MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 55

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In the lens, the words of Zhong Yu’s heart can’t be said, of course, so she slammed her head and leaned on the shoulder of Li Jinyuan.

After watching the first issue, fans will be embarrassed.

Someone will find that she is the sister of Li Jinyuan, and naturally no one will be jealous.

Zhong Yuhuan was about to close his eyes. Huo Chengming suddenly whispered back and said, "It will catch cold when you sleep."

So he stepped on the brakes, temporarily stopped the car, quickly untied the seat belt, took off his coat, and threw it to Zhong Yuhuan: "Don't sleep again."

Zhong Yuhuan: "..."

This kind of action, both Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming have been done. Everyone has grown up from now on to the present, and they are used to it. Of course, there is nothing strange.

But when it comes to the camera, Zhong Yuhuan will think a little more.

She licked her lower lip and grabbed her coat. She had already built the barrage content that had been flying wildly after the first episode was aired. Will she say that she is hooked up four? Still watery poplar?

In the mind of Zhong Yuhuan, he quickly thought about the mess, but he firmly grasped the jacket, then closed his eyes and started to sleep.

Gome, sitting in front of me, couldn’t help but look back. She has been in the circle for many years, and how profound is it that people are trained in the world? Suddenly I noticed an atmosphere in the air that was not right.

After driving for a while, the car took a long, uneven road, and the cars that passed by their cars were mostly motorcycles or small three rounds. Seeing it seems to be getting worse and worse, as if walking from the city into the countryside, it took another ten minutes to drive, and the car finally stopped.

When everyone looked outside, they first saw a piece of banana forest, and then they saw the homestay next to the banana forest.

Zhong Yuhuan opened his eyes in a confused way and looked outside. The person in the car in front of him had already come down.

Zhong Yuhuan quickly pushed Li Jinyuan: "Get off the bus."

Li Jinyuan nodded and pushed the door open.

Everyone soon got together.

Yin Qiqi couldn't help but open his mouth: "To the sister, how do you arrange the place where we lived two days later?"

Li Jinyuan inserted the channel: "The accommodation conditions at the first stop are arranged by the program group."

Yin Qiqi immediately closed his mouth.

Zhong Yuhuan whispered: "I will communicate with the boss and confirm if it is here."

Li Jinyuan immediately said: "I am with you."

Huo Chengming also followed the sound: "I am also together."

Wen Yuchen smiled and said: "I am also together, there are many people, when the language is not working, I can also find a way."

Zhong Yuhuan couldn’t help but say: "In fact, there are not so many people..."

"Then everyone went in together." Gu Yuling smiled and opened his mouth.

Gome nodded: "Yes."

Gu Yuling also took the opportunity to say: "I remember that Gemei's English is very good."

Wen Yuchen said: "Yes, the role that Gome took the prize before, I have to speak English, which is the voice of Gemei sister."

Everyone said that they entered the door.

But when the owner of the hotel came to the front, everyone would be embarrassed. Because people don't speak English at all, they only have two Italian words with a lame Thai accent. The two sides made a plan, and the boss finally gave up on himself. The opening of Barabara was all in Thai.

Zhong Yuhuan opened his mouth and exchanged two sentences with the other side in Thai.

"Is it going to be Thai?" Gome said in surprise.

Zhong Yuhuan nodded his head: "Before I came over and played for a few days, I learned a little Thai with the locals."

Other people showed a blank expression. However, there is no more praise and praise. After all, it will be Thai, and it sounds like it’s not enough English or French. How many celebrities have language talents, and they are fluent in English. However, I have never seen anyone who has passed the language talent and is fluent in the Thai language. After all, it sounds not high enough.

Zhong Yuhuan also does not care that they boast of praise, chasing after the pursuit.

After talking with the boss, Zhong Yuhuan turned and said to them: "This is a total of three suites, one with banana forest and two with a private beach. Let's look at the room first, then divide."

What kind of house does Zhong Yuhuan have never lived in? Of course, there is no urgency, and I walked slowly at the end. Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming certainly did not pick, and accompanied her to the end.

Other girls are inevitably excited, first went to see three suites.

The house was ugly outside, and the road was a little harder, but the decoration was quite good. It is the banana forest, it is estimated that there are more mosquitoes at night.

Everyone quickly chose their favorite room. Gu Yuling, Gemei, Yin Qiqi chose the first room on the beach. Wen Yuchen looked at Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming. He said generously: "We live by banana forest. Anyway, men are not afraid of mosquito bites."

Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming turned their heads to look at Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan:? ? ?


Do they still want to live with her?

Zhong Yuhuan had to go back again.

Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming only slightly converged their gaze and nodded their heads: "Well."

Li Jinyuan also said: "Just according to Chen Ge." To show respect for the predecessors.

But the problem is also coming.

This is where Zhong Yuhuan and Ling Lan live together.

Zhong Yuhuan: "..." What luck?

The first day of your trip is mainly to visit the sights, complete some tasks to earn money, then eat and drink, visit the night market, you can return to the hotel. The itinerary is not tight, and wherever I go to eat at noon, I have chosen a location, and of course I can save trouble.

The first day of play, each other is just a process of mutual familiarity, so no one has shown more exciting and more eye-catching side.

The only thing in the middle is that when I went to the Ssangyong Temple, Yin Qiqi heard the shackles of Zhong Yuhuan and wore a beautiful dress to take pictures. Just like NetEase, you have to play a card every time you go to an attraction. She also came here last year and wears it like this. It was okay at the time, but this year it was caught by the local monks and asked her to leave.

Yin Qiqi lost his face and did not slow down in the afternoon. But she was also clever, she didn't have a face, she didn't get angry, she just sat down low and pity. When I was eating, I waved my hand and said, "I have no appetite."

This shot by the lens, it looks very pitiful.

There is such a drama, Zhong Yuhuan, the ratings should not be lost.

Yin Qiqi is uncomfortable and has been squatting back to the B&B. And Zhong Yuhuan did not play what the tour guide should do at all, and ran to comfort her.

They are all a group of strangers. Who has the leisure time to comfort you?

She is too lazy to do even the play.

Anyway, she is not a female star, and every move is not affected by the criticism of fans.

Gome was comforted by two sentences and took out the style of a big sister. In addition, no one else has comforted. Ling Lan estimates that this is what it is, so it will not be close. Wen Yuchen did not want to provoke an affair. Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming have been more straightforward.

When everyone went to the night market together, Yin Qiqi was not slow to follow Li Jinyuan.

When Li Jinyuan’s lower body and the stall owner asked for the price, the stall owner pointed to Yin Qiqi and said in a lame Chinese: “It suits her, she wears, looks good.”

Yin Qiqi has always had a low expression, and this has changed a bit.

She cautiously licked Li Jinjin, and her face made a little shy expression. However, she is not an actor after all, so it is a bit too hard to make such a subtle expression, and the lens has recorded this scene honestly.

Li Jinyuan also laughed and said, "That's not."

Yin Qiqi: "..."

Zhong Yuhuan, not far behind, "..."

Li Jinyuan is really simple and rude!

Yin Qiqi knew that Li Jinyuan couldn’t climb here, and he followed Huo Chengming. She has self-knowledge and knows that Wen Yuchen is like this. Usually she can say that she can make a two-character pull relationship, but if she really wants to keep up, Wen Yuchen will definitely not be happy with her.

So Yin Qiqi thought, Li Jinyuan could not be done, Wen Yichen could not be done, then this little Huo always can?

By the time of dinner, Yin Qiqi went to pick up his own food. When he passed Huo Chengming, he deliberately knocked the spoon off Huo Chengming’s feet.

This gesture is obviously obvious to the fans.

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but want to laugh.

She still saw such a warrior for the first time. After finishing the work, Li Jinyuan couldn’t make it, and turned to hook up Huo Chengming.

And what about Huo Chengming at the end?

He didn't move his feet, let alone bend over and spoon.

He had an action on his hand at this time. He just lifted the kettle and gave him a cup of water for Zhong Yuhuan. Then he took the Coke from Zhong Yuhuan and said, "Drink this first."

Yin Qiqi was deadlocked there, and she had to say low and low: "Cheng Ming brother, trouble to help me pick up the spoon."

She loves to play small when she goes.

Guan Gemei called Gome sister, Guan Gu Yu Ling called Yu Ling sister, Zhong Yuhuan did not escape. Now Huo Chengming can't escape.

When Zhong Yuhuan heard this title, his heart was a little subtle and not happy.

She can call Huo Chengming a brother, but where can other people be called?

Huo Chengming’s face also sank. He did not hide his unhappiness. He turned back and said, “I don’t have a long hand?”

Several people in Gome showed a subtle look.

They are in the entertainment circle, who can really be so true and true? The true nature of the exhibition is packaged. Suddenly I heard Huo Chengming’s opening, it’s really fresh, and there’s still a little bit of incomprehensibility.

Yin Qiqi was also shocked.

But she still softened her voice and said, "I have food in my hand. It's not good, I am afraid of it."

Huo Chengming is like a straightforward man who is unrecognizable and even rude. He said faintly: "The table is in front of you. Is it difficult to put it down first? And, no one can call his brother."

After that, Huo Chengming quickly glanced at the direction of Zhong Yuhuan, as if she was afraid of her anger.

"I have a sister." Huo Chengming chilled.

The expression on Yin Qiqi’s face was completely frozen.

She bit her lip, a bag of gas, and put the food in her hand first, then licked the chopsticks and returned to the position.

Li Jinyuan said with a smile: "Yes. We only know one day. It’s not a good habit to catch everyone. Not to mention, Huo Ge’s temper is stinky."

This time, Li Jinyuan has not forgotten to smear a Huo Chengming, and quietly touched an eye.