MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 108 【IF World 02】

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The car stopped outside the top private racecourse in the imperial capital, and immediately a coach who greeted him came up and tapped on the car window twice.

Pei Yi, who was wearing equestrian clothes, opened the door obediently, "Good morning, Coach Gao."

Coach Gao greeted him with a smile, and then exchanged friendly glances with Zong Boyan and Xu Rong in the front row.

Zong Boyan looked at his children and said, "Xiaoyi, you have lunch with Coach Gao and the others. Dad Yan will not train with you today if he has something to do, but he will pick you up on time at three o'clock in the afternoon."

This has been told countless times on the road to Laide.

Pei Yi nodded, "Got it."

Xu Rong has always doted on Pei Yi, so he simply followed him out of the car.

He slung a cute cartoon water bottle over Pei Yi's body, and pinched his child's face, "Xiao Yi, you must finish drinking the warm water in the water bottle. Dad Rong will check it when you get home."

Pei Yi gave an obedient "Oh".

Xu Rong said again, "When you come back in the evening, Dad Rong will make you a small cake to eat? OK?"

When Pei Yi heard that there was her favorite dessert, she immediately smiled, "Yeah!"

Xu Rong touched his head, his gentle tone remained unchanged, "Hey, go ahead, don't make Coach Gao and the others wait too long, they were already ten minutes late today."

Pei Yi blushed shyly when she heard the second half of the sentence.

He secretly glanced at Zong Boyan in the car, and groaned cutely, "It's all my father's fault."


Zong Boyan, who was suddenly betrayed by his own child, thought he had misheard, and asked in surprise, "Who are you talking about?"

Pei Yi didn't answer, she dragged her small kettle and ran so fast that even Coach Gao was left behind, so she had to speed up to keep up.

When Zong Boyan saw Pei Yi's running back, he was almost annoyed and amused, "This brat, is he getting more and more courageous?"

Xu Rong replied, "Isn't it good to be bold and lively? Think about the moment when he was just adopted by us?"

Pei Yi, who grew up in an orphanage, was short and thin since she was a child, and she was sullen and didn't like to talk.

Originally, they wanted Pei Yi to change his surname, but the other party was stubborn and refused. After inquiring, they found out that the former old dean gave him the name.

From Zong Boyan and Xu Rong's point of view, the identity of the child is not confirmed by blood and surname, so they did not force Pei Yi to change the surname.

Their husband and wife doted on Pei Yi for nearly three years, and finally made him reach the standard in all physical stats, and his temperament became cheerful and lively.

Seeing Pei Yi disappear around the corner, Xu Rong looked at his lover, "You used to accompany him to practice horsemanship, why do you have to accompany me today?"

Zong Boyan took his hand and kissed it, and when he lowered his eyes, he suppressed a glimmer of darkness, "I just want to be with you."

Only when you get it back, you cherish it even more, and you are not willing to leave half a step away.

Xu Rong said again, "I have to instruct a few students in their graduation projects today, it might be boring if you accompany me."

"Professor Xu is the most charming during his work, and he won't be bored." Zong Boyan responded with a smile.

In fact, he had been waiting for this moment.

Since there is a chance to start over in life, he certainly hopes that all malice will be eradicated from the source.

Zong Boyan started the car, "Let's go, I'll take you to the academy."

Xu Rong had nothing to do with his lover's insistence, but as he still had lingering fears about that nightmare, he had no choice but to indulge and agree, "Okay."

This time in the graduation season, Xu Rong brought five students under him.

From ten o'clock in the morning, he gave the students one by one guidance and revision suggestions, which lasted until the afternoon.

Zong Boyan was watching silently from the sidelines, but he was recalling "all events" in his mind——

The student who caused Xu Rong to be in trouble was named Shen Che. His family had always been in the wholesale business of hardware parts. Unfortunately, the other party's father fell into the foreign debt scam by mistake. Because of small losses, many years of hard work were completely ruined.

House seemingly endless rain.

Shen's father, who had nowhere to turn for help, had a car accident on the highway due to long-term fatigue, and died on the spot.

The life of the mother sitting in the co-pilot position was hanging by a thread, and she became a high paraplegia after finally being rescued.

The sudden burden of life was all on Shen Che's body, but the truck driver who was involved in the accident just couldn't afford to pay the compensation amount.

Shen Che is a proud young man in his heart, he refuses to disclose his family situation to the outside world, but the more some pressure is hidden in his heart, the more it will deteriorate.

Because he can't balance his life and studies, he originally wanted to deal with his graduation works casually, so that he can find a job with a degree, but he didn't expect to meet the serious Xu Rong.

Shen Che gritted his teeth and refused to say anything. Xu Rong didn't know about the changes in his family, but severely criticized this plagiarism from the perspective of a "professor".

As a result, this conversation was like the straw that broke the camel's back—

The haze in Shen Che's heart that had been suppressed for a long time broke out completely. After drinking, he wrote that ridiculous and slanderous last words, and then jumped off the building under the control of alcohol!

He just wanted to use his own "death" and fabricated "slander" to make Xu Rong and others claim a sum of money for his mother's follow-up treatment and life.

All I can say is, disgusting and pathetic.

"Bo Yan, are you bored?" Xu Rong came back with a cup of homemade coffee, and handed it to his lover, "There is one student who didn't come."

"We can leave after we finish connecting with his work ideas."

Zong Boyan held his lover's hand and responded with the utmost patience, "No hurry, you are busy with your work."


As soon as the words fell, there was a hesitant knock on the office door.

Xu Rong subconsciously turned around and replied, "Please come in."

Soon, a thin figure walked in, it was Shen Che whom Xu Rong and Zong Boyan were waiting for.

When Xu Rong saw the student he hadn't seen for a long time, the first thing he said was concern, "Shen Che? Why have you lost so much weight?"

Shen Che looked particularly tired, and bowed perfunctorily, "Hi, professor."

"come in."

Xu Rong sat back at his desk, and opened the webpage file related to Shen Che, "Your back-up records for the last three works are all blank. I urged you online but you didn't reply. What happened?"

"No inspiration."

Shen Che shook his head and summarized, his eyes unconsciously shifted to the extra Zong Boyan.

Zong Boyan fixed his heavy gaze on his face, and after a silent confrontation for two seconds, he seemingly casually placed the phone on the desk shelf.

"I'll go out first, you guys talk."

Xu Rong gave his lover a smiling look, and slightly restrained himself when facing the student Shen Che, "Shen Che, you don't plan to come empty-handed today, do you?"

"If you continue like this, you won't be able to graduate smoothly, you know?"

Shen Che unconsciously clutched his trouser pocket, and took out a USB flash drive from it, "Professor, the design draft and real photos are all here."

Xu Rong was surprised, but still took it gently, "Okay, sit down, I'll take a look first."

"If there is no problem, we will have to back up the system later so as not to affect your graduation."


Shen Che slightly rolled his Adam's apple.

Soon, Xu Rong opened the USB flash drive on the computer.

He just glanced briefly at the design concept draft, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Xu Rong's attainment in art far exceeds many of his peers, and he has seen many works. Whenever students want to do tricks, they can hardly escape his nose.


Xu Rong looked at Shen Che who was hiding his nervousness again, his usual gentle brows and eyes became serious and terrifying, "Shen Che, what's the matter with you?"

Zong Boyan who walked out of the office did not stay away, but chose to stay outside the concealed door.

Sure enough, the voice of his lover’s rare criticism and education to the students came, but he didn’t choose to enter the room immediately to stop—

Xu Rong has his own persistence and bottom line for career and art, and Zong Boyan will always support his most essential way of handling this matter.

Within ten minutes, the door of the office was suddenly pulled open.

Shen Che, who was severely criticized, rushed out of the door, all the shame, unwillingness, anger and gloom changed on his face, and his drooping hands clenched into fists, it looked as if he had endured to the top of his emotions.

Zong Boyan quickly blocked his way, "Come out? Shall we have a chat?"

The eyes of the two met again.

Shen Che instinctively felt resistance. He remembered that the other party might have heard what happened inside, so he wished to escape from this place as soon as possible.

"Who the **** is chatting with you! Get lost!"


Zong Boyan frowned slightly when he heard the angry curse.

He looked at Shen Che's back as he hurried away, and cut straight to the point, "Shen Che, I can pay for your mother's treatment expenses in advance."

The hurried steps came suddenly.

Shen Che stood there for several seconds, then turned around in disbelief, "You, what are you doing?"

Zong Boyan walked up without hiding, "I know that your family is in difficulties, and I know that you are living very hard now."

"As Professor Xu's lover, and you as one of his most valued students, I can help you, but only if—"

He paused, and there was a look of scrutiny in his eyes, "You really have to calm down and talk to me, otherwise you won't talk."


Shen Che chose to remain silent, and it took a while to answer out of pride, "I don't need anyone's charity!"

Zong Boyan asked back, "Who said I want to give you alms?"


"Of course there are conditions. I will lend it to you. As long as it is used for your mother's treatment, I will give you as much money as you want."

Zong Boyan took out the business card he had prepared before going out, and handed it over. It clearly stated his identity and testified his strength—

Zong Baiyan, general manager of Zong's consortium.

This is the top three groups in Teikyo, covering all industries.

"When you really graduate with your own strength, find a job, and save money, you will pay me back slowly. There is no deadline."


Shen Che's eyes wavered, and he took the business card tremblingly. The hostility and hatred accumulated in his heart for the past few days were silently dissipated with the help of this sudden kindness.

Zong Boyan saw the looseness in his eyes, and secretly let out a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he hated the "once" Shen Che. If it wasn't for the malice of the other party before his death, his lover would not have ended up like that.

But now everything has a chance to start over.

Putting all these aside, Shen Che is just an inexperienced student, and no one can easily face repeated family disasters and life difficulties.

To put it more bluntly.

Now Xu Rong and Shen Che are still teachers and students, and they are still involved in this matter.

Even if Zong Boyan stopped them before they had a "dispute", it might not be able to stop Shen Che's accumulated death malice.

That being the case, it is better to completely solve the other party's plight from the source and let the other party regain hope in life.

After all, as long as it's about money, it doesn't matter to Zong Boyan. Now that he puts down his so-called "hatred" to help Shen Che who is on the verge of collapse, isn't he saving his implicated lover?

Footsteps sounded.

Xu Rong came out of the office with a complicated face. Obviously, he heard the brief conversation between the two just now.

He lost the absolute seriousness of criticizing "plagiarism", but was tainted with a trace of worry, "What's going on?"

Shen Che no longer entangled in how Zong Boyan knew about his family situation, he was already overwhelmed by reality, and finally couldn't hold back before the sudden kindness.

"Professor Xu, I'm sorry."

Shen Che burst into tears, explaining what happened in the past few months.

"...I really can't take care of my studies well, so, that's why I did plagiarism that shouldn't be done. I, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to graduate."

Then his years of academic efforts will be in vain!

Shen Che's self-esteem was silently wiped out, and he knelt down crying uncontrollably, "Mr. Zong, help me, I, I will definitely find a way to pay you back in the future!"

After his parents' car accident happened, Shen Che tried to borrow money from relatives, only to learn that his father had already borrowed from all relatives in order to fill the hole.

As for the loan on the Internet, it is also a rolling interest, and it seems to be a bottomless pit soon!

Xu Rong and Zong Boyan looked at each other, and quickly helped Shen Che up.

"Shen Che, as a mentor, I didn't notice your family situation and psychological pressure at the first time. I apologize to you for this, I'm sorry."

Xu Rong asked him to sit down again in the office, expressing his attitude, "But you have to understand, this is definitely not an excuse for your plagiarism."

Shen Che nodded silently.

In fact, before doing this, he hesitated repeatedly, but the blow was too great, and he was unable to design and draw anything.

"How about this, your mother's situation is urgent, we will help to advance the expenses, and I will apply to the school for a one-year postponement of graduation for you."

"Since there is no way to balance the two, let's do it one by one. We can't give up life, and we can't waste our studies."

"You are a very talented and spiritual child. I don't want your life to be ruined because of a temporary predicament. Do you understand?"

Zong Boyan poured a glass of warm water and handed it over.

Hearing his lover's meticulous reassurance, and noticing the gratitude in Shen Che's eyes, he finally let out a silent sigh of relief.

The reason why Xu Rong was so sick back then, apart from those unsightly bad comments, the most important thing was his self-blame and guilt for Shen Che's suicide.

Such negative emotions have been devouring his soul, and now it's okay—

Xu Rong has done what he wants to do as a teacher, and Shen Che may also be able to redeem himself from that extreme and bad mood.

Under Xu Rong's comfort, Shen Che gradually calmed down, held back his tears and bowed, and sincerely thanked, "Thank you, Professor, I, I will definitely remember your criticism and teaching."

Xu Rong was concerned, "Where does your family live? Do you want us to send you back?"

"No, I, I'll go straight back to the hospital." Shen Che said truthfully.

Their family had already sold the house. After the car accident, in order to save money, he even refunded the rent of the originally scheduled rental house.

Zong Boyan said bluntly, "Then you go back tonight and calmly figure out how much it will cost to maintain normal life in the short term. I will send an assistant to hand over to you tomorrow."

Shen Che was even more grateful and choked up his thanks.

After Shen Che left, Xu Rong breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't even know that such an accident happened in his house, thanks to you."

"Yeah, thanks to my presence."

Zong Boyan picked up the mobile phone on the desk, which recorded everything that happened since Shen Che entered the office, and he also prepared for the worst—

If the other party is still obsessed with trying to slander, then this video will become the first and most complete evidence.

Zong Boyan didn't mention this matter with his lover, but just approached and held his hand again, "Professor Xu, how do you plan to thank me?"

Xu Rong raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to cook something delicious tonight?"

Zong Boyan took advantage of the opportunity that there was no one in the office, and took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Xu Rong's waist and steal a kiss, "Why don't you 'cook' something delicious on the bed tonight?"


Xu Rong laughed helplessly, "Be serious, this is the Academy of Art, don't be silly."

Zong Boyan's answer was not serious, "Love is the greatest art."

Xu Rong laughed twice, and suddenly remembered something, "Wait, what time is it?"

Zong Boyan was startled, and saw that the time was exactly three o'clock.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and walked out of the office almost tacitly—

After such a fuss, they almost forgot about their son again!