MTL - 80s: The Soft and Waxy Beauty Took Care of the Wolf Husband-Chapter 334 letter

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  Chapter 334 letter

  After Xue Lingqing and Nan Chuyi left, Li Qiao also washed up and went to sleep.

  The next day, I had classes as usual, and after school in the afternoon, Qin Jin and I came to the courtyard where we had negotiated the price the day before.

  The owner has been waiting for a long time: "It's almost here, it's getting dark."

  Li Qiao raised his wrist to look at his watch: "It's still five minutes before the appointed time."

   "Did you bring the rent money?"

   "That's for sure." Li Qiao said.

  Qin Jin asked to check the relevant documents, and the owner took them out again, a little displeased and said: "Can I still lie to you?"

   "Be careful sailing for thousands of years!" Qin Jin confirmed that it was correct and took out the written evidence.

  The landlord checked it patiently. It said that the rent would be three years and the rent should be paid in one lump sum. In particular, it is not allowed to enter their room without consent.

  In the house he rented in Hu's Alley, the landlord entered his and his grandma's room more than once when they were not at home.

  I was caught by him last time, and I thought grandma was at home.

  Walking to the middle of the yard, the landlord came out of his room, making him very angry.

  Beating the other party will not relieve your anger.

   If he dares to enter the house again when the rent is collected this month, he will break the other party's legs.

  The owner immediately expressed his willingness to pay in one lump sum, 30 yuan a month, 36 months in three years, 1080 yuan, too generous? ! Did he meet a rich man? "Success. What are you doing to be so rich?"

  Li Qiao: "Aren't you richer if you have a house?"

   "How can we be considered rich? If it wasn't for the housing allocation by the unit, there would be no extra place to live."

  After the negotiations between the two parties were completed, the landlord handed over the keys and left.

  Li Qiao said: "We might as well move here too. It's convenient."

  Qin Jin has a stubborn temper: "I don't want to move!" Originally, it was agreed to rent for four years.

   "There are toilets here, and we don't have to worry about the landlord in Hu's Alley discovering that we are doing business." Li Qiao said emphatically.

  She has been patient with the other party, but she is also worried that she will be targeted by him if she has a grudge with others, which will expose her business.

  Big trouble then.

  Qin Jin strongly disagrees. He has been paying attention to the content published in the newspaper recently, and there is a faint tendency to allow independent business, and he now has stalls in various trading markets in the city.

   After paying the favor fee, no one checked him again.

   Unlike before, no one dared to accept the offering.

   Li Qiao's cheeks puffed up, if he doesn't listen to advice, he will suffer sooner or later!

   When the two returned home, it was already dark, and Mrs. Qin and Yu Cuiying were waiting for them to eat.

   "Are you back? Why did you go?" Mrs. Qin said.

  Li Qiao mentioned the matter of renting a big yard, and suggested that everyone move to a bigger house together. She said: "But Ah Jin has always disagreed."

  Old Mrs. Qin: "Let him go." He knows the eldest grandson's temper best, and he can't pull back nine cows on the decision.

  Yu Cuiying said: "Aren't the houses here pretty good?" Although they are small, they are many times better than the adobe houses in the village.

  Li Qiao talked about the landlord finding fault here again.

  Yu Cuiying: "It should be moved away. A strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. If we compete with the locals from other places, we will definitely suffer."

  Qin Jin didn't say a word.

   Seeing that he didn't answer, Li Qiao finally shut up, and the matter was settled.

   On this day of class, Li Qiao received a package from his hometown, it was Senior Sister Yu Xiu, and there were two volumes of English books for the third year of high school in it.

  In the letter, Yu Xiu greeted her first, and then told her that she was transferred to teaching in the third year of high school this year, and asked her to buy two English materials according to the standard of textbooks, with moderate difficulty.

   At the end of the letter, gossip is written.

After Senior Sister Yu Xiu and Cai Hechuan's marriage fell through, Cai Hechuan's mother smeared her everywhere, saying that she had received a betrothal gift from the Cai family and divorced, and even went to school to make a fuss. Bad reputation around home.

   Originally, it was said that the dear ones would cross the threshold, but now there is no one.

  Parents always frown.

  The old father even said that it would be better to marry Cai Hechuan than to be an old girl for a lifetime.

Li Qiao replied immediately: "Absolutely not!" She wrote down the process of reporting other people's defamation crimes in detail, and worried that no one would take care of Yu Xiu, so she wrote another letter in it, asking him to forward the letter to the criminal police team's forensic department when reporting Xion Dong.

  With Xun Dong's help, let's see if Cai Hechuan's mother is afraid!

  She put away the letter and took the time to read the English book in the third year of high school.

   It was only one year before her college entrance examination.

  The difficulty of English has been greatly improved, and there is even a listening part.

   This is undoubtedly a difficult task for rural children who have never even been exposed to pinyin since childhood.

   There are now radios that can play cassettes, and she plans to pay for one out of pocket.

   Prepare some listening tapes and send them back together, so that students can learn oral English.

  Strive to get good grades in the exam next year, and change your destiny by jumping out of the farm.

  After the afternoon class ended, Li Qiao went to the shopping mall to wander around. The radios that can play tapes are imported and in short supply. Tickets are required and the price is expensive. One set costs 680.

  She has the money, but who can get the tickets?

  She thinks of a counselor.

  It's getting late today, let's look for it tomorrow.

  Passing by a bookstore, Li Qiao stopped and went in to search for English materials, but he was not very satisfied.

   decided to take the time to find the largest bookstore in Kyoto.

   She was driving home, when a black car stopped at her feet.

  As the rear window was rolled down, the handsome face of the young man came into view.

  She laughed: "Brother Xue, long time no see."

  Xue Jingyi also smiled: "Going home? Come up." He pushed the car door with his hands, and then sat on the side to make room for her.

  Li Qiao was impolite, sat down and said: "Where are you from?"

   "Business trip in the southern province." Xue Jingyi said.

  Which pot does Li Qiao not open and which pot to lift: "Professor Xue is married, do you know?"

  Cough cough cough.

   Xue Jingyi choked on saliva, of course he knew, and he also knew what was going on, poor uncle! This is also the reason why he didn't dare to go home to face it. First, he was afraid of being beaten by his grandfather, and second, he was afraid of seeing his new aunt. He interrupted and said, "Why do you go to the street alone?"

   "Buying materials, can you get a radio ticket that can hold tapes?" Li Qiao asked casually.

  If Big Brother Xue has a way, she doesn't need to trouble the counselor.

   "It should be possible." Xue Jingyi said.

  Li Qiao: "Then I will wait for your news." She paused for a while: "Will you give me news next Wednesday at the latest?"

   "I'll give you a message tomorrow."

  Li Qiao couldn't help being overjoyed: "Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow."

   "It's easy to say."

  The two of them didn't talk anymore. The driver in front glanced at them from the rearview mirror from time to time, and couldn't help but ask, "Girl, what's your relationship with our Director Xue?"

   Xue Jingyi: "My grandfather and her mother-in-law are childhood sweethearts."

  Li Qiao: "." You are not afraid of Grandma Xue vomiting blood.

   But the description is also correct.

   This idiom was originally a metaphor for a man and a woman who grew up together, but it changed later.

  At the gate of the family courtyard, the car stopped. After Li Qiao thanked him, he got out of the car and walked home.

  Qin Jin has already got off work, sitting in the yard and flipping through the newspaper, smiling all over his face.

  As soon as she saw Li Qiao stood up, she took the newspaper and pointed to the content to show her: "Qiao, from now on we can do business in a fair manner."

  (end of this chapter)