MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 72

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The traffic began to move slowly and the traffic gradually cleared.

Ye Wenxuan digested this "big news" for a while, and turned to ask: "What about Xing?"

Zhong Lei started the car and didn't answer. He Shun and Cao Liyan looked at each other. The former untied the seat belt and reflexed on the back of the chair: "Ye Ge, then, we are particularly curious about a problem."

Ye Wenxuan: "What, what?"

Zhong Lei: "Small straight, give Laozi a seat belt!"

"Hey, wait a minute, my brother, I will sit down after I ask." He Shun’s eyes flashed with gossip, and he went to the back row and asked: "Ye Ge, is your relationship with the former president of Xing's predecessor, special iron? That kind?"

Ye Wenxuan: "Ha?"

He Shun: "I heard that Ye Ge took the initiative to apply with the vice team and went to South Sudan to find him. At that time, I heard a good feeling. If this is not an iron buddy or a life-and-death relationship, who would be willing to run long distances? Look for people in the war zone."

Speaking of this, he was filled with emotions and looked at Ye Wenxuan's expression very kindly: "Xing Ge lurked in his own home to collect evidence on the undercover, Ye Geshan ran into the water to save him, you two things, we discussed in the Ministry for several days It’s a special blood, it’s a tear!”

"So," he added a little closer and said seriously: "What kind of feelings are Ye Ge and Xing Ge?"

"..." Ye Wenxuan didn't know what to answer. In fact, he didn't even want to know what his face was.

He Shun’s paparazzi’s soul of the gossip burned, Cao Liyan saw Ye Wenxuan’s slap, and slaps the big face of He Shun back: “Small straight you give me a seat, and my face is reaching out.”

He Shun: "Hey, I just want to ask..."

Zhong Lei, who drove the car, yelled at him: "He Shun, let the old man sit down, don't let me say the third time."

He Shun did not dare to offend Zhong Lei, squatting on the seat belt, whispered: "I am really just curious."

Zhong Lei gave him a look.

"Ye Wenxuan is your colleague. The relationship between Xing Yuan and the special affairs department is also inextricably linked. These two have just returned from South Sudan and have experienced life and death. They are all worthy of respected companions." Zhong Lei said faintly: "Less later Take your paparazzi team to deal with your own people, jokes, and then go deeper."

"You have been joining Wenxuan for a few months, and people can already be alone, and then look at yourself. It is still so rough and not too bad."

He Shun was said to be red-faced and red, and finally shrank into a group, weak and weak: "Zhong Ge, I, I know it is wrong."

Zhong Lei: "From now on, until going back to the office, don't tell me a nonsense."

He Shun is like a little wife: "Receive... Receive..."

"..." Ye Wenxuan looked at Cao Liyan, who was holding his mouth and grinning. The latter came over and said quietly: "Zhong brother is very dissatisfied with Xiaoshun, and he has to train him for a chance." Nothing happened, they have to reconcile for a while."

Ye Wenxuan: "..." does not understand the taste of these people.

After reprimanding colleagues, the topic was spared.

"Xing's private work is too big. Some things can't be discussed on the bright side. Therefore, in the end, according to the break of the capital chain, the Xing Group has suffered huge losses, and Xing Jianming has sinned the transfer of assets."

Ye Wenxuan: "Xing Jianming was arrested?"

Zhong Lei: "Not only him. In addition to Xing Jianming, there are four sons of his son Xing Yi, Xing Jianming, and a few nephews and prostitutes. There are also many other parties in the Xing Group, which are very widespread, many of which are Didn't find out, Xing Yuan's people secretly handed us a list. After review, we also confirmed that the list is no problem."

Cao Liyan also sighed: "This former president is really embarrassed about his family, and there is no room for a little room. The Xing family is probably going to fall into the mud this time, and there is no room for turning over."

Ye Wenxuan did not speak. His eyes looked through the windshield in front of the car and looked at the car in front.

Xing Yuan is not only jealous of Xing's family, but also for himself.

"Xing's family is now pushing the wall. Although the legal procedures have not been completed, they have not been convicted, but they expect to spend most of their life in prison." Cao Liyan shook his head: "The assets are confiscated, it seems to be still There is a lot of debt to pay back, Xing Jianming has a daughter to go to junior high school, although these things have nothing to do with her, but the hat of the 'sick daughter's daughter', I think the future is not good."

"That... Xing Yuan will be affected?" Ye Wenxuan raised his lips and finally asked: "Is there any disclosure in the Ministry, how to treat Xing Yuan?"

Cao Liyan shook his head and Zhong Lei took the message: "He is a big hero in this matter. I guess, the Ministry will not have the preferential treatment on him, but in private, it is difficult to say."

Ye Wenxuan: "If you don't get out of the car, just put on your handcuffs..."

Zhong Lei smiled and said: "That won't."

Ye Wenxuan was relieved.

When I arrived at the special department building, I was nearing the time of work.

When Ye Wenxuan got off the bus, he saw Zheng Xingguo and Xing Yuan coming out of the car. Zhong Lei and another colleague went to the parking. Ye Wenxuan and others followed the deputy team and advanced the building.

Because there are many people here, Ye Wenxuan is not too close to Xing Yuan. I am afraid that people will see that there is something unclear about them. They can only walk next to Cao Liyan and listen to Xing Yuan. Chat with Zheng Xingguo.

Zheng Xingguo: "The last time you came here, it was a year ago."

Xing Yuan sighed: "It looks like it's the same, but the guard seems to be a substitute?"

"Changed a few batches, it is a routine personnel transfer." Going to the elevator, Zheng Xingguo pressed the button and said: "However, you can have a lot of spirit than the last time you met, and it is a bit of a young man's face. ”

Xing Yuan hooked up: "The last time I did not perform well."

Zheng Xingguo said casually: "Looking like a revenge for the society, it is not like a special police officer who assists in the investigation." After that, he gave a slight glimpse: "Don't say, your temperament is quite suitable for being an undercover."

Xing Yuan: "Cheng Captain, you should not bury me."

"叮", the elevator arrived.

Zheng Xingguo looked at him carefully. There was a smile on his serious face all the year round: "It’s good now."

Into the anti-terrorist action group's site, Zhong Lei and others went directly to the office. Ye Wenxuan thought about whether he should follow it or not. He did not turn around. Zheng Xingguo said: "Xiaoye, Xiaoxing, you two come with me. ""

Then they led the two into the large conference room on the other side.

Pushing the door into the house, Ye Wenxuan looked up and saw a large group of people in Wuhuan, and was immediately shocked.

At the huge conference table, the most conspicuous is the special affairs department boss Luo Wen, deputy minister Guo Yitao, Ye Wenxuan sweeping a circle, barely found an acquaintance inside - anti-terrorism action group leader Xue Yongchang.

The rest of the people were sitting in two rows around the conference table. They all looked like a sinister look. Ye Wenxuan just stepped in with one foot. Everyone heard the movement and looked up.

Being watched with so many serious eyes, Ye Wenxuan’s other foot could not go out.

How... It’s like watching a review conference...

He was still hesitating, and Xing Yuan was holding his wrist without a trace.

Xing Yuan said with a very low voice: "Go in, nothing."

Ye Wenxuan: "Ah...oh..."

After several people fell into a seat, Zheng Xingguo briefly introduced the large group of people at the table. Ye Wenxuan suddenly realized that those who were the heads of other departments of the special affairs department.

No, not only the special affairs department, Luo Wen also sat on several military generals, the deputy director of several departments of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and even the secret secretary of the chairman and the prime minister. Ye Wenxuan heard that the whole person was a little embarrassed. I feel that I may have mistaken into the secret meeting site.

It is because the case of "Ge Tiger" has been widely involved, and even foreign forces have participated in it. Therefore, this meeting is also a part of the most powerful backbone of the Chinese nation.

This evening, dozens of big sisters discussed the case about Ge Zhengqing. Ye Wenxuan didn't say anything at all. It was an accompanying speaker.

He saw several uniformed soldiers coming in, and all the communication equipment of everyone was put into the safe. There were signal jams in the house, and several guards stood outside the door. Everything was fast and efficient.

Xing Yuan sat next to him, and with this group of people, you came to me and did not give each other. He did not ask for a punishable punishment for Xing's family, and even stepped on it to make Xing's family fall even worse.

After the meeting, Ye Wenxuan looked up at the wall clock on the wall and found that it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening.

This meeting will be open for nearly five hours. Everyone is slightly exhausted. When they say hello, they will return to their respective work units in the night. Looking at the posture, they should be ready to start work overnight.

Everyone walked almost the same, Zheng Xingguo shouted Ye Wenxuan, who was preparing to retreat, and re-invited the officers outside the door to close the door.

Ye Wenxuan turned his head and saw Luo Wen, who was still sitting at the table. Next to him was the Chief of Staff of the Military Department who rarely spoke before.

Xue Yongchang and Zheng Xingguo also sat back, and Luo Wen clicked on the table and said: "Small leaf, sit down, let's talk about another thing."

Ye Wenxuan glanced at Xing Yuan, who was sitting on the mountain, and sat back next to him.

Everything is no different from just now, except that the number of participants in the room is less than half, and I always feel surprised.

At this time, Xing Yuan put the box that had been carrying on the table, and locked the lid.

There was a sealed test tube brought back from South Sudan.

I don't know what kind of advanced technology is used in this test tube. It seems to automatically adjust the temperature and humidity inside the tube. From Ye Wenxuan's point of view, the liquid inside is slow to flow when it hits the tube wall. It seems to be very viscous and the liquid is thick. The faint blue color is still fascinating.

Xing Yuan took it out and showed it to everyone: "csw8702, the super warrior transformation agent, the sp research institute produced, the manufacturer is Mario Rhodes, but it is not that he did it alone, I am not very clear."

"Super Warrior..." Rowan glanced at the test tube in his hand and suddenly sat on the side of the ginseng: "Old Feng, you should have received a letter there."

Feng Gaoyi was also observing the test tube and nodded in a word: "Well, my peacekeeping fighter in South Sudan sent a message two days ago and reported this to us."

Ye Wenxuan guessed that he might be Xu Shan.

Luo Wen: "Xiao Xing, explain the situation you saw at the time, and the leaflet can also be supplemented."

Ye Wenxuan and Xing Yuan glanced at each other. The former nodded slightly, and Xing Yuan took back his sight and talked.

The matter happened in the town of Colham, South Sudan, and Xing Yuan stopped. Ye Wenxuan handed him a glass of water. The latter took it very naturally and drank it.

The opposite Luo Wen and Feng Gaoyi, together with several ministers are whispering discussions, only Zheng Xingguo saw the interaction between the two.

His eyelids jumped and his eyes turned around in Ye Wenxuan and Xing Yuan. Finally, he said nothing and listened to other people silently.

"The first person in the world who has caught the attention of the government should be a Mexican man. After he was confirmed to be able to perform his duties, he was strictly held by the Mexican government. The identity information was all processed, and then there was no biography. Other news."

Luo Wen thought, slowly said: "However, this is already five years ago intelligence. In the past five years, we have also received a line of similar "the ability to appear somewhere", but has been They all think of it as a joke. If you hear it, it will be worth it. It has no value."

"Until the leaflet was recruited into the ministry, we realized that the previous information may not necessarily be fake." He looked dignified and looked at the test tube that was sent to Xing Yuan by the front, saying: "sp research institute We are also aware of it."

Ye Wenxuan first listened to him when he talked about the first person who appeared. He didn't consciously think of meeting with Adenis before, and the other party said that he had seen the first power, and that person committed suicide shortly after.

He was a little heavy in his heart. I don't know if I should talk to Luo Wen about this matter, but I haven't spoken yet. I heard Luo Wendao say "sp research institute". He immediately got a good spirit and his back could not help but lean forward.

Luo Wen waved his hand: "Old Jia, you said."

A minister, who was sitting next to him, nodded. "Oh, good."

“At first, some of the lesser-known, self-stained, or excluded scientists in the industry. Both domestically and internationally, they gradually faded out of the public’s attention, and no research results came out. After months or even years, These people are beginning to disappear."

“Some are bidding farewell to family to live in other countries, while others are moving home.” Lao Jia said: “At the end of the day, friends who know their friends are gradually unable to contact these people. They handled the follow-up very carefully, no People think that these people have problems, and no one wants to go missing or kidnapping."

Having said that, he paused: "In fact, we are not sure whether these people are really in the sp Institute."