MTL - After Abusing Me: Brothers Cried and Begged For Forgiveness-Chapter 316 auction starts

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   Wait until the day of the auction.

  Gu Yan took the boy to watch.

  Actually, if Gu Yan is curious about how much the hemostatic powder can be sold for?

   After all, she never made money with this in her previous life.

  So I don't know the specific price.

  Gu Yan waited for a long time before he got his hemostatic powder.

  The big wave woman stands on the stage.

   Introduce this special hemostatic medicine to everyone.

  No one in the audience was very interested.

   Until I heard that woman with big waves said that this hemostatic medicine can make the wound heal within four hours.

   "Are you kidding me? You won't really take us for a fool, will you? Four hours for the wound to heal?"

   "I've never heard of such a miraculous medicine. The auction will not use us as pigs anymore, right? But this auction has never done such unreliable things."

   "Is there really such a miracle drug in this world? If so, why haven't I heard of it before?"

   "If it is said that the wound will heal within a day, I can still believe that four hours is a bit of nonsense."

   None of the people sitting below believed what the big wave woman said, after all, it really sounded unbelievable.

   You must know that this is the real world, not the world of cultivating immortals in the novel.

  Sitting at the bottom, Gu Yan could hear the words of the people around her clearly.

  But she concentrated on eating the snacks on the table.

   It seems that the doubts around her can't affect her feelings.

  If these people know, the best effect of this powder can heal people's wounds within two hours.

   I'm afraid it will be even crazier?

  Gu Yan hooked the corner of her mouth.

  It seems that the wealth brought to me in the previous life is infinite.

  The big wave woman naturally knows that these people in the audience will not believe it.

  So she has long been ready for the personal experiment.

   "Everyone, be quiet, everyone knows the reputation of our auction house. If it has not been tested, it will definitely not sell this medicine."

   "Since everyone doesn't believe it, let me prove the effect of this medicinal powder for you."

  The big wave woman did not hesitate, and directly took a dagger and scratched her arm.

  A lot of blood poured out.

  The people sitting below fell silent instantly.

  The woman with big waves sprinkled the powder on her arm in front of everyone.

  The blood stopped in just three seconds.

   "You can see that the blood on my hand has stopped."

   Someone immediately questioned it.

   "Even if the blood on your arm stops, that doesn't mean that this medicine powder can really heal people's wounds for four hours. It's impossible for us to do it here for four hours?"

   "Yeah! We don't have time. Four hours here."

   "However, this medicinal powder is really miraculous. You can buy it if the price is cheap."

The woman with big waves smiled coquettishly: "Don't be impatient, everyone, it doesn't take four hours. Now I will make it within everyone's sight. You can take a look at other auction items first, and we will come back in half an hour." Look at the wound on my hand."

  Gu Yan never thought that the big wave woman would know the effect of this medicinal powder so thoroughly.

   This hemostatic drug can indeed heal the wound within four hours.

  The scabs will form within half an hour.

  As long as the scabs form within half an hour, it is enough to prove that this medicinal powder is useful.

   They can't say anything more.

  Gu Yan looked at the auction items under the stage.

  This auction is really different from the auctions she went to before.

   Most of the things inside are unheard of peerless treasures.

   Although Gu Yan is a little interested in these things.

  But she also knows that her current identity is an auction item.

  Even if you are interested, you can't compete with those rich people.

  Gu Yan sighed faintly, he really didn't know when he would be able to leave this ghostly place.

   Fortunately, half an hour passed in a flash.

   Just now, everyone was not thinking about the auction items.

   All eyes on the woman with big waves.

  After half an hour passed, the wound on the arm of the big wave woman really scabbed over.

   You must know that they just saw the big wave with their own eyes, and the woman used a dagger to slide a 20-centimeter wound on her arm without hesitation.

   Now this wound has scabbed over? ? ?

  Is this medicinal powder so magical?

   It is important to know that there is no such other special medicine, whether it is domestic or foreign.

  If there is such a miracle medicine.

   I'm afraid it will be sold out once it goes on the market.

   After all, hemostatic drugs are no better than other drugs.

   It is something that almost every household can use.

  Especially like the kind of people who lick blood on the tip of a knife.

  What they need most is not a medicine for longevity.

   It is a medicine that can heal wounds quickly.

   After all, with this medicine, their lives can be saved with a high probability.

  The big wave woman smiled and said to the people in the audience: "Everyone has seen the effect of this medicine."

   "However, we have a limited supply of this medicinal powder. There is only such a small bag. Naturally, the one with the highest price will get it."

   "The starting price is 5 million, and each increase should not be less than 100,000."

   "Good luck everyone."

  The bag of medicine powder that the big wave woman was holding was taken from Gu Yan's hand.

   But Gu Yan didn't tell the big wave woman that she made the powder.

  Women with big waves will not think about a little girl.

  She thought that the bag of medicine powder was brought by Gu Yan from outside.

   So the quantity is naturally limited.

   Almost everyone was staring at the medicine powder in the big wave woman's hand.

   A bag of hemostatic powder can be sold for a high price of five million.

  If it is placed in normal times, this is already considered a sky-high price.

   But after witnessing the effect of this hemostatic powder.

   No one will think the price is expensive.

   After all, those who come here are rich or expensive bigwigs.

   Money is nothing to them.

  But this bag of hemostatic powder is indeed extremely precious.

  The starting price was 5 million, and immediately someone bid a high price of 6 million.

"Seven million!"

"Eight million!"

  The bidding became more and more intense every time.

  Gu Yan sat under the stage as a spectator, watching all this thoughtfully.

  In her previous life, she didn't know that this hemostatic powder was so profitable.

  If she knew, she would have sold it for money.

  Thinking of her previous life when she was poor, she was still washing dishes in the restaurant.

  But holding the baby without knowing it.

  Gu Yan sighed.

   Could this be destiny?

   There was a man in the corner staring at the hemostatic powder.

  This hemostatic medicine is a bit interesting.

  Lu Fei touched his chin.

   He raised the sign in his hand.

  He is bound to get this powder.

  Because only after buying this bag of medicinal powder can you know its ingredients.

"Ten million!"

   These three words seem to be just a number to Lu Fei.

  But everyone around was stunned.

   Unexpectedly, in just one minute, this bag of medicine powder sold from five million to ten million.

  After hearing this number, many people flinched.

   They are indeed rich.

  But let them spend 10 million to buy hemostatic powder.

  They have to think carefully.

   Lufei’s ten million has also screened out many competitors.

  But there is another man competing with Lu Fei.

  This man had no interest in this hemostatic medicine.

  After all, he is just a young master who eats, drinks and has fun.

  But the female companion around him insisted that he participate in the competition, so that he could be frightened in front of everyone.

   In front of female companions, men don't want to lose face.

  Even if the other party bid a high price of 10 million, he still raised the sign.

   "Eleven million!"

  The man looked arrogant, and the other party called out 10 million must have been the limit.

  He doesn't believe that the price of the other party can surpass him?

  The female companion sitting next to the man felt the envious eyes of the people around him, and immediately clung to the man like a boneless octopus.

   "Young Master Li, you are amazing! I knew my man must be the best."

   "Just this group of people want to compete with Li Shao? It's simply beyond their control."

  The female partner's words obviously please the man.

  The man pinched her buttocks, and said indifferently: "For our Li family, this ten million is just a drizzle."

  The surroundings looked at the man with complicated expressions.

   Everyone was guessing who this man was.

   He didn't even pay attention to ten million.

   It's a pity that the auction here will keep the identity of the customer confidential.

  So they don't know each other's identity.

  I can only make up for it silently in my heart.

  The man thought the hemostatic medicine was in his pocket.

  Even the people around think so.

   After all, the starting price of this hemostatic drug is only five million.

  It is not easy to sell 11 million.

  But any normal person knows that the price should not continue to increase.

  It's a pity that Lu Fei is not a normal person.

  He's a psycho.

   At least in the eyes of others.

  Lu Fei once said when he was young that he could dedicate his life to the cause of medicine.

  The products he has developed over the years have not only been called miracles by the medical community.

   Even he himself is a legend in the medical world.

  But such a man only has the medical career in his eyes.

   Lu Fei looked at the bag of hemostatic powder with fiery eyes.

   "Twenty million!"

  He couldn't wait to take this bag of hemostatic powder back and study it carefully.

  So I don’t bother to grind with them here for a few million.

  When the number came out, everyone's smile froze on their faces.

  Especially that man.


  Probably because the angry man's hand couldn't help exerting some strength.

  My female partner's **** hurts from being pinched, but she can only bear it.

  Because she could see that the man was not in a good mood at the moment.