Mated to the Warrior Beast-Chapter 80

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80 Friends & Foes – Part ~ TARKYN ~

“You don’t understand,” Sasha stepped up next to Tarkyn, which made him warm. She trusted him not to hurt her? But the Chimeran Alpha was fierce on behalf of her mate.

“You’ve caged him. You have no idea what we’ve been through in the past few months! After the others got free, they were literally hunting us. They turned the one place he’d always felt safe and at home into a... a hunt. I almost lost him then, and now... now you’re sending him back into that dark place. After the control and manipulation he’s suffered before... he’s going dark again. You’re going to tip him over the edge! He’s not even listening to me half the time, he’s so terrified.”

“He’s being pushed into his beast, El,” Tarkyn said dismally. “I’m afraid we’re going to break his mind if we leave him in there. He’s like a caged animal-there’s no way he’ll see sense as long as he feels that way. His beast won’t allow it. He needs to be outside. To move. He won’t be able to calm down or think until he is.”

Sasha’s worry was palpable-her scent twisted up with fear for her mate.

On the other side, Tarkyn could see Elreth twisting up with a combination of both empathy and skepticism. None of them doubted that the Warrior’s experience had traumatized him. It was obvious, even to Elreth.

It was clear to Tarkyn with his experience going through the wars, and helping his soldiers to do the same, that they needed to create something that made Zev feel safe and in control if they were ever going to get through to him. But how could they free him if he was just going to kill everyone?

“I think you should bring Harth here,” Tarkyn said quickly, as Elreth chewed it over and obviously drew the same conclusions Tarkyn had.

Elreth frowned. “Here? Why?”


“She’s a wolf, she can talk to Zev in his mind. He can see what she sees. She can show him the truth about my character so Zev can trust me-then maybe I have a chance to help him see that he can trust you. He said he won’t take my word for the matebond, though I think he actually does. I think he just wants proof that Harth is okay.”

“You’re right,” Sasha said, sounding surprised. “He told me that-he doesn’t believe that your bond is the same as ours. He can smell it on you. But he’s afraid you might only use it to control her.”

Tarkyn turned a look on Elreth then and had to bite back the words, sound familiar?

Elreth didn’t miss it, but she also didn’t respond. “I don’t know, Tark,” she breathed.

Tarkyn sighed. “I’ve told you a thousand times, Elreth. There is no victory without risk.”

“Yes, but there’s risk and there’s risk.”

“Do you trust me or not? I am your Captain. I understand warriors, and I know my mate and how she might work. I’m telling you, we need her here.”

“I think he’s right, El,” Gar said quietly. Tarkyn cast him a grateful look. “And I’ll stick around, too. I’ll keep him honest.”

Tarkyn gave him a dry look, but Elreth nodded as if that were a good idea, which only made Tarkyn bristle.

But then Elreth crossed her arms and stepped back. “Okay, okay. Bring her in.”

Sasha blew out a breath of relief.

“Thank you!” Tarkyn’s relief was overwhelming.

But his Queen wasn’t done. “But this is me trusting you and your judgment, Tark. This is me listening-right? Don’t let them prove you wrong.”

“I won’t, El. I’m certain of it.”


~ HARTH ~ 𝘧𝒓e𝑒𝑤e𝙗𝚗o𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝐜𝐨m

Harth sat back on the couch and gave a small smile. Suhle patted her knee.

“Don’t worry, Harth. Clearly you two were meant to be together and I have no doubt you’ll be the vehicle to bring the rest of us together, as well. He has a funny way of doing things like this.”

Harth nodded. She’d said as much herself, but the truth was, every time something happened to give her hope-like getting time alone with Tarkyn-worse things happened around them to steal her hope.

Like being locked in his home because the Queen didn’t trust her not to kill everyone. Or something.

But even as the dread in her stomach knotted, she warmed at Suhle’s gentle smile. Her mate had shown his wisdom sending this woman to speak with her. She was a wolf as well, though older. And she’d been ostracized for much of her life. She spoke so highly of these people and this place, it was hard not to fall in love with them. But it felt like the people Suhle described were somewhere else. As if Harth wanted to leave and go there. Because other than Tarkyn’s gorgeous heart, she’d seen little evidence of it here.

But in the way of the wise wolves, Suhle sat with her in silence as much as conversation, allowing her to think and process as they spoke. And Harth found her heart not just warmed but... resting.

This woman was someone who could be trusted. She was certain of it. She couldn’t even explain exactly why, except that Suhle seemed to have no guile-speaking as frankly about the flaws of her people as she sang their praises.

And she hadn’t backed away from the differences between them, either.

Harth had even found herself confiding her fears about offspring. Something she rarely even spoke to other Chimera about. But Suhle had only empathized and encouraged her.

“The Creator put you together for a reason. So leave it in His hands. Whatever He brings you-if anything at all-will be a joy, I’m certain of it.”

It was difficult to remain angry, to let go of her hope, when she was talking with Suhle.

And maybe that was why Tarkyn had sent her, Harth thought, her heart tangled between good-humored admiration of her mate and stark dread.

But she was pretty sure they needed more than hope to get through this...


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