MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 553 Let's work! Protoss siblings!

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A flame rose from Baiye's hand, the eternal fire.

Turning slightly, the eternal fire was shot on Surter by Bai Ye.

The flame giant let out a roar of pleasure.

The body started to expand.

Then follow the direction of Bai Ye's fingers and stride forward.

"Please." Bai Ye made an inviting gesture to Hela, "Go there and have a good 'communication'. After the communication is over, you will tell me your choice."

Hela said nothing, turned her head and left.

Of course not to escape, but to see how much strength the flame giant has.

Just kidding, how can she, Hela, be a timid person?

Hela is never a slave!

All kinds of loud noises and vibrations continued for an entire hour.

At first, Thor and the others would crane their necks to see.

Later, they all lay on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Hulk also changed back to Banner's appearance, wrapped in a torn blanket, and discussed with Bai Ye how to "peacefully coexist" with Hulk.

The method proposed by Bai Ye is very simple, that is, trading.

So, Bai Ye made another profit without spending a penny, and traded Banner's "transformation ability" away.

At least for the next period of time, Banner can happily "drive" with the steering wheel on his own.

"Hey, you've done so many things, what do you want to do?" Thor asked, staring at Bai Ye.

"I'm bored, I'll pass the time." Bai Ye said, "By the way, I have an idea, and I don't know if it can be successful. If it doesn't work, it's a bit of a loss, and I have to make up for it in other ways."

When he said "other aspects", Bai Ye stared at Thor.

It made him extremely uncomfortable, what was this feeling of being sold?

During the speech, the loud noise and vibration finally stopped.

After a while, Hela, who looked a little tired, walked back.

Behind him is Surtur, who is saying something like "It's not that the eternal fire is not enough for Lao Tzu to kill you with a sword."

The result of the battle just now is self-evident.

The inventory of eternal fire in Bai Ye's hands is full.

Destroying the entire Asgard is really not an empty talk.

Speaking of which, the entire structure of Asgard is somewhat similar to Baiye's trading pavilion - but the total area is not as large as Baiye's current trading pavilion.

"Children Hela, come and tell me the answer." Bai Ye stood up again, looking at Hela and said.

"I accept your mediation result."

Hela spoke with difficulty.

Since she met this businessman, she has never been happy.

No, only a few short minutes are satisfactory.

The rest of the time, it's "I want to hack this businessman, or be hacked to death by this businessman."

"Okay, I announce! This mediation was a complete success!"

Bai Ye applauded, and naturally the flame giant behind him did the same, and the slap clapped loudly.

Banner thought for a while, then took a couple of shots.

Loki clapped and stepped back.

He always felt that things did not end so easily.

"Then, next, it's time to talk about compensation." Bai Ye smiled at Hela and Thor.

Teeth are clean and white.

In Loki's view, this is simply a predator showing its fangs to its prey.


I want to run away now!

Fortunately, the other party's eyes didn't seem to stay on him, and he was fortunate in misfortune.

"Remuneration?" Thor didn't react, even though he just asked Bai Ye's purpose.

"Do you think I'm Lei Feng?" Bai Ye asked.

"Who is Lei Feng?"

"A good person who does good deeds every day without asking for anything in return." Bai Ye said, "I am a businessman and pay attention to fair trade. The so-called I help you, you help me, right? I can't do my best to make suggestions for you. After the matter is settled, you Pat your **** and leave?"

"Yes." In all fairness, Thor felt that what Bai Ye said was very reasonable.

"Well, you are a reasonable person." Bai Ye turned to look at Hela, "So, what about you?"

"You also want compensation?" Hela suppressed her anger.

Without the intervention of this businessman, she has already killed Thor and others, and has no rivals since then, and she has reached the pinnacle of her life.

"Put away your anger and think about it with your slightly higher brain than Thor, would you die without me, and am I a life saver for you?" Bai Ye said.


Hela instinctively wanted to refute, aren't you threatening me now?

But as Bai Ye said, she is not a demented person.

Immediately figured out where the joints are, this has nothing to do with strength.

But Bai Ye took away Surtur's crown and eternal fire.

If Thor's Ragnarok plan is successful, there is no doubt that she will be buried by the flame giants along with Asgard.

From this point of view, Bai Ye saved her life.

Hela is ambitious, ruthless, and ruthless, but one thing is that she is not shameless.

She is a high-profile, powerful, and desperate BOSS.

It's not an all-encompassing route.

Now, she also understands that Bai Ye brought the flame giant, not a threat, but... so that she can see the reality better.

All this, if there is no businessman Bai Ye, the self-styled "mediator" intervenes in this matter.

The end result is the destruction of Asgard and the death of her Hela.

Thor's side is a tragic victory, I don't know how many people can leave alive.

"That's right, you saved my life," she said.

"Is the reward reasonable?" Bai Ye said.

Hela nodded.

"Since everyone thinks it is reasonable, Hela, come and conjure up a weapon." Bai Ye said.

In that tone, it was as if he was beckoning his pet dog to sit down.

Hela changed a sword at the fastest speed, and then suppressed the urge to stab Bai Ye with a sword, and handed the sword into Bai Ye's hands.

Bai Ye threw the sword into Thor's hands.

"Jin Jiang, try to inject your lightning power into this sword." Bai Ye said.

Thor held the sword and injected the recovered power of lightning into the sharp blade in his hand.

Probably from Odin's bloodline at the same time.

The strengths of the two are very compatible.

Soon, Bai Ye had a sword of lightning in his hands.

It looked no different from a sharp sword, but when it was swiped, lightning immediately gushed out and attached to the surface of the sharp sword.

Bai Ye tried it at will, and he electrocuted Loki and paralyzed his body, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

It can also blast a big hole in the ground.

Bai Ye is very satisfied with such power.

"Not bad."

Bai Ye nodded, his guess was successful!

Then there is no need for Thor and Hela to sell themselves to pay off the debt... It only needs them to provide him with enough "thunder swords".


Bai Ye said, "Next, you can work for me."

"..." Thor did not speak.

Hela roared, "Impossible!"

It is impossible to work part-time!

The dignified Lord of Asgard has actually been reduced to the point of working for others?

How can this work?

"Oh, let me put it another way."

Bai Ye said, "The grace of dripping water will be reciprocated by the spring. In order to repay my life-saving grace, the two will become commodity suppliers in the trading pavilion and provide commodities for the trading pavilion for free. You see, this is not part-time work, it is Cooperate with the Trading Pavilion on an equal footing. But because it is an equal supplier relationship, the Trading Pavilion will not provide accommodation for the two of them.”


In fact, it's just a nicer way of saying it.

Say no to work.


It's not even a part-time job, is it?

After all, part-time work is to get paid, and Bai Ye is completely free to work.

Even board and lodging will not be provided.

But can Hela and Thor refuse?

With the shamelessness of lying on the ground and continuing to twitch Loki, this guy will definitely use various means to escape.

Hela and Thor are not such people.

Bai Ye has moved out the life-saving grace, what can they do?

They are also desperate.

Thor can predict that if he doesn't agree, Bai Ye should go to the Avengers every once in a while and say, "You said that Lei Jinjiang is shameless! I suggest everyone to expel him from the alliance!"

In Hela's words, Surtur, the flame giant, is still eyeing him.

"...How long, I can't work for you all my life!" Hela said.

Only on this basis, and strive for it.

"Let me think about it." Bai Ye rubbed his chin, "Well, let's set a three-year contract first, and we must provide me with 300 Thunder Swords per month for the first year. It's equivalent to 10 swords a day. The strength of the two is not too much, right?"

"It's reduced to 200 a month in the second year."

"In the third year, it was reduced to 100 per month."

"Well, this condition is very relaxed. After the three-year contract expires, I will buy the lightning sword you provided me at the normal price."


What is an insidious capitalist, is not to make the workers completely despair.

They must be given hope.

Bai Ye's methods are still very skilled, skilled enough to go to the gallows.

When Thor and Hela heard about 300 a month, they were already preparing for a "worker's parade".

However, when I heard the gradual decrease, I felt a little moved.

This is not impossible.

Reduced too!

"Moreover, I can also provide you with a free arena. You must know, Ale, you definitely want to regain control of Asgard. Let's count it once a year and provide you with a free arena, how about it?" Bai Ye asked.

"Okay." Hela said She didn't want to go to war in Asgard.

The battle with the flame giants has damaged many parts of Asgard and weakened her power.

Thor also nodded.

He also didn't want to play Hela at Hela's home, and Asgard was also his home.

No one wants to start a fight in their own home.

"Then sign these two contracts, and the matter is settled satisfactorily." Bai Ye took out two "three-year sales contracts".

Let the flame giant behind him show sympathy.

This scene can really evoke sadness in people's hearts.

The two signed their names, representing the establishment of the transaction.

Bai Ye put away the contract and announced loudly, "Then, let's work part-time! Brothers and sisters of the Protoss!"