MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 598 The World of White Night (End)

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Bai's location is on the third floor of this unfinished building.

The windows of the room, of course, have no glass, they are just covered with a layer of rags.

It's a very simple thing to break through the rags and jump out of the window.

However, here are three floors.

Now Bai Ye is just a standard ordinary person, jumping off hastily, he should not die.

But if he is half-crippled, it is indispensable to break his legs and arms. How can he escape then?


The next second, Song Yin let out a loud cry.

Nero Chen and the others saw the white night jumping out of the window and grabbed the rope hanging from the top of the window.

Of course, Bai Ye was already prepared.

In order to prevent the psychiatric researcher from blocking the door, he had already prepared thirty-six escape plans.

Now only use one of them.

He hung the rope for days, and Nero didn't even notice it.

A group of naive people, fighting against him is still far away!

Holding the rope and swinging away, let go and fall, Bai Ye jumped to the other side of the balcony that was not fully built on the second floor.

Then he grabbed the edge with both hands and fell vertically.

Landed successfully.

At this time, Nero and the others had also rushed to the stairs, and the sound of rapid footsteps came from the building.

Their speed was very fast, and after Bai Ye landed, these people rushed out.

Song Yin is far behind.

It seems that the speed of the two sides still has a certain gap.

It was only time for Bai Ye to be caught by these people.

In this situation, Bai Ye had already considered it, and with a flash, he ran into the unfinished building.

Then, there was a tinkling sound, and this guy actually rushed out on a bicycle.

Nero and the others galloped past the stunned Nero.

"The **** of autumn famous mountain bike is here!"

Bai Ye frantically kicked his pedals and laughed wildly, "On this road, no one can catch up with me! Hahaha!"


Nero squeezed a word out of his mouth.

The big men chased after him without hesitation.

Nero joined Song Yin, who was late, and took out the communication tool.

About half an hour later.

Bai Ye was still speeding on the rough road.

His face was covered with sweat, and his face showed the same paleness.

Behind him, the staff of the mental hospital were still chasing Bai Ye, without any intention of relaxing.

I don't know where these guys got their physical strength.

After chasing Bai Ye for so long, the speed did not drop.

After a few minutes, the obvious engine sound came.

Nero and the others were standing in the back of a truck, and they chased after him.

Nero said it was an island.

The mental hospital is the only "place of residence".

The only means of transportation is a small truck that transports some supplies from the dock to the mental hospital.

That bike was specially brought here to accompany the show.

The speed of riding a bicycle in Baiye is definitely not as fast as that of a truck.

But not all roads are open to trucks.

The distance between the two sides was pulled in, and it was pulled further away because Bai Ye walked down the trail.

They chased and fled all the way, but Nero and the others failed to catch Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye didn't succeed in getting rid of them - in fact, even if he got rid of them, it was temporary.

Unless it's a real escape from the island.

Bai Ye speculated that if he really escaped the island, he should also break free from this illusory world.

Win this special battle.

Unfortunately, Bai Ye didn't have the opportunity to try it.

He stopped.

Bai Ye's current location is on the edge of a sea cliff.

In front of it is a slightly extending cliff, and under the cliff is the waves constantly beating on the reef.

The waves are surging, and even a whirlpool is vaguely formed.

Even the best tide-runners wouldn't jump into such water and die.

Looking up, I saw a gloomy sky.

Dark clouds overwhelm the city, as if a violent storm will sweep over the city in the next second.

A little further away, there was a vast white fog that enveloped the sea.

Bai Ye got out of the car and turned to look at Nero and the others who were blocking his only path, still with a crazy smile on his pale face.

"Don't run away."

Nero looked at Bai Ye and said, "It's said that this is an island, and it takes two days to set off from the nearest land. You can't escape."


Bai Ye said, "I'll still call you Alu. Although your white hair is dyed, it is quite a distance away from the deity, but I have to admit that the COS reduction degree is not bad, and it barely has a passing score."


Nero Chen did not speak.

The patient in front of him was terminally ill and could not be saved.

It is impossible to be discharged from the hospital.

Only some inhumane treatments can be taken, such as frontal lobe incision surgery and the like.

Guarantee to be obedient and obedient from now on, not to cause trouble, not to cause trouble.

"catch him."

No nonsense, Nero Chen pointed to Bai Ye and said.

More mighty men than before, walked towards Bai Ye.

The smile on Bai Ye's face did not diminish, and he took two steps back.

Behind him is the cliff, and at the foot is the surging sea.


Nero, discovering the madman's intentions, growled.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Bai Ye fell back, as if there was some soft bed behind him - without any hesitation.

Nero and the others rushed to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Where is Bai Ye's figure?

Some are just choppy waves.

Dark, cold, suffocating...

The sea water poured into the mouth and nose, and the body rotated, and Bai Ye couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south, up and down, left and right in an instant.

However, Bai Ye did not intend to distinguish clearly.

I don't care about the painful feeling of coldness and suffocation.

The body is completely relaxed, floating in the dark and cold sea water, and there is no meaning to struggle at all.

Consciousness gradually blurred.

The painful feeling of suffocation is slowly disappearing.

On the closed eyes, it seems that thousands of kilograms of boulders have been pressed down, and it is difficult to open them again.

Death has never been so close.

Then, Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

Around, it is no longer cold and dark sea water.

Instead of being in a life-eating ocean, he was lying on a soft bed.

Surrounded by familiar scenes.

The "Infinite Trading Mountain" moved from the main world, Bai Ye's residence in the trading pavilion.

Here, is his bedroom.

"Master, you are awake."

The head maid and housekeeper D, who "heared" the sound, turned and walked towards Bai Ye, helped him up, and leaned against the soft cushion.

"Is that the end?"

Bai Ye pouted, "It's a bit simple unexpectedly, I thought I would wake up in the ward again for the second week or something."

After jumping off the sea cliff and jumping into the sea to "suicide", something will happen.

In fact, Bai Ye didn't have the slightest grasp.

But it's also a half way to leave the island, so Bai Ye decided to try it.

You can't expect a high-flying psychopath to plan a foolproof and elaborate game-breaking operation.

Bai Ye has never been such a wise man.

He's just an ordinary lunatic.

Then, the madman succeeded, leaving the illusory world and returning to reality.

The process of "getting out of trouble" was so simple that it was beyond Bai Ye's expectations.

But if you think about it, it's normal.

The core against Bai Ye is not a crushing state in itself.

It didn't even seal or suppress Bai Ye's true memories.

Only a specious world can be created, and the "scope" of this world is really small.

Bai Ye speculated that the island was probably the whole of the illusory world.

Speaking of which, Bai Ye wasn't sure whether he escaped from the illusory world because he left the island or because of death.

All in all, the result is waking up right.

At least, Bai Ye didn't lose in this battle—but, he didn't win so thoroughly.

Raise your hand, make a fist, and let go.

Bai Ye showed a "I'm weak" look.

Although he has been separated from the illusory world, there is still a problem.

Bai Ye's "suicide jumping into the sea" behavior seems to be a bit of a tricky reason, just the detachment of my own consciousness.

Failed to really absorb the core of the Dream Tree and let it complement the Rod of Power and Wealth.

The core, the rod of power and wealth, and the power of Bai Ye itself.

The three are intertwined and form a special balance.

Bai Ye couldn't be the same as before, showing the universe in his sleeves, the real fire of Samadhi.

A big move can destroy a world.

Most of his power is used to balance and absorb the core, as well as the rod of power and wealth.

Yes, including the Rod of Power and Wealth.

As the owner of the Rod of Power and Wealth, the Rod of Power and Wealth is an extremely important weapon for Bai Ye.

Some are similar to the relationship between Xuanxiao and Xi and Jian.

But now, because the core has driven the relationship of the rod of power and wealth, Bai Ye has inexplicably embarked on the road of "devouring the rod of power and wealth".

The power that belongs to the Rod of Power and Wealth is truly transformed into the power that belongs to him.

There is no doubt that the Rod of Power and Wealth was created to be used, not eaten.

Plus core strength mixed in.

Even Bai Ye, the Lord of the Rod of Power and Wealth, cannot absorb the power of the two in a short period of time.

Really transformed into his own power.

The short answer is that Bai Ye is temporarily weakened.

What demonization, blood shadow magic, samadhi true fire and other skills have been sealed.

Now Bai Ye, as far as he is concerned, is just a weak chicken who jumps six or seven meters high, and is probably slightly stronger than Captain America in terms of strength.

Yes, weak chicken level.

Let alone the bosses of the boss team, even Song Yin might not be able to beat her.

Can you be weak?

In the illusory world, what Song Yin said to Bai Ye turned out to be a prophecy!

In addition, the rod of power and wealth is in a state of being "digested" by Bai Ye.

It is no longer possible to burn the value of power and wealth, and use the "power of power and wealth" to rub enemies similar to the enemy of civilization to the ground.

However, the trading power can still be used.

Make Bai Ye very happy.

what does that mean?

It means that Bai Ye was born to be a man who wants to take the road of trading.

The degree of fit with the transaction is simply 100%. The transaction power of the Rod of Power and Wealth has become the power of Bai Ye in just an instant.

If night and day are not suitable.

Then, no one in the world is suitable for trading.

"If I truly absorb the Rod of Power and Wealth and become one with it..."

Bai Ye fell into contemplation, "Then, the world contained in the Staff of Power and Wealth, the Trading Pavilion, has become the small world contained in my body."

"In this way, when I enter the Trading Pavilion, it is equivalent to entering myself?"

"And this kind of operation? It's really philosophical and transactional."

Bai Ye felt that it was better to separate the "Trading Pavilion World" from the staff of power and wealth as soon as possible.

Come up with a world like "Buddha in the palm of your hand".

Holding a world in hand, speaking out is high-level, and you can avoid falling into the philosophical field of "oneself into oneself".

But because of the broken relationship between the rod of power and wealth.

The Trading Pavilion world, so far, has not been completely perfected and stabilized.

If they are rashly separated, there may be some accidents.

It's better to find a carrier and put it into it.

in order to achieve stability.

"The golden hoop is hard enough..." Bai Ye thought about what to use as the carrier of the trading pavilion world.

Said to be a carrier, in fact, it is also a part of the world.

The better and higher-end the carrier used, the stronger the solidly formed world.

It can be pulled into the world, and the upper limit of the strength of those who can be done by Bai Ye will be higher.

In the trading cabinet, it is suitable to be used as a carrier of the world, or to jointly build a "commodity" that strengthens the world—

Bai Ye's eyes lit up and he thought of a good choice.

Open your palm, palm up, a cube emitting blue light appears in Bai Ye's hand.

A cosmic cube from the Marvel universe.

Inside is the Space Stone from the Infinity Stones.

This thing is undoubtedly very suitable to be used as the carrier of the trading cabinet world.


Not only the cosmic Rubik's Cube, but around Bai Ye, a black-red, flowing "solid" appeared next.

Aether Particles, the Reality Gem in the Infinity Stones.

Then, there is a small "stone" that emits a yellow light, the soul gem.

High-end merchandise in the Marvel universe, six Infinity Stones, and Bai Ye has three on hand - the Space Stone, the Reality Stone, and the Mind Stone.

If you have collected all six Infinity Stones, you can combine them with the trading world.

What Bai Ye got was not only a complete and stable powerful world, but also an extremely powerful weapon.

"So happy to decide!"

As soon as Bai Ye clapped his hands, he already had a plan in his heart.

Where can I find the remaining three Infinity Stones?

Of course, a trip to the Marvel world.

"Wait a minute, maybe Thanos has already started collecting Infinity Gems, ready to snap his fingers and destroy half of the life in the universe." Bai Ye said, "This guy is quite good at fighting, and he can rub Tony and the others on the ground."

"If I trade with him... ugh, it's a relief to think about it."

Just when Bai Ye was contemplating the "Trading Pavilion Strengthening Plan", there was a knock on the door.


Bai Ye disappeared in the bedroom and appeared in the spacious living room on the first floor.

In the living room, the bosses of the boss team and the agents are all there.

After all, he is the master of the trading pavilion and his immediate boss. Everyone said "don't worry", but their bodies were still very honest.

After getting the news, he still came as soon as possible.

" I am weakened!"

Before everyone could speak, Bai Ye said aloud in pain.

Everyone's slightly raised hearts let go.

That's right, it must be that Bai Ye didn't run away!

And it was a completely "normal" white night.

Congrats, congratulations.

So, some people are ready to leave. Everyone is very busy and has no time to chat with the unreliable boss.

"Don't go."

Bai Ye said, "Your boss has been weakened! If you don't work together to find a way, you actually want to leave? Believe it or not to deduct your year-end bonus?"

"Do we have something like a year-end bonus?" Song Yin asked.

"From now on." Bai Ye said confidently.