Master Of None-Chapter 42 - 42. Clean Clean Clean

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The conversation with Clara was quick she noted that three carpenters could easily fix the shutters and roof for 75G, the forge could fix and repair the gate and walls along with the tools for 115G, and hiring temporary cleaning services from the adventurers guild for 40G. The other matters would be in their hands. Walker also invited Clara to dinner to celebrate with them as she was their party manager and would be very involved in their future affairs.

Walker knew that Gil's mother was already hard at work in the garden for he could hear her singing as she worked. He really wanted to focus on the alchemy workshop but the libraries temptation was much stronger. He told himself he would worry about the alchemy equipment tomorrow and take a visit to the forge to submit payment. Since the alchemy building was next door to the forge it would be killing two birds with one stone.

Walker came down the right side hallway noticing small patches of wallpaper that had peeled making a mental note to repair them. He soon come to a large oak door. The inscription "knowledge is a gift to those who wish to learn" was inscribed upon it. Walker felt this was a fitting motto for a library and pushed the heavy door open. This library was much larger than he expected. There were walls of books, a fireplace awaiting new logs to burn, and a few ladders as well as spiraling stairs to a second floor balcony for the next set of shelves. The furnishings were nearly perfect but for the dust and cobwebs. However upon inspection he found the books to be in great condition. Curious he studied the shelves finding someone had carved magical runes in the wood which must have protected the books. Someone truly cared for these books so much so to spend hours keeping them safe.

Soon walker found a few piles of books next to a chair along with the odd one or two set upon a table or steps of the stairs. He could see that the books were organized by category by reading the spines. Following suit he walked around the library placing books on forging, alchemical ingredients, monster species, magical training techniques, even a few cookbooks that he was sure to show his mother later. This library was very diverse and was going to help everyone grow in their own Avenue.

After spending a decent amount of time placing the books away walker hunted around finding some cloths to wipe away dust and cobwebs. He started at the door and worked his way up the spiral staircase. The balcony on the second story shelves was a smaller space and easier to clean so it only took him an hour to get through. However as he was about to turn and descend the stars a black book with a serpent biting its tail caught his eye. Walker reached out a hand and pulled it from the shelf.

::: day 1

Today we received the news that father was lost to the demons in the war. Mothers illness took a turn after she was notified making me the one in charge of the house. To keep my sanity I began writing this journal, it feels right to organize my thoughts in writing.


Mother has fallen in to a slumber, I must find a way to heal her illness but I fear it may also be one of the heart without father here. My water magic works well with alchemy so I've built a workshop to experiment. The forge father built will be perfect to craft the small tools I need in the future.


Day 15

Mothers breath has been erratic lately. I've exhausted most of our funds on rare herbs from far away. Hopefully I can have a breakthrough. I was able to create a small pond in the back yard which has helped me train my water control significantly. I can now remove most impurities from the herbs than before.



In need of money I reached out to a small group who wished to use my families research. Since my great grandfather believed in the immortal serpent reflected in our crest, they readily assisted me. They paid me greatly for my health potions which were more effective than most others of the same grade. They tried to ask me to work using monster parts but they were too volatile for my work.


Day 23

I've discovered that my great grandfather had hidden much of his research from the family and I was lucky to discover it while looking through the books for inspiration. There's theory of a potion that could make one immortal but the ingredients couldn't possibly exist. Let along how could someone defeat a monster as such?



I've exhausted all the combinations of herbs I need to start experimenting with more. I have asked for those monster materials but I don't expect much. But what if? Mother seems more pale than the other day I've called for a doctor and healer again. I can not stop my research! This might save her life!


Day 34 𝑓𝗿𝐞𝘦𝘄e𝘣n𝘰𝘷eƖ.c𝘰𝗺

I've received many different monster materials and none show any promise. Every potion even the ones that should heal or increase lifespan seem to cause instant death or shortened lifespan. What am I doing wrong! I've given everything to them and they still haven't found the right materials.


Day 36

My mana is running dry faster and faster if I must burn my life essence than I shall, I refuse to lose my last family. Today my investors found a black snake seemingly similar to the one my great grandfather modeled our crest after. The skin seems to peel off layer to layer as if it goes through rebirth. Cutting to its organs I found a black egg. I can't cut its shell and it shows no sign of life so I've stored it away in great grandfathers hiding spot as a memento.

Day 37

I had a breakthrough this snakes flesh can stabilize the potion but it degrades too fast it only lasts a second! What am I missing! I need more but they are threatening to give up on my since I haven't produced anything new these few days.


Day 46

I've been abandoned, no one answers my call any longer. No servants, no funds come in, and even the doctors. They say my mother is not of this world any longer but I know they are wrong with this immortality potion she will return younger and brighter than ever. I only need more time.


Day 62

It's going to work today the flesh is almost gone I've used the last of my herbs and even burned my soul to stabilize it. My last moments I'll feed it to mother and see her life return after I shall take some myself and we will live forever!


Walker was not fully sure what he had found he skipped through pages disgusted and afraid of this persons descent in to madness. How much experimentation did she do? Did she use these potions on living people to find it would kill them instead of ever lasting life? She even burned her very soul making this convoluted potion. Many more questions continued to rush to his mind.