MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 40

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A rich breakfast was delivered.

Pei Yi enjoyed it slowly by the window, while pricking up her ears to listen to the work conversation not far away.

Bo Yueming asked from the beginning, "How many companies are participating in this competition?"

What they got from Mr. Bo was only the most basic bidding materials for the initial project of "Wencheng Sports Center", and they didn't know anything about the current specific situation.

Song Yuanyuan replied, "In the beginning, besides our Bo family, there was also a foreign-funded enterprise in Haishi, and five local enterprises in Wencheng."


Lin Zhong was taken aback, "So many?"

Song Yuanyuan nodded, "This kind of international project construction has always been a favorite, and this number has been calculated."

In the early stage, there were still many small enterprises who wanted to get a share of the pie, but once they heard that so many leading enterprises gathered together, the eagerness to make a move was naturally wiped out.

Bo Yueming asked directly, "What about now?"

Four months have passed since the original tender invitation, and the situation is likely to change.

Song Yuanyuan told the truth, "The foreign-funded enterprise in Haishi has already announced its withdrawal, and three local enterprises in Wencheng have also chosen to withdraw one after another. Now including our Bo Corporation, there are only three enterprises left."

Pei Yi took a sip of soy milk and frowned slightly.

Before the round of bidding, more than half of the original seven companies gave up. Isn't it the "sweet pastry" and "the situation after winning the project"? What is the situation?

Lin Zhong also thought of this aspect, and asked instead of his boss, "Have you ever found out what's going on?"

"I don't know."

Song Yuanyuan shook his head, and only guessed, "Maybe it's because the opponent is too strong, the competition is too fierce, or there are some problems within the company, so you can't afford this project?"

Not to mention other companies, even their Bo's project team—

The original person in charge, Feng Zheng, ran away "quietly", and might even take away and leak all kinds of bidding data they calculated before.

Almost all the members of the project team who learned about this collapsed.

Song Yuanyuan reported the matter to the headquarters of the Imperial Capital, but there was no news after waiting for nearly a week. If Bo Yueming didn't come again, they all planned to pack their bags and leave.

"Is there any whereabouts for Feng Zheng?" Bo Yueming always felt that it was not easy for this person to temporarily drop his burden.

Song Yuanyuan nodded, "We have called the police, but we don't have any solid evidence at hand. It can only be regarded as a private resignation case. The police will not file the case. I also found a private detective at my own expense. If there is news, I will be notified as soon as possible."

Pei Yi stuffed the last bite of poached egg into his mouth, feeling that Song Yuanyuan's ability to handle affairs was not bad.

At least after Feng Zheng laid down his burden and Nao disappeared, the other party's follow-up solution was very secure.

In the next second, Bo Yueming said affirmatively, "You did a good job. I will reimburse Feng Zheng for his expenses. You can meet Lin Zhong later."

Song Yuanyuan was overjoyed, "Thank you Boss!"

Bo Yueming nodded, but didn't talk nonsense, "Go on, tell me in detail, the two local companies in Wencheng who also participated in the bidding."

"One is Shuntian Group, which can be regarded as the leading company in Wencheng's real estate industry. It took advantage of a wave of wind when Wencheng was developed, and it has completely established its foothold. At present, nearly 40% of the real estate development has their shares involved. .”

"Currently the director with the most right to speak in the company is called Chen Shun. He is in his early fifties, and he is smiling."

"The other is You's Capital, a family business that has gone through three generations, and the related industry chain has been extending." Song Yuanyuan paused, and explained briefly, "The chairman who is currently taking over the company is called You Qinian."

You Qi Nian?

When Pei Yi heard this somewhat special name, a hint of interest flickered in his heart.

"Mr. Bo, Mr. You just turned 30 this year, and he took over the group at the beginning of the year."

Song Yuanyuan thought of Bo's situation, and talked a lot to Bo Yueming, "I heard from the gossip that the power struggle within You's family is very serious."

You Qinian was able to break out of the siege in the intricate chain of family interests, I am afraid this method will not be simple.

The bidding for the Wencheng Sports Center was his first large-scale project after taking over You's.

Bo Yueming was silent for two seconds, and said in a low voice, "Lin Zhong, find someone to investigate Shun Tian and You Shi in detail, whether it's public news about changes or private gossip, the more detailed the better."

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you make the most accurate judgment when necessary.

Lin Zhong immediately took out the tablet and wrote down, "Okay."

Bo Yueming is not a person who likes to waste time, so he made a decision with a clear mind, "Deputy Team Leader Song, let me know that the entire project team will have a meeting at 2 o'clock this afternoon. There is a possibility that the original bidding plan may be leaked. Let's reverse it and start over."

Song Yuanyuan was not sure, "Mr. Bo, if the overthrow is overthrown, will the time..."

Bo Yueming gave an order, "Do it! I have my own measure."

Song Yuanyuan had heard about this boss's ability before. The other party won a large project worth 500 million within two months, and he gained a firm foothold in the imperial capital circle after the first battle.

Song Yuanyuan immediately stopped his immature objection, "Okay, Mr. Bo, I'll notify you right away!"

It was the first time that Pei Yi had seen Bo Yueming's swift and resolute work, and her gaze was fixed on him unconsciously—

The light that came in hit the nearly perfect profile, making his jaw line more distinct, and his protruding Adam's apple rolled subtly as he spoke, indifferent and stable, but also a little bewitchingly sexy.


Why does this person look better and better?

Sure enough, after the "paper man" is visualized, won't you get tired of watching it?

Pei Yi was just thinking about it, and caught off guard Bo Yueming's gaze—

The floating sunlight passed over his dark blue pupils, cleaning away the grayness of the past, just like the blue gemstones that had been dusty had regained their brilliance, it was so beautiful that it made people's heart beat.


Pei Yi forgot to breathe for a moment, her heartbeat was surrounded by unprecedented tension, and even gave off a feeling of "the other party's eyes are fully recovered".

But he immediately decided that it was his own illusion.

Because after less than three seconds of looking at each other, Bo Yueming frowned uncertainly and asked, "Pei Yi, have you finished eating?"

If I could see it, would I need to ask so many questions?

To blame can only be blamed on the lethality of Bo Yueming's eyes. Thanks to him remembering the plot and timeline in the book, he is still far away from the other party's recovery.

Pei Yi restrained her thoughts, gulped down the last bit of soy milk, "Second brother, it's done."

"I'm a little busy today, you and Uncle Kai are staying at the hotel to rest."

Bo Yueming calmed down the cold and hard aura he had at work, and his tone was unconsciously gentle, "After a few days, I'll find time to take you around Wencheng, okay?"

Pei Yi deserved to be light, "Yes."

Just right.