future girl, he didn't want to put heavy feelings on her.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he saw that Ji Lingshu was already pressed against his back, and said in a breath-like voice.

"Uncle is very kind."

It seems to be naughty, and it also seems to be coquettish.

Zuo Daoqi's heart became hot, and he actually felt that he was about to fight Huyue to the death, and it was worth it just to get such a hug.

Zuo Dodge, who didn't want to use his own CPU, turned around directly, Ji Lingshu flashed too fast, after all, the movement of the body requires muscles, and as a warrior, his reaction to muscle movements exceeded Zuo Dodge's expectations.

Fortunately, he was not bad either. At a critical moment, he caught Ji Lingshu's foot and gently tugged.

Ji Lingshu's body circled around Zuo Daoqi in a very perfect and strange way, and was hugged tightly by him.

"Then how do you repay me?"

It was obvious that the whole body was held by Zuo Dodge, but Ji Lingshu's face did not have any shyness of a girl, but was full of commonplace plainness, and then her head moved forward slightly.

"I can wear the clothes my uncle wants my mother to wear..."

Zuo Daoqi's face froze, and Ji Lingshu disappeared in a panic. When she reappeared, she was sitting lazily on the beam of the hall, still wearing a pale yellow palace dress, with the unique phoenix cry of a royal princess on her head. Qixia Crown, just in the slightly fluttering pale yellow dress, a pair of long and slender legs are exposed, which seems to be covered with a layer of wonderful material, which tightens the already nearly perfect shape of the legs to a level that is almost beyond perfection , this material seems to be a special transparent color, which is wrong, it seems to be flesh-colored.

Ji Lingshu's ethereal and flat voice came from a high place.

"Uncle, leave the palace quickly, Changyi will be here soon."


In the city of Kyoto.

Mansion of Strange People.

Because of the spread of Cai Shu's assassination case involving Wei Si, Cai Shu has even had contact with Li Horn, even if it has been cleared away, if the people behind the scenes don't show up, the suspicion on them will not be cleared for a day take off.

As a result, the Qiren Mansion, which was very prosperous in the capital city a few years ago, seemed to have become lonely overnight.

Wei Hu was covered with shackles, and his whole body was pressed against the wall, with a dull expression on his face.

At this moment, a tall and thin figure came to this place with ease, his face was covered, and he looked at Wei Hu with a bit of nostalgia.

From his bosom, he gently took out a Buddhist bead emitting a strange red light, "Wei Hu, do you want to see your brother?"

Suddenly, Wei Hu got up instantly, and the aura of his whole body continued to rise.

At the right time, the tall and thin figure moved, and Wei Hu followed closely.

The two of them were too familiar with the Mansion of Strange People and the capital, and since Wei Hu was released from prison all the way out of the city, they hardly encountered any accidents.

Wei Hu followed behind the slender figure and kept running all the way.

His condition was very bad, his eyes were red, with a wild and devilish nature, and the golden wheel above his head carried a shocking ferocity.

"Where is my brother?"

"just in front."

Finally came to a village, this is a village outside the city of Kyoto, with a little name, it is the descendants of those craftsmen who built the imperial mausoleum in the past.

The killing intent on Wei Hu's face became more and more fierce, "Where is it!?"

"Kill everyone here, and I'll tell you where Weiss is!" The slender figure also had madness on his face.

Wei Hu's face suddenly became ferocious, and he rushed towards the tall and thin figure fiercely, "You're kidding me!"

"No, if you want to see Weiss, then kill these people!" Wei Hu grabbed the tall and thin figure by the throat, his face was pale but he still said.

"Kill it, kill it, you are the reincarnation of an arhat who killed a living being, if you don't kill a living being, how can you transcend! How can you take revenge!"

"Wei Hu, you can't kill him!" At the critical moment, a flying sword shot out, blocking Wei Hu's blow.

The person who came was Shanyang from the Mansion of Strange Man!

He is one of the few people in the House of Strange who has nothing to do with Cai Shuan. He is calm and orderly, and has won the trust of Zhang Weizheng, so he is considered free. He just happened to appear here at this moment .


Shanyang Feijian didn't seem to dare to neglect.

There was an instant popping sound in the air.

On the top of the mountain in the distance.

Gu Qing sat opposite Pu Ci.

Pu Ci had a warm face, and he chanted the Buddha's name with one hand, 'Amitabha! '

"The benefactor seems to have made a mistake, and my Buddhist sect lost another big vajra ear."

Gu Qing shook his head slowly, "It's not a fixed number yet, it's not easy for Zhang Wei to enter the palace once, and he will inevitably have to fight with the man in the palace, and the Eighth Prince is not in the capital at the moment, so it is the best time for you and me to act at this time. "

"What's more, a vajra is the master's goal? I heard that the future Buddha of Buddhism has also returned to Beijing."

Puci closed his eyes slightly, thinking of the future Buddha, he nodded slowly, "What the benefactor said is true."

Gu Qing smiled slightly, "In that case, news spread that Shan Yang in the Mansion of Strange People conspired to rebel, and it happened that Wei Hu discovered that Shan Yang had betrayed and framed Wei Si, so he chased him outside the city and killed Shan Yang, but he also deeply Seriously injured."

"What do you think of this script, Master?"

Puci's face froze, "It's an idiot. '

He wanted to comment, but after thinking about it, he didn't open his mouth. They didn't intend to let the emperor solve this problem so easily. After all, they showed a little bit of cheating, and they wanted to lure and force them to show more.


Very against the will of the answer.