I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 51:

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Chapter 51:

I don't plan on dying before thirty.

The error was only partially corrected? Han Yooil murmured with a vacant expression, to which Brion responded calmly.


The correction is as follows: If the 5-phase goal is not 100% achieved within 3 years, the emergency self-destruct mechanism will be activated.

As blood slowly started flowing in his frozen mind, warmth gradually returned to his chilled body. Han Yooil swallowed; his mouth had gone completely dry.

Why was the self-destruct mechanism activated all of a sudden? And whats this alternate code?

Due to central system control, the Brion V.15 program was set as error. Consequently, the TTE code and the alternate TTEE code were executed.

TTE code? What's TTEE?

I'm sorry, Mr. Yooil. Currently, I cannot provide detailed explanations about the TTE and TTEE codes.

Yooil clenched his fist tightly, dissatisfied with Brion's evasive answer.

Cant even punch it.

Stay calm.

Central system control, TTE code

These unfamiliar terms wandered through his mind.

If Brion truly was an AI program from the future, then it shouldnt be possible to control the central system from the present.

What exactly is happening?

One thing was certain: he had just barely skirted death.

Vietnam could have been his first and last trip abroad.

I am sorry, Mr. Yooil.

He nearly blurted out an angry retort, but Yooil managed to regain his composure.

After all, Brion was just an AI without a self.

If it was about central system control, then someones intervention was evident.

You said the code was modified.

That is correct.

So, instead of exploding <right now>, it will explode if I don't achieve the 5-phase goal <within 3 years>?

Correct. Mr. Yooil, you need to achieve the 5-phase goal within 3 years.

After swallowing his dry spit, Yooil finally organized his thoughts.

What are these phase-by-phase goals? Can I know the completion rate before entering the project?

The completion rate for each phase involves very detailed and various factors. To summarize, it includes acting skills, reputation as an actor, box office success and artistic value of the participated projects, and the number of participated projects. As the rate may vary depending on the situation even within the same project, it's impossible to disclose a quantitative figure before the project ends.

Damn it.

In other words, there was no clear answer.

Are you saying I should just act in whatever comes my way?

I can tell you about the themes for each phase. The theme for the 3rd phase is Reinterpretation,' the 4th phase is Making It Your Own,' and the 5th phase is Emptiness.

For your reference, the 1st phase theme was Beginning,' and the 2nd phase theme was Confidence.'

It was like being given a multiple-choice question but with the answers concealed.

I will do my best to assist you, Mr. Yooil.

Thats the least convincing thing youve said so far.

Since the activation of your Brion V.15 True Calling Route,' 1 year and 6 months have passed, and during that period, you have achieved 100% of the 2nd phase goal.

Brion spoke quickly, as if in protest.

With me, Mr. Yooil, you can achieve your goals at the highest speed.

The urge to grab and tie up whoever was responsible for this situation, be they a developer or a mysterious figure from the future, surged within him. Yet

Theres no way to do that.

Yooil pondered with an expressionless face.

1.5 years to achieve the 2nd phase.

It meant, roughly, that he had achieved one phase goal every 9 months so far.

So, I have to achieve 3 phases in the next 3 years.

Correct, Mr. Yooil.

This, when thought about it.

Seems doable.

If things continued at a similar pace, that is.

But how can I trust you?

Brion V.15 always prioritizes the users successful route and safety.

Just then, a delightful scream pierced his ears.


Harang, having his water gun snatched by Hyena, was helplessly getting drenched.

Han Yooil lifted his head.

In the largest and most beautiful swimming pool he had ever seen, his fellow actors, with whom he had been acting for months, were calling him.

Ahh! Yooil hyung!

No! Don't help Harang, senior! If you join our side, well give you a water gun!

Please trust me, Mr. Yooil.

Do not disturb mode.

Han Yooil, with his complicated thoughts put aside, wore a transparent smile.



Yooil leapt into the swimming pool where his colleagues were joyously splashing water. The cool water embraced his skin. (f)reenovelkiss.com

Now that it had come to this, he had to make it work.

Whether it was the 5th phase or the 10th phase.

At least, I dont plan on dying before thirty.

* * *

[@jinnnny Ha.. Thank you, Harang and Hyena (photo) (photo)]

[@dbdlf_tkfkd OMG, thank you.]

[@jinnnny Bowing in all four directions right now.]

An office worker was browsing through Shasta and BlueChat, collecting photos of Han Yooil. It had been only two days since Han Yooil returned from the reward vacation of "Sing in High School."

Ironically, since Han Yooil had only posted landscape photos, there was nothing much to extract from his own Shasta.

Therefore, Yooil's fans were scouring the SNS of his fellow actors to gather photos featuring Han Yooil.

The photos posted by the @jinnny account were also obtained from the Shasta of Kim Harang and Hyena.

In the first photo, Han Yooil was sitting in a basket boat, wearing a thin short-sleeved T-shirt and blue half-pants. The slightly tilted angle and the hair fluttering in the wind made it look like a movie still.

Harang takes good photos. Is it because hes an idol?

The office worker, pleased, saved the photo. Another photo to be pinned next to the company monitor.

While they were saving the last photo, an alarm from BlueChat went off.

[@yuulll_33 OMG, the casting for Saetbyeol High is out. (photo)]

As if enchanted, the office worker clicked on the photo capturing the article.

Writer Ki Juhyun X Director Yoo Jaeho unite for <The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High>

[Exclusive] Han Yooil, Park Younghyun, and Kim Suna cast in Newblixs first high teen horror series <The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High>

Park Younghyun and Kim Suna?

Both were formidable actors who had been active since their childhood days.

Especially, Kim Suna had recently received the Best Supporting Actress award at the Baeksang Arts Awards and the Blue Dragon Film Awards for her role in the movie <Annoying Life>, distinguishing herself among her 20-something female acting peers.

Park Younghyun still looks quite young, but his image does fit well.

The office worker nodded, concluding their thoughts on the casting.

Regardless of the details, they were eager to see it.

* * *

Han Yooil learned about the casting for <The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High> shortly after he had returned from Vietnam.

Park Younghyun and Kim Suna.

Yooil was a bit surprised when he first heard the news from Yoo Jaeho.

Both actors were only a year or two older than him, but their careers were at least a decade longer.

Park Younghyun was from the same agency, but they had never met.

The casting and the script reading schedule were fixed surprisingly fast.

It was a relief for Yooil.

Since returning from Vietnam, he had been keeping himself purposefully busy. Otherwise, he would keep thinking about the moment he heard the error message.

Han Yooil focused on his tasks to avoid any thoughts.

Both actors readily agreed to join the drama without much hesitation. They really liked the script.

Listening to Brion, now more compliant after the error, Yooil nodded.

Thats good.

Had the free period been postponed, Yooil's winter would have been even more anxious.

Let's not think about it anymore.

And with that, he looked down at the script in his hands.

It was the first part of <The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High> he had received a few days ago.

The overall content is similar, but I tweaked the dialogues and atmosphere slightly after the casting!

That was what the writer Ki Juhyun had said during a call with Yooil a few days ago.

Indeed, the script was modified to better match the images of the actors.

Im looking forward to the reading session, actor!

And today was the day of that reading session.

As soon as Yooil got into the car, Min Woojin greeted him with his usual bright smile.

Yooil, did you sleep well yesterday?

Ah Yes.

Thanks to Brion, who had forced him to sleep early for the script reading.

Thats good~ You look much better today. Youve been looking pale these last few days; I was wondering what was up.

Yooil offered a vague smile and then turned his gaze back to the script.

Were meeting new actors today, right?

Yes, thats right.

Min Woojin lowered his voice in the car with just the two of them and continued.

So I did some checking, and they say Kim Sunas agency is not ordinary. Theyre notoriously meddlesome during shooting. Apparently, the director is quite determined about it.

The agency interferes on set?

Yeah! Thats why there are rumors.

And Park Younghyun is from our agency but hes pretty new. Joined about three months before you did.

Oh, is that so?

That person's previous agency was a bit

Seeing Yooil's puzzled expression, Min Woojin shook his head and added,

The rumors aren't good. There are even talks about connections with the mafia Anyway, from what I've heard, it seems like theyve been through a lot. Of course, I don't know them well.


And, they say both are really ambitious about their acting. So, I heard acting alongside them wouldnt be too bad.

Yooil's face brightened with a faint smile as he watched Min Woojin casually discuss the actors' backgrounds.

What, whats that smile for?

You seem quite different from when we first met.

You dont mean that in a bad way, do you?

I meant you seem like a professional manager.

At that, Min Woojin's chubby cheeks flushed slightly. With his cheeks rounded and high, he exclaimed,

Ah, not quite there yet but Ill work on it! Haha.

Im serious, hyung.

Min Woojin drove on, a bit unsure how to react, fixing his gaze straight ahead.

Yooil realized anew why people often teased him.

* * *

Soon, Yooil arrived at the reading venue, which was the familiar workshop of Yoo Jaeho.

Ah, Yooil youre early

Yoo Jaeho looked somewhat disappointed, and behind him, Ki Juhyun strutted out confidently, arms crossed.

See? I told you Actor Yooil would be the first to arrive.


Yoo Jaeho took out a ten-thousand-won bill from his pocket and handed it to Ki Juhyun.

You bet that Suna would be the first to arrive.

You make bets on such things?

It's fun, isnt it?

Ki Juhyun shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

As Yooil sat down and hydrated himself with water, the door opened again.

As soon as the door opened, what caught the eye was long, soft hair cascading down almost to the waist.

Bright hazel eyes set in a small, pale face scanned the interior of the workshop.

It was Kim Suna.

Despite her youthful, round face, there was something about her calm, almost cold gaze that made her seem not so easily approachable.

Following her, Park Younghyun knocked on the door of the workshop. He was an actor with sharp, single-lidded eyes, a slightly angled jaw, and healthy skin.

You all must have had a hard time coming here~ I debated whether to rent a whole room or not, but decided it would be better to keep it private, so here we all are.

Yoo Jaeho continued with a chuckle,

The reading might take quite a long time, so I specifically asked the agencies to clear the schedule for today. You all know that, right? Youre okay with staying up all night if needed, right?

Despite Yoo Jaehos playful tone, everyone was serious. Seeing the actors nodding readily, Director Yoo Jaeho coughed awkwardly.

Cough Alright. Lets start the reading then.

And the actors turned the first page of their scripts.

Ki Juhyun watched the scene with moist eyes. Her work, buried and gathering dust for years, was finally being brought into the bright light.

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