MTL - A President’s Out-of-Body Experience-Chapter 7

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"Buzz" - the phone in the tough pocket suddenly vibrated, scared the toughness of the temper to jump up - God, he obviously "accepted" into the room, I do not know what is extremely "making a guilty conscience", really not should. It seems that he is not suitable for doing bad things in his life.

The tortoise's palms squirmed out of the pocket and saw the information sent by He Jun. He remembered that he had promised to reply to He Jun, but he forgot such a thing. However, He Jun did not send a message to urge him. He just sent a recipe for hangover tea and said that he hopes to help the toughness.

The tortoise felt very embarrassed, and immediately replied: "Thank you. I just called the hill brother. He said that everything is fine, it is very busy. You can rest assured." He Jun replied: "Thank you so much. I am relieved. I said, he knows what I asked?" The tough guy said, "I didn't tell him." He Jun replied: "That's good. I am actually worried. He will suspect that I am too aunt."

The toughness is stunned, what? Is that true? I thought that the little brother knew that he would touch He Jun so much about him! I knew that I told Xiao Ge... I don’t know...

Thinking of this, the toughness was also scared by my own thoughts: What happened to me? How can I hope that others are not good? Do I also have a snake heart?

The tough escape also ran away from Gu Xiaoshan's room, and even forgot that his three-jah was still in the toilet. He is very incompetent, but he does not want to drink alcohol. He opens a few boxes of lemon tea, while using a straw to **** the cold lemon tea, while watching the lengthy literary film on the TV channel of the TV station - the beautiful man in the lens uses a deep The voice said: "Anyone can become vicious, as long as you have tried jealousy..."

"Jealous"... The toughness was stabbed in the center by this word, looking at the melancholy Leslie Cheung in the light and shadow: I am also jealous? Will I also become poisonous? Then, after I became poisonous, can I be as handsome as Leslie Cheung?

The topic of "Jealousy" and "Smuggling" has captured the heart of the toughness of a rare literary art. The toughness stared at the camera and looked at the desert sands and beautiful people in the picture. Then, if the toughness was realized, it fell asleep.

This play is really boring.

Thinking that life is not suitable for him, he decided to follow the crowd.

He felt that he would not become vicious, after all, he was so stupid. Like He Jun, who speaks well, who doesn't like it? What about himself? Gu Xiaoshan commented on him "a fish with no long mind, no words in his mouth, and a net outburst".

Once, Sanha put his head into the laundry bucket and couldn't get it. The tough son took a photo and sent it to Gu Xiaoshan. Gu Xiaoshan returned a sentence, "Do you take a selfie?" It can be seen that in the eyes of Gu Xiaoshan, the image of the tough is how unbearable! It is a dog! Still like the kind of three ha!

The mood of the toughest is lower than ever.

This is a rare moment in his life to examine himself – and then find that his life cannot stand the test. Wisdom, there is no, wealth, is the father. Strength does not exist - of course, the strength of "potholes" is a lever.

The more he wants to be desperate, he sent a text message to his old friend: "Black, I am desperate!" Black thought that he was a thing for Yang Hanhan, and he returned: "Nothing, the woman is still alive! Come over tonight tonight." The clubhouse, the half price of the tender model, only turned for you!" The toughness frowned: "I don't want a female ticket female." Black screamed: "Okay, don't charge you money! It's not awkward." !! The toughness is speechless to this black boy.

Hei said again, "What's the matter?" said the tough son: "I found that there is no hope in my life." Heizi thought "the toughness was drunk again," but he patiently replied: "How do you think so?" "The black boy is planning to evoke a rare tenderness in his heart, to be the life teacher of his old friend, to light the light of hope, but immediately to see the phrase sent by the toughness. "Because I found out today, I am stubborn and tough except the handsome." Outside of the appearance and extraordinary body, nothing is wrong." Black Tsai said: "No, you can still pack 13."

Then the toughness frankly said that he was very upset, and the black boy knew that the toughness was really lost, not showing off. As a friend, Hei’s head covered his face and smashed him: "It’s handsome and money, what do you want? Hey! Do you want to give an emperor? I said that you are stupid, squatting. The toughness was turned to the head: "Ah... but you see my brother, and the little brother, they are also rich and handsome, but they have many other advantages. And when my dad is young... ..." Black boy wondered again: "Brother, are you really wearing 13?"

The tough guy chatted and chatted, only suddenly remembered that Sanha was still in the bathroom of Gu Xiaoshan's room. He quickly went upstairs to rescue Sanha. Sanha, who had been in the bathroom for several hours, thought that he had been punished for doing something wrong, so he did not dare to struggle, and he took him to the doghouse by the toughness.

The toughness found that things were not good.

The only bad thing is that the tough has "real troubles."

Yu Yu once said that the tough son is "stupid and stupid, and there is nothing to worry about." The toughness also refuted that his troubles are many, especially in terms of feelings. Yu Yu did not ask him what his troubles were like a caring brother. He only said coldly: "I don’t just see which girl looks good and saves money. The trouble is that I can’t catch money.” The tortoise found himself for so many years. The emotional troubles are really summed up by Yu Yu in one sentence...

The toughness is also a rich "emotional life" when it started as a CEO. Because when he was studying, he was very strict with Master Yu. At the time, on the campus, the teacher said that the study of the toughness was not good. Master Yu understood that "he also tried his best", but if the "thoughts and morals" were complained, the toughness would be hit and fly. Master Yu always said: "I never expect you to read more, but you must be a good person!"

Once, the tough saw the female student's hanging neck sling, did not know that it was the bra belt, asked Gu Xiaoshan: "What do you say that?" Gu Xiaoshan said: "Do you know if you pull it?" Can not control his own claws, stretched out. The female classmate was furious and told the teacher that the tough guy was rogue. The tough home was smashed to the wind and flew in the wind. From then on, he did not dare to go to the pool for a half step. Later, he developed to the female classmate to talk to him. He looked at him with a wide head. There are also girls whispering, "What is the use of good looks, people are low-powered, and rude." The toe heard the sleeves of Gu Xiaoshan's school uniform and said, "Do you hear it? The girls said that I look good! "

Read Kill the Sun