MTL - A President’s Out-of-Body Experience-Chapter 30

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The toughness can only be regarded as Gu Xiaoshan is supporting himself, and not angry. Gu Xiaoshan is also very busy. He worked overtime for the past two days. After two days, he went to the bag for a business trip. One night before leaving, Gu Xiaoshan suddenly asked the tough sentence: "Do you remember your mother's appearance?" Tottenham listened to this sentence, and his eyes became red: "I really don't remember." Also, my nose is sour: "Is it very unconscionable?" Gu Xiaoshan smiled. "No, I don't remember."

After that, Gu Xiaoshan went to the plane and did not contact the toughness for a few days on business. The toughness is quite awkward. I want to send a message to Gu Xiaoshan, and I am afraid that Gu Xiaoshan will once again associate with the "annoying girlfriend". Then I will send a message to Xu Wei, saying, "Is it bad for Gu’s two days?" I replied very vaguely. The toughness finally felt quite inappropriate, so I took the opportunity to eat black babies. The black boy is in a meeting place and the news is very well-informed. The tough man asked Black Aberdeen during the meeting and said, "Is there a problem with the hill brothers these days?" Black Aberdeen answered, "It must be, there is no problem with the death of the mother." The toughness was shocked: " What did you say?!" Black boy was also shocked: "Ah? You don't know?"

The toughest finally realized the great sense of loss that "good friends have not told you, you are the last one to know."

He is more self-blaming and feels that his previous actions have hurt Hill Brothers, and he is also worried that Hill Brothers will be very upset now. When he went back, he called the old man and asked, "Dad, do you know? The mother of the hill brother passed away!" Yu master was shocked: "Ah? What? You know now?" "Ah? What? Did you know it early?" Master Yu was shocked: "Of course! Otherwise! So I told you to live with him! Comfort him, accompany him!"

The tough son learned from the news of Yu’s master that Gu Xiaoshan was not on a business trip for the past two days. In the past two days, Gu Xiaoshan was so busy that he was not involved, and it was also related to this.

Master Yu feels very strange: "You are not very good? You still don't live with him? Didn't he tell you a word?" The mood of the toughness fell to the bottom: "No." When the old man thought about it, he said, "Well, if you do, you don't know." The tough man couldn't help but refute: "How can I not know such a big thing?" Master Yu persuaded: "Since You all go to his house and stay with him every day. If he doesn't tell you, he proves that he didn't want to tell you, and he didn't want to talk to you about it. You don't want to find it. "The heart of the tougher is even more stunned: "That won't be done. He must be very lonely now. I have to go to him!" Master Yu said: "Hundreds of people in his short-lived ancestral hall are rushing to grab the inheritance. Lonely fart!" The toughness couldn't help but blame: "Dad, how do you talk like this, disrespectful to the deceased." Yu said, "I am jealous of her! Bite me!" The toughness was stunned. Master Yu said: "You don't understand the things of your family. I advise you not to go to peace. Don't look at Gu Xiaoshan's kid who always smiles. He doesn't know how to be inside. You don't bother him. Otherwise it will only be counterproductive."

Thinking about the toughness, I felt that I had listened to my father’s words, and I didn’t have the confession with Gu Xiaoshan for the first time, making Gu Xiaoshan unhappy. He thought again, if he came out with Gu Xiaoshan for the first time, maybe Gu Xiaoshan would "return to the lime" and open his heart to talk about the pain of losing his mother. It’s not like this, it’s a gap, but it’s not a word.

Therefore, the tough son decided to give up his father's set of "you guess I guess you guess I guess do not guess what you guess" technology flow routine, intend to pursue the heart, with a sincere impressed hill brother.

So, the toon heard the address of the funeral from the well-informed black boy, and set foot on the journey of finding true love - um, a two-hour journey of love-seeking. Because the high-speed rail is really fast.

After the high-speed rail under the toughness, I received a call from Master Yu without taking two steps. The toughness was quite guilty, but he still took the call, but did not say where he was. However, he did not say that Master Yu knew it, and he yelled at him: "Call you not to go, you are going to go!" The tough son said: ", how do you know?" Master Yu answered loudly. "You bought my deputy card for the ticket!" said a tough note: "Ah. Yes." Yu’s sighed and said, "Since you have gone, I have to say a few words to you, lest you Going out of words and offending people." The toughness is not convincing: "It is a funeral, I will not be a man, and I will not be polite at the funeral." Yu Yu said: "You know Gu Xiaoshan's short-lived life. Who is the old mother?"

In fact, the tough guy really doesn't know much about Gu Xiaoshan's birth mother.

The tough son has never seen Gu Xiaoshan's mother. He only knows that Gu Xiaoshan's parents divorced very early, and they are not old and dead. His heart is also full of curiosity, naturally want to hear Yu master said. Master Yu did not intend to say, just hung up the phone, and then sent information to the mailbox of the tough. The toughness opens the e-mail address, and the electronic version of the newspaper clipping is in the eye. The most attractive eye for the picture on the newspaper clipping is a woman's single photo - it is extremely beautiful, and Gu Xiaoshan and Gu Xiaowu are subtle. Similar. Looking at the year, this report has been a long time, and it is the time when Gu and Yu are young. The headline of the newspaper is also very eye-catching. "Tang Guoguo private club retreat, the name: purely rumored, trusting the wife", the toe frowns, the finger slides down, see the next title "Tangguoguo and Mengmenkai" room "Photographed, Gu Ming refused to respond", and then came down "Tangguo fruit derailed during pregnancy, infected with syphilis", "Syphilitic pregnant women Tang fruit smooth delivery, daughter health and no infection", "Gu name sued for divorce, said Tang Guoguo family violence son "The next one is "Tang Guoguo refuses to divorce, holding a five-year-old son to jump into the sea", and finally "Day of divorce, the name of the fruit is divided into one billion."

The toughness was stunned and seemed to have found the reason why Gu Xiaoshan refused to go to the beach for a holiday and rarely snorkeled. Looking at the contents of this email is nothing more than these newspaper clippings. Obviously, Yu is very disgusted with Tang Guoguo. I don’t want to say a word about her.

When the toughness arrived at the place where the funeral was held, it was discovered that the man who said that Tang Guoguo Lingtang must be packed with contention is not exaggerated. According to the style of Tang Guoguo, which has no lower limit and no security measures, the children of illegitimate children are really not enough for a basket. Tang Guoguo’s mansion stands with an iron fence, surrounded by a bunch of people shouting, some say that he is the ex-husband of Tang Guoguo, some say that he is a child of Tang Guoguo, and some do not ask for property, is a good reporter And even her enemies came to celebrate with firecrackers, called screaming, screaming, and the scene was not lively.

In order to prevent these people from entering, there are many fierce guards standing outside the iron fence. The toughness found that it was difficult for him to enter this guarded house. The regents thought of the reports they just watched, and they had to admit that the relationship between Gu Jia and the wife was really complicated. He rushed over and it was really embarrassing. But I don't want to, Yu master sent a message to tell him: "You call Gu Xiaoshan, I told him, I told you to mourn." Looking at this message, the toughness is also put down the heart, finally Gu Xiaoshan was called without any burden.

Gu Xiaoshan was obviously busy, asking him to enter from the side door and sent Xu Wei to pick him up.

When Xu Wei saw the toughness, the face smiled professionally and smiled: "It’s really hard for you to come so far. Hard, tough, I will help you with your luggage." The tortoise felt embarrassed to let the lady help, and insisted on mentioning it. Luggage, and asked: "Don't see Xiaowu sister?" Xu Wei replied faintly: "Gu's meaning is to do things in a low-key manner. He is a person, and only I follow." The tough listened to this. Then, somehow, I actually ate the vinegar of Xu Wei. I don't know how much Xu Wei is not happy to do such a troublesome and unpleasant thing.

Xu Wei went to the hall with a toughness. The Tang Hall’s mourning hall is different from the previous temperament. It is not pure white, but it is made into a colorful candy color according to the will of Tang Guoguo. The wallpaper also has a huge lollipop pattern filled with artistic body. "IloveCandy!", Candy is the English name of Tang Guoguo. Tang Guoguo's body is placed in a fairy tale crystal coffin, surrounded by gorgeous flowers, a sign hanging on the flowers, is the "Babe, don\'tevercryforme" handwritten by Tang Guoguo.

Obviously, no one is crying for her. Her relatives are full of ghosts and their faces are full of calculations. Being dull, such as the toughness, can see that they are not good. Gu Xiaoshan is also sitting on the guest's seat, dressed in black and white, with a solemn expression, and a white rose on his chest. Seeing the toughness came, Gu Xiaoshan nodded slightly to him, not much words.

The toughness sternly and slyly bid farewell to the body of Tang Guoguo, and then retreated to the side of Gu Xiaoshan. Gu Xiaoshan looked at him silently, and his eyes were rarely seen. The heart of the toughness is also cold and cool: Dad is right, I am coming, he is not happy.

After the ceremony, Gu Xiaoshan also stood up without saying a word, and left the hall with a pocket path. The toughness quickly chased behind him. Xu Wei was waiting outside, stopped the toughness, and smiled: "The next step is a ritual that only people with blood relationship with Ms. Tang can participate." The toughness smashed, and some nodded: "Well."

The tough man stayed in the corner of the house and couldn't help but call his dad and said, "The hill brother really didn't care much about me." Yu said, "Call you not to go, you are not Going to go." The tough said, "Hey, I haven't seen him so cold." Yu said with a sneer: "Why don't you? He wants to laugh with you and say, "Hey, you are so happy today." ?"

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