MTL - After the Boss Retires, He Becomes Obsessed with Raising Cubs-Chapter 18 Workaholic actor's son 18

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After the filming of the parent-child show, Jiang Ge did not arrange work for Xie Hui. He had invitations to those evening parties, but Xie declined them all. The excuse was of course to spend the New Year with his son.

For Chinese people, the Spring Festival is a very special reunion festival.

Before, even the servants who took care of Xie Ze would go home one after another during the Spring Festival. There was only one nanny who felt sorry for Xie Ze who was so young and stayed to take care of him.

Xie Hui didn't want to leave any regrets for this brat. The emotional vacancy in childhood is difficult to make up when you grow up, and many people's childhood pain will even accompany them throughout their lives.

Being a father does not require assessment, and there is no standard to measure, but Xie Hui really wants to do the best within his ability.

"Aunt Wang may not be with you this year, what should I do?"

Xie Ze, who was sitting there painting, heard his father's words, looked up at his father, put down the brush in his hand, and planned to find Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang raised Xie Ze from a young age, and when Xie Hui didn't come back often, Aunt Wang would basically accompany him.

When Xie Ze went to the room where the servants lived, he saw Aunt Wang who was packing clothes in the suitcase, his eyes turned red instantly, he went to Aunt Wang and squatted down, and asked tearfully:

"Auntie, are you coming back?"

Aunt Wang saw that the child she brought to such an age was crying, and helplessly took a tissue to help him wipe away his tears.

"After the new year, auntie will come back. Just like father comes back to accompany the baby to celebrate the new year, auntie will also go back to spend the new year with auntie's child."

Xie Ze hummed lightly, and was relieved to hear that she would come back next year.

But he still begged his father to accompany him to send Aunt Wang to the intersection. After Aunt Wang got into the taxi, Xie Ze was still standing on tiptoe and waving goodbye to Auntie.

Xie Hui originally thought that this little boy would feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn't expect to see him walking in front when he went back, bouncing and lively, as if he was not affected at all.

After arriving at home, Xie Ze took off his thick coat, stood on tiptoe and hung it on the hanger, then turned his head and said to his father:

"Dad, do you think I will be very unhappy?"

Xie Hui nodded slightly, "Yes."

Most other children at this age will cry when facing parting.

"But Aunt Wang said that she will come back. Aunt Wang must like her own child more, just like my father likes me the most!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Ze ran to the sofa, picked up the book he was reading before, and put it on his lap to read carefully.

At this moment, Xie Hui finally understood why a person who was as selfish as the original owner who only had work in his eyes was willing to pay half of his soul power as a price to redeem this child once.

As it is now, it's cute.

Xie Hui went to sit next to Xie Ze, and the little boy habitually moved his body to lean against his father.

Xie Hui lowered his head slightly, and he could see his little furry head. Such a cute and cute kid shouldn't be buried in the cold water in winter. He should have a brighter future.

This year, although there were only the two of them in the villa, Xie Ze was very satisfied. The little short legs walked fast, running around, pasting the Spring Festival couplets with my father.

Cooking New Year's Eve dinner, making snowmen, and watching the new year, nothing is left behind.

Before the New Year's Eve, Xie Ze clenched his small fists and said that he would definitely be able to watch until zero o'clock. Unexpectedly, it was just after nine o'clock, and he fell asleep in Xie Hui's arms.

Xie Hui carried him back to the bedroom, and put the thick red envelope prepared in advance under his pillow.

After the new year, Xie Hui's work was put on the agenda. After all, he is still an artist on the rise, so it is not bad to be able to rest for a few days.

Director Song had mentioned the training before, and since Xie Hui agreed, of course he would not break his promise.

This time, Xie Hui didn't leave his son at home to be taken care of by a nanny, nor did he send him to a nursery school. Instead, after obtaining Song Dao's consent, he took the child to the training site and asked Jiang Ge to help take care of him.

The old man liked Xie Ze quite a bit, and he often went to a show from time to time, took Xie Ze home, and sent him back at night.

The original owner had certain martial arts skills, but Director Song had special requirements. After more than a month of intensive training, it was finally time to start filming.

Director Song selected good actors, and they all trained in advance, so the filming went very smoothly.

Xie Hui's role is not the protagonist, not even the villain, but the sharpest knife in the villain's hand, and his finale scene was filmed soon.

But when it comes to the off-line scene, I filmed it many times, but never did it.

In the scene where Xie Hui played the character offline, he was covered in wounds and his clothes were in tatters, holding a dagger on the neck of the protagonist's son, and then the child had to wipe the blood on his face , and finally probated the cold-blooded killer.

The little actors found in the crew basically cried out in fright when they saw Xie Hui in tattered clothes and blood all over his body.

I changed several, and the best one didn't cry at first, but later when Xie Hui put the dagger on his neck, he also cried.

Just when Director Song was in a violent mood, when he turned his head, he saw Xie Ze sitting on a high stool, eating a lollipop with his short legs dangling.

Xie Ze was very obedient on the set and never made a fuss. When he was sitting there feeling a little bored, he noticed that Uncle Song was looking at him, so he smiled at Uncle Song.

If his father hadn't said to be very good on the set, Xie Ze even wanted to ask Uncle Song when he would let his father get off work, and his father said that he would take him to eat barbecue after get off work.

"Well, do you still have the little actor's costume? It's worn by a kid as big as him."

Director Song pointed at Xie Ze, who was sitting there eating candy, with the script in his hand. The assistant director was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he quickly recovered and nodded vigorously.

"There are some, I'll let someone look for them."

Up to this point, Director Song is treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Xie Hui, who was covered in blood in his tattered clothes, made adults feel terrified when they saw it, let alone children. It is understandable for those little actors to be scared and cry.

Director Song didn't want to cry because the little actor was scared, so he changed Xie Hui's appearance to make Xie Hui look less scary.

What he wanted to shoot was the extreme contrast between the killer in the dark and the purest child.

When Xie Ze was carried away to change into costumes and walked up to Director Song, Director Song nodded in satisfaction. In terms of appearance alone, Xie Ze is more suitable than those previous actors, and he has the feeling of being pampered and grown up in the script.

Xie Hui, who had been stuck too many times and returned to the previous filming location after retouching his makeup, saw Xie Ze in a costume running towards him as soon as he arrived.

"Dad, Uncle Song gave me a new suit, do you think it looks good?"

Xie Ze didn't notice anything strange at all, and when he walked in front of his father, he turned around so that his father could see it more clearly.

"Director Song, what is this?"

Director Song came over and saw that Xie Ze was still getting along with Xie Hui as usual, nodded in satisfaction, and explained:

"Those little actors were scared to tears by your look before, I'm going to let your son try it, how about it?"

This kind of thing still needs to be approved by Rendang's father. At that time, Director Song's idea came up out of nowhere, so he asked someone to help Xie Ze change into the costume. If Xie Hui disagreed, it would be regarded as his uncle. Yes, give Xie Ze a suit of clothes to wear.

"Is the baby willing to film with daddy?"


Xie Ze is much smarter than those young actors, and I remembered it after listening to Song Dao. When the group performers who chased and killed Xie Hui were in place, Xie Hui hugged a child, hung a wire and flew over the wall, and was forced by the pursuers. cliff edge.

Because the person holding him was his father, Xie Ze didn't cry even though the dagger was pointed at his neck, instead he kept staring at his father curiously.

This kind of father was a bit unfamiliar to Xie Ze. After watching it for a while, he remembered what Director Song had told him before, and stretched out his fleshy little hand to help his father carefully wipe off the blood on the side of his face.

Xie Hui continued following the script without hearing Song Dao's yelling, his eyes turned red instantly, his face showed a struggling expression, and then he let go and put Xie Ze on the ground.

Putting down the weapon in his hand, he turned around and jumped off the cliff.


Director Song originally thought that as long as Xie Ze wouldn't be scared to cry, he didn't expect to perform so well, and he passed it in just one pass.

The male protagonist chased after him and took his son back.

Little Xie Ze was sitting in his arms, and when he was hugged by another uncle in the crew, he still poked his head to see where his father had gone.

Originally, the director's arrangement was to make the child cry when he saw his father, but he hadn't mentioned this to Xie Ze before, and seeing him poking his head out of curiosity, he somehow wanted to keep this part.

After the filming, Xie Ze wore new clothes and went to find his father in the dressing room. He saw his father taking off his makeup there. He struggled to climb to the next stool and sat down. He asked curiously:

"Dad, is your work over then?"


After removing the makeup, Xie Hui changed into a suit of clothes, and walked out with Xie Ze in his arms.

In the evening, Director Song hosted the wrap-up banquet for him. On the way back to the hotel, Xie Ze fell asleep sitting in his father's arms.

After Jiang Ge noticed that Xie Ze had fallen asleep, his voice lowered a lot.

"The kindergarten you asked me to find before has already given its name, when do you plan to take Xie Ze there?"

"Brother Jiang, I want to ask for a week off. I want to accompany him for a week when he first started kindergarten, is that okay?"

Brother Jiang was not surprised by Xie Hui's arrangement.

"Okay, I've made arrangements for you before, and I don't have any announcements to catch up recently."

As soon as the car stopped, Xie Ze woke up, took his father by the hand and got on the elevator, went to the hotel room to take a shower, changed his clothes, and lay under the quilt, planning to wait for his father to tell him a story.

Brother Jiang booked a plane ticket for the next day. After returning home, Xie Ze found that one of the sunflowers planted in the backyard had bloomed. He excitedly asked his father to come out and see it together.

Asking him to grab his father's clothes and stand in front of the blooming sunflower, Xie Hui knelt down and rubbed his hair gently, asking softly:

"You know what happens when the sunflowers bloom?"

Xie Ze's eyes were full of curiosity, "Ang? Dad, what's the matter?"

"When the sunflowers bloom, the children are going to school, and so are my children."