MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 50

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The Emperor ordered the investigation of the fire to attack the heavens. However, three days later, in the north of the heavens, I found the fireball that was thrown back and went back to the scene. There was no living person. People were lying there to find people. It has also been found for so long, and its low efficiency has made the people who know the immortals feel worried. What is even more worrying is the guy who attacked the heavens...

It is not the devil world, not the demon, but the Beihai people who have been surrendered to the deep sea in the north. They are a very gentle and peaceful group. They have never provoked war for thousands of years. This time they attacked the heavens like crazy. It is the heaven... How many unbearable things have been done in the lower bounds?

The Emperor of Heaven was angry and immediately went to the North Sea to find out. However, the news of the North Sea has not been explored, and a piece of eager book handed up by the Devil World five days ago, seeing the Emperor’s face pale...

Xiyuan collapsed, and Shen Li lived back to the Rongjun Junfu. This time, in order to prevent someone from licking her to hurt her hand, Rong Rongjun personally added an enchantment to the room where Shenli lived. I lived in the Rongjun House, and the two guests stayed at home, and Rong Rongjun could no longer do anything in the house, and her heart was very unhappy.

On this day, he was calling the acquaintance of Xianjun to play, and the other party laughed at him: "Look at this Bi Cangwang was hurt, the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor was furious, and he stopped the gods and took care of him. He has not yet become a pro-God. The Emperor of Heaven put the waist of the king of Bi Cang up, and it seems that the face of this demon world is very big, and he will become a pro in the future, and you will be stunned.

Yan Rongjun listened to his face and looked at the chess piece. He smashed the piece and slammed the ground. He said: "I still use you to dig! I am looking for you to let you add something to me! Rolling!"

The other party was not angry and laughed. When the gas was so angry that it was a slap in the face, a messy and fast footstep hurried into the yard, and the face of the orchid was condensed, and she saw the scene of Rong Rongjun. She said coldly: What is the beauty of the green king?"

Rong Rongjun stunned and stunned his forehead: "I said that the emperor, you have to add a little chaos, and people are now protected by God. Let's get it, you can stop and go back."

The orchids are cold and cold, staring at Rong Rongjun and asking again: "What about Bi Cangwang?"

When Rong Rongjun noticed that something was wrong, he hesitated: "In the back room, in order to recover the wound, I gave her an enchantment..."

"Take me in the past." The words rushed forward. After two steps, I didn't see Jun Rongjun coming. She turned back and looked at him with gaze, and Jun Rong was scared and rushed forward. Going to Linglan to lead the way, while walking, he asked: "What happened?" Youlan ignored him. When he walked to the entrance of the small courtyard, Jun Rongjun stepped forward. "I opened the enchantment, you go in. I don’t go, I’m afraid to see the gods, I’m afraid...”

Youlan didn't hesitate, and stepped into the yard, and the enchantment squatted behind her. This time, it seems that Jun Rongjun spent a little bit of thought on the place where the glass was injured. The winding path was quiet, and the path was fragrant and grassy. The outside world is noisy. The footsteps of the orchids are getting faster and faster, but they have stopped when they are about to walk out of the fragrant woods, only because she has seen through the tree shadow that the gods and the glaze are standing at the door, the glass is not pleasant, and the two are arguing. .

"Why should the skin injury be raised for so long! It is a waste of time!" Shen Li stood in the door, stopped at the door and clung to his hand. His expression was light, and he was more and more eager to slap the glass. "Let me go out!"

"You can't go out before you get hurt."

"The injury is already good! Those fireballs are not as powerful as they thought..."

"If it is not the overflow of the spirit of the room, my friends will protect your heart with divine power. Do you think you can speak so loudly today?"

A glimpse of the glass, I remembered that there was a moment when I felt that the whole body was refreshing a lot. It turned out that the power of those spirits leaked out to protect her... Shen Li felt that the ancient gods were really amazing. Even if there is only one card left in the ruin, it is also possible to take time to protect a person... Shen Li continues: "So, I have to thank the sacred sorrow when I go to worship next time. In addition, since I was already Protected, the injury is almost as good as this, let me go."


The glazed glaze, asked in a word: "You shut me down!"

"What are you going out for?"

The glazed smile: "It has been five days since the heavens have not yet caught the mastermind. What went to the North Sea to investigate the news, even if the person who explored the news was the day before yesterday, the two days can run from the heavens to the North Sea. A dozen or so back and forth, the people who explored the news were planted in the water and lost their way!" Shen Li spurned, "What efficiency!"

Just stop laughing: "The person who is in a hurry is not in a hurry, but you are here to catch anxious."

"I will be detained when I am locked here!" Shen Li gritted his teeth and secretly said, "If you change to the past, I will shoot the old nest of the mixed things."

"You are being stunned and feel unwilling, want to get back." The smile broke through her cover, and the eyes were closed. Because of anger, her mouth was somewhat awake, but the arc was very small, if not I couldn’t detect it at all, but at the angle of the line, I could see her slightly bulging cheek. The uneven color of the piece was the trace of her previous burn, thinking of the guy who fell in her arms that day. The line was almost subconsciously holding the skin with his thumb and rubbing it twice. The rejuvenation ability of the glaze is excellent, whether it is in the body or in vitro, which refers to the skin under the abdomen, but after five days, it has completely recovered, only a little color...

"I will help you get it back," he whispered. The dumb voice heard a slight glimpse of the glare, and she looked up and saw, and then the slap of the slap opened his hand. She stared at him, her eyes cold and rational.

The wrist was shot with three fingerprints. He looked at the glass for a while, dropped his hand, and let the wide sleeves cover the traces. He smiled and didn't know what to say.

"Shen Jun." Yulan suddenly spoke out and walked out from the aromatic woods. She was short and gave a gift: "Shenjun, Wangye." The two looked at the orchids, and had not had time to ask, and the orchids were anxious. Tao, "Wang Ye, the Emperor of Heaven asks you to go to the Temple of the Rock, and there are important things."

Hearing the dignity in the speech of Youlan, the frown of the glass frowned: "Take the way."

I stopped raising my eyebrows: "Why can't you ask someone to send a letter?"

Youlan silent: "God is really a thing."

Nodded in the line: "So, let's go together."

The Wenchen military commander of the Heavenly Kingdom in Lingxiao Temple was separated on both sides. The Emperor of Heaven sat on the dragon chair with a serious face. When he saw the trip with Shen Li, his brows were invisible and wrinkled, and people looked at the first place on the left side. Road: "Bi Cang Wang, here is a letter from the Devil's Circle, you look at it." The attendant presented the letter to the glaze, and the glaze took it. He only glanced at him, his face was white and his voice was Li: "When is the letter coming from?"

"It came from five days ago." The Emperor had some sighs. "Because of the fire, the people of the immortals have been busy and neglected this letter. Only today is someone who saw it."

The glazed face is colder and the opening is closed: "Imperial monarch, what happened in the end?"

"The devil city was also attacked by the Beihai people. The demon coma was comatose, and a dozen of the devils were sacrificed, and the localities occurred...the situation was extremely dangerous."

Every time the emperor said something, the frown of Shenli would be even tighter. This is a battle report five days ago. Now the situation will only be worse. There is nothing to say about the efficiency of the work of the heavens. However, any complaints against allies at this time are useless. The more this time, the more you need to calm down. Analysis... Shen Li closed his eyes and cleaned up the mood of the heart, and then he opened his mouth coldly for a moment: "It seems that the attack on the heavens five days ago was a slap attack, and it was the law of the other side."

If you really want to attack the heavens, you will only arrange one point for launching a fireball, and you will fight to the secluded place in Xiyuan. The other party is only swaying, and the people in the heavens are rushing up and down, messing up into a mess, and have no time to care. Others, naturally, it is impossible to help the devil world, and its main forces attack the devil...but...the demon coma is coma, a dozen of generals are sacrificed...

Such a heavy casualty, this is not what the devil should have. There is a difference between the heavens and the heavens. The glaze is very clear. Those generals are the elites who pick one in the world...

"Indigo asked the emperor to allow him to return to the devil when he was standing."

"This is nature." The emperor waved his hand, and another person presented several boxes of medicinal herbs. "The stunned stunned sorcerer is not hurt. These boxes of medicinal herbs are taken from the demon world and taken to the devil." When you are a soldier, you can help the devil to suppress the gang and clear the thief."

"Xie Dijun is very generous." Shen Li took the medicinal herbs, did not delay, turned and left.

Seeing the figure of Shen Guang disappeared in the mouth of Lingxiao Temple, and the eyebrows were slightly moved. Hearing the Emperor of Heaven, he called: "Shen Jun, how do you think about this?"

It is no coincidence that "the devil's squad is attacked. If it is common sense to infer that this should be a battle for power, the North Sea family may be borrowed."

The Emperor nodded: "The gods and I thought of going there. The devils have surrendered to the heavens for many years. Many of them are dissatisfied. Some people secretly blame them. They want to cover the current realm of the devil world. It is not surprising to establish a new king. Wang must be opposite to heaven, but it is very troublesome."

Civil and military officials were a bit noisy at the moment, and they were talking softly with the people around them.

The Emperor turned his head and looked at the line: "The gods have been rushing and tired, and the flower banquet has not been successful. It really is that I am incompetent."

If it is normal, the trip will be a guest of two sentences, but today he did not say a word, but it seems to agree with the words of the Emperor, silently said "I am incompetent."

The Emperor of Heaven was silent, and the Baiguan followed a silence. In the end, the Emperor coughed twice, and he said slightly: "The gods have left the heavens for a long time. However, the heavens are the source of the world. These days, the heavens are messy and evil." The gas is a little heavy...the god..."

"I will go back to heaven tomorrow," said a faint slogan and went away.

In the Lingxiao Temple, it was quiet for a moment, and the Emperor said: "After this, it has exposed many shortcomings in the heavens. I want everyone to look at it. In the end, it’s been a long time for Shutan. It’s such a small thing that makes Jiuzhongtian go up and down. Once again, everyone, the fairy, the check, the clear, it is time to rectify."

Baiguan jaw is called the first.

Shen Li just walked to Nantianmen, I don't know what I thought, and I went back inexplicably. I suddenly saw the place standing in the back ten feet away, and looked at her quietly. Shen Li holds a fist and deeply swears: "In these days, I would like to thank God for taking care of me, and I will give up." He stopped his mouth and smiled, whispering softly: "This can be controlled."

I don't know if this is the result of Shen Liu. She turned her head without any attachment. The long hair that was raised in the sky made a clean and sharp arc in the air. She jumped and slammed into the South Gate.

After many days, I thought about it more than once. Why didn’t he call her that day, why did she let her go so easily...

He clearly has something to say...