MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 599 This purple potato will be the father of all of you

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"Why don't I continue to follow you."

Nero said.

He was originally Bai Ye's bodyguard and was familiar with Bai Ye's various operations. For others, following the protection might be a huge challenge.

But for Nero, it was nothing more than going back to what he was doing.

"No, I actually have a bold idea." Bai Ye said, "I need your cooperation."

Said, Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and an indescribable force between illusion and reality hovered in the palm of his hand.

"Some, like the feeling of that illusory world."

Xuan Xiao said.

"Although I didn't completely win, I got some spoils anyway," Bai Ye said.

While speaking, the clothes on his body suddenly changed, and his hair grew longer at the same time.

After a while, Bai Ye's shape became very similar to Xuan Xiao.

In addition to the different faces, even the temperament is extremely similar.

At a glance, he looked exactly like Xuan Xiao.

"This is?"

Xuan Xiao was a little surprised.

Bai Ye sneered and said, "The sky has abandoned me, I would rather become a devil!"

Demon flames on his body.

In a trance, what everyone saw was another Xuan Xiao.

Bai Ye laughed loudly and said, "How about it, the second is not the second, does it look like me?"

Zhen Xuanxiao's face darkened immediately: "It's just a shape."

Although the breath and shape can be completely faked, everyone can still feel that Bai Ye's power has not been improved much.

Just an empty shell.

The greedy lamp ring on Bai Ye's finger gave off a burst of orange light.

A copy of the Xihe sword appeared in Bai Ye's hands, and with his swing, a complete "Xihe Zhan" was cast by Bai Ye.


Xuan Xiao frowned slightly.

Apart from being pitifully weak in terms of strength, these strikes and slashes are no different from the Xi and slashes that he himself displayed.

It is equivalent to the difference between the first-level Xihezhan and the ninety-ninth-level Xihezhan.

It's just a difference in power.

"Certainly not just empty shells."

Bai Ye said, "As agents, you have a very close relationship with me, so I can simulate your abilities 100% perfectly. It's just that my power is now used to balance, devour the rod of power and wealth and the core of the fragments. There is a lack of strength."

"Therefore, you need your cooperation."

With that said, everyone's position changed and they came to the void.

Bai Ye once again struck Xihe Zhan, and this time, in terms of strength and aspects, it was no different from the Xihe Zhan that Xuan Xiao himself had displayed.

"So that's the case. Did you use my own power to make up for it?"

Xuan Xiao looked down at himself and said.

Bai Ye is now in a situation of insufficient strength, wait until he recovers.

Not to mention a 99th-level Xuanxiao genuine Xihezhan, even a 199th-level enhanced Xihezhan.

The king of COS is born!

"Yes, then, here comes the question, if necessary, borrow it, do you mind?" Bai Ye said.

What else can you say? Of course, he patted his chest to indicate that what you said, boss, was right.

Use it whenever you need it.

It's just a reminder before, in case they were fighting at that time, and they were suddenly renewed by Bai Ye... No, they borrowed their power.

As a result, it was embarrassing to hit the street on the spot.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Bai Ye said, "Do I look like the kind of person who borrows things if they don't agree?"

"By the way, boss, you shouldn't just have the ability to perfectly simulate the agent and borrow the power of the agent, right?"

Lars asked.

He belongs to the kind of weak chicken who will not be borrowed power by Bai Ye.

No pressure to speak of.

"It's just you for now, but..."

Bai Ye paused for a while, and laughed.

Lars also laughed.

The two of them exuded a black hole-like aura of danger, which made people want to stay away.

"Let's go, Alu, we're doing things... No, we're going to collect materials and strengthen equipment." After he finished, Bai Ye waved at Nero.

"Don't you need my protection?" Nero said.

"It's said that I'm not a martial artist anymore." Bai Ye said, "I'll leave it to you for things like fighting."

Nero was noncommittal and followed behind Bai Ye.

Re-open the gate of time and space, and Bai Ye came to the earth of the Marvel world.

He wants to collect all six Infinity Stones to strengthen the trading pavilion.

Nero silently followed behind Bai Ye, and the two returned to their original boss and bodyguard status.

Speaking of which, Bai Ye is absolutely unqualified as a member of the International Security Council.

It usually disappears for a few months, and occasionally it appears, and sometimes it doesn't even appear.

But it is because of this incompetence that it is likable.

It would be troublesome if you were there every day and every day to compete with people for power and profit.

The idle director Bai Ye took out his mobile phone and dialed Tony Stark's number.

After a while, the voice of "Friday (Hashtron incident, Jarvis becomes Tony's new artificial intelligence butler after Satsuma sounded.

Indicates that Tony is very busy right now.

Before Friday's words were finished, Tony's voice picked up: "White Night?"

"Yeah." Bai Ye said.

"Something happened." Tony's voice was serious.

"What?" Bai Ye looked up at the sky, and then looked at the surrounding streets with people coming and going.

Looking at this, Thanos should not come yet.

"Asgard Island..." Tony said.

"Oh, let me come and have a look." Bai Ye said.

"Asgard Island".

Thor and the others brought Asgard's old, weak, and sick to Earth.

It is sponsored by the two local tyrants Bai Ye and Tony Stark, and some Asgardians sponsored it.

Soon, Bai Ye came to Askid Island in a Batman fighter plane.

This island is not too far from the mainland, but not too close.

When the fighter plane landed, Bai Ye and Nero smelled a burning smell when they came out.

In the sky, Tony in a steel battle suit fell, his helmet opened, and he said to Bai Ye, "Thor and Loki are missing, and the rest are dead."

"Including Heldham?" Bai Ye asked.

At the same time, he asked Steward D, Thor and Hela about the delivery of the Thunderbolt Sword.

The answer was that when they were lethargic in the white night, the two worked so hard that they delivered a year's quantity at a time.

The time was not too long ago.

I am afraid that the island has only happened in the time period after delivery to the present.

"You mean the Rainbow Bridge Guardian?" Tony asked. "Yes, dead too."

"Well..." Bai Ye touched his chin, "Look for it, is there a cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube, wasn't that thing brought back to Asgard by Thor?" Tony asked.

The pirated Cosmic Rubik's Cube was indeed brought back to Askid by Thor.

placed in the treasury.

However, at that time, Thor planned to use Surtur's power to create Ragnarok and overturn Hela.

So let Loki go to the treasury and throw Surtur's crown into the eternal fire.

Because Bai Ye intervened in this matter, Loki was unable to do it.

But this guy "thieves don't go empty", and took away the pirated Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Look for it, if not, it proves that something happened." Bai Ye said.

Tony nodded and gave an order.

Naturally, there are robots looking for them.

After a while, there was no news that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube had been found.

Bai Ye nodded: "I think, I probably know what happened."

"What do you know?" Tony asked.

"Earth, pills."

Bai Ye patted Tony's shoulder with a serious face, "Or, the universe, there are half pills."

"What do you mean?" The person who asked was not Tony, but Captain America who rushed over.

The President was wearing his combat uniform with a shield on his back, dressed as a soldier.

"If I hadn't guessed, something big is about to happen, call someone!"

Bai Ye waved his hand, "In the name of the director of the International Security Council, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., and an old Chinese doctor of mutants, I will issue an announcement. The world's extraordinary people unite, and the moment that affects the life and death of mankind has come!"

Seeing Bai Ye's excited appearance, Tony and the former captain and the current president looked at each other.

Why do you suddenly feel that the sense of crisis has completely disappeared?

Nero, who was behind Bai Ye, turned his head silently and looked at the sky.

It's still a familiar recipe, and it's still the original boss.

after one day.

The Avengers Building, a large conference room that can accommodate more than a hundred people, or an auditorium.


"By the way, is there just so many people?" Bai Ye said to Tony and Captain America, "It is related to the life and death of human beings, shouldn't all kinds of new faces appear one after another?"

"Why are all the chickens here?"

"You haven't said anything clearly, and the time is still in such a hurry."

Tony said, "It's enough to have so many people here."


Bai Ye snorted coldly, "If you let me know. Whoever knew the news and didn't come, I will trade in the Trading Pavilion in the future, and the price will be doubled, no, four times!"

"Are you just looking for an excuse to increase the price?" Tony instantly realized Bai Ye's true purpose.

"Cut, profiteer thinking."

Bai Ye pouted.

"Okay, come on stage to explain the situation." Tony pushed Bai Ye.

A group of people gathered together, and the atmosphere of the scene was actually quite hot.

Bai Ye came to the stage, but the noisy voices under the stage did not quiet down.

Reached out and tapped the microphone twice, and a sharp, harsh sound came from the broadcast speaker.

Finally let these people quiet down.

Bai Ye's eyes swept across the stage.

Many people he knew.

Like the X-Men team, the Brotherhood team.

There are also many street heroes who have joined the "Hero Police Station", including Daredevil and others who went to Bai Ye at that time.

A suffocating, wearing a coat, the Punisher, who is estimated to be full of weapons when opened, is also among them.

Lit a cigarette and smoked.

He didn't join the Hero Police Station, but he came here too.

Similarly, there are many people who Bai Ye doesn't know.

Some people have no impression of Bai Ye at all, and it is estimated that they are "extraordinary people" with little reputation.

There are also some people who Bai Ye has not seen before, but who can be more or less identified.

For example, the green-haired, heroic-looking girl next to old Magneto is probably Magneto's daughter, Polaris.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen."

Bai Ye cleared his throat, used a very formal opening remark, and paused for a while.

It's a pity, except for a small number of people applauding.

Most of the people stared at Bai Ye, motioning for this guy to get to the point quickly.

Everyone is so busy, I didn't come here to listen to your nonsense.

Not everyone knows the identity of the pavilion master of the Baiye Trading Pavilion.

These people's perceptions of Bai Ye are still in-the director of the International Security Council, big capitalists, local tyrants, and playboys like Iron Man, and they are not geniuses like Tony.

It has a certain strength in itself, a member of the Avengers, and one of the promoters of Captain America becoming the president.

Oh, and there's a mutant old TCM.

Speaking of which, just this kind of cognition and identity is already very hanging.

But the extraordinary, most of them are arrogant people.

Bai Ye's only identity that they can agree with and feel "still eye-catching" is probably a member of the Avengers.

Mutant old Chinese medicine, barely half.

As for the big capitalists and council members.

This status is still a deduction.

Most of the extraordinary people still follow the line of personal heroism. Even if they are united, a small team such as the Avengers, the Brotherhood, and the X-Men will be in the sky.

It is a natural opposition to official organizations.

If you have to say it, it can barely be regarded as the relationship between the martial arts and the imperial court.

Like Bai Ye and Tony, they can be counted as court eagle dogs, or that kind of big eagle dogs.

The X-Men are the famous and decent in the arena.

Magneto and the others are demons.

Street heroes like Spider-Man are characters like the Justice Lone Ranger.

Of course, many street heroes such as Spider-Man have been included and added to the "Six Doors", becoming the catcher.

The Punisher, a violent person, is the standard chivalrous person who violates the ban with martial arts.

Although it is a "good thing", it is a typical factor of instability.

Such a group of people with different attributes and even opposites gather together, of course, no one obeys the other.

There was no fight on the spot, it was really a big enough face for Bai Ye.

But at most it stays at the level of "I'll give you a face to come and have a look".

Compared with the face fruit ability, Bai Ye still has a certain distance.

"It seems that everyone's patience is not very good." Bai Ye said with a smile, "Then, I'll just get to the point, Bai Ye's high-end cooking class has started! Here's a hundred ways to make purple potatoes."

"Who, Tony, put the slide PPT down."

"I'm not your helper, and the other one is not called a slideshow!" Tony's voice came from the background.

On the big screen behind Bai Ye, a figure appeared.

"Look, this purple potato."

Bai Ye pointed at the tall, bald-headed and purple-skinned humanoid on the screen, who looked like a purple potato, and was definitely not an ordinary humanoid, and said, "It is about to become the biggest crisis facing life on earth!"

"Who is he?"

Professor X asked.

His voice sounded in everyone's heart except Lao Wan.

The noise in the room was suppressed abruptly.

The eyes of many people looking at this bald old changed instantly.

"Thanos, the Eternal Titan family, nicknamed Thanos, Purple Potato." Bai Ye said, "How much is it..."

"If he was standing here, he would say that to everyone. I'm not targeting anyone. I mean, everyone here is garbage."

"There is no exaggeration in this sentence."

"Basically, he's the dad to all of you, the kind who can hang you up and beat you up."

"Then, please listen to the question, Thanos is eyeing the earth, how can you resist?"

"There are three options here."

"Option 1: This rubbish, I have a hundred ways to make purple sweet potato puree!"

"Option 2: Let's unite and beat this purple potato, let him know why the flowers are so red."

"Option three: ask another dad to help."