MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 73

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Ye Wenxuan: "I don't understand a bit. How do they know the sp Institute? And, how many scientists are missing, has it really caught the attention of the government?"

Lao Jia: "We are not sure whether these people are willing or forced to join. But it is clear that sp researches all of their own complete channels and can silently eliminate the traces of a person's life."

Inexplicable, Ye Wenxuan remembered that Adenis escaped from the laboratory and found that his identity information was completely destroyed and became a "dead" living person.

He rubbed his arm and felt a little cold.

Lao Jia said again: "We only know that there is such a research institute. As for its specific location, who is working for it, what has been studied, it has been in the fog before, and no useful information can be found."

"Until you were in the UK, Adonis, the short-sound predictor, and Kathy, the short-term forecaster, were recruited."

Ye Wenxuan gave a slight glimpse and looked up at him.

There was only the voice of the old Jia in the conference room. Others did not speak, only silently listening to their conversation.

Lao Jia: "According to Adenis, the laboratory's research on the abilities has entered a certain depth. I guess they have been doing this since a few years ago. Less, Adenis is the experimental body of Mario Rhodes, and only the Ph.D. can be seen."

"In addition to Mario Rhodes, Adenis also mentioned another, Lambert D. Rolls."

Ye Wenxuan slammed his head: "Hey, I haven't heard of it."

This time it was Xing Yuan: "Is it the scientific geek that has disappeared?"

Lao Jia: "Yes, it is him."

Ye Wenxuan Yu Guang looked around and found that everyone's face was a clear expression.

"..." So only he alone does not know that it is a geek in the scientific world? ? ?

Lao Jia didn't see that there was a new ignorance here. He said directly: "Adenis and several abilities can escape successfully, and Lambert plays a different role in it. Or so, Without the help of Lambert, it would not be possible for the abilities to go out of the Institute.

Xing Yuan blinked: "He is... which country's inside line?"

Lao Jia shook his head: "I don't know. We don't collect much information about Lambert. It's too early for him to retire. The information is not complete."

Xing Yuan: "There is another possibility. He wants to put a long line to catch big fish."

Lao Jiayi: "Do not rule out this possibility."

Several people discussed the topic of the sp study room for a long time, and then Luo Wen ordered people to collect the pharmacy, and hurriedly ended the second meeting.

"Time is tight, I and Lao Feng will send this thing to the military laboratory tonight." He carried the box with the pharmacy, and looked calmly: "Ge Ge tiger, all departments are in action, presumably will not What kind of scorpion. As for the sp laboratory, you should unify the caliber, don’t let out loud."

Feng Gaoyi also stood up and made a summary: "I am afraid this is not a good solution, we must be prepared for long-term operations."

The ministers left, Ye Wenxuan and Xing Yuan finally came out. When the former went out, they looked at the wall clock. It was almost late in the middle of the night.

Some people in the special department's building were working night shifts, and they didn't seem to be deserted. The two said goodbye to Zheng Xingguo and Xue Yongchang, and walked out of the building under the strict supervision of the security system through a corridor equipped with rows of monitors.

As soon as I went out, there was a night breeze blowing on my face. Ye Wenxuan squinted and slugged and yawned.

Xing Yuan walked beside him: "Sleepy?"

Ye Wenxuan casually said: "This is a little faster, can you not sleep?"

After leaving the special department's site, Ye Wenxuan changed the subject again: "Just in Minister Luo Wen, why didn't you take the opportunity to mention the conditions and let them take you out of the Xing family?"

Xing Yuan mouth corners awkward: "Worried about me?"

Ye Wenxuan turned his head and looked at him, then took back his gaze. Hehehe said: "If you are, anybody who has trouble anyway is not me."

Xing Yuanxiao laughed and reached out and grabbed his head hair: "Reassured, I was in the car before I came, I have already talked with Zheng Xingguo."

Ye Wenxuan opened his hand: "Our vice team didn't marry you?"

"My request is not excessive. He is jealous of me." The palm of his hand was photographed. Xing Yuan recovered from the goodness and slowly said: "Xing's things should be confiscated, and the assets of the Xing Group are very large. There are also many illegal transactions. The follow-up is very troublesome. I am likely to be a tainted witness and report to Xing Jianming."

Ye Wenxuan slowed down: "Stained witnesses?"

"I won't be openly tried, I just need a testimony from me." Xing Yuan took his wrist and walked slowly along the street: "Don't worry about me?"

Ye Wenxuan: "...not worried."

Xing Yuan smiled and didn't lick him again.

"In the early years, I avoided Xing Jianming and trained a group of people and founded my own company. Although it is not comparable to the Xing Group, it can also gain a firm foothold. This time I am in the UK and South Sudan, thanks to these brothers. In the domestic circulation, Xing Yi and Xing Jianming were not allowed to be deliberate." He said as he walked: "The pharmacy obtained in South Sudan, together with the testimony of the tainted witnesses, retreated for me, and started the stove again."

Ye Wenxuan didn't pay attention to his hand and was still holding it. He said: "They agree that you will continue to open the company?"

Xing Yuan: "I will always fight for it."

The two walked against the wind for a while, and the traffic of the main road in the middle of the night was still bustling. Ye Wenxuan’s mind gradually became clear and suddenly stood at a crossroads.

Xing Yuan kept pulling him and saw the other party stop, then he looked back at him: "What?"

"I was thinking," Ye Wenxuan looked around: "Where are you going to take me?"

Xing Yuan: "Hey, aren't you leading the way?"

"..." Ye Wenxuan looked back at him: "It is clearly that you are leading the way!"

Xing Yuan: "I am following you."

Ye Wenxuan: "Hey, you are pulling me forward!"

Xing Yuan: "..."

Ye Wenxuan: "..."

Xing Yuan reached out and licked his face: "What is this called, is it black? If you have been with you for a long time, IQ has begun to fall."

Ye Wenxuan pinched the muscles on his waist, and the skin smiled and smiled: "You, dare, again, say, one, all over?"

Xing Yuan said sincerely: "Not too dare."

Ye Wenxuan was angry and took his hand back.

Xing Yuan: "Where is your home?"

"There are still two bus routes." Ye Wenxuan slanted him: "Why, my family does not welcome humans and animals with IQ below 20."

Xing Yuan almost laughed again. He pressed his lips and whispered, "Well, welcome boyfriends?"

Ye Wenxuan breathed for a few seconds, his eyes drifted, Zhang mouth said: "Men... What a friend is a ghost, I did not promise you."

“Well?” Xing Yuan raised an eyebrow: “You have kissed each other, do you still want to marry me as a scum?”

Ye Wenxuan is covered with a black line: "...roll, you are angry."

Xing Yuan was no longer joking. He whispered in his ear and said, "I am homeless and I want to stay."

"..." Well, Ye Wenxuan had to admit that he even eats Xing Yuan.

After walking for a while, Ye Wenxuan suddenly said: "No."

Xing Yuan: "Well?"

Ye Wenxuan looked at him up and down, suspicion: "Your legs are good?"

Xing Yuan’s action is a stagnation: “”

Ye Wenxuan looked back at the hundreds of meters that had already passed, and turned back to marry him: "What about your crutches?"

Xing Yuan and he looked at each other for a few seconds. The latter did not show weakness. He finally coughed softly: "When you are in the car, throw it in the back seat and come out and forget it."

Ye Wenxuan: "What about the wound?"

Xing Yuan: "...with the crutches."

Ye Wenxuan: "..."

He is incredible: "You don't feel pain?!"

Xing Yuan: "... ah... okay, no pain..."

Ye Wenxuan wants to kill him.

But in the end, I just hated the iron and said: "Are you mentally retarded!"

It doesn't hurt, and Xing Yuan is as sweet as it is.

Left and right Ye Wenxuan couldn't throw a wounded person on the road to go home. He sighed and waved a taxi, stuffed him into the back seat, and then he sneaked in, and the driver's master reported the address.

Five minutes later, the taxi stopped in the community downstairs. After the two got off the bus, Ye Wenxuan took the memory to find the correct unit door, and went upstairs while pulling out the key from the trouser pocket.

There was a voice-activated light in the corridor. Xing Yuan looked at his movements and suddenly felt a little strange: "When you went to South Sudan, did you take the door key?"

Ye Wenxuan stopped at the fourth floor of the East House and poked the key into the keyhole: "How is it possible?"

"Before I went abroad, I asked my colleagues to keep it. I kept it in our office drawer. I just took it when I left."

The key turned two and a half times and the door opened.

For more than a month, there was no living, the air was cold, and there was a smell of dust on the head.

With a bang, the chandelier in the living room automatically lights up. After Ye Wenxuan and other Xing Yuan came in, they closed their doors and bent down to take two pairs of slippers from the shoe cabinet.

Xing Yuan stood on one side and saw the lights in the bedroom and the study room lit up in turn. The TV in the living room automatically played the picture, the air purifier made a "drop", the water dispenser lit up the heating light, and then there was a slight squeaking sound. Later, he snorted and saw the sweeping robot slipping past his feet.

Xing Yuan: "..."

It's really convenient.

At that time, Ye Wenxuan just hung the coat behind the door and turned back and found that Xing Yuan still stood still and could not help but said: "How are you still stupid, come in."

Xing Yuan slowly exhaled a breath, he put on slippers, followed Ye Wenxuan into the living room.

This is not the way when Ye Wenxuan first came in six months ago. The old wooden furniture was disposed of early and replaced with second-hand furniture he had picked up.

There are only a few objects in the living room. The TV cabinet is a slim color TV that switches to the news channel. There is a white coffee table in the middle. The wall is a set of cloth sofas that look very soft.

The sofa cover is a small fresh mint green, and there are several watermelon red pillows stacked on it, which is quite romantic for some young artists.

Ye Wenxuan saw Xing Yuan sitting on the sofa and felt that the person became soft from head to toe.

He went to wash two cups, poured water on the table, and then ran into the study to turn the medicine box out.

Xing Yuan sat on the sofa and watched him rushing to find things.

Back to the living room, the bandages and gauze were thrown on the sofa, and Ye Wenxuan turned his head. The momentum was on Xing Yuandao: "Come on, take off."

Xing Yuan: "..."

Always feel wrong?

Ye Wenxuan himself felt that he was somewhat unconcerned. He coughed twice and picked up the bandage. "At least change the bandage. I will go back to the ministry and take your medicine and crutches. You will take these tonight. Make use of it."

Xing Yuan: "Oh."

He didn't say anything, just take off his pants.

Ye Wenxuan: "..." Nima wants to be so fast!

"How?" Xing Yuan threw his trousers on the ground and turned to look at him: "Shy?"

I didn’t expect it. The last thing I was shackled would be myself. Ye Wenxuan struggled to remove his sight and held a bandage: "You... can you change it?"

Xing Yuan looked at him, then looked at the bandage, and his mouth was awkward: "I am afraid I can't, I can't reach it."

"..." Ye Wenxuan cleared his throat: "Then I am embarrassed, I will help you."

Xing Yuan: "Oh, I can't ask for it."

So the two huddled on a sofa that was not too spacious. In the brightly lit living room at 1 o'clock in the morning, the pants were very serious.

The background sound is the expressionless news of the female anchor on the TV, and the noisy noise of the sweeping robots.

In a few minutes, Xing Yuan reached out and grabbed the short hair in the ear of Ye Wenxuan. The latter stopped the action in his hand and cast a look with doubt.

"Well..." Xing Yuan pointed to the bedroom study kitchen bathroom, with a subtle expression: "You don't think, is your home too bright?"

Ye Wenxuan discovered that all the lights in the house were all open. He just seemed calm. In fact, he was inexplicably nervous after entering the door. He only wanted to open the lamp in the living room. As a result, he found that the appliances that can be activated at home were all turned on. .

As far as the stalls he turned, the sweeping robot passed by the two men and slammed into the right foot of Xing Yuan. It seemed to treat it as a kind of large-scale garbage, and kept moving around and changing its angle. Put Xing Yuan’s right foot into his mouth.

Not only that, but it also harassed two humans with smart voice.

Ye Wenxuan: "..."

Xing Yuan: "Dibao?"

Ye Wenxuan’s expression is empty: “...ah, he gave himself the name... right...”

He snapped a finger, and the wall lights in several rooms began to go out one by one. The TV was black, the water dispenser was turned off, and even the kitchen refrigerator was powered off.

The sweeping robot is still in the spirit of Xing Yuan.

As a victim, Xing Yuan covered his lips with one hand and turned his head to endure hardship. On several occasions, he almost couldn’t hold the corner of his mouth.

Ye Wenxuan looked down at the disobedient robot. He bent down and lowered his body and took the guy out of Xing Yuan’s foot. He didn’t think about it and changed the word.

Ye Wenxuan couldn't bear it. A slap in the robot's round body, the earth treasure made a sizzling sound, and then completely powerless.

Xing Yuan leaned his face on the sofa, his shoulders constantly swaying, trying to stop his impulse to laugh.