Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 237: History

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"Do you really want to tell me our grudges while we eat?" Rain asked. "I can tell that some people close to you died in the war, but getting pissed won't change a thing. Remember who started the war."

The room's atmosphere took an awkward turn after Rain's straightforward remark. While his logic was sound, his no-nonsense approach left the conversation feeling somewhat tense. Rain had little patience for pleasantries and preferred to get straight to the point, which sometimes rubbed people the wrong way.

Geio let out a weary sigh. He wasn't entirely unsympathetic to Rain's perspective; there was a valid point to be made. However, Rain's unflinchingly calm demeanor when presenting his argument seemed to irk him. Branden and Esmeralda, while trying to maintain composure, couldn't completely hide their discomfort either.

"You are quite different than the rumors say… some people believe that you are a giant that only bathes in the blood of your enemies," Geio said.

"That doesn't sound very hygienic," Rain said. "We were talking about baths earlier, remember? Did we talk about blood as well?"

"It wasn't about baths. It was how you don't show your sweat," Branden corrected. "Speaking of which, you look pretty well educated, even though you only went to school for two months. I heard that Roan wasn't a fan of etiquette, so I didn't imagine that he taught you a lot."

"No, he didn't," Rain said. "Anyway, what else do people say about me around these parts?"

"... That your punches can make the ground tremble," Geio said. "Some people still don't believe that you defeated Master Rosh… he was so famous that even people from other tribes begged to be trained by him."

"The second general?" Rain asked. "He was strong indeed. In a normal fight, I would have lost. My magic saved my ass."

"Is that so… I thought that considering your age, you would be more boastful as well," Geio said while studying Rain.

"The only thing that I can boast about myself is my good looks," Rain shrugged.

Rain considered the possibility of visiting and sparring with the Martial Artists if the truce were to be signed. Despite defeating their previous leader, he believed there was still much he could learn from them. They probably would hate his guts to their very souls, though.

As the night fell, Rain took up his guard duty. His ability to stay awake for extended periods had improved over time, making his naps more effective. Fortunately, the night passed without any incidents. Still, that didn't make Branden and Esmeralda feel more at ease.

Morning came, and a new set of guards took over. Their group now consisted of forty people, and Rain sensed a difference in their auras. Using his magic sight, he shared his observations with the others: among the guards were ten Mercury Warriors, ten Quicksand Executioners, ten Golem Masters, and ten unknown soldiers.

This last category of unknown soldiers raised concerns for Branden and Esmeralda. Rain had not encountered them during the war, and their presence was unsettling. It would be hard to do anything on time and avoid trouble if they start a fight, after all.

As the group continued their journey across the country, they were met with a striking transformation in the landscape. The scenery unfolded before them, revealing a multitude of trees, each adorned with leaves of different hues. These trees ranged from deep greens to fiery reds and bright yellows, painting the surroundings with a vivid and captivating palette of colors.

The path they were traveling along revealed a striking showcase of nature's wonders. Various plants lined the route, some of which appeared to be unique to the magic people's territory. These remarkable plants flourished here, adding vibrant splashes of color and life to the landscape.

The thriving wildlife in this area contributed to the sense of wonder. Birds with vibrant plumage flitted about, serenading the surroundings with their melodious songs. Small creatures scuttled among the underbrush, and now and then, glimpses of graceful deer or inquisitive foxes served as a testament to the thriving ecosystem of this land.

It was increasingly apparent to the group that their previous information about the magic people's territory had grown outdated. The fertility and vibrancy of this land far exceeded their expectations,

"I thought that we would see a lot more green, but only further in the territory," Branden said while his voice seemed surprised; he was looking at Rain with serious eyes.

"It can't be helped since the countries have been at odds for who knows how many decades?" Rain asked while understanding the message. "When was the last time the humans sent an entourage to the demi-humans' territory?"

"Fifty years ago?" Branden asked while looking at Esmeralda, and she nodded.

"I suppose we should try that again soon…" Esmeralda said. "I will talk with my father, that country also has a large diversity in terms of wildlife and plants."

"In that case, I will organize some people that are suited for diplomacy. I also know a bit about the terrain of their country, so maybe I should go as well," Branden said.

Just like that, Branden decided to take mental notes about the geography of the magic people's territory while Esmeralda tried to recall the plants and creatures they would see as much as possible. That kind of knowledge can come in handy in the future."

As days flowed seamlessly, the group traversed this vivid and mesmerizing terrain. They passed by several towns en route, but their journey remained uninterrupted. It was evident that the magic-wielding escorts were in a hurry.

Their carriages were well-stocked with an abundance of food and water, ensuring they lacked neither sustenance nor refreshment. Yet, the magic people accompanying them were resolute in their desire to maintain their swift pace.

The landscape continued to transform with every mile they covered, unveiling fresh marvels along their path. This expedition was a blend of natural splendor and enigma, underscored by an unswerving commitment to reach their destination without delay.