MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 65

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Two days later, Zhao Yelan finally recovered almost. There was no one else in the room. He put on his clothes and just walked out the door when he heard Yan Mingting confess to Zuo Ran: "Take the prescription prescribed by the doctor and boil two pots. Make it available to everyone."

"Okay." Zuo Ran raised his head and shouted, "Master Zhao, why are you up?"

Yan Mingting turned around and waved his hands. Zuo Ran hurried to do some work. He walked to the door and asked softly, "How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Zhao Yelan shook his head and asked, "What kind of medicine are you brewing? Others are also sick?"

"It's just to boil some medicine to reduce the heat. They run outside every day, just in case." Yan Mingting said.

"I was negligent." Zhao Yelan just thought that these soldiers were well-trained and physically strong, so he just let them go to work.

"Your biggest negligence is yourself." Yan Mingting helped him in and sat down, and then asked the doctor to make a diagnosis. After confirming that there was no major problem, he was relieved.

Zhao Yelan asked him about the current progress, and Yan Mingting replied: "Don't worry, the refugees from Zhizhou have been evacuated in several directions according to your previous method. If there is no accident, it is almost time for disaster relief. Click on it, and then you can go to other realms smoothly."

Zhao Yelan pondered and said, "Where are the people in the city? Are they all evacuated too?"

"Some people don't want to leave, and they are temporarily placed in charity homes."

"How long can the water source that Yin Pinglu found last?"

"Not sure, it's just that the water is getting less and less, and many people have to pick it up every day."

"Let the residents who don't want to leave to carry the water by themselves, otherwise they want to wait at home for someone to deliver it to their door." Zhao Yelan said, "Have your people pick up the water and send it to the disaster relief point, so as to minimize the casualties on the itinerary .”

"it is good."

At noon, everyone ate biscuits and white rice porridge. Sun Zhifu said that some people in the city were already preparing to leave for other places, because if they went to fetch water by themselves, the round-trip distance would not be short, so it would be better to leave with other people, so there would be more The people in the government can guarantee them a sip of water.

"Lord Zhao, there's nothing else going on here, you guys should evacuate quickly," Sun Zhifu said.

"Aren't you going with me?"

"There are still some people in the city who don't want to leave, and I can't leave them alone." Sun Zhifu said, "Thanks to everyone who came to help these days, otherwise I would not be able to handle so many refugees so easily, especially Zhao My lord, it is a blessing for the common people to have a good official like you even when he is sick."

"It doesn't have to be like this, I'm just doing my best." Zhao Yelan thought he wasn't as good as he said, but just happened to encounter such a disaster and couldn't bear to see so many lives disappear before his eyes, otherwise he would Will not get involved without authorization.

Moreover, compared to him, Sun Zhifu is the real parent official, and at this juncture, he is still unwilling to give up the remaining people and wants to live and die with them.

Zhao Yelan admired his perseverance, but he also knew that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and after minimizing the damage, he had to leave with his own people.

"We will take the official route, and come to us if there is anything to do." Zhao Yelan choked after eating half a sesame seed cake, picked up the porridge and drank most of the bowl in one go.

At this time, Yan Mingting silently moved his porridge in front of him.

Zhao Yelan: "Drink it yourself."

"I can drink later." Yan Mingting insisted.

Zhao Yelan had no choice but to drink another bowl, but when everyone went back to the room to pack their luggage, he saw Zuo Ran holding an empty jar, his eyes were straight, and not a single drop of wine dripped from it.

"Wouldn't it be better if you changed to another jar?" Zhao Yelan said.

"No more, we ran out of wine yesterday." Zuo Ran sighed, "Prefect Sun took out all the stocks at home, but there are too many soldiers, there is not enough to drink at all."

Zhao Yelan was taken aback: "Not even a single jar?"


When Zhao Yelan walked into the room, Yan Mingting was packing his bags, and looked back at him, "Drink the medicine first, and hurry up later, so as not to suffer from heatstroke again."

Zhao Yelan took a few glances at him, drank the medicine in one go, and frowned.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" Yan Mingting stepped forward and asked.

"It's a bit bitter."

"How come? You never said it was hard before."

Zhao Yelan stared at his chapped lips, raised his head to kiss his lips, licked them carefully, and asked after his lips were moist, "Is it bitter?"

"Where is it bitter?" Yan Mingting smiled, "It's obviously sweeter than candied haws."

For the convenience of traveling, no carriage was used this time, and everyone rode lightly on horseback. After saying goodbye to Sun Zhifu, everyone began to travel directly to the north.

Zhao Yelan originally wanted to ride a horse by himself, but Yan Mingting was worried, fearing that he would not be able to carry it alone, so he insisted on dragging him onto his own horse.

After more than half an hour, Yan Mingting stopped suddenly and took off his coat. The others were too hot to take it anymore, so they took off their coats in a similar manner, taking into account that there were two other girls, so they were not shirtless.

Seeing this, Yin Pinglu whispered a few words to Zuo Ran. Zuo Ran nodded, turned around and said, "General, we are going to lead the battle, you just follow behind."

After finishing speaking, he hurried to the front of the crowd, and everyone saw, what are you waiting for, quickly took off the last layer of clothes, and directly went shirtless.

Zhao Yelan looked around and saw all the muscular arms, so he was inevitably a little jealous.

"Does it look good?" Yan Mingting asked coolly behind him.

"It's really pretty." Zhao Yelan commented sincerely.


Yan Mingting was very angry, but he couldn't ask everyone to put on their clothes when it was so hot that they could die, so he was so angry that he could only take off his own underwear.

Zhao Yelan glanced back, then turned back as if nothing had happened, staring ahead, a suspicious blush gradually appeared on the base of his ears.

In the evening, everyone enjoyed the shade at the foot of a mountain and ate dry food.

Zhao Yelan found a secluded place, and stood under the shade of a tree, eating sesame seed cakes. After a while, Yan Mingting came over and handed him the water bag: "Drink some water first."

Zhao Yelan took it, took a sip, then turned his back and continued to eat the cake, but he didn't open his eyes to look at him.

Yan Mingting was puzzled and was about to speak when he heard someone calling him, so he had no choice but to go over there first to check the situation.

Hearing the sound of his footsteps gradually going away, Zhao Yelan turned his head, and his eyes fell on his back. The muscle texture on his arms and waist and abdomen contained wild strength, yet beautiful, with wide shoulders, narrow waist and narrow legs. And long, full of good stature.

He had also seen Yan Mingting soaking in a bathtub, but at that time he was only concerned with checking whether he was injured, and he didn't have so many charming thoughts, but now he was looking at him standing among a group of shirtless men , Standing out from the crowd, I can't help feeling a little more proud in my heart.

Look, among so many tall and mighty men, only the most good-looking one is worthy of being him.

"My lord, what are you looking at?" Zuo Ran suddenly appeared beside him, following his gaze, "Are you looking at the general?"

Zhao Yelan was taken aback, and looked at her angrily: "Are you silent when you walk?"

"I have, it's just that you are too focused on watching." Zuo Ran said innocently.

"..." Zhao Yelan didn't want to continue this topic, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'll get another sesame seed cake." Zuo Ran smiled, and ran to Yan Mingting's side, but he didn't know what to say to the other party, Yan Mingting suddenly looked over with a smile.

Zhao Yelan hurriedly looked up at the sky, still holding half a piece of sesame seed cake in his hand.

Zuo Ran got the pancakes and ran forward to find Yin Pinglu.

After Yan Mingting finished talking with the others, he returned to Zhao Yelan and asked with a smile, "What were you looking at just now?"

"I didn't see anything." Zhao Yelan took a few steps back, leaned his back against a tree, and then stopped, bowing his head to eat the cake.

Yan Mingting approached two steps, tilted his head, looked at his expression, and suddenly laughed: "Did you peek at me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Zhao Yelan glared at him.

"If you want to see it, just watch it directly. You have to be sneaky about what you do." Yan Mingting raised his arms, deliberately showing him the strength of a man.

Zhao Yelan: "...Be careful of mosquitoes biting you to death."


Not long after, Yan Mingting said with a mournful face, "It's over, look at my back, have I been bitten?"

"No way."

There is a big bitten bag on the back.

Zhao Yelan found some mosquito repellent in the forest, rubbed it on his back for a while, and asked, "Does it still itch?"

How can it not itch? My heart itches badly.

"I'll do it myself." Yan Mingting sighed for a long time, looked at him sadly, and pointed out, "It's still too hot today, it's easy to get angry."

Zhao Yelan choked, and stuffed the last bite of sesame seed cakes he couldn't finish into his mouth.

Yan Mingting was very moved, he said in his heart that he left me the last bite, he loves me so much.

In the evening, I will continue to drive, but the speed has slowed down, and the horses are walking forward slowly. Zhao Yelan looked up at the night sky, the sky was full of stars, very beautiful, but he couldn't be happy.

"Looks like tomorrow will be sunny." Zhao Yelan sighed.

"Don't worry too much." Yan Mingting said, "Sometimes the sky is not accurate, what if it rains?"

Zhao Yelan reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth: "I hope so."

Yan Mingting saw that he was not very interested, and said: "Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. Although tomorrow is sunny, it does not hinder the beauty of the night sky. It is rare to see so many stars in the capital. Hurry up and seize the opportunity to see more." A few glances."

Zhao Yelan laughed lightly, but really looked at the stars seriously. Some are big, some are small, some are shining, and some are connected to form a pattern, Zhao Yelan used the stars to make a picture, pointed out dozens of stars to Yan Mingting, and asked: "What do you think they will form? "

"I don't know." Yan Mingting kept looking at his side face, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, "What is it?"

"It's braised." Zhao Yelan laughed out loud, and Yan Mingting also laughed.

The others didn't know what happened, so they must have laughed. Suddenly, there was a burst of inexplicable laughter on the road.

The night was getting dark, Zhao Yelan's eyelids were a little heavy, Yan Mingting pulled him back, leaned into his arms, and said, "Squint for a while."

Zhao Yelan nodded, leaning against his chest to prepare for sleep, but not long after he closed his eyes, he felt something pressing against his back.

He opened his eyes suddenly, his face was reddish, and he said without looking back: "Restrain."

"Huh?" Yan Mingting lowered his head slightly, moved close to his cheek, and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said, you'd better restrain yourself now." Zhao Yelan said in a low voice.

"What's wrong with me?" Yan Mingting was puzzled.

"What's wrong with you? I'm on my way now."

"Yeah, hurry up... so?"

Seeing that he made it clear that he was going to pretend to be innocent, Zhao Yelan didn't want to argue with him any more, so he closed his eyes again, but couldn't fall asleep anyway. The horse's back was ups and downs, and he leaned on the opponent's chest, his ears were filled with the sound of the opponent's heavy breathing, and his face became redder and redder.

What's more, my back has been hurting all the time, and it's hard to ignore.

"Go to the front first, I have something to tell you." Zhao Yelan said.

Yan Mingting didn't know why, but he rushed to the front, and then walked to a remote forest next to him.

"What's the matter?" Yan Mingting had just finished speaking, when he suddenly turned around and reached out to touch him.

Yan Mingting was taken aback: "?" Do you want to be so wild?

Zhao Yelan's expression was even more complicated. He was sullen at first, then gradually lost. He lowered his head and glanced suspiciously. Then he noticed the saber hanging on his waist, and reached out to touch the top of the scabbard.

Oops, careless.

The expression on Zhao Yelan's face was about to crack, especially after he realized that his grip just now had caught fire.

"Then what... I seem to have made a mistake, but the fact is this..." He still wanted to explain, but was taken into the depths of the forest by Yan Mingting.

"I've never seen you so good at stirring up a fire, and you're still on your way, so quickly take responsibility for me!" Yan Mingting said.