MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 123

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   Chapter 123

   "I'm back, Mom, I'm back." Ye Jinzhi could hear Ah Hao's voice from far away in the room.

   "Dad." As soon as Yuan Shaochen went out, he saw the three children's faces were flushed, but it could be seen that they were having a good time today.

   "Ah." Ayan was awakened by the chirping cries of his three brothers, closed his eyes and waved his hands, his mouth making a dissatisfied voice.

   The three children shared with their mother where they went to play, what they were late for, and what delicious food they ate, without noticing the younger brother who was sleeping beside them.

   "Shh!" Ah Zhao raised her index finger in front of her mouth, motioning to be quiet.

   But it was too late, Ayan was already woken up, rubbing his eyes, his little face was tense and unhappy.

   "Don't rub your eyes with your hands." Ye Jinzhi grabbed Ayan's little hand and prevented him from touching his eyes again. Children like to touch everywhere, and their hands are full of bacteria.

   "咿咿, ah, ah ah." A Yan didn't know what he was talking about, he had a big tantrum at his three older brothers, and his little face was fierce.

   The three older brothers knew that they were wrong, and listened to Ayan scolding them silently, with a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, and Ayan finally lost his temper.

   "Gulu, Gulu." Ayan stretched out his hand to his three brothers.

   But the three older brothers could not understand what he meant.

   "Are Ayan hungry?" Axu guessed from his voice.

   Ye Jinzhi pointed to the bottle on the table, "Ayan is thirsty and wants to drink water."

   "I'll get it." Ah Hao ran back with the bottle before he could finish speaking.

  Ayan nodded with satisfaction when he saw the bottle, smiled at Hao, then sucked on the bottle tightly and drank the water with great gulps.

   "Is roast duck delicious?" Ye Jinzhi continued the topic just now.

   The three children nodded vigorously. It was the first time they had eaten such delicious duck meat, but "Dad made it even better." They all flattered.

   Coincidentally, when the young minister Yuan came in, he heard them mention his name, "What are you saying bad about me?"

   Ye Jinzhi smiled and said to him, "Praise you, they say that the duck you cook is better than roast duck."

  The cheeky skin of the three children may have followed Yuan Shaochen. Yuan Shaochen was not only modest, but he held his chest out, "Of course, I want to eat it for you tomorrow."

   There is never too much delicious food. Even though I just ate it today, the three children are still excited, "Okay, I want to eat Huahua Chicken."

   "Huahuaji?" Ye Jinyi didn't react at once, there is such a thing.

   "It's a beggar chicken." Yuan Shaochen corrected.

   "Yes, beggar chicken, I want to eat beggar chicken." The three children really know how to eat it, and they know how to pick the most troublesome one.

   But Yuan Shaochen was in a good mood, so naturally he didn't refuse to agree. He nodded cheerfully, "Okay, Dad will make it for you tomorrow."

   It’s summer, so I don’t have to worry about not having lotus leaves, even if it’s hard to get muddy, but I’ve already boasted about it, and there’s no reason to take it back.

Ye Jinzhi just watched a good show, Ayan was also drinking water, looked at his father and his three brothers with round eyes, and when he saw the three brothers cheering happily, he also grabbed the bottle and shook it symbolically a few times. Thought he understood.

   "Ayan, let's eat chicken tomorrow." Ah Hao was afraid that Ayan wouldn't understand, so he went to him to explain it, and Ayan nodded his face.

   Ah Hao saw Ah Yan nodded, and he nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he was too powerful.

  Ye Jinzhi watched the excitement, a five-year-old child talked to a nearly one-year-old child, one dared to speak, and the other even dared to nod, and there was no one else.

   And when the three men came back with a few children, they didn't go to the main courtyard, they lived in the adjacent courtyard.

The third thinks that the eldest and the fifth are weird today. It was like this in the morning. It’s still like this after playing outside for almost a day. If the three children hadn’t been around all the time, he wanted them to just fight. , The big man has been awkward.

  I was seen by Yuan Shaochen in the morning. The men didn't think there was anything at all. They saw it when they saw it. It was their own business, and it had nothing to do with others.

   But that kid doesn't think so, and he still doesn't care about him.

   "Xiao Wu, what happened to you and the boss, did you make the boss angry by doing something wrong?" The third took advantage of the man to go out, jumped up to Xiao Wu, and asked nervously.

   "Why do you think I did something wrong, not him?" Xiao Wu got angry when he heard him ask him to apologize to the man.

   But the third child didn't care, and whispered, "Don't you do something wrong every time?"

  The brothers have grown up together since they were young, and they all know each other's characters thoroughly. When they make mistakes, the boss fights for them.

   "The boss loves you the most. If you obey me softly, the boss will definitely not be angry with you." In short, he believed that he was the one who provoked him.

   Xiao Wu felt a little guilty after hearing what he said, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was really the case.

   He also knew that he was a little vexatious, but he couldn't make him face the strange eyes of others.

  In the morning, a man was seen telling him that it was okay, the big deal would be discovered. Besides, they have been like this all the time, and they will definitely be discovered after a while. It is better to say it yourself.

   But he stopped him. The two of them had discussed what to do if they wanted to make it public. At that time, he also swore that he didn't care about other people's eyes.

   Obviously he overestimated himself. At that point, he felt like his feet were a few dozen pounds heavier, he couldn't move, and his steps were heavy.

   "I, let me have a look." After a long silence, Xiao Wu walked out with heavy steps.

  The man has been silent since he came back. When he was outside, although he didn't talk much, he couldn't help it with the three children.

  A man also knows that this kind of thing can't be forced, but it's still very hurt to see him so reluctant. He is so bad that he doesn't want to admit it.

   "Old, boss." A voice came from behind.

   In fact, when Xiao Wu walked to the door, the man had already heard the movement, but he had no bricks, and he wanted to see what he wanted to do.

   "Boss, I, I'm wrong, don't ignore me." A big man said such a thing, no matter how others looked at it, he didn't seem to have any sense of disobedience.

  The man was about to cry when he heard it, sighed, and turned around.

   "It's okay, I've figured it out, I won't force you in the future, we'll keep doing this until you want to say it."

   The little five who said these words is even more guilty. He feels that he is really ignorant. He should have been prepared long ago when he decided to be together.

   "No, no," Little Wu's reaction was unexpected, and he grabbed his arm.

   "I, I figured it out, don't be angry." Thinking he was going to break up with him, he couldn't help but nervously said.

  The man didn't expect that there would be unexpected surprises. He was ready to compromise. After all, he didn't want to force him to admit it. Maybe the last two people would go further and further.

   "Where's your uncle?" Ye Jinzhi got dressed, draped a shawl over his shoulders, and sat outside with his three children.

   suddenly realized that he didn't seem to see any of them, "Uncle said to go back to rest."

   One of Ye Jin knew it was an excuse and guessed that they might be embarrassed.

   To tell the truth, she and Yuan Shaochen both came from later generations, and they are considered acceptable for this ability. Like many of them in later generations, they are like ordinary people, and they even take videos generously.

   But you can't always say this in front of people, it might make people not only embarrassed, but also embarrassed to meet in the future.

   But what Ye Jinzhi didn't expect was that when the meal was over, the two of them didn't shy away at all.

   "Congratulations." Ye Jinzhi smiled at them. She sincerely congratulated them. After all, in this day and age, most people's ideas are still very conservative.

  It really takes a lot of determination for them to make this move.

  To be honest, the moment the man heard that he agreed, he still felt a little unreal.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little surprised. In fact, she saw some signs when they came together, but she didn't want to let everyone know, so she kept holding it back.

   The three children didn't ask any more questions at this moment. Ye Jinzhi laid a mat on the ground outside, and they took Ayan to play on it, ignoring the movement here.

   "Thank you, Miss." Xiao Wu suddenly realized that it was nothing, and others wouldn't react to whether you liked a man or a woman.

   But he also knows that not everyone understands them as well as Ye Jinzhi and the others, but it doesn't matter anymore.

   "You, you?" Apart from the fact that the third child never fell off the chain, he was half a beat slower than the others at other times. When he saw the two of them holding hands, he couldn't help crying.

   With Ye Jinzhi's performance, Xiao Wu was not at all embarrassed to be seen by others at this moment, instead he raised the hand they held together generously.

   "This, what's going on here." They were still arguing just now, and he was worried that they would stay frozen, but he didn't expect it to become like this.

   "It's what you see." I don't know how much waves it stirred in the heart of the third child.

   Ye Jinzhi also seemed to be watching the excitement, sitting there with his hands crossed on his chin, looking at them with smiling eyes.

   "Drink something hot." Yuan Shaochen just went to the kitchen to give Ye Jinzhi hot soup, and he saw this scene as soon as he came back.

   "Hmm." Ye Jinzhi gestured to the man to stick his head out like a child telling a secret.

  Although he didn't know what she was going to do, the young minister Yuan still cooperated and put his head in front of her, and he didn't mean to avoid it at all.

   "They made it public." There was excitement in his voice, which was great.

   Yuan Shaochen didn't expect that, seeing how they looked in the morning, he thought the two of them would freeze for a while.

   "Don't look, let's go out for a walk." The three people on the opposite side couldn't stop at once, mainly because the third child was taken aback. He used to think that the fifth child was so favored because he was fair and young.

   Several people lived under the same roof, and he didn't even notice it. He didn't know if they were hiding too deep, or if he was too thick, and he didn't even notice it at all.

   Yuan Shaochen didn't take Ye Jinzhi outside either. The family was already big enough, so why don't he just walk around at home.

   "Is it still uncomfortable?" There was no one around, and Young Master Yuan didn't have to worry about being seen by the child.

   Ye Jinzhi also leaned halfway on Yuan Shaochen's arm, and he was languid. He hadn't been so quiet for a long time.

   The two of them whispered all the way. It wasn't because Ye Jinzhi's laughter was still heard. Although Yuan Shaochen didn't laugh out loud, the raised corners of his mouth betrayed him.

   Yuan Shaochen originally wanted to ask her what happened these days and what was on her mind.

   Although he was not at home, the three children were very excited when they saw him coming back in the morning, and told Ye Jinzhi that something was wrong these days.

  The three children are attentive, especially the emotions of the people around them are very clear, not to mention that that person is his own mother.

   As soon as he saw him, he told himself that something was wrong with Ye Jinzhi these past few days, and Yuan Shaochen never doubted what the three children said.

   But he suddenly changed his mind, waiting for her to tell him that she might have her own considerations even if she didn't say it, and that he was always on her side no matter what.

   Ye Jinzhi's face was hit by the setting sun, and the warm sunlight shone on his face, looking very comfortable.

   "Would you like to go out for a walk tomorrow morning?" Since he promised the children to make beggar chickens for them to eat, then he went to buy ingredients.

   Ye Jinzhi nodded without hesitation. She had not been to the vegetable market here for so long, so she was suddenly curious.

   "Will it be very early?" Ye Jinzhi was worried that he would not be able to get up too early.

   "It's okay to be late."

   This matter was originally planned to be passed by Young Master Yuan, but he did not expect that he was ready to give up asking, but Ye Jinzhi took the initiative to mention it.

   At night, the two of them were lying on the bed, their breathing was still a little short, and the surrounding air was still exuding an ambiguous smell.

   "Can't sleep?" In a daze, Yuan Shaochen found that the person beside him slept too much during the day.

   Ye Jinzhi couldn't see that the man was hesitant to say anything, but she wasn't ready yet, so she really didn't know what to say.

   "I, I" mustered up the courage to cry out, but just as she was about to finish her words, the young minister Yuan turned over and hugged her.

   "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, don't force yourself." Yuan Shaochen didn't want to embarrass her.

   Who knows, as soon as these words came out, Ye Jinzhi found that he had been hesitating so stupidly.

   Ye Jinzhi shook his head, forgetting that he could not see.

   "I, I seem" halfway through she couldn't say it anymore. After all, her guess was so unbelievable, she wondered if she was thinking wildly.

   "What's the matter?" Yuan Shaochen also woke up. He hugged Ye Jinzhi's body and patted her back constantly to soothe her emotions.

   "It's okay, take your time, I'm here." Yuan Shaochen was very patient. He didn't know what made her hesitate so much. All he could do was stand by her unconditionally and support her unconditionally.

   I don't know if Yuan Shaochen's words had any effect, Ye Jinzhi gradually calmed down, turned around, turned his face to Yuan Shaochen's chest, and could still feel the heat from his exhalation from time to time.

   (end of this chapter)