MTL - 1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract-Chapter 45 .Mood (2)

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   Want to try it in the car?

  Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a playful cold light suddenly slipped across.

   If I remember correctly, the first time between my brother and her seemed to be in the car.

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  Leng Yunlin is a very sentimental man, which can be clearly distinguished from his pickiness about coffee, drinking water, and the environment and food of the restaurant.

  For him, that kind of thing might be very happy at that moment, but then what?

  Sentiment and atmosphere are of course the number one priority in his mind.

  However, the judgment of this mood is very subtle. He is usually a person who is more rational than emotional, and rarely cannot restrain himself.

  But in front of her, in just three days, I made many strange choices.

  For example, as long as now, when he thinks of doing something happy with her in the car, it seems that an electric current rushes from his abdomen to his forehead, making him restless.

  That's why he pressed the button to make the car seat flat, and at the same time the window was raised, building the whole car into an airtight enclosure.

  He slowly pushed her down in the small space of the sofa, and the stormy kiss made her completely forget the confusion just now.

   "Yunlin, we want to"

  She frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy. Want to be in the car? Moreover, it is on the street that comes and goes, downstairs of the Yancheng Hotel?

   All in all, this should be the third time between her and him. However, the previous two times, one was when she drank too much alcohol, and the second time was when she was drugged, so she hardly felt anything, only fragmented feelings.

   For the first time, facing his storm, really want to be here?

  She looked around in confusion. Although this is not the busiest business district, the surrounding streets are brightly lit, and the neon lights on the skyscrapers not far away are full of brilliance and prosperity.

   "Why, are you afraid?" The man's clear voice was strangely tinged with a hint of unsteadiness.

  A rigid and rigorous man like Leng Yunlin never makes any choices lightly. No matter what decision is made, it is done in an orderly manner through statistical data and report analysis after investigation.


  When they are rarely irrational, the hidden flames in this body will burn extremely hot!

   His whole heart was soaring, his whole body seemed to have a little hand, itching fiercely!

  The overgrown weeds and overgrown vines were all burnt into a barren ashes by the scorching flames!

  She kept herself as clear-headed as possible, and saw the lights of cars speeding by the side of the road in front of her, reflecting on his face brightly and darkly, dyeing his jade-like handsome face with an evil look.

  As if he wanted to torture her, he ruthlessly raised the corners of his lips, lowered his big hand, and with a "stab", he quickly tore open the neckline of her long skirt and divided it into two broken pieces, making the new skirt she bought this morning completely useless, as if to prevent her from escaping from the car.

  Then, he intentionally used both hands to touch her soft body slowly, peeling off the torn skirt bit by bit, revealing the softness perfectly set off by the bra. . . . . .

   Not only that, he could smell her only when he was close. . . . . .