MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 19

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Chapter 019: Retrieving Keywords

Different from the paper books arranged in the school library in the past, in order to save resources, there are very few paper books, all of which are password-added e-books.

The reason why libraries are important is because many precious books are only allowed to be read within the library network. Of course, some books can be copied and taken out, but they are bound to the student's e-reader immediately after copying. Make a second copy.

The library of the San Ramia Military Academy has 15 floors. The first floor to the 10th floor are places for students to freely access information and read books. There are a lot of confidential information on the 10th floor and above, and you need to open the corresponding permissions before you can enter.

Lin Yuan and Snow walked side by side to the door of the library, and when they turned back, they saw Nishizawa and Brian who were not far away.

Both of them apparently took a shower and put on a casual outfit. Nishizawa wore a neat black shirt, and his collar was so handsome that his face was as handsome as a knife. Brian wore a white casual suit with his hands in his pockets. The blond-eyed boys smiled very charmingly. Two tall alphas came along and attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but wonder: How did the two guys come to the library? Still dressed so handsome, clothes are not clean, even the hair is combed meticulously ... to lie in the library, is it necessary?

Snow also found two roommates behind him, looking back and looking at Brian's smile.

Snow pretended not to see, from scratching into the library, and squinting to the medical library search office on the fifth floor by escalator. Brian immediately followed him to the fifth floor, and Snow felt a familiar alpha atmosphere behind him. Looking back, he suddenly said coldly: "Brian, the engineering department's related books are on the fourth floor. ""

"..." was dismissed again!

Brian is a little depressed.

Of course, he knows that the books in the engineering department are on the fourth floor, but most of those books have already been seen. When he was six years old, many children were watching the fairy tale with no worries. Brian’s front was...

Brian's grandfather Aston Beh is the greatest mech-maker in the Lacey Empire, and many of the well-known mechs of the s-class, such as Suzaku, Black Dragon, and His Majesty the Lion, are from his hands. He hopes that his grandson can also become a great mech engineer, creating the perfect intelligent armor in the universe.

Brian loves to play hard since he was a child. He is very talented in the manufacture of mechs. He has been playing with his grandfather since the age of 6. He is familiar with the processing of various parts and the design of the mech. . At the age of 13, he was independently made up of a smart blue, although there were a lot of flaws and flaws, but... that was his 13-year-old work!

The 13-year-old child will be a mech, and it can be called a genius.

Brian participated in the Mech Maker qualification exam last year and got a second-level certificate, which is a step away from the final first-class certificate. His current level has actually exceeded the level of many graduates. The reason why he went to the San Ramia Military Academy is that there must be another reason besides the Bech family.

He needs to use the reading rights of the school library above the 10th floor, check out more collection books, and use the school's richer resource reserves to increase the actual combat experience, so that he can get the qualification certificate of the first-class mech-maker directly upon graduation.

Of course, for these, Brian is not going to talk to people casually. He said that others must feel that he is bragging.

On the cold eyes of Snow, Brian had to smile: "No one stipulates that students in the engineering department can't read the books of the medical school. I am particularly interested in the structure of the human body. Look at the maps of human anatomy. ""

Looking at Brian's cheeky smile, Snow frowned slightly. "You are free."

Snow turned and walked into the review hall on the fifth floor, and Brian immediately followed his footsteps.

Snow found a corner and sat down. Brian consciously walked to the empty space next to him and sat down. The two seats in the library were not spacious. Plus, Brian was tall and he was sitting like this. There is only a gap between the two arms.

Close distance, huge pressure...

Snow tightened and immediately got up to change position.

Brian glanced at him in confusion and followed his face with a cheeky face.

"..." Looking at Brian, who was sitting next to him again, Snow was speechless.

Alpha is so annoying as the leather of the cowhide can't be licked!

Snow looked back at Brian and said, "I am used to sitting alone. Go there, there are a lot of places."

"...oh." Brian succumbed to his head and walked away.

Snow took a deep breath, relieved the inexplicable tension, loosened the fist that was secretly held, opened the light brain on the table, and began to retrieve the books he wanted to read.

In front of the large light brain screen is a simulated 3d perspective view, a row of virtual bookshelf neatly displayed a variety of books, classified by subject, very detailed and standardized. Snow looked at several rows of bookshelves in accordance with the classification, and in turn took down books such as human anatomy color maps, neuroanatomical maps, and tissue embryology.

Open a book, the light brain screen is a clear page and handwriting similar to a paper book page, you can directly flip the book by sliding the screen with your finger, very convenient.

Although there are many students in the review hall, most of them are concentrating on reading and taking notes, and no one notices Snow sitting in the corner.

The surroundings are very quiet, Snow opens a human anatomy color map on the screen to disguise, and then opens a web page in the lower left corner of the window.

“Welcome to the Library of the Military Academy of San Romia”

There is such a row on the open home page, with a blank search box next to it. There are many options to check under the search box - Cepheus Central Library, Sfield Technology Library, Imperial Medical Library, The Imperial Library and the graduates' papers of colleges and universities...

Massive literature and materials can all be viewed directly from the library!

Snow was excited to put all the fronts of several options on the checkmark, and then quickly knocked down a line of keywords - omega pheromone inhibitors at the blank input.

Press the finger to the search button, the words “Please wait” pop up on the screen, wait for about ten seconds, a red warning line appears on the blank page: “Keyword error, no relevant information found, please re-search!”

Snow snorted - the keyword is wrong? How could this be?

Originally thought that the outside network could not find the information you wanted, because it was not enough permissions and many key information was blocked by the external network. However, today, even the massive network database of the San Ramia Military Academy Library can not find any information about omega pheromone inhibitors!

Snow frowned slightly and began to modify the keywords.

"Cosmic calendar March 779, military court verdict"

"Keyword error, no relevant information found, please re-search!"

"Imperial Central Hospital, Dr. Sander"

"Keyword error, no relevant information found, please re-search!"

"Application for Amendment to the Omega-related Protection Act"

"Keyword error, no relevant information found, please re-search!"


Fingers tapped on the screen quickly, changing the keywords many times, but still found nothing.

Snow's face gradually turned pale.

Obviously, the fact that the omega pheromone inhibitor was banned in the past, and all the truth related to it, has long been concealed by the deliberate blockade, and even the San Ramia Military Academy library can not retrieve any information. How tight the news was blocked... Thinking of it, Snow's hands couldn't help but hold tighter.


Brian had been secretly paying attention to Snow. Looking back, he found that Snow was holding his fists gently, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his teeth biting his lips tightly, and it looked uncomfortable. He was originally thin and succinct, so he looked at the face with a white face and looked like a special... Hey, it hurts?

Brian's body immediately responded to the brain, and walked to Snow in three or two steps. He reached out and gently explored his forehead and whispered, "Snow, what's wrong with you? Uncomfortable. How is the face so ugly..."

"...don't touch me!" Snow suddenly slammed Brian's hand.

Because the sound was too loud, and suddenly attracted the crowds around me, Snow's face was pale and stiff, and Brian smiled apologetically to the classmates around him, making a pair of "I am screaming at the little hedgehog. I am sorry to bother you." "Apologetic expression."

... turned out to be an alpha in pursuit of a beta!

The onlookers suddenly regained their sight.

Brian blocked the eyes of everyone with his back, and then he looked back at Snow. He saw his pale face suddenly appearing a strange flush, his breathing was a little unstable, and his forehead was exuding a layer of fine sweat. .

Is this... is this sick?

Brian was both distressed and worried. However, Snow hated the human body. Brian had to take back his hand and whispered, "Where are you uncomfortable? Do you want me to send you to the hospital?"

"..." Snow took a deep breath and held his trembling fingers on the table. He stood up from the seat and whispered, "Brian... I’m asking you to send me back to the dormitory... I... I have a headache. Great..."

"Okay." Brian did not hesitate and immediately reached out and held Snow.

Snow's body suddenly stiffened, his eyelashes trembled even more, but because of his sudden loss of strength, he had to calm down and calm down, half in Brian's arms, and Brian left the library.

It was already very late, and the street lights were warm and yellow. The road from the library to the dormitory was very quiet, and occasionally the rustling of the breeze blowing the leaves. Snow was helped by Brian, only to feel that his legs were sour and soft, like stepping on the empty air, the heavy feet could barely support the weight of the body.

Seeing Snow stumbled and walked very hard. Brian simply stopped and squatted in front of him and patted his shoulder and said, "Come, I am carrying you."

"..." Snow stunned.

Brian turned back and said with a smile, "Don't be stubborn, come, come up, I will take you back."


On the smile of Brian, Snow was silent for a long time, only hesitating to kneel on him, gently hugged his neck.

Brian let Snow's legs separate and clipped to his waist, his hands on his hips, pushing his body up slightly, and posing in a comfortable position before he started walking.

Snow's face suddenly rose red.

Although Brian’s action is only very simple to make Snoop a little comfortable on his back, but... feels Brian’s powerful hands on his hips, the one that gently drags his hips In an instant, the most direct contact on the body still made Snow's body tremble.

Snow was so short on his back that Brian was actually uncomfortable.

I don't know why, Snow's hot and rapid breathing made Brian suddenly beat his heart, and the soft hair of the boy slid through his ears with a breeze, like a feather. Gently scratched the apex.

Carrying Snow, I felt that the young and weak teenager delivered the weight of the whole body to himself. Inexplicable, Brian’s heart suddenly filled with a sense of accomplishment!

Even raised a kind of... want to protect this person's thoughts.

Snow, who has always been cold and serious, is rarely exposed, so Brian can't help but feel bad.

Carrying him on the way to the dormitory, the soft feeling is full of chest, as if the wind at night is warming.

Brian carried Snow to the door of the dormitory and opened the door. The automatic voice-activated lights in the house immediately lit up.

Lin Yuan and Nishizawa apparently haven't come back yet. Brian put Snow directly back into the bedroom and put it on the bed. When he looks back, he discovers that Snow is not just a face, but his ears, neck, and even the body exposed under his shirt. There was a strange flush of redness, and it was obviously uncomfortable to open your mouth and breathe.

Brian immediately put him flat on the bed, covered him with a quilt, sat at the bed and looked at him, whispered: "Where are you uncomfortable? I am going to find some medicine for you. I have a lot of common ones." Emergency medicine."

Snow breathed a sigh of relief and his voice trembled and said: "...there is a white medicine bottle in the can take it for me."

Brian immediately turned and found the white bottle from the drawer, poured a glass of warm water, went to the bed, and helped Snow. Looking at the pure white bottle without any trademarks and instructions, and the pure white tablets without any marks in the bottle, Brian was somewhat puzzled: "Is this? What is this medicine?"

Snow lowered his eyes and whispered: "I have frequent headaches from small to large. This is the medicine my father brought me... It is very useful to treat migraine... My father is a doctor."

"Oh." Since his father is a doctor, is it the relatively rare prescription medicine on the market?

Brian no longer doubted, and immediately handed the bottle to him.

Snow poured three pills directly from the bottle and swallowed it with warm water.

The condition of the body began to improve, the hands and feet slowly recovered, and the heat flow in the body and the blush on the face gradually receded.

Snow took a deep breath and looked at Brian, who was still worried in front of him. After a moment of silence, he said awkwardly: "Just...thank you...thank you."

Brian smiled and scratched his head. "You're welcome, we are roommates, this little busy is nothing."

Although the mouth said so, Cosno did not look away from him for the first time, but also said thank you, which made Brian's heart very happy!

Seeing Snow's face was a lot better, Brian whispered, "Is it better? The head still hurts?"

Brian didn't find out at all. The words in his sentence were so soft that they almost got out of the water.

"..." Snow shunned his gaze and lowered his head and said, "Much better, I want to go to bed early. Go back first."

Brian smiled and stood up. "Well, then I won't bother you. You should rest early, call me uncomfortable."


Snow didn't let out a long sigh of relief until Brian left the bedroom.

Fortunately, today Brian went to the fifth floor with himself, found the anomaly and sent himself back in time, otherwise, in case of estrus in the library, the consequences are simply unimaginable...

Snow still has a lingering fear, and took a few deep breaths to adjust the stalled heartbeat.

The batch of inhibitors he brought is actually unstable, because intravenous injections are difficult to pass through the interstellar check. He can only add the ingredients of the inhibitor to the oral tablets, which will affect many The performance and efficacy of the drug ingredients will be greatly reduced.

When I looked at the information, I was too nervous. When the brain nerves were highly excited, the blood flow increased and the heart rate increased, which affected the hormone environment in the body, so it caused sudden failure of the inhibitor.

Fortunately, the batch of inhibitors he made added a drug that forced the masking of omega odor, which did not cause too much alpha attention in the early stage of the hair/love, only in the case of real hair, omega The scent will not be able to cover up and become rich and full!

Today, in order to forcibly suppress the arrival of the hair/estrus, we ate three pills at a time, which means that we must add more than three tablets every day...

Although the medicine you bring is enough to stay in the holiday, what should you do if the situation is uncontrollable?

Is it really necessary to find an alpha to spend the estrus?

Thinking of it, Snow couldn't help but frown and hold his fist tightly.

- You must find a solution as soon as possible!

There is a list of inhibitors in your own hands. The key point is, where do the drugs that synthesize inhibitors come from?

The author has something to say: press a claw and press a chapter again!

This chapter is a great secret!

Snow almost succumbed to cough! Unfortunately, Brian did not have the sensitive dog nose of Nishizawa, and did not smell his male **** is an omega!

Yesterday, the message was full of 25 words, and I will continue to send it today~~2k