MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 41 Exclusive purchase?

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"Reminder." Lawrence called his assistant to pick up the potion, and Bai Ye said, "This will kill people, and they will explode like fireworks. People who can't bear it in their hearts should not look at them." Made an exploding gesture.

The assistant looked at Lawrence hesitantly.

"Isn't there a few prisoners of the Golden Empire?" Lawrence said coldly.

When the ship arrived, of course, it was not only Bai Ye's three people who boarded the ship, but also other combat members. They captured some people from the Jin Empire and returned.

The assistant took a deep look at the smiling Bai Ye and led the way.

Lawrence did not follow, but a few minutes later, a loud noise came, and the whole ship seemed to shake. The red flashing light immediately replaced the white light in the room, and for a while, the alarm bell rang loudly, reaching everyone on the ship. a corner.


Lawrence stood up abruptly and stared at Bai Ye. If everyone was still in the trading stage, he would have taken out a gun and pointed it at Bai Ye.

The old **** of Baiye was there, completely ignoring Lawrence's anger.

The chaos on the ship lasted for about six or seven minutes, and finally subsided completely. After a few minutes, the assistant walked in with a **** smell and a frightened expression.

"What happened?" Lawrence asked with a sullen face.

The assistant glanced at Bai Ye with lingering fear, took out a tablet-like thing, and showed it to Lawrence.

Looking at the scene where the little giant-like monster on the screen was frantically destroying, and even the warriors in nano combat suits failed to capture it, Lawrence's eyes widened and his breathing became more and more rapid.

In the end, his face flushed, and he even had difficulty breathing.

Seeing this scene, the assistant quickly brought a respirator and let Lawrence take two sharp breaths before he gradually calmed down.

"This drug..." Lawrence looked at Bai Ye.

"Very useful, right?" Bai Ye said.

"It's really useful, but the price is too high," Lawrence said.

At the end of the picture, the little giant exploded to his death, and the impact on Lawrence was not small.

"Heh." Bai Ye laughed and interrupted Lawrence, "It's better to do experiments to find a way to prevent assimilation. It's better to let people play the biggest role before they are assimilated. You're not saying that some sacrifices are unavoidable. Yes, isn't it? So why not make those unavoidable sacrifices even more valuable?"

Lawrence was silent, and it took two minutes before he said, "Okay, exchange the nanocombat suit technology for your two potion manufacturing methods."

"Don't worry, I'm a little tired, let me take a bath and rest." Bai Ye said.

It has been more than 40 hours since he was teleported, and his clothes have not been taken off. He looks like he should take a rest.

"Okay, take him there." Lawrence said to his assistant.

The assistant brought Bai Ye to the room and left.

Bai Ye walked into the bathroom slowly and, as he said, began to take a bath and rest.

Of course, Lawrence on the other side didn't rest. He was on a video call with some people.

As one of the founders of the company, and the other founder has passed away within two years, Lawrence does have the ability to make a decision.

But the nano combat suit is obviously not a simple commodity, and some things are better to communicate with some people.

The few people talked for about an hour before it ended. Lawrence rubbed his brows and looked extremely tired. He asked the assistant who had just called in, "Where's Nate Bai?"

"I was asleep, and I didn't look worried at all," said the assistant.

It's hard to imagine that such a young man made a seemingly simple but actually huge deal with Lawrence just an hour ago, and the two sides have reached a consensus.

When I wake up, I am afraid the transaction will be completed.

And this transaction, while enough to affect the future of the world, reveals iron blood and cruelty.

Bai Ye slept for several hours this night. When he woke up, the sky had completely darkened. He put on his battle clothes again without hesitation, and sat for a while before Bai Ye walked out of the room.

Someone is already waiting outside, leading the way for Bai Ye.

He came to another, tighter room. The four corners were filled with people wearing nano-combat uniforms and holding guns. Lawrence was here waiting for the white night.

Seeing the arrival of Bai Ye, Lawrence stood up and handed a hard disk-like thing into Bai Ye's hands: "All the relevant information is here, do a little research and experiment a few times, and you can successfully manufacture nanometers. Combat uniform."

Bai Ye took the keyboard and threw out two USB flash drives.

The four kinds of Titan's potions, the formula and manufacturing method of each potion, have been stored in the USB flash drive in Bai Ye for a long time, and they can be used for trading at any time.

After taking the USB flash drive, Lawrence walked to the computer in the room and said, "I don't mind if I check first."

"It's optional." Bai Ye sat down and smiled. He didn't have any intention of checking whether the hard drive was genuine.

You must know that this is a transaction through a scepter, and neither side will cheat, but Lawrence still wants to check when he confirms that Bai Ye will not cheat. This move is very interesting.

Putting down the USB flash drive, Lawrence didn't check it first as he said, but turned to look at Bai Ye, and said in a regretful tone, "It's a pity."

"What a pity?" Bai Ye asked.

"It's a pity that a talent like you can't make more and greater contributions. It's a pity that I have to kill you here with my own hands." Lawrence's face was full of icy expressions, "Because you are too dangerous, I don't care about you Who, I won't allow dangerous elements like you to master the technology of nano-suits."

"So, I can only ask you to die."

The deal between Lawrence and Bai Ye has been completed.

But just like the forced transaction between Bai Ye and Lars, after the transaction ended, Lawrence also wanted to kill Bai Ye.

Following Lawrence's words, a gunshot echoed in the room.

The four fighters standing in the corners, the muzzles of which were slightly staggered, ensured that the dodging space was sealed, and they could certainly kill Bai Ye without hurting their companions.

The gunshots ended, and a corpse slowly fell to the ground.

But that corpse was not Bai Ye, but Lawrence with a shocked expression on his face. As for Bai Ye, he disappeared from the room as early as the moment the bullet was ejected from the muzzle.

The room was quiet, and no one could easily accept this unexpected ending.

After a while, Harvey and Harrison hurried over, looking at Lawrence's body in the room, speechless.

Because Bai Ye fought side by side with the two of them, Lawrence did not tell the two of his plan to kill Bai Ye, so the two of them only knew now, but it was too late - this was too late for Lawrence.

"You want to kill me, you're really young." Bai Ye, who returned to the main world, sighed leisurely.

Delaying the time until the moment of return is obviously a correct choice.

He spat out the "war wardrobe", Bai Ye took off his war clothes and put them on, put on a sleepy suit, and lay on the bed directly, "summoning" Hei to ask about the proceeds of this transaction.

Soon, Hei gave the answer.

This transaction has brought a full 2,000 points of wealth to Bai Ye, which is the most wealth value since Bai Ye's transaction. Now Bai Ye's wealth has reached a total of 8,460 points, which is only one step away from the third-level agent. .

In addition to the gains in power and wealth, Bai Ye's gains in other aspects this time are also not small.

Nano battle suit technology and cryo gun technology are valuable.

The nano battle suit is placed in that world and has serious hidden dangers of assimilation, but there is no signal radiation in the main world, so you don't have to worry about any problems at all, you can use it with confidence.

Unlike the uniqueness of Batman's suit, although the nano suit is expensive, there are no restrictions on its use, and almost everyone can exert 100% of its power.

"What about the magic world that was originally promised, how do you feel that it is developing in the direction of black technology?" Bai Ye secretly thought to himself. He touched the phone that was turned off on the bedside table and turned it on. There were several missed calls, from Song Yin and Bai Jincheng.

She replied two text messages, saying that she was still there, Bai Ye put down the phone and closed his eyes.

He slept until noon the next day, and Bai Ye slowly got up. After grooming, he went downstairs wearing slippers, opened the door of the shop, and started normal business for the day.

It took only half an hour to open the door, and there were several cars outside the door. They were still cars with military license plates. One was full of majesty and was about sixty years old. The man who was not old-fashioned walked in.

Behind him were a few people whose eyes were as sharp as falcons, scanning the surroundings and being able to deal with all emergencies.

"Hello, Mr. Bai." The man walked in front of Bai Ye and said, "My surname is Zhang, Zhang Zhong." As he spoke, he took out a certificate and put it in front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye glanced at it, smiled and said, "Hello, Bureau Zhang."

The man with extraordinary bearing in front of him naturally has an extraordinary identity. He is a high-ranking military leader and a big boss.

Although the current position is the director, this game is obviously not an ordinary game, it is the kind of game that can press most of the games on the ground and rub them on the ground.

"That's the way it is." Zhang Zhong is a typical soldier's style, neat and tidy, without any hesitation, after introducing his identity, he went straight to the theme, "We hope to buy your Sedum Pharma's product Shorty - Exclusive Buy."

"Civilian to military?" Bai Ye asked.

"Yes." Director Zhang nodded, "This medicine is very important."

As sedum medicine entered the formal stage, Chaizile naturally began to sell it in some pharmacies in Shangdu. The price was as high as 200,000, which was extremely expensive.

However, the live advertisement of Bai Jincheng, the son of Bai Jincheng, who is at the helm of Jincheng Group, cannot be held back.

Those rich people are unwilling to let their children lose at the starting line, and there are more rich people in Shangdu than imagined. Coupled with the strong word of mouth, local tyrants have said that 200,000, this is a lot of money. Even money?

Like a snowball for a while, Shorty Music has a trend of best-selling products, and naturally it has also entered the eyes of some people.