I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 151 Fox Form

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?"Freja you can't watch." Shaman stood by the pool but knowing what Freja was like, Shaman knew she would enjoy watching them.

"Tsk, who said you could tell me what to do." Freja smiled at Shaman who realised she had no say in the matter.

"Then no touching or getting close unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary." Shaman made sure to emphasise her point and ensure her message gets across.

"Hai, hai~ I understand, now go get ready." Freja crossed her arms while shaking her head.

Shaman was still a little suspicious, but she had to take her word for it.

"Let's all jump in." Shaman turned to Elysia and Clara.

Elysia did not look too happy and stared at Clara for a moment.

"Elysia now is not the time! If you are that worried, we can wear a towel around us, besides we already have a she-wolf peeping on us." Shaman glanced back at Freja, who waved at Shaman in response.

"I-, fine It's okay." Elysia pouted even though she knew that nothing was going to happen, and they only had to hop in the water for a moment.

"Good." Shaman sighed, glad another jealousy crisis was hopefully averted.

The girls then began to get undressed and wrapped a towel around their bodies.

Silver averted his eyes out of respect and tried to clear his mind.

"Ara~ Silver having a hard time there." Freja had walked to silver with a set of clothes in her hands.


"Here are some clothes and I will send you back to your own room to change, is that okay?" Freja felt a bit of responsibility for Silver as technically they were related.

"Please." Silver grabbed the clothes in Freja's hand and before he knew it Freja opened a portal underneath him. Silver fell through the portal and landed on a bed.

'So this is my room.' Silver was finding this unreal. Like a dream had come true, he had finally gained a sense of identity for himself.

However, what he did not expect was a system prompt to appear in front of him.

[Silver, would you like to have your own system]

"Oh, is that you Rea?" Silver thought it was Rea, who was offering him a system like Shaman did with Clara.

[Yep, it's me. Shaman already has a deep trust for you, so I went ahead and used a system grant on her behalf.] This time Rea spoke up instead of using text.

"Oh if that's the case then yes." Silver saw no problems and so he accepted.

[Sweet, just a moment]

Silver closed his eyes waiting for Rea to finish what she was doing.


"Alright, are we ready to get in?" Shaman standing right on the edge of the pool faced Elysia and Clara.

Both nodded their heads and stood to either side of Shaman.

They all got in at the same time, taking off their towels just before stepping in the water. Crouching in the water, they all went to the middle of the pool with Elysia grabbing hold of Shaman's arm, making sure Clara did not touch.

"Aha well, it looks like not much-"Just as Shaman spoke, both Shaman and Elysia started to glow. Clara, however, did not and had to turn around from the blinding light.

Shaman felt a weird sensation flow through her body, feeling like her body was morphing. She did not feel pain, although she could feel everything in her body shift.

After a minute of transforming, both Shaman and Elysia found themselves in the air for a moment. Dropping into the water, Shaman looked around, finding that she felt smaller.

"Oh my god." Clara froze for a moment upon turning around, causing Shaman and Elysia to panic a little.

"YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!" Clara, unable to control her urges, came up to Shaman and Elysia, picking them up.

"Wha-" Shaman, still very disorientated, met eyes with Elysia finally realising what happened.

"We became foxes?" Both Shaman and Elysia spoke at the same time, as they had obtained a new form. Shortly afterwards, a system notification appeared in front of them.

[Fox form activated]

[Due to the user entering an ancient pool, the user has unlocked the ability to transform into its corresponding race] 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

Shaman did not know how to feel, as this was something she didn't know she could do in the first place.

Looking at Elysia, Shaman saw a fully black adult-sized fox, which kept Elysia's defining bright red tips and eyes.

Shaman was a fully white fox with her black-tipped tail and ears, and with her sky-blue eyes which gave an aura of nobility.

Clara hugged the both of them, rubbing her face up against their fur.

"C-Clara you are crushing us." Elysia was able to get a few words out, wanting to be let go.

"Oop, sorry." Clara lightened the grip she had on Elysia and Shaman, realising she was choking them.

"Well this is interesting, the same thing happened to me when I jumped in." Freja who was watching had actually tried the pool in the past and experienced the same process.

"huh? Didn't you say, you never went into the pool?" Shaman, who could finally speak now that she's no longer being choked, instantly picked up on this detail.

"Well, I did not jump in like you girls did." Freja smiled, getting them on a technicality. Truth being told, she just really didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Clara, who was still holding them, went to the edge of the pool putting them down. It took a moment for them to gain their footing as being on all 4s was a new sensation, but thanks to the system it allowed them to adjust really quickly.

Shaking their body to get rid of the water, Shaman already started to enjoy her new form.

"I don't appreciate you tricking us, but I can't complain since I am rather liking the new form." Shaman walked around in a circle waving her tail about, having a bit of fun.

"Well it is rather handy so make good use of it. Now that you are done, don't take too long. I will leave a portal here for 10 minutes. However, one last thing before I go. I will have another mission for you in the coming days so don't slack off too much." Freja, giving her final words, opened a portal and walked through, leaving the girls to themselves.

The cave went silent for a moment before Elysia spoke up with a realisation.

"Now you can carry me Shaman!" Elysia was thinking of all the new possibilities of having a fox form and was rather excited to try out a few cute ideas.

"I can carry you anyway, but it is awkward since you are taller, so having this new form works out." Shaman had also started thinking of the possibilities herself, curious what certain things would feel like.

"Ahem, before you go play out your fantasies, try turning back into your half human form." Clara, who watched Shaman's cute display just before, wanted her to transform back before the urges came back.

Shaman was rather curious about what transforming would feel like, so she quickly opened her system looking for the skill.

[Fox form]

Thinking about the skill, Shaman felt her body start to morph back into her half-human form. A light covered her body, which started changing its shape until it began looking like her original self, but something was different.

Looking around Shaman felt herself to be taller than she usually was, finding that she was slightly taller than Clara now. Elysia, who also transformed back into her half-human form noticed that she was now the same height as Shaman.

"Wait, did I get taller, or did you get shorter Elysia?" Shaman was getting even more confused than before.

[Oop looks like the spell wore off] Reia spoke up out of nowhere, giving a hint as to what happened.

"Please tell me you're not serious! You are not telling me that this entire time, my height has just been nothing but a lie?" Shaman felt anger bubble inside her.

[Aha, let's say someone thought it would be funny, but do know it wasn't me that thought that] Rea sounded very nervous, knowing that Shaman was rather insecure about her height.


[I am not allowed to say]

Shaman got the answer she needed, knowing exactly who it might be. Taking in one deep breath Shaman prepared to scream her lungs out.


"Phew, now that I got that off my chest, let's get going." Shaman closed her eyes and took a moment to breathe.

Both Elysia and Clara were a little shocked but were glad that Shaman was not angry anymore.

"I have a son to treat, but first I need to go get some new clothes, my old ones are too small." Shaman realised this fact as she went to pull out her clothes from her inventory. Leaving her with only a towel.

Elysia was a bit better off, but her clothes had still become too baggy for her to wear.

"Oh well, let's get going, we have a break to enjoy." Clara was keen on the idea of relaxing for a bit and doing a little bit of training.

"Indeed, also Elysia, tonight's our night!" Shaman turned her head to Elysia and winked before walking through the portal.