MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 155 Lord (fourteenth chapter)

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Brother has been watching you. "

"I don't want you to look at me!" Shi Jingge struggled violently in his arms, his eyes fell at this moment, "I don't need it! You go! You go! I don't need it! Did you hear that! I unnecessary!"

Mingming said such fierce words, the tears were like rain and couldn't stop at all.

"Don't cry." The man stretched out his hand to wipe his tears, "Manly man, don't cry when you bleed, that's what Xiao Ge said."

Shi Jingge looked at him fixedly, and suddenly reached out to wipe away his tears, "I won't cry."

Shi Jingge said these words vaguely, with a weeping sound, "Don't stay here, you go to reincarnate, okay?"

"Don't look at me, you have to delay yourself, I will take good care of my parents, I will take good care of the territory, I will become an excellent lord in the future, I will let everyone live and work in peace and contentment, and I will make the territory a prosperous place Territory, I will make everyone fed and clothed..."

"I've grown up, I'm sensible, I can do it, can you trust me once?"

"I have learned a lot. The teachers all praise me. I will get better and better. Don't worry, don't look at me. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Shi Jingge spoke upside down without the point, but the man understood every word Shi Jingge said.

"Song is awesome."

"Little Song is amazing."

"But Xiaoge should also pay attention to her body."

"What do you make yourself look like, do you think I didn't see it?"

"If you do this, how can I leave in peace?"

"How much weight have you lost, do you know?"

"You are really..." The man nodded Shi Jingge's forehead, "How can I leave in peace, Xiaoge?"

Shi Jingge bit his lower lip firmly, but his whole body was shaking.

Countless memories flashed through his mind one by one, causing his tears to fall uncontrollably.

He spoke repressedly, his voice was small and trembling.

"I miss you so much."

"Since you don't want to leave, I won't leave either, okay?"

"I'm here with you."

The man laughed, "You're talking nonsense again."

"Human beings and ghosts have different paths, Xiaoge, I'm already dead."

"You still know," Shi Jingge said with a pale face, "Then why do you keep looking at me?"

"Human beings and ghosts have different paths, you have to go your own way."

"You can't... consume yourself like this..."

The man sighed, "...Xiaoge."

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "I found the secret of Donglinghua."

"Well, I know." The man lowered his eyes and said softly, "You are awesome."

"I've grown up." Shi Jingge repeated again.

"Yeah." The man's eyes became more gentle, "Xiao Ge is already a mature adult, brother is very proud."

"I'm also proud of my brother." Shi Jingge was silent for a long while, and said word by word, "Always, always proud of having a brother."

The man laughed slowly, his voice was extremely gentle, "Yes."

Shi Jingge was breathing heavily, and he seemed to be trying his best to calm his out-of-control emotions, "I have a gift for my brother."

He handed over the uncarved piece of blue spirit jade, "Does brother know what the meaning of blue spirit jade is?"

The man took the piece of blue spirit jade, on which he was uncarved, he rubbed his fingers on it, feeling the warm texture, the curve of the corners of his lips couldn't help but become more gentle.

"I know."

"Represents blessing, hope, love and eternity."

Shi Jingge looked at his elder brother fixedly, and suddenly said: "I once had a dream."

"A nightmare."

"Repeatedly, many times."

"I dreamed that my brother was looking at me, at the end of the corridor, at the corner of the stairs, at the dining table, at the edge of the bedroom, you were always looking at me, without saying a word, just looking at me."

"You watch me act recklessly, watch me act recklessly, watch me do so many wrong things, and in the end, you can't stand it anymore."

"You're alive again."

"The price is that every day you 'live' traumatizes your soul."

"Until..." Shi Jingge's voice trembled with deep pain, "The soul flies away."

There is no reincarnation, no reincarnation, completely dissipated in this world.

The man stared fixedly at Shi Jingge, "That's just a dream, Xiao Ge."

Shi Jingge smiled, that smile was pale and feeble, very ugly.

Then, Shi Jingge took the man's hand and asked the man to close his fingers little by little, holding the piece of blue spirit jade tightly.

"I hope my brother can be happy."

"I wish my brother a bright future, a magnanimous future, living in the love of everyone, smooth and safe, healthy and worry-free."

"I will always love my brother."

Shi Jingge bent down and gently kissed the man's finger, "I will become a very good lord and lead the residents of my territory to live a good life."

"They won't remember my brother anymore, they will only remember me."

"In this way, brother has nothing to worry about, so he can rest assured."

"I will finish all the things my brother cares about."

"I know what my brother cares about."

The man touched Shi Jingge's head, and said in a low voice, "Do you really know what I miss?"

Shi Jingge nodded vigorously, "I know."

The man chuckled, "I will always remember Xiaoge."

Shi Jingge suddenly looked up at him, and then there was a crisp sound.

That piece of blue spirit jade became two halves.

The man stuffed half of it into the scene singer, and said softly, "Me too."

Shi Jingge's eyes turned red.

Then, he discovered that his brother, who had always been taciturn, didn't know when his eyes became red.

The one in the time scene singer is the half of the blue jade that he hasn't finished carving, and the one in the man's hand is the blank part.

The man carved Shi Jingge, and his craftsmanship was obviously much more skilled than Shi Jingge, so when Shi Jingge finally finished, he also finished carving the half of the blue spirit jade.

The two exchanged Lan Lingyu.

I don't know how long time has passed, here, I can't feel the passage of time at all.

But the man knew that Shi Jingge was still alive, a living soul, and if he was here for a second longer, he would be at an extra risk.

The man said softly: "Xiaoge, can you take care of everything I care about and worry about?"

Shi Jingge nodded silently.

The man said again: "Then you know, who is it that I miss the most?"

Shi Jingge nodded slowly.

"Who is it? Tell me, Xiaoge."

"It's me." Shi Jingge said in a low voice.

"Well," the man smiled at Shi Jingge, but his eyes were redder, "Can you take care of me?"

Shi Jingge nodded vigorously, and then asked, "Then the person I care about the most, can you take care of it?"

"I can." The man shook the blue spirit jade in his hand, "It will supervise me."

"That," the man pointed to Shi Jingge's Lan Lingyu, "I will also supervise you."

Shi Jingge looked at his own Lan Lingyu, nodded vigorously after a while.

The man stood up and stood opposite Shi Jingge.

They looked at each other quietly.

Gradually, a thin mist appeared, separating them.

"Little song," the man's voice sounded, and for a moment, thousands of words were stuck in his throat, but in the end it turned into three words, "I love you."

Shi Jingge hoarsely said, "I love you too."

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, and gradually formed the thick fog that Shi Jingge saw when he came. He stood there silently, even though he couldn't see anything, he still looked at the direction his brother was leaving.

His brother is such a good and good person.

Deserving to have the love of the whole world, not completely dissipated in the air.

The dense fog was getting thicker and thicker, Shi Jingge felt cold, but he didn't want to move.

His consciousness was a little slack, and he still stood there, staggering and looking in that direction.

Until, a voice sounded.

"Xiaoge, follow me."

One hand suddenly grabbed Shi Jingge, and then dragged Shi Jingge to another direction.

Shi Jingge didn't want to leave, but he didn't have the strength to resist.

Then, he heard that familiar voice say: "Don't worry your brother, Xiao Ge."

Shi Jingge left.

To be taken by that hand to a bright and warm place.

So much so that he finally opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his mother, Zhu Muyu.

Zhu Muyu was a little haggard, and his eyes were full of red threads.

Shi Jingge reached out and hugged Zhu Muyu tightly, his voice hoarse, "I saw my brother."

"He said he loved me."

"I love him too."

"I will take care of myself."

"I am his concern."

"He left Lan Lingyu behind, and he will supervise me."

"Mom, those before..."


The author has something to say: make up the previous one today, it’s a total of 12,000, do you want to praise me?

This world will be over in these two days. I haven't thought about the next world yet. I kind of want to finish the full text orz

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-19?23:58:51~2021-06-23?23:53:52~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 13 bottles of xmq; 10 bottles of cute baby; R Luo Qijiu? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!