MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 35 back to Gotham

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After one sentence struck Bai Ming to pieces, Bai Ye looked at Bai Jincheng again: "Uncle, are you interested in investing?"

Bai Jincheng's face was complicated, of course he had investigated before coming here.

Under the name of Sedum Medicine, there are a total of four more medicines, all of which are prefixed with Titan, namely Berserk, Destruction, Gain, and Shorty Music, which can be legally marketed and sold.

I don't know how Bai Ye did this. The person who was sent out to accompany Bai Ye's mischief at that time was also confused, saying that he was only leading the way, and the specific operation was actually discussed by Bai Ye alone.

In addition, he also revealed to Bai Jincheng that he had established an offshore company called "Night" for Bai Ye.

After knowing this, Bai Ye's image in Bai Jincheng's heart certainly couldn't be the same as before.

"Bai Ye, tell me honestly, who is doing this in your name, what is their purpose?" Bai Jincheng's tone became serious.

"Bane, Cobert, and Bruce." Bai Ye said with a smile, "The purpose, of course, is to make a fortune together. Oh, Bruce is a little different. He is for the long-term peace of Gotham City."

"Crazy." Tian Ming murmured softly. At first, he didn't hear who those people were, but when he heard Gotham City, he still understood.

As for the other three, I didn't understand it, and all I heard was a series of foreigners' names.

"How did you meet—" Bai Jincheng wanted to get to the bottom of it.

It's just that Bai Ye seems to have lost interest in explaining and said directly, "Uncle, let's make a deal."

"What?" As soon as these words came out, Bai Jincheng naturally entered the trading mode.

"You invested in Sedum Medicine, accounting for 10% of the shares, to help with production and operation." Bai Ye said.

"No." Bai Jincheng refused. Behind Bai Ye, there seemed to be a group of very mysterious people. After so many years of ups and downs in the shopping mall, how could Bai Jincheng rashly invest in Sedum Medicine without knowing it.

Even though this sedum medicine belongs to Bai Ye in name.

More importantly, it only accounts for 10% of the shares, which is too little to be worth the loss.

"Then another way." Bai Ye didn't care either, "I will sell you the equity of Jincheng Group in my hand."

Bai Ye's name naturally has shares in Jincheng Group. This shares come from Bai Jinguo, but it must not be comparable to the previous shares of Bai Jinguo.

Jincheng Group has not been listed, but the various shares are relatively complicated, and it cooperates with various enterprises and holds cross-shareholdings.

Bai Jincheng is a well-deserved major shareholder, with absolute control and the only one at the helm.

But part of it belongs to Bai Ye and is held by Bai Jincheng.

From a legal point of view, this share does belong to Bai Ye, which is the source of Bai Ye's hostility to Bai Ming and his mother.

Bai Ye is just a stranger to them.

A stranger threatened them, and they were able to come over to divide the property, so it's no wonder they didn't have any hostility.

"Do you want to really build Sedum Medicine?" Bai Jincheng asked.

"Yes, I need some money, and of course Jincheng Group's help. In this regard, we can cooperate completely, it's just a normal transaction." Bai Ye said.

He doesn't have much money right now. When he returns to Gotham, he will naturally be able to convert a lot of money, but that is consuming his wealth.

Carrying out this transaction now can avoid the consumption of power and wealth, and can make Bai Ye move to the third-level agent faster.

For others, Jincheng Group's shares of course represent money and wealth.

But for Bai Ye, money is just an accessory, and power and wealth are his wealth.

If you can exchange money for power and wealth, how can you miss such a good thing?

Bai Jincheng frowned and pondered, this is indeed a very worthwhile business.

This is not the same as Bai Ye's initial proposal to buy shares. It will not have a connection with a group of mysterious people, but is just a legitimate business transaction.

And it is related to real estate, and it is also the old business of Jincheng Group.

In business affairs, Bai Jincheng has no reason to refuse.

This deal can be done!

Bai Tianming's mother and son looked at Bai Jincheng eagerly, hoping that he would agree soon.

"Okay, I promise you." Bai Jincheng finally said.

The transaction is established.

"Okay, then happy transaction, uncle." Bai Ye smiled.

"But Bai Ye, I hope you understand that this is not splitting..." Bai Jincheng said with a serious face, "I'm still your uncle."

"Don't worry, uncle, the research on lowering the hairline has been successful in the future. I will not forget you." Bai Ye also said with a serious face.

Bai Jincheng's heart-warming little flame was extinguished immediately, can we not mention the hairline?

"Also, this dwarf is happy..." Bai Jincheng said.

"Don't worry, taking it frequently and multiple times in a short period of time will cause irreversible damage. When you retract it tomorrow, it will be sore for a while at most." Bai Ye said.

"Will you shrink back?" Bai Ming said in surprise.

"If it is not fully developed, it will not shrink back completely, and it will grow a few centimeters taller." Bai Ye said.

Shorty's effects are only temporary for fully developed adults, but some of the effects can be retained permanently for those who are growing and developing.

In the main world, shorty music is the mainstream product that is really suitable for the public, compared to gain.

"Not fully developed." The corners of Bai Ming's mouth twitched, feeling that Bai Ye regarded himself as a monkey that was not fully civilized.

No, to be precise, the other party really sees him that way.

"If it really works, you can buy it and try it next time." Bai Jincheng said, after the transaction, he seemed to be a little more relaxed.

"Well, one million." Bai Ye offered a high price for a black heart without a heartbeat. His casual attitude was as if he was talking about one hundred yuan.

"You said 200,000 just now, you-I'm going to sue you at the Price Bureau!" Bai Ming said again.

Bai Ye glanced at Tian Ming in amazement, as if surprised that he knew about the price bureau, and then smiled: "Increasing prices at will is part of the trading rules, don't trade if you are upset."

"All right."

Without waiting for Bai Ming to refute, Bai Jincheng said, "We will not disturb you tonight, Bai Ye, rest well. I will send someone to sign the agreement tomorrow, and we will complete the transaction as soon as possible."

"Okay, uncle." Bai Ye smiled.

In fact, as far as Bai Ye is concerned, this transaction has been completed, and he has obtained a full 800 points of wealth.

Now Bai Ye has a total of 5,800 points of power and wealth. As for the compulsory transaction with Bai Ming, the power and wealth obtained are negligible, and they are in a state of accumulation.

When Bai Ye wants to know, he will let Hei "show" it, or if he accumulates enough, he will "show" it.

Jincheng Group is very efficient.

In less than three days, Sedum Medicine was no longer a shell company, but was truly established.

Of course, it wasn't a bean curd **** project, but Bai Jincheng purchased a local pharmaceutical factory that was not profitable. All kinds of equipment and personnel were readily available, and it was only necessary to add or replace some required machinery.

Incidentally, it also solved the problem of worker placement if the pharmaceutical factory closed down, which was highly recognized and praised by the government.

I have to say that when it comes to doing business, Bai Jincheng can leave Bai Ye hundreds of streets away.

Bai Jincheng has not let Bai Ye suffer, and is strengthening some infrastructure construction. The extra money is not paid at all. It is completely given to Bai Ye, and he has also won a lot of preferential policies for Sedum Medicine.

After the establishment of Sedum Medicine, Bai Ye was also busy for a while.

He needs to trade with some key people, keep the formula completely secret, and at the same time only provide a part of the production method, each division of labor, requires cooperation to produce Titan Shorty, and there is no need to worry about the possibility of formula leaking under the double guarantee.

As for the other three titans, Bai Ye is not in a hurry.

These three are not suitable for mass production in the main world, at least not now.

After getting things done in the main world, let Sedum Medicine get on the right track.

Bai Ye also teleported to Gotham City once again.

The night in Gotham seems to be the same as before, but there are significantly more people on the street, and there are many more smiles on their faces.

Obviously, the Titan II Boost, which was renamed Titan I and sold, did not improve the security of Gotham City at all.

Although small gangsters can also get the medicine to use, but the after-effect is to lie down for a long time. UU reading

You can lie down if you are robbed, but you can't just lie down with the gangsters and the criminals. Originally, they relied on violence to maintain their "power".

The Penguin is quite critical about this. As a gangster boss, no one else is in awe of him recently.

Fortunately, a lot of money made up for the penguin's spiritual needs.

Just tonight, the smiles on the faces of the citizens of Gotham quickly disappeared because the bat symbol appeared in the sky.

It proved that some or some dangerous elements in Gotham City were doing something again, so everyone hid as usual, and the streets began to become empty again.

"I want to know, what is the most important thing, I must see Batman." Gordon, who turned off the bat light on the top floor of the Gotham Police Station, said to Bai Ye who was standing beside him.

The bat sign lit up, not because there were some dangerous criminals that the Gotham police couldn't solve, but this Nate Bai who had disappeared for a while suddenly reappeared.

And said that there is a very important thing, must see Batman.

"Very important thing." Bai Ye said to Gordon, that serious look made Gordon mutter in his heart, could something happen?

Batman came very quickly. In less than five minutes, the shadow of the bat fighter crossed the sky. He descended from the sky and landed in front of Bai Ye in a rather windy posture.

"Okay." Bai Ye applauded, as if Batman's actions just now were specially performed for him.

"What's the matter with me?" Batman's voice was distorted through the voice changer.

"Of course it's a pure transaction with you."

Bai Ye looked at Batman and smiled.