MTL - After Learning How to Read Minds, Mr. Huo Takes Me to Bed Every Night!-Chapter 340 I can only try

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  Chapter 340 I can only try

she has.

  Her little Youran is still young at this time and cannot follow her parents.

  So, when Lin Wanli was taking care of Lele, she would also miss Xiao Youran. She really missed her daughter.

  Through Lin Wanli's comfort and care, Lele's fever soon subsided, and she slept soundly in Lin Wanli's arms.

Lin Wanli put her down, took everyone out of the cabin, and waited until the door was closed before she said to the mother: "The child's fever is easy to come and go, you monitor her temperature at any time. Normally, the child I will have a fever for a few days, but the temperature every day will drop slightly compared to the previous day. In addition, don’t worry about your child getting sick, because the immune system will also be activated, and her body will get better and better. As a mother, panic is not advisable, everything Follow the doctor's advice and relax, in fact, if you are afraid, the child will follow suit."

   "I'm sorry." The mother apologized to Lin Wanli with red eyes, "I have misunderstood you a lot."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Wanli said, "A child is a gift from God and the greatest gift in your life, because she is simple and easy to satisfy. If you treat her well, she will stick to you. If you treat her poorly, she will also Look at you with strange eyes. She doesn't know how much money is, and she doesn't know jewelry and jade, but she can tell at a glance whether you love her or not. In many cases, adults are not as good as kind and innocent children. Words That's all, I hope you take good care of her."

   After speaking, Lin Wanli left the cabin with the staff. The mother, on the other hand, squatted on the ground hugging her knees and crying. Because she felt how failed she was as a mother, surrounded by fame and vanity every day.

  It turned out that she was so unfamiliar with the child born in October of her pregnancy, so unfamiliar that she didn't even know how many times the child had been sick and how to take care of it. And Lin Wanli's words were like a slap in the face, and it gave her a heavy blow. She really failed, a complete defeat.

  After Lin Wanli returned to the cabin, there were more people discussing her in private.

  What kind of person is she? She seems to be calm and tolerant. But when it comes to enemies, he is always penny-pinching and daring. She can control a whole boatload of guests and care for a tiny sick girl. She seems to have different faces, but each face is different from the secular soul. She is herself. Although she is not of high birth, she has the most complete self and soul.

  So, this is admirable and enviable.

   While Lin Wanli was coaxing a child, Huo Zizhen was given an opportunity to arrest him. Although she didn't know why the attention on the ship was not on her, but she just pretended to have abdominal pain, and then successfully seduced a staff member on the ship.

  The staff member looked panicked, but Huo Zizhen pressed him on the bed. The other party didn't dare to make any moves, but she took off the clothes on her body and untied the man's underwear.

   Then she lay on top of the man and said, "Help me escape, or I'll scream."

  When the other party heard that it was a trap, Sanhun was half scared. He just came in to check on Huo Zi's real situation, but he didn't expect to be tricked by the other party like this.

   "Miss...Miss, I don't have the ability." The other party said quickly, "Young mistress has laid a net on the boat, and you can't escape at all."

"Stop talking nonsense, just do what I say, and don't worry about the rest." After Huo Zizhen finished speaking, he took a few photos of the two of them, "I tell you, if I can't escape today, I will It will make your life worse than death, I have your photo now, if Lin Wanli can't kill me, I will kill you."

  The other party was trembling with fright.

   "I, I try, I can only try."

   "Go get a waitress uniform and come in." Huo Zizhen got off the man, and put on the clothes behind his back.

  The man was stunned for a moment, and even rolled and got off the bed, but after he went out, the man's expression changed instantly, he became calm and steady instead of cautious.

  Lin Wanli confessed that he wanted Huo Zizhen to go smoothly, and even dragged the man surnamed Zheng onto the yacht. She wanted to make Huo Zizhen's rafting trip very interesting.

  So, after Huo Zizhen pretended to be a waiter and successfully escaped from the cabin, everyone on the cruise ship cooperated with her dutifully and pretended not to see.

   When Huo Zizhen was on the way, he heard about Lin Wan leaving to coax the girl, which is why the surveillance on the ship suddenly relaxed. Huo Zi really didn't doubt him, and found the cabin of the cruise ship all the way, because there was an eight-meter-long speedboat parked here.

  Ms. Liu was hiding here at the time, but Huo Yixiao sent a boat to pick her up, so the speedboat didn't move. At this moment, Huo Zi really wanted to drive away, but with the wind and rain outside, she needed time. Thinking of the "dead" Mrs. Liu, Huo Zizhen thought of the other two people. If these two could not bear the pressure and betrayed her, then even if she escaped from the ship, she would be in a lot of trouble, so , She took courage again, put on the waiter's clothes, and went to Mrs. Zheng's room.

   Who knows, she knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response from Mrs. Zheng.

"Room Service."

  Who does room service in the middle of the night? Coupled with Huo Zizhen's unique voice, Mrs. Zheng was finally no longer immersed in fear. She quickly pushed away the things blocking the door, and then quickly opened the door, and then saw a hand holding clothes stretched out.

   "Change immediately, I will take you away."

  Madam Zheng changed into the tight clothes almost on the spot.

The two cautiously went to Mrs. Zhong's room, but it was a pity that this person was still in a coma, and the time to leave had come, and they had to go down and set sail while the rain was light, so Huo Zizhen and Mrs. Zheng both chose to give up. Mrs. Zhong, wait for them to return to Jinzhou to take revenge.

  The two quickly returned to the cabin, and boarded the speedboat with the waiter.

  In order for these two people to leave smoothly, everyone on the cruise ship pretended to be deaf and blind. Otherwise, with Huo Zizhen's kung fu, he might be arrested just by going out. Whose waiter walks like her?

  The two watched the waiter open the cabin door excitedly, and they didn't doubt at all why any waiter would drive a speedboat. Their desire for life was too great, so they jumped on it without hesitation.

  At this moment, the minds and hearts of the two of them were full of poisonous oaths.

  For example, when they returned to Jinzhou and made a comeback, it was the time when Lin Wan died without a place to bury her.


  (end of this chapter)