MTL - After Learning How to Read Minds, Mr. Huo Takes Me to Bed Every Night!-Chapter 339 Don't touch my child!

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  Chapter 339 Don't touch my child!

  In fact, someone on board saw Lin Wanli's operation, and her actions did not avoid those original guests. So, they knew that Mrs. Liu was alive and had been safely removed from the cruise ship. At the same time, the guests knew very well that this was a contest between Lin Wanli and those wives.

  Anyone, don’t get involved mindlessly, just act like you don’t know anything, watch the play, see who is better at chess, wait until two days and three nights pass, everyone can land safely.

Moreover, everyone has a vengeful mentality. How these wives collected money and took away their confessions in the past, they all remember it in their hearts. Now these few people are frightened by Lin Wanli on the deck. People were refreshed, and even the supper hall on the yacht was full of people.

  Everyone tacitly continued their pleasant journey on the boat.

"I remember when I got on the boat for the first time, I was still stupid. When I participated in the art exhibition, I didn't understand why someone would spend millions to buy a palm-sized work. I didn't understand until later that Mrs. Zheng's paintings, The bigger the more valuable, I foolishly followed to the third hall, only to find that I couldn’t afford 30 million to buy a pair of water paintings, and was finally thrown out of the art exhibition by the security guards. I will never forget that day in my life scene." Someone exclaimed.

  She didn't want to get on the boat, but she found out that the circle around her would receive better treatment because she had been on the boat, so she had no choice but to get on the boat again. Sometimes a small person is like a wave in the sea. Even if he is unwilling to roll, he cannot escape the coercion of the huge waves.


   Since it is a rainy night, it is especially suitable for sleeping.

   But Lin Wanli didn't fall asleep, she was waiting for Lord Xiao's return trip.

   Also unable to fall asleep, there were Mrs. Zheng and Huo Zizhen. However, Lin Wanli was relaxed, while those two were afraid. Because the entertainment facilities on board are very complete, few people pay attention to where the journey is. In addition, Lin Wanli's earth-shaking control also made the people on board a little bit panicky, but at the same time, there was a little bit of peace of mind. . If someone pays attention to the route, they will know that, in fact, they have been circling all the time, and they are not too far from Jinzhou.

After midnight, Lin Wanli just got out of the shower. At this time, the staff knocked on her door, and her tone was a little anxious: "Young Mistress, there is a child on board, who may have a high fever due to the night wind. Dock."

  Lin Wanli changed her clothes and opened the door, then asked, "Did you see the doctor?"

   "I've seen it, but the child's high fever has not subsided. The doctor also explained to the parent, but the parent is still very anxious."

   "Go and have a look." Lin Wanli closed the door.

  Lin Wan left to go to the cabin, and found that besides the doctor and nurse, there were other guests at the door. Perhaps they were worried about the child's condition, and these people were unwilling to leave.

When the parents saw Lin Wanli coming, they grabbed her arm and cried, "Miss Lin, I don't have any experience in raising children, and the family is always taken care of by a nanny, but she is my fate, I can't let her have an accident, you let her Let the cruise ship dock, anywhere, otherwise I don’t feel at ease.”

  Lin Wanli observed the child on the bed, and found that it was a four or five-year-old girl, with a red body and a temperature as high as thirty-nine degrees seven. The doctor used antipyretics and explained to the parents that there was nothing serious, but the mother was still crying.

After listening to the doctor's words, Lin Wanli grabbed the mother's arm instead and reminded her to calm down: "It's normal for a child to have a fever, so don't be too nervous. Even if you send it to the hospital, the doctor in the hospital will treat it in the same way." method."

Unexpectedly, the mother became agitated: "You have no children, how do you know? You are afraid that the boat will be docked, so I will tell you about you on the boat. Lin Wanli, let me tell you, if I If anything happens to your child, I will fight for you."

"Listen, it's raining heavily now, even if the cruise ship docks, it will take more than three hours. If I'm afraid that someone will be against me, then I won't let so many people disembark at the same time in the afternoon. You can't take care of the children, you can Watch from the side, if I don't let her fever go down, I'll kill her." Lin Wanli's tone was a lot more serious.

  Actually, she can understand that among wealthy families, there are very few women who can take care of children by themselves, but at least, her concern for children is real, which is worthy of recognition.

  Afterwards, Lin Wanli calmed down, walked to the child's side, touched the child's hands and feet, and judged whether she would still heat up. Then, she lifted the child's bedding, untied the child's pajamas, and ordered the staff to turn on the warm water.

   At this time, the mother became anxious again: "Don't touch my child!"

  Lin Wanli asked the staff to stop the mother, then wrung out the towel herself, wiped the arteries in the back of the child's neck, and then tried to feed the child some warm water.

   At this time, the child finally opened his eyes in a daze, and she called aunt pitifully.

   It can be seen that children and mothers are indeed not close on weekdays.

   Seeing the child wake up, the mother finally broke down and cried: "Mom is here, mom is here. Are you feeling better? Lele."

   "Mom, I feel better."

  But Lin Wanli didn't stop, she even sat on the bedside and asked the child: "Tell auntie, do you want to eat a cool popsicle?"

   "What's a Popsicle? I haven't had one."

   At this time, the staff immediately understood, but he only found a box of ice cream.

  Lin Wanli handed her the ice cream, and said gently: "What flavor of ice cream do you like? Is vanilla okay?"

   "I like chocolate, but vanilla is not bad." After finishing speaking, she opened her mouth obediently.

   "Lin Wanli, she has a fever, and you still give her junk food?"

   At this time, the doctor couldn't bear it anymore and told her: "Actually, at this time, cold things can effectively help children lower their body temperature."

   "Mom usually doesn't like me to eat junk food." The little girl pouted and said, "Only occasional holidays or birthdays."

"Although ice cream is delicious, it will make you gain weight and become a big fat girl, and it may also make you toothache. Do you want to see the dentist uncle? Finally, ice cream may also make you have diarrhea. Imagine, and When the little friend was playing, he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Do you want to look for the bathroom everywhere in shame? So, it's not that mom won't let you eat, but for your health." Lin Wanli explained seriously and patiently.

  After hearing this, the little girl pouted and nodded, "The ice cream doesn't seem to taste good anymore."

   "It's okay, let's take five bites now, and we won't eat when the forehead doesn't feel so uncomfortable, okay? You count for auntie."




  The girl's mother has never seen her daughter so obedient, it seems that Lin Wanli has some soothing magic.

  The other guests were also surprised that Lin Wanli had such a way with children. Does she really have no children?

  (end of this chapter)