MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 365 That Miss Su is very poor

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   Chapter 365 That Miss Su is pitiful

   As soon as he finished speaking, these people nodded quickly and said yes.

  While they were waiting to hear Yu Lin's identity as "Miss Su", who knew but there was no further text.

After waiting for several seconds, he didn't see him speaking, and the man before couldn't help but ask: "Te Assistant Yu, you haven't said, who is this Miss Su? If she comes to the company one day, we will also It's easy to deal with, isn't it?"

   Hearing "Miss Su" several times in succession, someone's mind flashed a flash of light, and then he exclaimed in surprise, "This Miss Su, shouldn't she be the daughter of the Su Group?"

   Although this person's voice was not loud, in the relatively quiet conference room, the words reached everyone's ears.

   Hearing the words, these people looked at Yu Lin as if asking for evidence. After seeing that he did not deny it, their faces suddenly showed a hint of clarity.

  Even, they have a feeling that they should be.

   With the wealth and status of the Su family, it is the most suitable to match the Pei family.

   I just don't know what Miss Su looks like? After all, although there are so many girls in the world, it is not easy to pick out one who is worthy of Pei Xinyu.

   "These words didn't come out of my mouth, so please don't spread the word. If there's nothing wrong, let's go! There's not much time for you, so hurry up and think about how to remedy it!"

After   , Yu Lin pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, opened the door and walked out.

   After he left, these people were not in a hurry to leave. After they closed the door, they continued to discuss this "Miss Su".

   "Hey! Doesn't this Su family have two daughters? You said, who exactly is Miss Su with the president?"

"It used to be two, now it's three." The man said, carefully glanced outside, and after making sure no one was peeping, he said in a low voice, "Didn't you hear? President Su's His beloved daughter was lost more than ten years ago, and now this is the adopted daughter he brought back in the process of looking for her. Not long ago, his biological daughter was found. Plus Su Er Master's daughter, aren't there only three young ladies in the Su family now?"

"Did I say your internet speed is still 2G?" A man with a shaved head rolled his eyes silently, "Didn't you read the news some time ago? The Second Master Su's family was kicked out of the Su family long ago. Now, apart from her surname, she has nothing to do with the Su family. Therefore, the CEO's girlfriend must be the heir to the Su family. In my opinion, it is probably the adopted daughter. The circle and living habits are the same, and there is no generation gap after being together."

"I also think she's an adopted daughter." Another person also echoed: "Although my background is not as good as that of the CEO, my life is good! I met such a rich adoptive father. Hey, why do you think I don't have such a good life? If I was adopted by such a wealthy family when I was a child, what kind of work would I be doing?"

"Hey, he doesn't look good, but it's pretty good if you don't think so." The person next to him gave him a sullen look, and then sighed with some pity: "Listening to what you said, I feel that the real lady of the Su family. It's very pitiful. Although she was from a good background, she was taken away before she had enjoyed it for a few years. When she finally returned home, she found that someone had already taken her place. It's sad to think about it."

   (end of this chapter)