MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 554 The opponent of the night? !

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On this side of Bai Ye, the goal was successfully achieved.

And Thor, Hela, they still have a lot of things to do.


Both are trying their best to get the Asgardians to follow them.

After some lobbying, half of them intend to stay in Asgard and obey Hela's rule.

Speaking of which, this person is considered an orthodox, and he is not willing to be displaced and leave his hometown when he is trying to restore production.

Worse, could it be worse than Loki's reign?

Besides, Hela is so capable of fighting, and following a BOSS who can fight, everyone's faces are bright.

The other half chose to leave with Thor. Needless to say, they were the victims of Hela's rise to power and had no good feelings for this dictator.

Just followed Thor and left.

Hela's side is going to resume production, and Thor's side is also devastated.

A bunch of people's food, drink and Lazard are waiting for him to solve it.

You can't continue to live on a spaceship.

Thor must find a place for those who trust him to settle down.

Then, looking around, there is no suitable place but the earth.

Saka star?

When they came, they created a civil strife in Sakka, and after inquiring about it, they found that there was chaos there now.

The feudal lords are divided, and the beacon is everywhere, and everyone wants to become the new ruler of Saka star.

From this point of view, Thor and the others can also take a share of the pie and occupy a place.

However, those who are willing to follow Thor are considered to be old and weak.

Nobody wants to fight.

As long as they "worship" force and fighting, they will not be willing to leave their hometown.

This group of people is looking for a stable.

Thor couldn't take them to a race.

Only the earth.

However, going to Earth is not something that can be done casually.

This is not as simple as depriving Thor of his divine power and exiling him to Earth to practice.

After the Great War in New York, it is impossible to expect Earthlings to have a favorable opinion of any alien.

And after the Sokovia Act, everyone can accept superheroes, but they hate supervillains.

I also don't like all kinds of supernatural things happening around me.

I haven't seen Magneto, who is doing things every day, stop a lot. Has Captain America, who always appeared in the image of a super soldier, become the president?

Suddenly, a group of aliens descended on Earth.

Even if we shout "We are pacifists, we just want to find a place to live in peace and quiet, and don't make trouble or make trouble", who would believe it?

When the earth is your home?

Come when you want, go when you want?

It was impossible for Thor to tell them that there was once a dark elf named Spicy Chicken Silk who planned to use ether particles to devour the nine worlds.

It was he who saved the world, including the earth.

I just want a place to live to take in the poor homeless children, is this too much?

Do yourself a favor!

If it were Bai Ye, he would definitely be able to "repay the favor".

If he helped others, what would others say, "repaying kindness with grass in the next life" or something like that.

In the next second, Bai Ye can say, "Don't come to the world, be a cow and a horse for me from now on."

As a personal experiencer, Thor said that only Bai Ye could do this kind of thing, and he was very handy.

He really can't.

So, the helpless Thor almost lost his hair.

In the end, it was Tony who helped and bought an island with a pleasant climate, suitable for survival, and let the Asgardians live there.

It's fine if you don't go out, anyway, the population is not particularly large.

All of this is kept under wraps and will not be disclosed to the public.

The place to live is solved, but there are still various problems.

First of all, there is no money on the table.

It's impossible to really make Asgardians start from scratch on an island like hominids.

There is also not as much "resource food" for them to be self-sufficient.

Tony has already spent money to buy the island, does Thor still want him to keep the Asgardians?

Everyone discussed and discussed, but in the end, they still had to go to Bai Ye for help.

If you encounter difficulties, ask Bai Ye for help, and you will definitely be able to solve it.

As for whether the final result will make people cry or make people laugh, it is not easy to say.

The solution given by Bai Ye is also very simple, which is to throw money.

Dignified Wayne Bai, there is money.

After throwing a bunch of money, the life problems of the Asgardians have been solved perfectly.

The price Thor paid for this was, of course, that the working hours were extended again.

In addition, on the side of Hela, in order to revitalize Asgard faster, they also went to the Trading Pavilion, and the construction period was also extended.

Hela, who was stubborn at the time, has disappeared without a trace.

The taste of trading is really fragrant!

"The will is really not firm." "Looking at" Hela, who has completely become a guest of the Trading Pavilion, Bai Ye sighed.

"It's a good thing to have one more guest in the trading pavilion." Lars said next to him, "Boss, do you think she has the possibility of becoming a member of the BOSS team?"

"Not too big."

Bai Ye said, "He is arrogant and arrogant, and it is not so easy to give in."


Lars chuckled, "Which of our people is not arrogant?"

"Then let her work first, we have no shortage of people, by the way, what are you looking for from me?" Bai Ye asked.

"Boss, the lucky one has appeared." Lars said.

"Oh, finally appeared again?" Bai Ye smiled.

There is a special transaction order in the transaction order, which can be directly traded with the transaction pavilion master.

The trader's pavilion master will help you achieve your dreams - as long as you're not one of those idiots who open their mouths.

Even if it is a marketing strategy of Trading Court.

Equivalent to the 10,000th customer free or discounted.

For some people with relatively low strength, it is simply equivalent to a wishing machine.

From then on, the serfs can turn over and sing and reach the pinnacle of life.

The lucky one last time came from a world of resource cultivation immortals, and his comprehension and talent were all first-rate.

He Nai's aptitude, or the most important "spiritual root" is not enough.

It is a kind of waste spirit root, who can barely cultivate immortals, and then can't become immortals in his life.

Speaking of which, the trading pavilion is also the first time I have come into contact with such a world, this kind of special stuff.

Linggen or something, the Trading Pavilion does not.

However, that doesn't mean there are no alternatives.

After fiddling a few times, the trading pavilion discovered the "special ability" purchased from the mutants.

It can be used as a substitute to form an effect similar to Linggen.

As a result, the genius who lost the spiritual root has a unique "magnetic spiritual root".

That's right, Bai Ye generously gave the "magnetic field manipulation" he got from Magneto to the other party.

After the other party returned to the original world, he naturally soared into the sky, with all kinds of awesomeness.

In order to reciprocate, I don't know where I got a copy of the "Magnetic Rotation" exercise and gave it to the Trading Pavilion.

The two sides have established a very good cooperative relationship.

The Trading Pavilion also gradually extended its tentacles to that world.

That world, with its vast area and rich resources, is an excellent "purchasing place" for the trading pavilion.

Recently, the BOSS team has been having a good time there.

He also asked Bai Ye if he wanted to play with a martial art.

You must know that those guys, none of them can cultivate immortals, how can they be so interested?

The system is different, how to play?

Xuan Xiao, who should really be like a duck to water, was caught in the impact of two different systems of immortality.

Retreat every day, making people wonder if he is going to go crazy again.

However, with Xuan Xiao's genius, after the impact, after sorting and summarizing, the cultivation base can be improved to a higher level.

Count the lucky ones.

After the transaction, everyone was happy.

Needless to say, Xiao Wan has his revenge.

The trading pavilion has added a strong general, and the magnetic field rotation is well practiced. Isn't it like playing with planets in the future?

According to Lars, Magneto has had some "strong words" that have started to blurt out recently.

And the man surnamed Ye said that this is some small sequelae of the magnetic field rotating, and it is also a sign of progress.

And the little brother Li, who has a very fast hand speed, has already won the world championship. In the live broadcast, he used two precious skills to steal the BUFF (gain state) that should belong to the girl.

Laugh like a child who weighs more than 100 pounds.

Bai Ye, who heard the news, also laughed like a child.

That little brother surnamed Ye doesn't need to say much. With the current development, it is not an exaggeration to engrave the word "protagonist" on his forehead.

Now, another lucky one appears.

I don't know what surprises it will bring to Bai Ye?

Bai Ye stopped going to see Hela, this woman has passed away.

Looking at her appearance as a purchasing aunt, where is the domineering of the Lord of Asgard at all?

Bai Ye, who likes the new and hates the old, happily also goes to see the new lucky one with Lars.

Then, his brows were furrowed tightly.

To Lars: "No wonder you keep laughing, are you sure this guy is really lucky?"

"Definitely." Lars couldn't help laughing, "It's not low in intelligence, and it will never lose to Fenrir. Otherwise, boss, how do you think it uses the trading order of the Trading Pavilion to come here? ?"

In front of Bai Ye was an animal on all fours, chasing Fenrir constantly.

Lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, ox tail!

It is a unicorn!

Still red, a unicorn with looming flames burning on his body.

"Well, our trading partners have actually expanded to non-humanoid guests." Bai Ye said, "Just seeing him having such a good time with Erha, I couldn't adjust my mentality for a while."

"Who, stop playing, come here and tell me what dreams do you have?"

Bai Ye shouted at the fire unicorn.

The fire unicorn stopped chasing Erha, ran over and howled at Bai Ye.

Not a threat, but an exchange.

Fenrir also ran and kept barking beside him.

To be honest, Bai Ye and Fenrir can also trade.

Prove that this product is indeed not an ordinary pet dog level.

Although there is no formed language system, it belongs to the objects that can communicate and trade.

Bai Ye's orders, he completely understands, can go to 100% implementation.

Moreover, when you calm down, you can also directly "psychically communicate" with Bai Ye like the basilisk.


This does not mean that the current Qilin Erha Duet can be understood by Bai Ye!

Lars smirked beside him.

Bai Ye, the master of the trading pavilion, has always been a man who made others bleed and cry since his debut.

Today, I finally met my opponent!