MTL - A President’s Out-of-Body Experience-Chapter 6

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"No, no..." Somehow, the toughness didn't want to mention He Jun's things. He even hoped that Gu Xiaoshan would never remember He Jun, so the tough guy finally thought of what he wanted to say. "I left home." There is no money in my pocket..."

Gu Xiaoshan was silent for two seconds, and the toughness was also anxious to die. Two seconds later, Gu Xiaoshan said, "Where are you now?" The tough answer: "In, in your apartment." Gu Xiaoshan seems to be relieved: "Then you live there. There are about three or four thousand in the bedside table in the master bedroom. Cash, save some flowers." Tough nodded: "Know it." Gu Xiaoshan said again: "I have been back in two days. In the past few days, you have to go outside to go to the waves. If you really want to eat, go to me. The hotel, restaurant, you can first credit you." The tough said: "Do you want to pay?" Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "Yes, including the cash for you, you have to pay back. You still want to eat me." Drinking me? Yu Yu Ren, do you want to face?" After that, Gu Xiaoshan "啪" hangs up the phone.

The toughness is not unexpected. Gu Xiaoshan is a very typical businessman. When it comes to money, it is very true. This is also related to the family tutor of Gu Jiashan. From the time of primary school, Gu Xiaoshan had to write a ballpoint pen to write a declaration. The pocket money is used for performance settlement according to academic performance. The number of people who are doing things by Gu is very clear.

If the toughness is to "borrow money" and "emergency", it is to owe a penny. Otherwise, Gu Xiaoshan can recover the debt and chase the Yujia Mansion. However, if Gu Xiaoshan said that he would like to send something to the tough, whether it is a cheap can of Coke, or a valuable sports car, it is said to send it, and never have to return.

The tough path runs to the front of the main bedroom - although he often comes to sleep, but based on self-cultivation, rarely ran into people's rooms. If he was in peacetime, he would go in without heart and take the money, but now he has a lot of concerns.

It cannot be detailed.

He did not know where he came from.

- But he just wants to go in, can't say why. At the same time, he was ashamed of his own thoughts, and he did not know why.

He stood barefoot outside the door for a long time, still afraid to press the doorknob.

"叮铃铃" - the doorbell rang.

The toughness woke up, barefooted down the second floor of the duplex apartment along the copper-plated spiral staircase, stepping on the solid wood floor, and quickly reached the door, probed the talker. I found a huge Husky face on the screen of the talker - "Ah, Sanha," the tough guy recognized that this is a dog that he had raised for three years - a birthday present that Gu Xiaoshan sent him. The original toughness thought of a hilarious name for it - "hahaha", but when the dog was found to have a problem, the toughness has been shouting in the garden "hahaha, where are you" "hahaha, you Don't run. "Hahaha, don't mess with it." Finally, it was renamed "Three Haes" and called "Sanha".

This is sent by Yu Yu.

"Brother, how do you directly ask people to send Sanha without saying a word?" The toughness touched the head of Sanha while holding a phone call to blame. Yu Yu replied: "Your three has are thinking of you, don't eat." The tough guy is holding Sanha and looking out the window: "I have no food to eat? I have no money. I am very hungry in Sanha." ...Do you know?" Yu Yu answered: "Know." Then he hung up.

Is this really a biological one?

In fact, it is really a biological one. The truth is not that Sanha thinks about the toughness, and Sanha has no toughness to take care of. It was the old man who looked at Sanha and remembered his second son. When he remembered the second son, he was born with an atmosphere, and Yu Yu sent Sanha away.

The toughness called out the Gus Shanshan SNS number and sent him a photo of Sanha: "Sanha also came to borrow it." In fact, this one does not have to say, but I don't know what it is, the toughness is to find Gu Xiaoshan to say something. Gu Xiaoshan returned: "Take him shut down. He destroys, you lose money." The tough guy holding Sanha, shut him into the dog room - yes, you may not believe it, Gu Xiaoshan's apartment has Sanha's dog house.

Sanha has a "criminal front". He used to make Gu Xiaoshan's apartment a kennel and scrapped a set of custom furniture from the Nordic air. Gu Xiaoshan couldn't bear it - got a dog room for Sanha.

Sanha found himself about to be locked into the dog house, running away in panic, running all the way. The tough screamed "three haes" and then ran after the three haes. Sanha ran to the door of Gu Xiaoshan's bedroom but stopped, and seemed to want to go in. The fortune was happy for a moment: "Do you want to go in and see?" He is very comforting. It is the dog who wants to go in. It is not the toughness who wants to go in. Everything is the dog's fault.

The toughness pushes the door in and finds that the wall is still familiar with lavender purple, and the decoration style is very uniform. Seeing Sanha want to sprinkle inside, the toughness quickly picked up Sanha, stuffed it into the bathroom of the master bedroom, closed the door, so that he would not break Gu Xiaoshan's room. The toughness sits carefully on the mattress and finds that the elasticity is similar to that of the dream, as if this is the hardness of Gu Xiaoshan's favorite bed.

There is a woven basket on the bedside table, which is a small object such as a paper towel or a nail clipper. This woven basket is ugly, and it doesn't fit in with the exquisite style of the whole room - the toughness is recognized at a glance, this is what he did during his elementary school manual class - his only passing work in the manual class. He scored a historical high score of 61 points. He also took the opportunity to show off to Gu Xiaoshan and finally gave it to Gu Xiaoshan. Gu Xiaoshan was still young, and he spoke very straightforwardly: "What do I want to do with such ugly things?" The heart of the toughest is strong from small to large, and smiles and says: "Use it to put a straw paper."

Now, at first glance, I actually used it to put paper.

The toughness was turned over in the bed and it was found that there was no secret. There was no "adult" product. It seems that Gu Xiaoshan really never brought his lover home.

"Buzz" - the phone in the tough pocket suddenly vibrated, scared the toughness of the temper to jump up - God, he obviously "accepted" into the room, I do not know what is extremely "making a guilty conscience", really not should. It seems that he is not suitable for doing bad things in his life.

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground